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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

My scented thoughts - Frimp of the day.

Who knows if anyone will read these things, but I think jotting down my scented thoughts somewhere would help me better sort out what I really like and don't like. And why not post those thoughts online? Because thats always a good idea...   I recently received a package from lorajc and inside she included two frimps from Possets. One is called Maryland, which I thought was cute because I currently live in Maryland   Here's a link to the scent description - http://possets.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=299   Maryland is a very sweet, aquatic, ozone scent and I'm adoring the hell out of it right now. Its like a cool-sweet scent. I'm worried that it doesnt last long, and I have only had it on for about 45 minutes. I dont mind. I would reapply this throughout the day if necessary. Can you really judge throw based on a small swatch on the wrist? Idk. I'd say this could possibly have medium throw if I have it on my wrists and on my neck. Maybe just light though.   I'm really loving Maryland, but I didn't expect to. I haven't tried many (any?) aquatic/ozone scents, but Maryland really has me thinking that I have stumbled upon an unexplored scent genre, a whole new world of sniff possibilities! The only blatantly aquatic/ozone scent I think I have is Lighting, which I have not tried yet. And hopefully having this little corner of the net to jot down my scented thoughts will push me to try the dozens (somewhere between 80-100+) of imps that I have not tried yet. I have a collectors mentality, which is fine, but not so productive or wise if I'm buying and buying without using my products. Thats what happened to me and makeup...   I have only tried one Possets scent before, and I've seen relatively underwhelming reviews on average, but I will be trying more of their scents. I will buy a bottle of Maryland in the near future. I love BPAL, but its nice to have other resources for scents. (Not that you really need anything else, BPAL seems to have an infinite supply of awesomeness.) Plus, Possets has cheaper bottles. I believe this is because many of their scents are not pure essential oils like BPAL oils. (correct me if I'm wrong, someone) I've tried Solstice Scents in the past, I probably ordered 20 samples or so, and NONE of them lasted more than 5 minutes on me, if that. very disappointing. I'm thinking whatever their base formula is (?), it doesnt work for me. I will have to sell them. They smell absolutely delicious and awesome in the imps though.   So yeah, Maryland is a winner for me.




Spreadsheet of Joy, Spreadsheet of Doom

No go: LE: Appalling Abbatoir, Bloody Banister, Chellah v4,Byron v13, Dia de los Muertos 09, Doozers, Eisheth Zenunim, Egg'd Mailbox, Gaoler's Daughter, Hellfire, Horrors of My Secret Toil. Lick It, Taphophobia Vespertilio Proterus     GC: Bathsheba, Bensiabel, Bluebeard, Black Pearl, Black Rider, Bread and Butterfly, Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Tears, Eden, Grandmother of Ghosts, Libertine, Masquerade, Meliai, Rapture, Thy Godfather's Present, Titania, Tzadikim Nistarim, Viola   .::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::.   The Man's Collection:   Aperotos Eros, Bloody Banister, Brood XIX, Coyote, Incubus, Laudanum, Loosening of the Obi, Men Ringing Bell With Penises     .::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::..::.   Indy's Scents: (see bottle collection, plus these imps)   Light: Mad Kate, Dormouse, Severin, Karme   Sweet: G Poppet 10, Kumiho, Parker Lily, Pandy   Spicy: Raven Moon, L'Autunno, Perversion, Glowing Vulva, White Rider   Dutty: Snake Oil, Snake Charmer, Spanked res, hippie ghost, Nightmarchers v5, Third Charm (notice pattern? Snakes, Charms,... March? )




Questions from swaps and their answers

Ok, so this is the compilation of stuff answered from Swaps from winter 2012 and the start of the Quick and Dirty Lupercalia swap. Hope this helps. And, yes, I'm making this late. I'll add to this with more swaps as I do them.   Describe three things decorating your bed room/living space 1. Horner tin boxes: They are mostly floral (one has scenes from the Canadian side of Niagara Falls) and hold my bpal. Each one is a different color, but all a basic same shape (rounded edge octagonal). 2. Popsicle stick painted orange square container that my littlest one made for me. I have my hair oils in that. But, I think it's so cute. 3. Print of The Morrigan by Jessica Galbraith.   How do you feel about nail polish? I have a few colors. I like it, even though I cannot find, for the life of me, one that lasts without chipping for more than a day. Closest are the Claw polishes in Malediction and Embalming Fluid. And that starts after sixteen hours. I think I'm too rough on my nails somehow.   Do you have any crafty hobbies where you might be able to use little related goodies? (beads, yarn, etc.) I don't bead. Tried to, but it was a complete failure. I do crochet. Currently, my needles have been stolen by my girls since they want to do it from time to time. I really like the rosewood ones since they seem to snag yarn less after I sand them down, but they are something I consider too expensive normally. I also do cross-stitch and would be more than surprised with anything from there. Or any other embroidery, also.   Candles! Yea? Nay? Tarts? Candles are nice to have, but I can't burn them I have officially discovered. The cat finds them way too fascinating. I don't have a tart burner, though I have used them in the past as drawer scents.   Who's up for baking? Baked goods are more than welcome if they can get here safe.   Books! Physical or ebook, and anything in particular that you're looking for? I DO have a nook. I'll read a lot of different things. But, not so much romance novels since there are so many of them here right now.   Any small things you could use? Pens and pencils are welcome (not just for usefulness, but because designs on them are so cool). Hair bands with no metal or elastics would always get used. I break them after a few uses. Or some chopsticks, so I can again annoy people I know by eating EVERYTHING I can with them. I promise to not use them again as hair sticks. Though buying me hair sticks or bobby pins would make me sooooo special. Or even a pretty hair comb.   Do any of you also have a fondness for vintage bits and bobs? Yeah, I like them. It's fun to have something "old" in with more modern stuff that makes me do a double take.   I just discovered a new (to me) candle company, Witch City Wicks. Does anything you see there tempt you? Tobacco & Honey, Midnight Forest, Absinthe and Bondage look cool, and so does the kettlecorn. I have them favorited on my etsy wishlist. But I have more I like from them. I really am curious about the black tea lights. What about desires (limited edition or not) from Black Phoenix Trading Post? Would like to try the Patchouli and Amber hair gloss, all bath and massage oils would go to good use. Absinthe candle!!!! Hair gloss that isn't too strong. Mid-Orgies especially lovely.   Do you have an eReader? I have a Nook. Books still are preferred as paperbacks. (I raid library sales too much.)   How do you feel about other perfume etailers? I have a custom coffeehouse blend from Moxie Nouveau and an order of nips waiting to come in. Also have a small order waiting from Conjure Oils. Possets didn't work for me, though some of the other e-tailers have done fine. But, I'm not really a fan of alcohol based perfumes. Mostly, I am a BPAL girl though.   Other than fragrance oils/perfumes what is your number one (or a tie between 2-3) favorite type of toiletry or scenty item? Love hair oils. I've been growing my hair out for a few years, so it's getting long and this keeps it not scratchy to me. Actually, easier would be to say I have no tub, so please no bubble bath. Also, no body lotion since I use only the prescription stuff (that BURNS in winter) I have for it. (Update to: And no bath salts, for the same reasons.)   Pirates or ninjas? Both are cool for different reasons.   Zombies – love, hate, obsessed, don't care, think they're coming for us any day now, other immediate/passionate thoughts? They are cool to do the makeup for. Otherwise, I'm like happy scared of them. (My first favorite movie ever was Night of the Living Dead, if that makes sense to the happy scared)   Favorite Disney villain? Maleficent and Cruella de Ville. Not so much a favorite but still loved is the Wicked Stepmother in Cinderella.   Is there any BPAL oil that you are dying to get your hands on? It doesn't have to be a rare, just something you really want to try? Most of it is listed in my wishlist under either decants, imps, or sniffies. But, I keep forgetting to add Jack to it.   Do you want to see things in your box for your significant other/spouse/kids/fish/whatever? Or do you want to keep it allll about you? No spouse, so no worries there. My son is completely disinterested in it. My girls will just ooh and ahh over anything that comes in. They are helping me get the stuff for my swappee and they've had some good thoughts too already. But, I already told them not to expect anything and they are very cool with that. The cat is a catnip-freak, sadistic mouser. Seriously. The poor dog stays outside and is so picky. He likes cheese and catnip!   We've had a lot of questions about coffee and tea - how do you feel about other things? Cocoa, spicing for ciders, flavoring to add to water is what I mean? I was going to ask that very question too. Thanks for getting it in ahead of me. Really, ooooh, the water flavoring packets?!? Those are wonderful. Unless they are the iced tea ones. I just can't get them to mix in the bottle completely. I do drink Hot Chocolate, but with the girls, I know if that showed up, they would be drinking them as soon as they could. And I'm not big on cider spice, since I think a good cider is spiced enough. Too many apple farms around here that make cider every year has made me bad about that stuff.   Do you have a general swap-related help post somewhere? No. I should make one though. (Update to: You are looking at it.)   Do you have Etsy/Amazon wishlists linked somewhere? My amazon one, if it's still up, is so outdated it isn't funny. And my etsy one is kind of, hopefully, segregated correctly.   Do you have a Tumblr/Pinterest you'd share with everyone (these can be really informative as to style?) I'm afraid to join Pinterest simply because then I know I would NEVER leave the computer.   Favorite candles, companies and/or candle scents? I'm starting to really like the ones in jars. For the longest time, I was addicted to tapers. Tea lights too. There's a Yankee Candle outlet store near here, but I don't have a favorite scent. But, I am more than willing to be surprised.   Favorite kinds of tea (flavors, companies) Lady Grey tea, or a green tea, or white tea. Love Teavana's Snow Geisha and Lavender Dreams. Want to try some more companies from online or different areas. Would really like to try Adagio, since I got a $5 gift certificate there.   Any of the Villainess autumn or winter soaps appeal? Another soap company you'd like more? Also am curious about Frostbite. Downside is that most soaps dry my skin out, which doesn't help things. I do like Sweet Olive Works' soaps.   Any of the bpal Halloween scents you wished you'd gotten? Any Yule scents you're hoping to see come back? Kind of waffling on getting Suck It or Fizzy Jack o'Lantern. Really want to see if we get another Rose Red and planning on getting the bottle of this year's Lick it. Even if it makes me smell like a Middle Eastern dinner when I'm at work making the chicken.   Do you like knitted items? If so, any fiber sensitivities/allergies? What kinds of items would you like? Love knitted items. I can crochet a bit, but suck at knitting. No sensitivities that I've known of. Scarves and hats are cool. I honestly miss my grandma making knitted slippers for everyone for Christmas. I'm not really a glove or mitten person, even though my skin gets grumpy if I don't wear them. My hands just get too hot and I can't really do as much with them on. Even with the fingerless ones.   Words, Numbers or Spatial manipulation? I love playing with words. Spatial is fun too. But numbers I suck at. But, I can do math well. Explain that one.   I'm in Japan, anything that would interest you from there? Mochi balls? I'd have to bother a friend of mine who just got back from there, but I think that's what they were. And Kit Kat's from there. Mmmmmm.   Your package must contain "-A 'Sugar Plum' (ie a sweet treat)." With that in mind, what are some of your favorite sweet treats? Is there anything you really don't like? Chocolate, lemon stuff, sour sweets, candy canes in peppermint, pocky (I consider that a treat in itself), cookies, brownies. I must admit I have a sweet tooth. Ooooh, horehound! Just no black licorice. Or some pineapple thing I had. It was ewww. (Update of: Please also no banana.)   Anything from Paintbox Soaps? Their stuff looks interesting. Haven't tried anything there yet. (Update of: I have a sample of poinsettia in my possession, but I still haven't tried it since I have a bar left to use up.)   Does anyone have a strict way that they decorate their trees (like a color scheme)? Or, are you a just put everything random on your tree person? I have two trees actually. The main tree is the "Put everything up and make sure all ornaments can be seen", which is the one that I put the presents and such around. But, it's random and cutesy. I tried to do a color scheme, but well, kids bringing stuff from school totally ended that.   Anything you do NOT want? No Santas. Everything else would be really cool.   if you are my swappee, would you be pleased if I included ALL THE TIMTAMS with your swap package? I've never had timtams. Would be cool to try. (updated to: I'll eat them if you send them, but you don't have to go out of the way for some. They seem to remind me a lot of what we have locally as Malley-o's)   What are some of your favorite Holiday/winter symbols? snowmen, candy canes(I don't know if that's an actual symbol, but it always makes me think of the holidays), red stockings, big bows (and I mean BIG).   Do you have a favorite ornament? What's its story? Actually, I have two, for different reasons. The first one is a green glass ball. It was the first present that my littlest girl picked out for me with her brother's help. He told her I liked green and she found the biggest ball she could! Every time I see it, I remember her face when I unwrapped it and how proud she was of it. The other is a glass loon. I got it two years after my grandmother died. I just remember every time we visited seeing this stuffed loon on the ledge going down to the basement where my grandfather kept his trains. It just reminds me of going to Christmas there and how my grandmother loved every year decorating her tree. But, that glass loon looks exactly like the stuffed one he had.   Bulk-Foods Section Goodies: Yea or Nay? Let's assume they're all individually packaged, and clearly labeled with what they are. That would be super cool. It could be sweets, or teas, or coffees, or nuts, or... I think you get the picture. I have NO qualms and would enjoy getting them.   Would a mixed CD be something you would enjoy? If so, who are some favorite artists, what style of music do you enjoy, and/or would you prefer a valentine/romantic theme or general mix? Mixed cd's are great. You could do either version and I would bounce all over. My tastes are all over. The boy teases me over the fact that the 250gb external is almost completely filled with music. But, a sampling of groups I like are: Emilie Autumn, Vanessa Mae, Alabama, Megadeth, Eric Church, Def Leppard, Rammstein, Carole King, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Brian McKnight, Lords of Acid, Flogging Molly, Paul Simon, Vivaldi. I'm stopping now. I promise. But, other stuff is greatly appreciated as long as it isn't Justin Beiber. Sorry, but I have tried to listen to him and he just makes me think too much of early Justin Timberlake and so I shut it out as "ehhh, been there and wasn't impressed back then".   Do you like incense? Yeah.   if I were to find a small bottle of alcohol, would you be interested, and if yes, of what? Sure, I like the little bottles for themselves. Plus, I can use them as flavorings for morning coffee. So, Chambord has a super cool bottle or a bailey's. But, any with a fun bottle would be cool.   Dear Valentine, I will hopefully be going to Portland this weekend for the Rose Garden Arena Monster Jam (I'm having to work 7 days in a row at 14 hours each in order to get the weekend off specifically to go there) -- is there anything Portland related that you desire? Coffee, if you get a chance. A souvenir pen or mug would be loved. (I think I should just add pens and mugs to collections on future questionnaires since I always enjoy getting them.)




Quick & Dirty Lupercalia Swap!

Here are bunches of random things that have stuck out in my head as awesome. Of course not expecting anything below, but just in case you were wanting a better idea of the stuff I generally like, here is stuff on my in-the-future-to-buy list C:   Candles: Been interested in the B&BW amber incense, and some of the old carnival ones.. but generally any foody or coffee candle is good, from any place. Been wanting to try DarkCandles.com too, but always seem to forget when I have extra $$ . I also have a tart warmer, so the simmering oils do seem quite appealing ATM (45% off). Little sample tarts are cool too.. or votives, or tealites, lol. Just please no "clean" or "crisp" scents.   Foodstuffs: Dark chocolate anything. Peanut butter is also good. And if there's coffee, even better. I also love all types of gummy items. Cookies or brownies are my most favorite desserts EVER, but only if they are just barely cooked I'm also a firm believer that a pinch of salt makes any dessert better C;   Bath and Body: As mentioned in the questionnaire, I have dry skin, so prefer moisturizing products. Creams and spray-able oil moisturizers work the best. Also, moisturizing scrubs are awesome. As with candles or other perfumed items, I prefer resins, patchouli, ambers, etc. Vanilla is always a good start too, and some soft florals are ok, I just dont enjoy anything too clean or fresh smelling.   Knickknacks/miscellany: Besides the little bottles, carvings, and minerals, I am in love with some of the crazy stuff Urban Outfitters has. Like, little blind boxed designer toys, or.. well any type of odd knickknack. Tinythingsarecute.com also has some crazy stuff that is interesting. regarding miscellany, I've realized I somehow do not have even 1 adele CD, and yet I'v loved every song of hers I've ever heard. Oh, and books! I have been looking for a good dessert cookbook. Not so much cookies or cakes, but like, pies, and bars, and croissants... which I guess means more of a bread/pastry cookbook. (2nd hand/used books are awesome, imo C:)




Lupercalia Swap Help

Anything in purple is additional information for my Valentine   What are your favorite Valentine themed goodies? Hearts, flowers, pink, or anything involving cats/cute animals.   What kind of chocolate or other sweets do you like? Love it all except for anything with peanut butter.   Coffee? Tea? Cocoa? Coffee and tea preferred. I don’t drink much cocoa.   Favorite scents? Vanilla and light florals. Some of my favorite BPAL scents are: Alice, Dorian, Snake Oil, Victoria, Black Lace, Cake Smash, Fairy Market, Lilith Victoria, Mme. Moriarty, and Snake Charmer. Least favorite scents? Anything overly masculine, sharp, bitter, or sour. Also, anything with grapefruit goes absolutely rancid on my skin   Fave bath and body products/companies? LUSH and Zoya or any eco/animal friendly, vegetarian/vegan companies. @ LUSH some of my favorite products/scents are Snowcake, American Cream, Twilight, Cynthia Sylvia Stout, and Sympathy for the Skin. I love love love nail polish and some of my favorite brands are Zoya, China Glaze Butter, and Deborah Lippman. I love sparkles and pastels and jewel tone polishes   Do you have a strong preference for useful articles, or are decorative items cool? I’m cool with anything   What are your jewelry preferences? I like really simple and dainty jewelry. Also, I have really tiny wrists so most bracelets don’t fit me My ears are pierced btw   How would you characterize your style? Classic and simple. To give you an idea of my "style" I buy most of my clothes at J Crew, Madewell, and Aritzia.   Do you collect anything relevant? BPAL, coffee mugs, and I can’t say no to anything cat related.   Please list any relevant websites/wishlists/other helpful info here: My BPAL wish-list: http://www.bpal.org/...24#entry2238624 ETSY: http://www.etsy.com/people/patriciapatricia/favorites?ref=pr_faves




Switch Witch Help!

Do you have Etsy/Amazon wishlists linked somewhere? (no Etsy yet, I totally should though!) http://amzn.com/w/272332QVPXP6K   Do you have a Tumblr/Pinterest you'd share with everyone (these can be really informative as to style?) Not really...   Style? Well, I'm pretty laid back. I used to be all gothy, but I got old and didn't die and you can't really keep that up without looking like a poseur. I still tend to wear black, gray, or deep red (I'm a super scorpio, very true to the breed.) I wear silver jewelry, a couple rings, my ear is pierced, generally i wear studs. My tragus is pierced (that little thing that sticks out from your head in the middle of your ear) and I have a few other piercings...I wear a silver necklace with a poison vial on it for scent dispersing, and have another locket, but don't wear it as often. It is antiqued silver which is about as far from silver as I go...   Fave Holiday? I love Halloween, nothing is better than that. I'm anti-Valentines day, but take ironic pleasure in being grumpy about it. I do celebrate Lupercalia, since restoring health after the winter is a wonderful thing. I'm kinda a weird agnostic pagan mix so it's kinda a hodge podge up in my world, depending on whose world I have to play in that day.   favorite candles, companies and/or candle scents? I just saw the info about Dark Candles and their scents look amazing, especially Absinth, Clove, Leather, Dark Carnival and Dracula http://www.darkcandles.com/   favorite kinds of tea (flavors, companies) I LOVE LOVE LOVE CHAI. My current fave is Teavanna's Samurai Chai for loose and Twinings Apple Chai for bags. I love black teas, and am looking for a good vanilla. I also like greens and herbals, especially with fruits like cherry or blueberry, not huge on citrus in teas. I like Adagio for tea as well. I don't sweeten my tea or add milk so the flavor matters. I prefer loose to bags, but I like bags for work, so either is great!   any of the Villainess autumn or winter soaps appeal? Another soap company you'd like more? I use Lush Shower Jelly, mainly.   Sweets? I love dark chocolate, the weirder the better. I like stuff with chili's or weird combinations of flavors. I don't eat very much candy due to being strict with myself and my diet, but when I indulge I love it to be tasty!   Fave Foods? I'm all about the salty, which is totally my downfall! I also love fruits and veg, mostly veg, since I burned out my sweet tooth back in my raver days. I love 'different' foods. I'm all about the exciting flavors in things like Indian or Ethiopian food. My favorite style of food is probably French.   What about desires (limited edition or not) from Black Phoenix? Well! Since you asked...there's my wishlist linked in my signature. I'm always looking for new/old atmos, because I lurve them (especially Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Pyre, Snow Bunny and Exotic Bazaar.) I also love the shirts, but have only bought 1 so far, the 13 one, and I'm a size large in the regular T's. Um...yup.   Ereader? I have a kindle, but I have a ton of books (like 2000+).   How do you feel about other perfume etailers? Any you love, hate, are dying to try? How about perfume with alcohol in – do you love all perfumes, do you dislike commercial brands but not mind the inclusion of alcohol if it's a boutiquey or fancy company with unique scents, or are you strictly oils? I mainly enjoy BPAL, I don't have time for other places. I don't mind perfume with alcohol in it, but I don't like most commercial brands, especially for men.   Other than fragrance oils/perfumes what is your number one (or a tie between 2-3) favorite type of toiletry or scenty item? Um...I'd say Lush's shower jelly, because I only have 1 so far (Party On!) and I'd love more.   Describe three things you have decorating your room... Ok, a black and red feathery wreath on the wall, a deep red vase filled with black roses, and pennant hanging from a lamp emblazoned with the word, "Despair!" Hmm...this makes me seem kinda weird...I also have a few lava lamps, a Jack Skellington bowl on top of my DVD player with 2 stuffed black cats in it...well, crap, I guess I do like black. My comforter is a wonderful jewel toned swirly paisley flower pattern...I like accents...   Pirates or ninjas? Pirates all the way!   Zombies – love, hate, obsessed, don't care, think they're coming for us any day now, other immediate/passionate thoughts? Love zombies! Zombie movies, shows, yarn, you name it. They probably are coming any day now.   Bpal oils: Mme Moriarty (I regret selling mine Posted Image) and Badgers (go ahead and laugh), Red Lace, Hollywood Babylon, Crowley, Pumpkin Floss (any), anything with red musk...   Disney Villain? Not a big Disney person, but probably Malificent and the Shadow Man.   Also, would you be interested in made just for you products like hand cream or salves, or.....? Sure!   What would make you smile the most? Honestly, the gift doesn't matter, it's the thought behind it. I know I'm pretty new here, but the sense of community on the forums just makes me squee in delight. This is my first swap (well, I stepped in to be someone's Nightmare when theirs disappeared) but I think just having something to look forward to and being able to share is the best part!   Do you have a Holy Grail BPAL? Something you long for but think you will never see? Antique Lace (gotta get them all!), Mme. Moriarty   Other drink stuff besides coffee and tea?: I don't drink alcohol or coffee.   \How do you feel about hand-crafted goodies? Love them!   Do you collect anything? I collect BPAL (obvs) and I also collect odd stuffed animals. I have a two headed chick (that one is actually taxidermy, but I count it), black cats, an octopus and a scorpion, some Skeleanimals (love them!), a bat, a scorpion, a punk teddy bear with wee Doc. Martins...several crows...   Fandoms: True Blood, Anything by Jim Butcher




From: Cockaigne

I got this as a frimp in my (TOTALLY AWESOME) six-pack of Disc/LE imps from Etsy, thank you generous Lab! I wouldn't have ordinarily gotten it myself because while I love a lot of BPAL foodie scents, I don't wear them. I do really enjoy smelling them, though, especially the caramel and cider notes.   In the imp: Very caramelly and rich and heavy, maybe with a hint of the wine.   Wet: BAM, there's the honey. And cake. And butter. Oh my. I don't get wine, or caramel, or nuts, or even milk, just BUTTER. HONEY. CAKE. Wow. This is intense. I put just a dab on one wrist to test it for fun and now I can't smell anything else! This would be a great room scent for a winter party, or maybe to dab a little on your neck or pillow as you're going to sleep at night. I don't get sexytimes out of this at all -- it's more a curl-up-in-front-of-the-fire winter or late autumn comfort smell. Drydown: The butter backs off some, and I get more caramel, but still no wine. Lots of butter. This is a very rich heavy sweet scent -- but thank God, not too sickly-sweet (I can't stand very sweet foodie scents). Like caramelized sugar with butter and honey drizzled on top, or something. Yum. It makes me think of Bessie's offer to Jane Eyre of "a little cake" in my favourite book. :-) It would make a wonderful tea-cake.   Dry: I don't think I got any wine ever, which is odd, since my skin usually amps it, but my skin also really amps honey, so the honey note won the cagematch or something. This didn't morph a lot on me -- it did get a little fainter and more spicy, but it stayed very dark and rich. If you're really into foodie scents, you might love this, because it's luscious without being too sweet or bready. On me it had INTENSE throw and staying power -- my husband could smell the scent in a room I'd been in! I don't know how Beth manages to get these amazing apple and cider and butter and cake smells into imps. It's magic.   Verdict: I wouldn't buy a bottle for myself but a friend who loved BPAL foodie scents might love an imp or even a bottle -- I might even put it in a starter pack of foodie scents, or as a demonstration of what a wonderful olfactory experience BPAL scents can be, and wow I'm gushing but this is just. that. good. And you have to bear in mind, I don't even like a lot of foodie scents, especially sweet ones.   Source: Cockaigne





Frimps: varying fill levels (some are sniffies, some are full). Not for sale. Please choose from the ones preceded by an asterisk (*).   13 2005 #20 Love Oil *#20 Love Oil Absinthe Aelopile *Aeval *Against Idleness & Mischief Aglaea *Aglaea *Aizen-Myoo Akuma *Akuma Alecto Alice *Alice All In The Golden Afternoon All Night Long *All Night Long *All Night Long Al-Shairan Amsterdam Anathema Anathema Anne Bonny Anne Bonny Anne Bonny *Anne Bonny Antikythera Mechanism Antique Lace DC tester Anubis *Anubis *Anubis Aperotos Eros Apothecary Apothecary *Apothecary *Apothecary ∂ Araña LE Arcana ∂ *Aremata-Popoa DC Arkham *Arkham *Arkham Athens Athens *Athens Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Autumn Lace LE sniffie Aureus Ave Maria Gratia Plena Baba Yaga *Baba Yaga Baghdad Baku *LE Banded Sea Snake Baneberry *Baneberry *Baneberry Baobhan Sith Baobhan Sith Bard Baron Samedi Bastet Bathsheba Bathsheba Bayou Beer From The Marsh Woman's Brewery *Beer From The Marsh Woman's Brewery *Beer From The Marsh Woman's Brewery Belladonna *Belladonna ∂ Beltane LE Bensiabel Bensiabel Bensiabel ∂ Bette Noir SE Bewitched Bien Loin D'Ici Bien Loin D'Ici *Bien Loin D'Ici ∂ Bilquis ∂ Black Butterfly Moon 2013 Black Cat Black Forest *Black Forest Black Hellebore Black Hellebore Honey *Black Hellebore Honey Black Lily Black Pearl Black Phoenix Black Rider *Black Rider Bliss Blockbuster Blood Blood Amber Blood Kiss *Blood Kiss *Blook Kiss *Blood Kiss Bloodlust Blood Rose Blood Rose ∂ *Blossoms in Springtime LE decant sniffie ∂ ?Blot Upon The Earth LE Bohun Upas Bon Vivant *Bon Vivant *Bon Vivant *Bon Vivant *Bon Vivant Bordello *Bordello Bow & Crown Of Conquest Bow & Crown Of Conquest Bow & Crown Of Conquest *Bow & Crown Of Conquest *Bow & Crown Of Conquest ∂ Brahmin LE Bread & Butterfly ∂ *Brides Of Dracula LE Brimstone Brisingamen Brown Jenkin *Brown Jenkin *Brown Jenkin *Brown Jenkin Bruised Violet Compound Brusque Violet *Brusque Violet ∂ Buck Moon LE ∂ Buen Viage LE Burial *Burial Cairo *Cairo ∂ Calaveras LE Caliban Calico Jack *Calligraphy Practice LE sniffie Carnal *Casanova DC Cathedral Catherine Cathode Cheshire Cat Chicken-Legged Hut, The Chimera Cockaigne *Coiled Serpent *Coiled Serpent ∂ *Colder and Colder LE sniffie Come To Me ∂ Companion Of The Same Nature LE Cordelia *Cordelia *Cordelia Countenance Of Foreboding Evil Coyote Coyote Croquet Crossroads Cthulhu Dana O'Shee Dana O'Shee *Dana O'Shee Dance Of Death Dance Of Death *Dance Of Death Danse Macabre ∂ *Dark Chocolate, Fig, & Tamarind LE Darkness ∂ Dawn: Cernunnos SE ∂ *Dawn: Mother SE ∂ *Daya LE Deadly Nightshade Honey Deadly Nightshade Honey *Death Adder LE *Death On A Pale Horse *Death On A Pale Horse Death Horse, The *Debauchery Dee *Dee *Dee Deep In Earth Deep Ones, The Defututa Delphi Depraved *Depraved Desire ∂ Devil's Night LE ∂ Diable en Boite LE Dirty Djinn *Djinn Dodo Dorian Dove's Heart Dracul Dracul *Dracul Dragon's Blood Dragon's Bone *Dragon's Heart Dragon's Hide *Dragon's Hide Dragon's Milk *Dragon's Milk Dragon's Musk Dragon's Reverie Druid Druid Dwarf Dwarven Ale Eat Me Eclipse *Eclipse *Eclipse Eden Egle Ehecatl *Ehecatl Ekhidna Elegba Elf *Elf Embalming Fluid *Embalming Fluid Endymion ∂ Enraged Orangutan Musk LE Envy Epitaph Epitaph *Epitaph *Epitaph *Epitaph *Eos DC ∂ *Epomophorus Monstrosus LE ∂ *Epomophorus Monstrosus LE Eros *Eros Euphrosyne Eve Eve Event Horizon Evil RPG Evil RPG ∂ Expressive Head LE Fae Fae Fallen Fascinum DC *Fenris Wolf Florence Follow Me Boy *Follow Me Boy Forbidden Fruit Forest Reverie French Love ∂ *Fruitcake LE ∂ Gacela of the Dark Death LE Galvanic Goggles *Galvanic Goggles *Galvanic Goggles ∂ Garden of Death LE ∂ Gathering Wild Mushrooms LE sniffie *Gaueko ∂ Geek LE *Glasgow Gnome Goblin Goblin *Goblin Good RPG Good RPG ∂ LE Gorobble, The (mislabeled Gorroble) Grand Guignol *Grand Guignol Grandmother of Ghosts Grandmother of Ghosts *Grave Pig Great Sword of War, The *Great Sword of War, The *Great Sword of War, The *Great Sword of War, The *Great Sword of War, The *Great Sword of War, The *Great Sword of War, The *Great Vampire Bat LE Grief Grief Grog ∂ *Habu LE Hades Hairy Toad Lily Halfling RPG ∂ Haloes SE ∂ Happy Baby in a Long Dress LE Harlot Harlot Harlot's House *Harlot's House Has No Hanna Haunted *Haunted Havana Havana Hecate *Hecate *Hecate ∂ Heinous Hedge Maze LE ∂ Hellboy SE Hellcat *Hellcat *Hellfire Hellfire Hell's Belle *Hell's Belle Hemlock Hemlock Honey *Hemlock Honey Herbert West *Herbert West Hetairae Hetairae High John the Conqueror High Strung Daisies Highwayman Himerus ∂ Hippy Ghost SE Hollywood Babylon Horse Chestnut Honey House Of Night How Doth the Little Crocodile Hunger Hurricane Hymn Iago Iambe ∂ Ice Queen LE Imp Imperious Tiger-Lily ∂ *In Brightness and in Joy LE Incantation Inferno *Inferno ∂ *Insupportable Misery LE Intrigue Intrigue ∂ Iole SE Pandora Isles of Demons Jabberwocky Jack ∂ Jacob's Ladder LE Jailbait *Jailbait Jazz Funeral Jersey Devil *Jester DC Jezebel Jezirat Al Tennyn *Jezirat Al Tennyn Jolly Roger *Jolly Roger Juke Joint *Juke Joint ---------- ∂ *Kagema LE sniffie Kali ∂ *Karmê LE *Karmê LE Katharina Kathmandu Kill-Devil ∂ King Cobra LE *King Cobra LE ∂ King Haggard SE ∂ King's Daughter SE Kitsune-Tsuki Knave of Hearts ∂ Knucklebones SE *Krampus LE Kuang Shi Kumari Kandam *Kumari Kandam Kurukulla Kyoto *Kyoto *Kyoto L'Ecole des Filles ∂ *L'Essence du Chagrin LE ∂ *L'Essence du Coeur Libéré des Ténèbres Extrait LE ∂ *L'Essence de l'Engouement LE ∂ *L'Essence de la Passion LE ∂ *L'Essence de la Passion LE L'Examen de Minuit La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente La Belle Au Bois Dormant *La Belle Au Bois Dormant *La Belle Au Bois Dormant La Belle Dame Sans Merci La Petit Mort Ladon *Ladon Lampades Lady of Shalott ∂ Lady Una SE Langour Lawful RPG *Le Lethe Le Serpent Qui Danse *Le Serpent Qui Danse Les Bijoux Les Fleurs du Mal Les Infortunes de la Vertu Les Infortunes de la Vertu Leanan Sidhe Lear Libertine Lights of Men's Lives Lilith Lion, The Lion, The Little Wooden Doll, The *Little Wooden Doll, The *Little Wooden Doll, The London Loralei Lotus Tree, The Loup Garou Love in Idleness Love Lies Bleeding *Love Lies Bleeding *Love Lies Bleeding Lurid Lurid *Lyonesse *Lyonesse Lysander Machu Picchu Mad Hatter, The Mad Hatter, The Maenad Magdalene Magus *Magus Maiden Malediction Mandrake Manila Marquise de Merteuil Masquerade *Masquerade Mata Hari *Mata Hari Medea Meliai ∂ *Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument LE ∂ *Midwinter's Eve LE 2010 ∂ Miller's Daughter, The DC Miskatonic University *Miskatonic University *Mme Moriarty LE 2007 ∂ *Mocking The Invisible World With It's Own Shadows LE ∂ Monastery in the Mountains LE Moonshine & Mist DC *Moonshine & Mist DC Morgause *Morgause Morocco Morocco *Morocco *Morocco Moscow *Most Magnificent Christmas Tree LE *Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Muse *Muse - My Mom with the Sun in Her Hands LE - My Mommy in a Boat LE Namaste Nanshe Nefertiti *Nefertiti *Nephilim Neutral RPG Neutral RPG Neutral RPG New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans Night-Gaunt Night-Raven, The ∂ *Nightmare LE No. 93 Engine No. 93 Engine Nocnitsa DC Nocturne ∂ *Nonae Caprotina LE Nosferatu Nyarlathotep *Nyarlathotep Nyx *Nyx O *O ∂ O Daughter of Death and Priapus LE Obatala *Obatala Oberon Oblivion Obsidian Widow Ochosi *Ochosi *Ochosi *Ochosi ∂ *October LE 2011 ? Odin Ogun *Ogun Old Demons of the First Class Old Demons of the First Class Old Goblin, The Old Scratch *Old Scratch Oleander Honey Oneiroi Opium Poppy *Opium Poppy *Opium Poppy *Opuhi LE ∂ Orange LE Osun Ouija *Ouija *Ouija *Ouija Oya *Oya Ozymandias DC Ozymandias DC Pain Pain Paramatman Paris ∂ Peacocks SE Traveling Salon Peitho Peitho Penitence *Penitence Penny Dreadful Perversion Perversion Perversion ---------- Phantasm Phantom Phantom Wooer, The Phoenix Steamworks Philologus SE Pinched With Four Aces LE Plunder Poisoned Apple *Poisoned Apple Polyhymnia *Polyhymnia Pontarlier Port Au Prince Port Royal *Port Royal Post-Mortem Laureatus LE Pride Prurience Pteropus Leucopterus LE *Pumpkin Cheesecake LE sniffie Queen Queen Gertrude *Queen Gertrude *Queen Gertrude Queen of Clubs GC sniffie decant Queen of Hearts *Queen of Hearts *Queen of Hearts *Queen of Hearts Queen of Sheba *Queen of Sheba R'Lyeh *R'Lyeh Rage Rakshasa *Rakshasa *Rakshasa Rapture Rapunzel *Rapunzel *Rapunzel Raven, The Ravenous *Ravenous Red Devil *Red Devil Red Queen *Red Queen *Red Queen Redoul Honey Roadhouse *Roadhouse Robin Goodfellow Robin Goodfellow Robin Goodfellow *Robin Goodfellow Robotic Scarab, The *Robotic Scarab, The Rocking Horse-Fly *Rocking Horse-Fly *Rogue RPG Rome Rose, The Rose Cross Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds *Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds Russian Dance LE Sacred Whore of Babylon Salome Samhain 2006 LE Samhainophobia LE Santa Eularia des Riu Santa Muerta Saturnalia *Saturnalia *Saturnalia Satyr Scales of Deprivation, The *Scales of Deprivation, The *Scales of Deprivation, The *Scales of Deprivation, The Scherezade Scherezade *Scherezade Seance *Seance *Seance Sea Foam's Milk Sed Non Satiata Seekim LE Senelion LE Seraglio *Seraglio Seraphim Serpent's Kiss Shattered Sheol *Sheol *Sheol Shub-Niggurath *Shub-Niggurath *Shub-Niggurath *Signior Dildo LE *Silver Apple of the Moon LE Silver-Haired Bat LE Sin *Sin Siren *Siren Skadi LE Skuld *Skuld Slobbering Pine *Slobbering Pine Sloth Sluggard, The Snake Oil *Snake Oil Snooty Rose *Snooty Rose *Snooty Rose Solitary and Abhorred LE *Solitary and Abhorred LE sniffie *Solitary and Abhorred LE sniffie Somnus *Sonnet D'Automne LE Spellbound Squirting Cucumber Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Strangler Fig *Strangler Fig Sudha Segara *Sugar Cookie LE *Sugar Cookie LE 2011 sniffie Summoning Stone Play Structure LE Sundew Swank Sybaris *Sybaris Tamora *Tamora Temple of Dreams Temptation, The Tenochtitlan ? Tezcatlipoca Thalia Thanatopsis Thanatos *Thanatos Thorns Tintagel 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster *'Tis The Voice of the Lobster Titania *Titania Titus Andronicus Tobacco Honey *Tombstone Touched Twice LE *Tupapau LE Tushnamatay Tweedledum Twilight ? LE Two-Headed Goat Tzadikim Nistarim *Tzadikim Nistarim *Tzadikim Nistarim Umbra *Umbra *Umbra Undertow Urd *Urd Veil *Veil Venice *Venice Verdandi Versailles Vespertilio Proterus LE Vice Vicomte de Valmont Villain *Villain *Villain *Villain Viola Violet Ray DC Vixen Vixen Voodoo Queen LE Wanda Wanton Water of Notre Dame *Western Diamondback Whip *Whip *Whip *White Chocolate and Sugared Violets LE *White Rabbit White Rider Whitechapel *Whitechapel *Whitechapel Whoso List To Hunt *Whoso List To Hunt Wicked Wilde *Wilde Wings of Azrael Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse LE Witchblade SE Witch's Garden, The Wolf's Heart *Wolf's Heart Wolfsbane Wrath Xiuhtecuhtli *Xiuhtecuhtli Ya-te-vo *Yellow Snowballs LE Yellow Jessamine Honey Yemaya Yew Trees Yew Trees *Yew Trees Yggdrasil *Yggdrasil Yorick Zarita, The Doll Girl LE Zephyr Zombi ? Zombi Zorya     OTHER BRANDS *13 Gypsies: Eye of Newt (2mmish w/ screw top) *Alkemia Perfumes: Blue Lotus *Alkemia Perfumes: Madam Pearl *Alkemia Perfumes: Vanille Tropicale Arcana Soaps: Last Hours of Empires Arcana Soaps: Midwinter 2011: Santa's Minions: Indecency Arcana Soaps: Song of Songs 2011: Honey & Milk *Balenciaga Vintage Michelle Parfum *Blooddrop: Yule 2010: Solstice Coblat Blends: Among the Holly Conjure Oils: Shape Shifter *Flutterby Beauty: Blueberry Lemon Poundcake *Good Judy: Candy Cane Karma 2010 *Goth Rosary Fragrance: Samhain Haunt: Batik sniffie Heaven and Earth Essentials: Voodoo Punani (2mm long vial) *House of Gloi: Olde Cider House Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie: CFM Pheromone Enhanced (2mm long vial) Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie: Give Peas a Chance Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie: New Year's Evil Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie: PE: Cellrynna's Feelin' Foxy Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie: PE: Luna's Sungold Cacao Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie: Shangri La (2mm ling vial) Lou Lou's Soaps: Orange Patchouli Cupcakes *Mad Scientist Perfume Oil: Fruit Basket Made With Love - WM- Exotic *Niki de Saint Phalle edt Nocturne Alchemy: Bastet's Garden Jasmine Crimson Nocturne Alchemy: Bergamot & Egyptian Mint Tea Nocturne Alchemy: Nefertiti Nocturne Alchemy: Red Egypt Nocturne Alchemy: Seti Moon Nocturne Alchemy: Tawaret Nocturne Alchemy: ThothPossets: Dreams of Avalon *Possets: Giddy *Possets: Girls Love a Good Possett, The *Possets: Girls Love Clubbing, The *Possets: Girls Love Limey, The Possets: Madame X Possets: Perpetual Orgasm Possets: Sage and Honeycomb - Arizona Possets: Sex Juice Possets: Snowflake in the Martini, A Possets: Venus Black Solstice Scents: Inquisitor Solstice Scents: Master Bedroom Solstice Scents: Russian Caravan V'Apothecary: All Hallow's Eve V'Apothecary: Creatures of the Night Violette Market: Diablo Canyon 2011: Miss Julia Star Cathouse Kitty Violette Market: Diablo Canyon 2011: Miss Lily Mae Cathouse Kitty Violette Market: Diablo Canyon 2011: Root Cellar Violette Market: Smoking Plum *ZOMG Smells: Dr Zomg's Gracious Nerve Cordial *ZOMG Smells: Little Brown Bat




Mother Shub's Gingerbread Temples

Sweet, spicy floral. It doesn't smell of gingerbread at all. Throw is good - I put a bit around my neck and on my wrists and I was catching little whiffs of it all day. After reading other reviews I think I can pick up hints of notes mentioned - ginger, honey, and resins, maybe. But unfortunately my nose is not yet expert enough for me to be sure. This scent is definitely not what I expected, but I find that I really like it regardless! I'll be ordering a full bottle before the Yules come down.




2013 Reading

Or, what is on by kindle/bookshelves/library record...   Read Entirely in 2013 1. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs (S)(F) 2. Bone River - Megan Chance 3. Bones of the Moon - Johnathan Carrol 4. Infernal Devices - KW Jeter (F) (BC) 5. Chalice - Robyn McKinley ®(F) 6. Watership Down - Richard Adams (BC) (F) 7. A Perfect Blood - Kim Harrison (V)(S) 8. Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn 9. Into the Woods - Kim Harrison (V)(S)(SF) 10. The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - N. K. Jemisin (F)(AOC) (S) 11. The Drowning Girl - Caitlin R Kiernan (H) 12. Stardust - Neil Gaiman (R )(F)(BC) 13. Snow White and Rose Red: The Huntsman - Lily Fang (F) 14. Coraline - Neil Gaiman, P Craig Russell (GN) (YA) ® (F) 15. Movies in Fifteen Minutes - Cleolinda Jones (SW)(BPALER!) 16. The Broken Kingdoms - N.K. Jemisin (F)(S)(AOC) 17. The Wretched of Muirwood - Jeff Wheeler (S)(F) 18. The Scourge of Muirwood - Jeff Wheeler (S)(F) 19. The Kingdom of the Gods - N.K. Jemisin (F)(S)(AOC) 20. The Killing Moon - N.K. Jemisin (F)(S)(AOC) 21. The Blight of Muirwood - Jeff Wheeler (S)(F) 22. Paleofantasy - Marlene Zuk (NF) 23. The Grimm Curse: Snow White - Stephen Carpenter (S)(F) 24. After - Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (SW)(F)(SF)(YA) 25. The List - Konrath, J.A., Jack Kilborn (M)(S?) 26. The Ruth Valley Missing - Amber West (M) 27. The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman (F) 28. Embassytown - China Mieville (SF) 29. Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead (V)(YA)(S)(BPALER!) 30. Frostbite - Richelle Mead (V)(YA)(S)(BPALER) 31. Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead (V)(YA)(S)(BPALER) 32. Blood Promise - Richelle Mead (V)(YA)(S)(BPALER) 33. Frost Burned - Patricia Briggs (S)(V) 34. From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwiler - E.L. Koningsberg (YA)(R )(BC) 35. After the Poison - Peter Robinson (M) 36. A Confusion of Princes - Garth Nix (YA)(SF) 37. Redshirts - John Scalzi (SF) 38. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - JK Rowling (YA)(F)(R ) 39. The Golden Compass - Phillip Pullman (R )(YA)(F)(W/S) 40. Dead Ever After - Charlaine Harris (F)(V)(S) 41. Bloodsucking Fiends - Christopher Moore (V)(S)(BC) 42. Ever After - Kim Harrison (F)(S)(V) 43. Shades of Gray - Jasper Fforde (F)(SF) 44. Spirit Bound - Richelle Mead (F)(V)(S)(YA) 45. Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead (F)(V)(S)(YA) 46. Asylum - Kristen Selleck (S)(F) 47. The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky (YAish) (BC) 48. Chalice (again) 49. The Infernals - John Connelly (YA)(S)(F) 50. A Reliable Wife - Robert Goolrick 51. The Iron Wyrm Affair - Lilith Saintcrow (S)(F) 52. The Subtle Knife - Phillip Pullman (R )(YA)(F)(W/S) 53. Summon the Keeper - Tanya Huff (F)(V)(S) 54. Virals - Kathy Reichs (S)(YA)(SF) 55. Dustlands: Blood Red Road - Moira Young (S)(F) 56. Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro (BC) 55. The Book of Lost Things - John Connelly (BC) 56. Oryx & Crake - Margaret Atwood (SFF)(S) 57. The Human Division - John Scalzi (SF)(S) 58. Unfortunately the Milk - Neil Gaiman (YA) 59. In the Woods - Tara French (S)(M) (BC) 60. The Cookoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith/JKR 61. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens - Classics Illustrated Edition (R for text)(GN) 62. Redifining Girly - Melissa Atkins Wardy (NF) (MY NAME IS IN THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS! ;-) 63. The Life and Advertures of Santa Claus (YA)(W/S) (BC) ...I feel like I'm forgetting something here...   Started in 2012 or before, finished in 2013     In progress (if not started in 2013, starting year in parens) Ulysses - James Joyce (started 2005, completely restarted in 2011) Everything You Know About God is Wrong - Russ Kick (NF) (SW) (2010)   The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern The Amber Spyglass - Phillip Pullman (R )(YA)(F)(W/S)     Island of the Could Not Finish The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi Prospero Lost - L. Jeri Lamplighter (F) I am a Cat - Soseki Natsume (AOC) Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates - Tom Robbins (got to pg 277 and just couldn't give a crap anymore)   Some coding:(AOC) = Author of Color/(BC)= Book Club/(F) = Fantasy/(GN) = Graphic Novel/(H) = Horror/(M) = Mystery/(NF) = Non-fiction/(R ) = Reread/(S) = Series/(SF) = Science Fiction/(SW) = Short Works/(V) = Vampires, werewolves, and witches, oh my!/(YA) = Young Adult




Mail call: Karme, Pandy, Hippie Ghost, Snake Charmer, 8 Bit Cosmetics

I discovered how BPAL-licious today would be when I keyed open my mailbox and found not one, not two but three packages. Without further ado:   One of the packages is not a swap, but instead an Etsy order: mineral makeup from 8 Bit Cosmetics. I'll review that separately....   The first package is from the lovely Gateau. Karme, Pandy and Hippie Ghost. Originally what drew me to it was Karme-- I've been wanting to smell it since I read the description.   Karmê (Κάρμη): Sun-warmed squashes, peppers, salad greens, snap peas, radishes, green onions, and silphium.   Lab imp. In the imp: a familiar floral? no... oh no. Aquatic note with an undercurrent of garden-y complexity. I never trade for or buy aquatics, because there's a note that smells identical to me in all of them and it reminds me of some perfume-in-a-can I had from Walgreens when I was a kid. And in all those drugstore perfumes it's supposed to be 'water' but to me it's sweet and formulaic. I smell it in Karme. I capped it back up for a minute because if that's what I get from this scent I'm going to cry.   On me: The aquatic dissipates, thank heavens, and morphs a dandelion very reminiscent of Roadhouse or... it's been a long time since I smelled One to Tie Two To Win, did it have this? A Blade of Grass? ... It does smell like plants, though no onions- people mention cucumber, and I can see that-- not actual cucumber but perfume-cucumber, a sweet flowery version of the real. I like having this imp and I will definitely keep it-- at the very least until I acquire Roadhouse and do a side-by-side sniff comparison.   Pandy: Fresh white musk, honeycomb, sweet apricot, elemi, orange blossom, and mischievous pink pepper.   In the decant I smell the sweet apricot and what I'm GUESSING is the honeycomb, because it's reminding me of a sweet food I can't place. on me: ooh, that's nice. apricot with a sweet background of gentle honey. I wish I knew more about honey notes and how to distinguish them. But other people mentioned they mostly got a honeyed apricot too, so there you have it. I think I smell a bit of pepper beneath it, but as for the rest, if it's there I can't tell. But what there is of it I do like and I'm a-buying a bottle. Comforting and feminine, this is a scent I would proudly go out wearing and expect to catch a few looks.     Hippie Ghost: A faded snapshot of patchouli-stained peasant blouses, soft suede boots, and smoke.   In the decant I smell patchouli and a kick of disagreeable stinky smoke. Some people said pot smoke, but that's a nice smell and this is nasty to me.   on me: Well-blended but not pretty smelling... I don't get anything but a vaguely cologney bite under a muddled grimy almost-patchouli. Maybe a little more weedy-smelling than it was in the imp. It mellows out pretty quickly-- When dry it's a well blended sharpish pot-smoky patchouli with leather peeking out. I like it when it's dry- well-blended and smooth, but I don't need a bottle. And along with the imps, Gateau included a huge, lovely jar of Nyx eyeshadow powder! Now I'm about to carry my pretties off and incorporate them into my collection....  




From: Water of Notre Dame

I usually hate the very light/white/green/soapy/floral aquatics and they hate me right back, but wow, this is so different, and it's a little frustrating I don't know why because I can't suss out the notes. I get a lovely pale glassy green from this, maybe a green-blue, lilies, watery tones, but nothing soapy or sharp about it. Usually I can't wear these scents at all, and my skin amps green notes like it's my job, but this is gorgeous, pale, pretty, and very soothing. It reminds me of Lyonesse, Glasgow, Venice, Sea of Glass, and a few other light florals I really like (maybe Muse and Danube?), but there's something special about this one. I can't order a bottle now but it is definitely going high on my "must buy a bottle when not completely broke" list. Maybe there's a faint cucumber note in it? but it's not bitter.....It really is amazing.   Source: Water of Notre Dame




From: The Zieba Tree

Got this as a frimp from the lab -- which I highly appreciate! but man, I am reminded all over again why these sorts of light/high/white florals don't work on me. From the first brush of the applicator to the drydown hours later, this just smelled like soap -- soapy sandalwood, and not even like perfumed soap, but that just-got-out-of-the-shower soap or commercial shampoo smell. Which is a nice enough smell for about fifteen minutes after you shower, but not at all what I was expecting from the description of musks, lemon, peach, &c. It even has that sort of bitter tang that happens when you get soap in your mouth by accident. :-/ "Floral laundry detergent" or "scented dryer sheets" about sums it up for me too, sadly.   Source: The Zieba Tree




bottle collection.

So let's see. Current as of 2/13/13. The bottles with asterisks are not up for swap except in certain Grail-scent-related-cases.   Albedo v5 x3 Atlas Badgers* (decants poss for Storyville, Voodoo Queen, Dolly Kei, and Pinched.) Blood Moon 2005 x2 Dead Man's Hand v8* Gaoler's Daughter Geek x2* Gypsy Harikata Hod (original 10mL) Hod Res x 3 Hungry Ghost Moon (pending) Loosening of the Obi* (boyfriend appropriated this one...) Men Ringing Bell With Penises* (...and this one) Mum Moon* Nagarjuna v2 Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 Planting Moon* (see Badgers restrictions) PX23 Ronin Sachs Shanghai Tunnel Shub-Niggurath Snake Charmer (orig CN version)* Taphophobia v2 Tamamo-no-mae x2 Trick #1 * Vipralabda x3




From: Mag Mell

In the imp: Ginger, verbena, citrus, faint grass. Very pretty.   Wet: A faintly fruity? smell, then -- ginger and lemon, ginger and lemon, and then LEMON LEMON LEMON. Slightly mixed with ginger.   Drydown: Amber came out slightly, in a vanilla way. Still LEMON. I now smell exactly like one of those awful Starbuck's fake lemon pound cakes with the gross white icing.   Hours later: Ginger came up a bit more, so did the grass, but it was still ONE LEMON TO RULE THEM ALL AND IN THE CITRUS BIND THEM (just finished traditional Yule LOTR rewatch). This also disappeared on me really fast -- in less than an hour.     Pretty disappointed in this one, since I love the description and waited ages to try it, but between the Godzillemon and the vanishing act, it's awful. I might wait and try this again later, but I'm not optimistic.   Source: Mag Mell




From: Versailles

In the imp: Mildly flowery citrus. I don't smell any rose or amber.   Wet: WHAM! Citrus. A very strong orange/lemon/grapefruit bright smell on me. I kinda love it, as I love citrus smells, but not something I'd want to put on right before stepping into a crowded elevator. Drydown: The citrus backs off a couple miles and a pretty, warm sort of creamy floral comes out. Still rather tart, but I like it (then again I used to suck on lemons as a kid. I can't get enough of tart citrus). It stays juicy, not getting either too soapy or powdery. I think I'm getting more jasmine-and-amber, not the rose or orris (whatever orris is). The citrus comes back out every once in a while, like the sun peeking through heavy velvet perfumed drapes (or something).   Verdict: I really like it. It's a very bright cheerful scent, and reminds me of a bowl of oranges in the sunshine scenting my kitchen. Unfortunately the pretty subtle drydown stage -- it does smell a lot like orange blossoms -- fades out on my skin. However, this is a very strong, long-lasting perfume with decent throw. It'd be great for summertime. I have to say that while Venice smells the way I think of Venice -- bright, aquatic, a bit sharp -- this doesn't smell anything like powdered decadant aristocrats. Unless they're sitting in L'Orangerie de Jussieu.   Source: Versailles




From: Rose Cross

I used to wear this all the time, and I just don't know what happened since my return to the sweet, sweet crack BPAL. I love the description and it smells pretty in the vial, but the INSTANT Rose Cross hits my skin, it turns into sharp, bitter, soapy ugh. Stays that way all through the drydown and hours and hours later. A second opinion was sought, and soon secured.   HUSBAND: It smells like insect repellent -- it smells like a TRUCK of insect repellent. It smells like the WHO going after Dengue fever.   MOI: Not -- not a sacred blend of rose essence and frankincense? Like rose incense?   HUSBAND: NO.   sigh.   Source: Rose Cross




BPAL wish list.

Grail scents I would always buy or swap for:   Cagliostro Crumpet Rebellion Geek Graveyard Dirt Pinched With Four Aces Planting Moon Quincey Morris Severin Storyville Snake Charmer Res. Voodoo Queen   Protos, event-specifics and similar that I desperately want to try, even a small amount: Amaterasu v2 & v3, Sekhmet v5, Kinnabari, Capela dos Ossos, Anti-Saloon League, Hermes Tris v2, Vrishka Rajaya v2 BTPU1, PX717, PRC12, XCDL13, PP42005   LE/DC (sought in any amount): Atlas Antique Lace* Autumn Lace Black Lace De Sade* Gothabilly Glowing Vulva* Inquisition 07: Ecstasy of Passion Karmê (Κάρμη)** Lughnasadh Mabon Res.* Pumpkin King   LE/DC- prefer a bottle: Black Temple Burlesque Troupe** Byron v13* Diable en Boîte Hanerot Horn of Amalthea Katrina Khrysopelex Lambs-Wool Loosening of the Obi Men Ringing Bell with Penises the Smiling Spider Smut Sunflower Toad Hall Unheavenly City**   LE/DC- prefer a decant: Arrival @ Sabbath & Homage to the Devil Carceri d'Invenzione CD: Parliament of Monsters* CD: Faith* CD: Gennivre* CD: Western Diamondback* Great Grey Witch Infernal Lover** La Mano del Destino the Magdalena Miles** Mother Shub's Gingerbread Temples/Stygian Nougat** Nothing Gold Can Stay Pickled Imp Pisces Sweet Lavinia's Dread Puddings/Risalamande** Tobacco Honey   GC (indicated below if I prefer imp but bottles always OK): Aperotos Eros*** Bensiabel (imp) Bien Loin d'Ici Death on a Pale Horse (imp) Depraved Herbert West (imp) Kumiho (imp) Le Lèthè Mr. Ibis Nero (imp) Panacea TKO (imps ok too) Penny Dreadful Perversion Port-au-Prince** The Red Rider (imp)** Roadhouse (imp) Shoggoth Panacea: TKO** Panacea: Moxie Witch's Garden**




non-BPAL wishes.

CB IHP: try me. I like it all, but esp. tea/water/dirt/rain/stone, etc. Greenbriar 68*** Memory of Kindness*** In the Summer Kitchen Violet Empire M2 Black March** M1 Narcissus Under the Arbor Revelation I Am A Dandelion In the Library Grass Soaked Earth Ginger Flower Hay Rich Tobacco Forest/Wild Hunt Viennese Pastry Tomato Vine Rainstorm Falling Water Bamboo Flower Wildflower Honey Gathering Apples Sweet Smoke Cedarwood Tea, Lavender Tea, Black Tea, Russian Caravan Tea, Japanese Green Tea   Conjure: Nejla (The Souk) Golden Amber, Tomato Leaf (Apothecary) Twr, Anna, Fire In The Earth (Feri) How You Doin', Queen Elizabeth Root, Bling Bling (Hoodoo) Earl Black, Befuddling Fan (Miss Victoria's) Notus, Anemoi (Elementals) El Alacran, La Corona (Loteria) Shakti (Mythos)   DSH: Erotica (oil) Special X (any)   Eden Botanicals: Pepper CO2 Select, Black German Blue Chamomile Ginger Immortelle Absolute Liquidambar   HAEE: Fairy Queen, Vanilla Musk   Haus of Gloi: Perfume, soap, scrub, you name it. Haus Amber, Lavender Sugar, Mango Sticky Rice, Moon Dog, Old Cider Haus,Picaroon, Pumpkin Queen, Honey Tree (soap/scrub)   MAC: Both Lustreglass and Lipglass in anything but really dark colors. Eyeshadows: I'm open to all shades and styles. Want to try the pigments too.   propaganda: Opium Den soap   Villainess: Dulces En Fuego, Friction, Grampa Joe, Spun Sugar. Pretty much all non-fruity scents... just a slice? Whipped: Possets Indigo, Mud: Scintillating, Pearl Diver. Killer Beez oil sample, Nesthtai anything, Datura and Scintillating oils   wicked cosmetics: Abricot de Vanille   WoobieBath: Vanilla Tea




Notes, good and bad.

There are always exceptions, but as a guide to what works and doesn't.   Generally good: amber, benzoin, bergamot, cardamom, clove, dirt/earth/soil, subtle wood scens (e.g. fir), ginger, grass, incense, leather, musk of ALL kinds, oakmoss, opoponax, peach/apricot, delicate floral (e.g. rice flower; T-n-M, HGM, Obi), white sugar, tomato leaf and other plant scents, tonka, vanilla of all kinds, subtle foody scents.   Generally bad: Anise, Aquatics (except The Deep Ones), brimstone/smoke, uber-buttery, candy, civet, cinnamon, cypress, dragon's blood, most strong/sharp florals (e.g. ylang ylang), most fruity scents, harsh wood scents (e.g. juniper) , muscadine, neroli, ozone, pennyroyal, vetiver, wine (except rice wine)




From: Bastet

One of my long-time favourites.     In the imp: Cherry, definitely, but not the fruit -- more dusky cherry blossoms. Not Jurgen's.   Wet: Almond almond almond! But not almond-cookie sweet.   Drydown: Morphs into a GORGEOUS sweet musk-amber-gold scent. Lots of throw, lots of staying power. Sultry, spicy, golden, sweet -- yes, yes, yes, yes. Definitely for those who love Morocco, Queen of Sheba, maybe O, &c &c. Seductive and slinky but not CFM-sexy. Don't be scared off by the smell in the imp or if you get ALMOND at first, this really shines after an hour or two.   Source: Bastet




[Review: the RPG series] Half-Elf

This is a green, sweet and slightly earthy scent (probably from the sandalwood?). It's indeed, a sophisticated scent and it's definitely sexy.   I love scent that reminds me of forests and earth (yeah, my username, I know). With this sexy, sweet, forest combination, I totally adore this scent!   Oh yes, I will be wearing this while playing my chaotic neutral half-elf beguiler!   Source: Half-Elf




Nightmare Before Christmas questions answered.

favorite candles, companies and/or candle scents? I'm not too worried about the brand, but my favourite scents are vanilla, incensey/resinous scents, and especially over Christmas, foody spicy scents like gingerbread.   favorite kinds of tea (flavors, companies) I love tea! Pretty much all tea. I would love to get my hands on some more Adagio tea, but they won't let me directly ship it to Australia.   any of the Villainess autumn or winter soaps appeal? Another soap company you'd like more? I love Villainess! At the moment, Criminy, Letitia, Discord, Proscription, Twistappel, Smashing, Mudslide, and Moral Decay all sound good! I also love Paintbox, but the things I love there have their own spots on my etsy wish list.   Any of the bpal Halloween scents you wished you'd gotten? Any Yule scents you're hoping to see come back? The Yules I haven't had a chance to get my hands on yet are Witch Dance, The Tears of Lilith and The Sinister Salon. As for returning Yules, I'm thrilled to see that BTBT is back, and Krampus too!   Do you have a general swap-related help post somewhere? In my siggy   Do you have Etsy/Amazon wishlists linked somewhere? Amazon - http://amzn.com/w/37A9GWTI3GD3X etsy - http://www.etsy.com/people/maikastar/favorites?ref=si_fav   Do you have a Tumblr/Pinterest you'd share with everyone (these can be really informative as to style?) I have a Pinterest, but I don't really have anything on it yet.   I'm in Japan, anything that would interest you from there? A good bb cream maybe? Interesting flavoured Kit Kats.   Do you like knitted items? If so, any fiber sensitivities/allergies? What kinds of items would you like? I knit, so yes, I love knitted things. I have no major fibre issues, and I love the idea of anything being knitted for me!   New sneaky question (because I don't want to give away my idea completely) - words, numbers or spatial manipulation? Probably words   Anything from Paintbox Soaps? On my etsy list   Your package must contain "-A 'Sugar Plum' (ie a sweet treat)." With that in mind, what are some of your favorite sweet treats? Is there anything you really don't like? I love dark chocolate, salted caramel, and crunchy nutty type things. I was also sent Candy cane Jo-jo's once, and the were amazing. I don't like licorice.   Do you have an eReader, and if so, which kind? Would you be interested in eBooks, and if so, how about a list of your favorite authors/books? I have a Kindle app in my phone, and I have a Kindle in my not too distant future, As for books/authors, my Amazon list should give you an idea of what will work. Alternatively, if you have a favourite author or book you would like to share with me, I would love that too.   How do you feel about other perfume etailers? Any you love, hate, are dying to try? How about perfume with alcohol in – do you love all perfumes, do you dislike commercial brands but not mind the inclusion of alcohol if it’s a boutiquey or fancy company with unique scents, or are you strictly oils? I mostly buy BPAL, but there are some Possets and Conjure Oils that I like too. I love some of the Villainess oils as well...if you want specifics on any of those, let me know Checking out other brands is always interesting, but at the same time, it is a bit scary in terms of potential new extra spending. I don't mind perfume with alcohol, I mostly just use oils, but there's one particular commercial perfume that I really love - First, by Van Cleef and Arpel - and the only way I can have that is with alcohol.   Other than fragrance oils/perfumes what is your number one (or a tie between 2-3) favorite type of toiletry or scenty item? Scrubs, bath-y type things, and moisturisers   Pirates or ninjas? Pirates   Zombies – love, hate, obsessed, don’t care, think they’re coming for us any day now, other immediate/passionate thoughts? Love!   I just discovered a new (to me) candle company, Witch City Wicks. Does anything you see there tempt you? Antique Lace, Bondage, Church, Dragon's Blood, and Vanilla melts   What about desires (limited edition or not) from Black Phoenix Trading Post? Mrs. Palmer's Establishment Atmosphere Spray, C8H10N4O2 Soap, Black Clove Candle, Spanish Red Carnation Soap, Skully Cupcake Tissue Tee in the XXL, Morocco Bath Oil, Snake Oil Bath Oil, Gula Bath Oil, Luxuria Bath Oil, Castitas Bath Oil, Hedonism Bath Oil, Opium Tar Bath Potion, Tears of the Seraphim Bath Potion, Shub Niggurath Soap, Snake Oil Soap, TKO Massage Oil, Frankincense Clove Hair Gloss, Snake Oil Hair Gloss, Morocco Hair Gloss.   Favorite Disney villain? Maleficent   Is there any BPAL oil that you are dying to get your hands on? It doesn't have to be a rare, just something you really want to try There's a list of scents I would love to try under BPAL wishlist in my siggy.   Do you want to see things in your box for your significant other/spouse/kids/fish/whatever? Or do you want to keep it allll about you? That's totally up to you. I do have a 16 year old daughter, Maia, plus Amber the big tough cattle dog, and Leo and Rincewind the cats.   We've had a lot of questions about coffee and tea - how do you feel about other things? Cocoa, spicing for ciders, flavoring to add to water is what I mean? I love cocoa! I would also love to try cider mixes - they don't have them out here, and I would love to try them. Flavourings to add to water sound more than interesting too.   It's not Christmas/Solstice/Yule until...? It's hot, there are Christmas beetles dive bombing my enterance porch, and I've had to buy half a dozen chunks of Snowcake.   HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT RECEIVING MOSTLY HAND CRAFTED GOODIES? Handcrafted is love!   What other movies do you like to watch during Halloween and Christmas? Frankenweenie has just been added to the mix, Nightmare Before Christmas (of course), Elf, Bad Santa, Olive the Other Reindeer, Drop Dead Fred, Edward Scissorhands, The Orphanage   Would you, dear little Nightmare, like to receive something from one of those silly-yet-nostalgic Holiday food companies, like Omaha Steaks (which totally has a ton of yummy veggie items, btw!) or Swiss Colony? Interesting in theory, but I don't think much of it would travel well, and even if it did, I can't see our Customs letting it through.   What fandoms are you a part of???? Doctor Who, Torchwood, Game Of Thrones, Nightmare Before Christmas, Dr Horrible, Firefly, Discworld, Sandman, Good Omens Is there anything under $10 that you've been wanting from World Market? Any of these look wonderful http://www.worldmarket.com/product/toysmith-lazer-fingers-set-of-2.do?&from=fn   http://www.worldmarket.com/product/andes+cr%C3%A8me+de+menthe+baking+chips+bag.do?page=2&from=fn   http://www.worldmarket.com/product/salted-caramel-bark-tin.do?&from=fn   http://www.worldmarket.com/product/vosges-black-salt-caramel-bar.do?&from=fn   http://www.worldmarket.com/product/divine-70-dark-chocolate-with-raspberries.do?page=3&from=fn   http://www.worldmarket.com/product/republic+of+tea+chocolate+merry+mint%2C+50-count.do?&from=fn   http://www.worldmarket.com/product/twinings-holiday-teas-20-count-boxes.do?&from=fn   I can get Twinings out here, but they don't seem to sell these two.   Two Timing Tarts? Freak Flag, Pretty Boys in Eyeliner, Vampires Don't Fucking Sparkle, Bigger on the Inside, Pride and Prejudice v1, Femme Fatale, Frankly, My Dear... , Mae West's Diamonds, Satin Sheets, Silk Sheets, Gingerbread Pimp, Pucker Up!, Where's My Damn Spoon?.


