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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Swap Help

Ohh lookie I made current (11/2013) wish lists!!! I will also write things and update my BPAL wishlist when I have more time. I need to find more cheap things to add on my problem is my self control is so much less when its a couple bucks.   Amazon Wishlist   Sephora Loves   It might be kind of a weird request... but I just started taking dance performance classes, and at least every 2 months we have a recital... so any interesting props or costume pieces are welcome, as I am sure I can find a use for it.   I am suppose to be paleo, but cheat occasionally. But bread and too much sugar makes me feel ick now that I'm off it. Never the less... I LOOOOOVE homemade treats.   I've been trying to do the whole weight loss fitness thing, so anything related to kettle bells or pole dance or body weight exercises is totally welcome. I use groupon and living social all the time too...   I also love me some Freshel Kanebo Mineral BB Cream in light in the pink tube.   I love smelling new botanicals! Especially frankincense, jasmine, vanilla or anything super exotic that I've never heard of   I've been curious to try House of Matriarch, The Rising Phoenix Perfumery, or Providence Perfume.   I love Hedonist by Viktoria Minya, and many of the Aftlier perfumes I've tried, expecially Haute Claire.   I LOVE leatherwood honey... but love other honeys in general, and would especially love to try some unique single sources for it.   I wear a size 9 shoe... and I SUCK at shoe and purse shopping... so if you rock at those things that is an idea.




From: Hope and Fear Set Free

This was part of a birthday present to myself -- I almost didn't get it, but decided at the last minute, what the heck. I love Proserpine, and Swinburne too -- this is one of my favourite poems.   In the imp: I can really smell the bourbon and the vanilla. Uh-oh. A kind of medicinal but sweet scent. Rather sharp.   Wet: WHOOM sandalwood. I didn't smell quite like a stick of incense, but it was close. Then I read "pencil shavings" in the forum reviews and it was all I could smell. :-/ Husband said it smelled "flowery, maybe incense-y" and not at all like pencil shavings. I kept smelling pencil shavings. Definitely a kind of woody smell. As another reviewer said, it's kind of dark resin/wood, rather than the bright frank. It was a little sharp, but not too bad.   Drydown: This got a lot sweeter, and less sharp, but also a lot fainter. It sticks pretty close to the skin. I don't think I ever got the bourbon (yay) and the vanilla did sweeten the resiny darkness, but it didn't really pop out, which was nice -- it's not a foody vanilla at all, maybe more like vanilla extract. This really wasn't what I was expecting, but it's all right. It might make a nice winter scent. Seems sweeter from a distance, but sharper and more like sandalwood/resin close up.   A few hours later: All gone except for a kind of residual sweetness.   Verdict: Nice enough but I don't know if I needed a bottle. Then again, it's one of those special limited editions I'd wonder about forever otherwise and spend time and money chasing down at least a decant of later. I might try it in a scent locket (if I ever get one), since my skin amps resins (part of why I like them) -- if this was just a little sweeter, I'd really like it. As it is, it's a little too harsh and dark for me to love it. And it fades really fast.   Source: Hope and Fear Set Free




"And I will make sure to keep my distance"

Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? No thank you. I'm really trying to limit my perfume buying and I can't have another perfume company to be obsessed with   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? LOVE. My nails are always painted (although I kept them bare for my interviews last week, which was bizarre looking to me). I love OPI the best, as I can get up to a week of wear with their polishes. I also love Essie, China Glaze and Revlon. I tend to stick to mostly reds, pinks, corals, taupes, nudes, and purples for colors. I love the way blues and greens look on other people, but I feel so weird wearing them.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? Yes to makeup! Within the last year I've started wearing more makeup in an effort to look a little more put-together and professional. My daily routine is foundation (Revlon's Colorstay Whipped is the best I've found so far), concealer (Bobbi Brown's corrector is a lifesaver for my dark purple circles), eyeshadow primer, 1-2 eyeshadows (I've fallen in love with MAC's neutral eyeshadows), mascara (Maybelline The Falsies), matte black eyeshadow as liner (MAC again), eyebrow powder (Bobbi Brown again), blush (I've been using MAC, but also really love the Nyx blushes) and lipstick (usually either MAC or Revlon). As far as brands, I love MAC, Bobbi Brown, Revlon, and Laura Mercier (she's out of my price range for the most part though), and would love to get eyeshadows (mattes or neutrals) or lipstick (pinks, "my lips but better" shades, and reds).   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I'm not a tea drinker, sorry!   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I'm also not a gamer   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Black Lace (non-apple), Lyonesse, and Le Lethe.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I have, and to be honest I really don't like her products. Her soaps dry me out big time, and her scents aren't to my taste.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I do, and I'm starting this spring! I hope to grow tomatoes, herbs, lettuce, and a metric ton of flowers   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Love gift cards! Amazon, Sephora, MAC, Barnes and Noble, Target, Nordstroms, and Bed Bath and Beyond would be great!   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!!? I'm still madly in love with my Nook. For as long as I can remember, I've taken books with me when I go places and it was always so hard to decide which to take and what if I finished it while I was out?! The horror! So being able to take hundreds of books with me everywhere is absolutely mind-blowing to me.   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? A cuticle oil pen, more round labels for my BPAL bottles, fridge magnets, an eyeglasses case, stickers for my laptop.   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? I love canned goods, but those might be prohibitively expensive to ship.   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope! I'll be here the whole round!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Here is my wish list! I love Sock Dreams!




Switch-O-Ween 2013!

It rhymes! All my answers in one convenient spot!   Birthday: 9 April Pets: 1 cat Children: 16-year-old, doesn't live with me Religious orientation: None Favorite Holiday: Halloween Occupation/Major in school: Don't hate me, but I work in banking Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): It's really my cat's condo, I just pay the mortgage Livejournal/Blog/Website: http://mermaidsdream.tumblr.com Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in):   BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Le Lethe, Chimera, Mme. Moriarty, Mircalla, Vixen, Sin Favorite notes: red musk, amber, vanilla, orchid, plum, orange blossom Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Such a thing exists? Least favorite notes: rose, carnation, banana, coconut, pumpkin, violet, aquatics Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Bath & Bodyworks stuff If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like?   Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: chin to shoulder length, thin; barrettes & bobby pins just fall right out. Skin Type: oily Allergies (specifically B&B related): contact dermatitis to most bubble baths & bath oils Other things to avoid: Tub, shower or both? both Favorite bath & beauty products: lip balms, soaps, sugar scrubs Clothing Style/Fave garments: sweat pants, pjs, baggy t-shirts Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: black, dark colours, reds, blues, greens Type(s) of jewelry worn: pendants, necklaces, earrings Ring/wrist/collar size: rings are a size 8 Jewelry - gold or silver? silver Do you have any allergies to metal? yellow gold Favorite gemstones: diamonds, sapphires Sock/Shoe Size: 8   Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: clean, minimal Favorite decorating colors: black, dark woods Things you collect: Funko POP Game of Thrones figurines Favorite music: Classic Rock, Hard Rock Least favorite music: rap, religious Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) None! Other food restrictions: none! Favorite flavors: dark chocolate, salted caramel Favorite foods/drinks: Favorite authors/genres: science fiction, fantasy, Neil Gaiman, Sara Douglass, Jacqueline Carey Least favorite authors/genres: Charlaine Harris, Laurell K Hamilton, overly religious Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: See my Goodreads "need to get" list How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Perfectly fine! Favorite stores (including clothing stores): walmart, target, bed bath & beyond, starbucks Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): BPAL, BPTP, Paintbox Soapworks, iTunes, others I'm sure I'm not thinking of right now Magazines you subscribe to: None Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: None Favorite movies: The Court Jester, Stardust, Princess Bride Favorite TV show(s): Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory, Sherlock Hobbies/crafts done: photography, counted cross stitch, baking   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): I have wishlists posted in a blog thread on the forum Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): Same thing -- there are SW posts in the blog on the forum     Random Questions: - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? 4   - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) anywhere!   - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?   -If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly) Absolutely! My daughter would be the first "victim" and then she'd get to go use it on her dad   - What animal do you feel like the most? a cat   - Your favorite feature about yourself: eyes   - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? neighbourhood     -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. Silicone baking mat, and ... lollipop molds   - How do you feel about boi witches? They're pretty awesome   - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? Sometimes   - I like to slather my food in …: chocolate and/or caramel   - State fairs or carnivals? Carnivals   - You throw caution to the wind and runaway to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a side show, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why? Trapeze artist, because I'd love to fly   - What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with? dragons   - Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose? my external hard drive   - Do you need storage boxes? I'm good, but I'm also addicted to wooden jewelry boxes (like the kind you find at Hobby Lobby or Michaels)   - The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Run off and take pictures ... or sleep.   - Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive? I do like steampunk, but I don't own anything - I don't even know where to start!   - Do you have an etsy shop? Nope   - Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind? Cookies? Brownies? Candies?   - What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?   Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!): I participated in the Summer SW round, and kept up on questions, so there's a massive blog post on the forum with most of those answers. It should make stalking easy enough   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Not so good with spicy stuff. If you have to ... mild.   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? Absolutely!   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Yup, good with it.   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I'm going to pass on this. Grateful to try things out, but the only thing I've liked they no longer offer: Ice Blue Shampoo   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Dangly earrings, but no hoops or studs. I'd prefer pendants over necklaces, but I've seen some fabulous necklaces too -- Not sure if I'm more of a 16-inch or 18-inch person   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I'd love it! The only thing I think I wouldn't want to see is religious icongraphy     Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? La Lugubre Gondola Csardas Macabre (OMG MUST HAVE A BOTTLE) La Notte   Is there anything Prancing Pony on Etsy that you're interested in? Not seeing anything that grabs my fancy ... sorry     Dear Witchee: Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Answering my own qustion, I will be out of state on vacation 11/5 - 11/12.   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Sock Dreams Wish List   -Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I like them! Of course, right now I have far more than I can go through   -Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I like them, but I'm terrible at them. I play a few, but not regularly enough to really worry about new ones; particularly since my friend took his PS3 back, I'm pretty much without a console.   -Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Vixen, Sin, and .... and I can't think of a third right now.   -Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I have oodles of PB Soapworks stuff in my Etsy 'Washables' wishlist! Clean Slate, the Nihilist, Second Breakfast are all among my favourites   -Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? No, and it makes me sad   -Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? I'm fine with them! Starbucks, Amazon & iTunes are always welcome.   --Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? Things that are FAR too expensive for this swap.   --Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Wand caps! I keep meaning to order some, and never seem to get around to it Not really "small" but definitely on the more "inexpensive" side ... lollipop molds! I keep meaning to get some, and haven't gotten around to buying any yet.   -Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Canna think of anything off the top of my head.   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? Lollipop molds - hard candy   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I don't think they'd work with my hair   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? No thank you   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either is fine!   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? I have the first box, but I'd LOVE the expansions!   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? Not as often as I'd like, but I wouldn't mind more expansions for Munchkin -- I have The base set & the first 2 expansions, plus the Dragon bonus pack.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Nope!   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Not that I see right now ... sorry   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? I'm good on tea, but Starbucks gift cards are always welcome, to feed my morning Frappaccino addiction.   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! Sugar Polish: hobgoblin, incantare, tell the bees, winchester Lip Balm: caramel apple, cask Perfume Oil: hobgoblin, incantare, rising, tell the bees, winchester   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Not really my thing. Sorry   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? Lip balms yes, glosses & lipsticks not so much. scents/flavours: vanilla, mint, orange-ginger. Makers/sellers: Burt's Bees, and Haunt   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? I actually made mine so you could c&p   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? Sherlock, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones ... Men's XL or XXL ... I love big & comfy   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Not a big fan of pumpkin. Sorry   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I haven't bought anything yet, but the White Sage SN is high on my list.   Name some DVDs you wouldn't mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? All on my Amazon wishlist   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I don't decorate or dress up for Halloween, but I caramel apple pops, to the point I start hoarding them.   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? None   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Socks & Scarves yes ... not so much with the hats or arm warmers.




"I want the world in my hand"

Hi Witch Dear! Thank you so much for the ebooks! I'm reading the first Harry Dresden one now and am loving it!   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope! I'll be here the whole round!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? I love Sock Dreams! I wear primarily skirts and dresses and in the winter I just add a pair of thigh highs underneath to keep my legs warm. I want to love tights, but I have some belly fat and tights make an unsightly belly roll So I stick to thigh highs, and Sock Dreams has an excellent selection! My wish list is here!   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? Surprisingly, no. Death notes abound in this update, so my wallet is safe for the (hopefully soon) upcoming Carnaval and Yules!   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Super cute stuff, but none of it is really my taste




Switch O'Ween Questions

Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Scarves, perhaps. Not socks or hats (I hate hat hair, and most hats are too small for me, anyway). Arm warmers, maybe. The main catch is that I live in a warm climate.   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? Fun ones that I already bought from Pottery Barn (just to give you a sense of what I like): stuffed crow, mercury glass pumpkins. I've also seen some Jim Shore witch figurines in past years that I've liked. Dislike: anything bloody, macabre, just plain scary, skeletons – i.e., the dark side of Halloween.   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? I really don't do anything for Halloween.   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a t-shirt of? If so, what size would you wear? No, not really, and I already have more t-shirts than I can reasonably wear. But if you come across something absolutely perfect, it needs to have about a 48- to 50-inch chest. That generally translates to a Men's L or XL, or a Ladies' XXL (or higher).   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Mostly indifferent. But if you come across some of the Pumpkin Spice M&Ms I'd be interested in trying them. My local Target only had a shelf tag left by the time I looked for them there.   Dear Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I took care of myself pretty well – any of the ones that I really want have been ordered.   Name some DVDs you wouldn't mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? Every so often I contemplate buying a copy of Queen Kelly (the movie is from the early 1930s). Most of the ones I mentioned on question lists from earlier swaps have been acquired, so do not rely on those blog posts.   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, Tazo tea...? I don't have any particular wants, but would be open to teas and tea accessories. I'm more likely to make tea than coffee, not that I don't like coffee.   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Not particularly.   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. What kinds of things might you like from there? Cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? Tarot cards? (we have those.) A Dr Who pen? Books about haunted cemeteries in Seattle? You may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. And CDs. Yes, I might be interested in such things (maybe not the Tarot cards since I already have so many decks). The only caveat is that I'm really picky about the physical condition of my books.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I placed my Haunt order very soon after the update went up (and she's sold out of virtually everything now).   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Maybe – mostly if it's something I don't have to eat all of it right away once I open the jar. Jams or jellies might be good. No canned string beans, please.   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? I use lip balms all the time, but I have a good stash already – and they don't keep forever and ever. Mostly I use Haunt lip lusts, but also some of the other indie houses.   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? Since I'm so bad about having public wishlists (or even a BPAL wishlist on the forum), this doesn't apply to me.   Table Games - do you play them? Nope, no-one to play with. If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? I kinda took care of my immediate needs when I made a trip to Penzey's to get stuff for my witchee last SW round. But I might be interested in regional spice mixes or similar.   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? No, thank you, I don't have any projects in progress at the moment, and no time to do crafting now anyway.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I think hair sticks look wonderful in other people's hair. My hair is short and fine, so it wouldn't hold hair sticks even if it didn't seem to spit out all hair ornaments on general principles.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I always like to shop at Trader Joe's when I'm near one, but that's a rare enough occasion that I don't have a list of things that I'm craving.   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either one could be very nice.   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? No, thank you.   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Yes! I mostly like things in the Medium range, but a mild but very flavorful spice might be nice. I can sometimes tolerate really spicy-hot foods, but it has to have some flavor to it. I don't like things that are hot just for the sake of being hot (I feel no compulsion to prove how macho I am).   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? The Spoonfudge site looked interesting. And I'm usually interested in caramels.   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Yes, as long as it travels well – it's still pretty warm here.   Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy. I don't wear earrings. I usually wear my necklaces about 18 inches long. If it's on a chain (as opposed to ribbon or leather), I would probably prefer just a pendant. I sometimes react to sterling silver chains (never mind base metal chains with nickel!), so I put sterling pendants on white gold chains. Copper or bronze might work OK, though.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I like abstracts, as long as they aren't too angular/pointy. I also like landscapes & seascapes. Figural paintings could be problematic, and too cutesy (darling puppies & kittens, etc.) might not be what I'd want for long-term display. And of course nothing gory, scary, macabre, overtly sexual, etc. I'm afraid my tastes are not that adventurous.   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I've never really found anything at Lush that I have to have.   Travel/Not-at-Home? I don't have any travel planned during this round. And if something does come up, I usually have a neighbor keep an eye out for any deliveries to my front porch (and deliveries to my post office box will be held there).   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? I haven't had a chance to really study the listings, but nothing jumped out at me on my first skim-through.   Is there anything the Prancing Pony etsy shop that you're interested in? No, thank you.




"There's a starman waiting in the sky"

Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Medium spicy is about all I can handle (I'm a wimp!), and definitely no curry for me please!   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? Ooh. Spoonfugde looks amazing and now I feel like a glutton because there are like 10 flavors I want to try The Caramellow, Ginger Pear, Peaches and Champagne, Salted Caramel, Chocolate Banana, Butter, Coconut Lime, Champagne and Roses, and Root Beer all look fabulous   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Yes, as long as they're gluten and nut free please!   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? No thank you   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I love, love, love stud earrings. They're my favorite! I also need a pair of plain hoop earrings as one of my last pair mysteriously disappeared (the cat likes to cart off my jewelry). And I like my necklaces fairly average length, 18-20 inches or so: I have a rather large bosom, and anything too long looks odd to my eyes.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I would love anything you want to paint me, Witch Dear! I love moonscapes and have been looking for a painting or picture of a moon shining on the sea. Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I want to start lace crocheting desperately! Either a pattern or yarn/needles would be lovely! I also have been wanting to get into knitting, so anything in that realm would much appreciated.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I love the look of them, but honestly my hair is so thick and heavy and long that hair sticks (and really most hair accessories) fall out.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I used to live near a Trader Joe's, and their chocolate covered pomegranate seeds and cookie butter are my kryptonite. I would love to find these in my box!   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Both   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? Desperately! I've been eyeing it for weeks, but with Switch Witch and the holidays coming up I've been told not to purchase anything for myself (I tend to be a horrible gift-receiver in that if I see something I want, I'll usually just buy it instead of waiting and putting it on my Christmas/birthday/what-have-you list).




switch o ween!

re there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? i like doing all kinds of things! cool stencils or things to decoupage with are awesome. i've started crocheting too so yarn is very welcome!   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? i'm not much for hair sticks... i think i may be too clumsy to have sharp objects attached to my head?   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? can you believe i've never been to a trader joe's? if you want to send me something from there witch dear i'm all for it.   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either, neither, both!   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? i dont play them much, but something fun for two people would be welcome if boys would like it too:)   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? I can't cook anything involving more than six ingredients... and even that's pushing it >.>   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. this was my question, so it would be pretty crazy if MY witch worked at a used bookstore too:) but if they did, vintage/rare books about kentucky, or ghostly matters, or vintage editions of classics (anne of green gables, the black stallion, jane austen, charlotte bronte, etc) are awesome.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! scrubssss! winchester sounds amazing.   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? hummm. jams and jellies are nice.   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? i really love hurraw balms, but i'm always open to new ones- lip balm is something i constantly have on my person. would love a nice moisturizing lip stain in a berry red   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable?dem's all in my sig, witchy D   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? dr who, labyrinth, harry potter, books, dinosaurs, the princess bride   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? i love pumpkin things!   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? i'm waffling a bit on weenies. a few sound interesting but there are no must-haves. would love to sniff them all, though, cause there's always a surprise   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? mostly on amazon, i think   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? yep!! gift cards to starbucks are amazing. tea, tea strainers, mugs, etc. HURRAY   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? i like gothy-things- not like avril lavigne gothy but like, actual period gothic.   What traditions to you partake in for Halloween? I have had to work every halloween for the last ten years. this is a big bummer. but i ALWAYS watch hocus pocus and eat candy corn.   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? SOCKS YES. i love them all. scarves are awesome, its better if they're on the lighter side since it doesnt get alll that cold here but i like to accesorize.   Your feelings on Adagio teas: love adagio! the black cream, orange, and grapefruit are big faves- also love the summer rose, any of the fruity white teas. oh and the fandom teas!!   -Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? i do like video games, but i don't know of too many i'd be interested in at the mo- i'd like the zelda for wii game, as well as the newish fable for wii.   -Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. humm. lyonesse, mme moriarty, smoky moon.   -Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? i love, love, love whiskers soap. if anything else comes in that scent i want ittttttt.   -Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? i do garden a bit haphazardly. i never know what's going to make it in this brutal texas sun/heat so i tend to just plant things i like the look or sound of and see what makes it:)   -Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Yay! Joann fabrics, yarn.com, lush, haus of gloi, starbucks   -Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? herm. the 'allons-y' dr who shirt in gray.   -Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? -nail files -a travel coffee mug -some hair ties- i like those 'yoga' ties a lot -socks- knee-high or crew-length     -Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? homemade jams or jellies or salsa , tasty   -Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope!   -Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? i dig the bubble bars and bath bombs, sultana soap, porridge soap, would love to try the salt scrub   -If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? i don't really like geometric or mondrian-type art- i love outdoor scenes, especially beach landscapes or forest/trees. my absolute favorite artists for reference are harry clarke and sveta dorosheva at the moment.




To my lovely Witch Oct/Nov 2013

10/31/13: Are there any GC scents that you love, but for whatever reason, you keep putting off buying bottles of? TKO would be the main one. Also O, Siren, Dragon's Milk, Snake Oil, Belle Epoque, Veil, How Doth the Little Croccodile   10/30/13: Do you want to be an early accepter or would you prefer your reveal later in the swap, say maybe closer to the deadline? Whatever works best for you   10/29/13: Is there anything you would like from the Blooddrop Halloween update? Never tried them. After looking, these sound interesting: Chocolate-covered Apple Cider Doughnut, Vanilla Musk, Apples & Bones, Madame Claire de la Lune's Quince Cider & Honey Beer, A Coffin Built for Two, Autumn Delights, Enchanted Orchard, Harcakes, Devil Girl, Vixen, Wolf, Chai Tea, Curse, Vanilla & Ginger Apple, Mulled Cider, Pomegranate & Darkened Honey, Cider & Honey Softening Soak   Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Not into coffee, thanks(although I love the scent)   How do you feel about robots? some are cute or cool   10/28/13: Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Uhm, don't know. Their Bubbling scrubs sound nice. Honey Tree, Lavender Sugar, Vice, Satyr, depravity, elevenses, Twice is nice   If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer? OH! I'd love ANYTHING like that - but especially dragon or butterfly.   10/27/13: How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? **sigh** I am a chronic nail biter. I'll go thru phases where I think I've broken the habit & then BOOM I'm reading and suddenly realize I've bitten a nail all the way down. If you know of anything that might help with that, it would be awesome!     What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I use a lot of Lumiere Mineral stuff, but any brand/samples you have would be cool. Mainly lip colors (looking for my perfect red)and blush right now. ALSO mascara (dark brown) that is very good for sensitive eyes/contacts and/or doesn't run or get rubbed onto your face very easily.   10/26/13:   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. Just tried a few - no favorites so far but anything with chai, apple, or chocolate or that is geek themed would be awesome Do you like video games? not really   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? LOVE THEM! Really want to try some bath struesel - mandinka or any scent with lavender, vanilla, or   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? In theory, yes & I'd like to try to some this coming spring - veggies (but not peppers) lavender, snap dragons . . . ?   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Oh yes! Any place that you find mentioned on any of my lists or blogs or any interesting place that maybe I haven't heard of & you think I might like.   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? hmmmm nothing under the price cap comes to mind   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Good hand cream & lip balm, Auburn/Dark Cherry hair color, a good face mask treatment, really neat book markers Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Oh God Yes! Jams, jellies, preserves, teas, sweets, spices . . . and all sorts of fruits and veggies. Not sure what would mail well, though.   10/25/13: Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Where is the drool emoticon? Anything over the knee and/or sock slipperish is bound to be adored forever   10/24/13: Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? I love the theme! Csardas Macabre Marche Funebre (Max I) Und Wir Dachten Der Toten Totenanz   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Bags are always great ideas for me - I especially like the snowflake one & the dragonfly one. Also love the "chainmail" and the werewolf hats   10/23/13: Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Chili and curry are great for me as long as they are MILD   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? I drool for spoonfudge!   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? PLEASE   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? bath bombs are awesome. I'll add a few Lush things to my amazon/universal list.   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I love dangly, but my one year old would love to grab them a bit much! Either small and hardy, or go for the dangle & funky and I'll start wearing them in about 6 months   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive?   I love nature scenes, fantasy scenes . . . uhm my etsy list would give some idea of what I like. If you need more info, e-mail (or ask via SwitchWitch) and I'll be happy to help.       10/21/13: Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? Time and lack of interruptions would be the main reasons I have made so little headway on my planned and/or dreamed projects However, any wooden DPN's size 9 or bigger would rock my knitting world.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? Love 'em, but these days my hair is neither long enough nor think enough to use them.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I once got a chocolate/coffee/sugar grinder thing from them that I loved, but I haven't been able to find lately. Also - way too big a fan of their "Lacey's" cookies - esp one with dark chocolate.   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either one would make my day. Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? ? not sure what this is   10/20/13: Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? We do occasionally play & I have a few things mentioned in my amazon list   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? not "need" but anything that you think I might find interesting will likely be very fun to experiment with!   10/19/13:   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. All things Dr Who will be loved. I also enjoy "Real" haunting stories. Also, many books, CD's & movies on my amazon list.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I have yet to try any of their stuff. If you got something that you think I might like, feel free to decant half an imp's worth   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? You are making me hungry! All things apple, cranberry, blackberry, raspberry, dark and/or sour cherry and just about anything other than peppers   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? I have very recently decided I'd like to try to find a dark red or reddish purple that works for me.   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? Bpal Wishlist   amazon wishlist[/url   etsy wishlist   [b10/18/13: Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear[/b] There are several examples on my amazon list. Dr. Who, the BBC Sherlock, Serenity/Firefly and a whole bunch more. And I love size L T's (NOT babydoll!)   Not usually a fan of pumpkin flavored/scented things   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? Dark chocolate is my idea of great candy If you find some child-appropriate Halloween lights, that might be cool for decorations, or anything home-made that's child-friendly. As for costume-bits wigs, wings, capes, half-masks or "domino" style masks are all good for me & the rest of the family. (well, probably not wings or wigs for the Hubs. And the oldest girl also loves crowns/tiaras)   What traditions to you partake in for Halloween? We all dress up in costume to varying degrees. We pass out treats, take the kids trick-or-treating, then take 'em to see the grandparents & show off their costumes. I like to play "Spooky" classical music and/or the Mannheim Steamroller Halloween CD's (all of which are from the library, by the way. I've never gotten around to spending money on buying them) Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? OOOOOOOOOO it's all good to me! You can see some of the stuff I like on etsy. Feel free to ask me some specific Q's on style or color if you want.   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? Nope.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? Amazon list Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? tea (esp. oolong or chai) honey sticks, rock sugar




Switch-Witch Help!

Links to wishlists and such   Here is a collection of favorites on Etsy that I quite like: https://www.etsy.com/people/AlchemistEllie/favorites/items-i-love?ref=favs_index_1   And this is my Amazon.com wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/9IIXD0QDDSL2/ref=topnav_lists_1   --Name some small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?   Wand caps, mini hand sanitizer, "oil" based nail polish remover (like L.A. Colors scented nail polish remover pads), scented soy or bees wax tarts/votive, small (or large) hair clips (ornate or plain), nail art pens, tea lights, (strong) fridge magnets (especially the clip kind but also the fun or funny or cute kind), mini all natural hand cream or lip balm, stick on address labels...   List of possible gift options:   -Anything from either the Etsy link, or my Amazon account! -Any kind of all natural bar soap -BIG scarves (not knit) -lip gloss, lip liner, or lipstick (matte preferably, if lipstick and not too light nor really dark), all natural type. -Anything crow or raven themed -Anything "witchy" like tarot, rare herbs, gemstones, pendulum, etc. -Dark chocolate noms-- anything extremely unusual or unique -Any second-hand unloved Bpal (or other) shirts that fit my style. -Decaf or herbal tea, decaf coffee -Jewelry making supplies -Hair sticks -Candles -Candle holders -Ancient styled home decor -Any Bpal oils that are on my wishlist in my sig -Any other perfumes that fit my scent profile -Natural hair products for dry hair -Any type of jewelry -Belly dance paraphernalia (esp. a hip scarf/skirt or jingle bell anklets) -Spice jars, mugs, nice (wooden) cooking spoons. -Small jewelry box -Thigh High opaque Socks -dream catcher -chopsticks   -Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer?   YES OMG OMG, and so far Sweet Cheeks (apricot, vanilla, amber, freesia) is my fav non-limited edition. My fav limited editions are: Indian summer (Amber, Hay, Peaches, Blackberries) and Snoggin' (eggnog, brandy, orange, and nutmeg). Very much so wanting to try: Gingermilk, Big in Japan, Whiskers.   Regarding knit things...   I am not too nuts about knit things. When it comes to scarves and things I prefer the fabric/sewn type. I would probably like knit socks though because WARRRMM!   If your Witch were to create a cookbook of recipes she thought you'd like, would you be interested in that sort of thing? And if so, what sort of recipes would you be interested in?   Oh yes, absolutely! And, any kind Especially unique multi-cultural dishes or dishes with folklore behind them!   Spices?   Allll of the (unique) spices! Also, rubbing spices made with tea, organic spices, or just unique spices on their own such as Grains of Paradise, nigella seeds, vanilla bean, etc. Not too much of a fan of fennel, but it would be okay in a blend. I am also a huge fan of herbs-- especially rare and harder to find ones (vervain, mugwort, sweetgrass, meadowsweet, etc.) And essential oils of all kinds are loved.   Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.)   Whole beans or ground, decaf, dark and smooth if plain roast.... but I LOVE flavored coffee. The only nuts I love are macadamia nut flavor or hazelnut... otherwise, I'm all about the vanillas, spices, pumpkin, brulee, etc.   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested?   Eh, don't need any now thanks . Unless it was a crazy unique color type, but I do tend to stock almost every color except for neon's which I am not fond of.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving?   I never say no to a good all natural colored lip balm, lip gloss, or lip stick. Maybe a liquid eye liner in an interesting color. I am actually looking for an ALL NATURAL pencil eyeliner in a turquoise or teal color that has good color payoff.   -Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.   Never heard of before, but upon digging-- OMG THEY SOUND AMAZING! I love EVERYTHING Rooibos, Decaf, and Herbal. Especially: spice, orange, vanilla (decaf), all the herbal teas... uhm, yea, I'd probably need a variety pack.   -Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library?   Er... not huge on the gaming ... I only really like two or so.   -Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.   Moon Rose, Morocco, Pele ....and that's about it for now really I'm very picky about committing to scents and prefer the lighter ones. I think I'm still in a try-it-all stage.   -Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow?   I do, but, I have extreme shade on my property.   -Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?   meh... I would not mind an Etsy or Amazon gift card, though.   -Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like?   Honey I suppose or something else that would last a good long time and isn't candy or have anything to do with blueberries, artichokes, or okra.   Sock Dreams:   anything non-sheer (or very thickly lacy) and thigh high.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive?   I'm not too heavily into abstract. I prefer fall or foliage scenes, especially close ups, or something gothic/romantic with the moon in it, or fairy themed and whimsical is always welcome as long as it's got a lot of classiness and flow to it. I don't like blocky or chunky paintings, and I don't mind nudity.   Lush   There are a couple of things I like occasionally;   Ceridwen's Cauldron Bath Melt Buche de Noel Facial Cleanser Porridge Soap Sea Vegetable Soap (with as much of the scrubby bits as possible) Mask of Magnaminty   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild?   The spicier the better! I love the hottest of the hot, even in sweet combinations.   Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy.   I love dangly earrings in all metal types and all styles! I don't like hoops-- unless it's a messy boho gypsy style, and I generally dislike studs. I love chokers, and short-mid length necklaces, any longer and it usually disappears beneath my clothes. The other option is super long necklaces that go beyond my scoop line, or fit nicely over a turtleneck for fall/winter. Pendants are ALWAYS welcome   Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK?   Eh... I'm not that nuts about home baked, but a home made candy like salted caramels (which I love... a lot.. delicious... chewy..tangy... *drool*), peppermint bark, or lollipops would be much loved!   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store?   I've never actually got to shop at a Trader Joe's (although they seem super awesome), but by perusing their website I can see their "pumpkin body butter" sounds nommy. And maybe some unique decaf coffee, or herbal spiced teas, soaps, etc. I dunno, surprise me!   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start?   Not particularly, but I'll never say no to jewelry supplies and findings!   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers?   I like natural lip balms with plenty of color to them!   The only lip gloss I like is (natural and non sticky with pretty good color payoff and stay):   http://www.theallnat....com/lip-gloss/   In colors like: frosted peach, plum crazy, red hot mama, Bugless red, sassy cherry.   I like a lot of lipstick types. I love natural things, but I find sometimes the natural lipsticks can be too shiny/bleed too much so I like matte colors from brands like MAC, etc. in red-toned, or even mauve/heather toned colors.   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them?   I don't play table games or board games much, don't have too many chances to play.   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)?   Mhh... spiced apple butter, I like to cook with it. But jams come in second-- esp. orange and/or fig type jam/marmalade. I like more unique jams like currant, quince, black raspberry, sour cherry, gooseberry, etc. The only jam I don't like is blueberry.   Teavana or Starbucks? I love all the tea and coffee things from many brands (esp. flavored and decaf!)and paraphernalia, but dislike Starbucks and would rather brew my own. Really interested in some Raven's Brew Coffee (of the decaf variety).   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there?   Anything Tarot, runes, "new age", or cookery related works for me. Plant and herbal books also. Or fictional books set in Ancient societies, or supernatural horror/dramas.   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a t-shirt of? If so, what size would you wear?   I love most of the B-pal shirts, Harry Potter shirts, anything pumpkin or Halloween themed, and don't mind second hand at all. I wear a regular ladies size Medium.   Hey, Witchee; Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers?   Scarves! Scarves all the way, followed by ear warmers, and then maybe socks lol.   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things   I prefer pumpkin scented to flavored, but I do love all pumpkin things in general.




Fall Switch Witch 2013 Q&A

1. Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Socks- I have a Sock Dreams wishlist with many socks and arm warmer type things on it! Scarves- I can never have too many pashminas, and love interestingly patterned and non-chunky shawlettes. (examples of styles I find appealing here, here, and here. I'd prefer neutral colours, or greens and blues, as those are the colors of my Faire garb, and I'd be wearing these at both festivals I work, as well as during the winter!) Hats- No thanks. They're really hard to fit properly. Arm warmers- Yes, please!   2. Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? Halloween Candy - I'm kinda meh about a fair amount of it, to be honest. Candy corn and those wee sugar pumpkins make me ill after only a few, and most mini candy bars Decorations - I love trees and branches and things with oak leaves and acorns on them, yes plz. Costume Supplies - I prefer stuff that's going to be durable year after year. I usually don't dress up for Halloween, as I'm working Ren Faire at that time, so my costuming tends to be Rennie stuff.   3. WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? For Halloween, we don't do a whole lot. I put up a few small decorations, we carve pumpkins and roast seeds (though they don't last long. Texas heat is cruel to pumpkins and they melt quickly once carved). I do some rituals on Samhain, but nothing huge.   4. Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? I love Studio Ghibli stuff...um...clever fandom shirts, especially Pacific Rim. Art nouveau, especially Mucha. I usually wear a women's XL, a men's L (I am racktastic). 5. Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Fairly indifferent, though I am slightly addicted to a pumpkin spice cake thingy I've been making. (Pumpkin puree mixed with a box of spice cake mix. Add sugar, a bit of milk, mix, then bake. It's moist and delicious!)   6. Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I bought nothing so far. I'll let you know if I cave and pick up anything though!   7. Name some DVDs you wouldn't mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? I havean amazon wishlistwith lots of DVDs. (things are roughly sorted into several lists, so look to the left of the screen for my other lists!)   8. Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? I have a source for Starbucks stuff, but hell yes to Teavana stuff! I'd love some tea, tins, and rock sugar. <3   9. Pinterest? Not really. I poke around on it sometimes, but that's about it.   10. Anything from LisaNut's store or something similar? Most of her items, while lovely, just aren't colour patterns I would wear, sorry. 11. Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? Booooks! i would love love love books off my wishlist. Tarot cards I'm a bit picky about...I'm currently looking for a Radiant Rider Waite, the Morgan-Greer, the Wildwood, and the Gilded Tarot decks.   12. Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! Gloomy Sunday, Hobgoblin, Tell the Bees, and Winchester all sound amazing!   13. I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Apple butter sounds tasty...my fella and I love it on fresh biscuits.   14. How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? I do not like lip gloss-way too goopy and sticky. I do like lip balm from time to time, and prefer stick type ones with a harder consistency, such as Burt's Bees. I am ok with mint and vanilla scents, but nothing too strong or perfume-y. I still have a weakness for Lip Smackers Dr. Pepper lipgloss, and adore the giant tubes of it! Lipsticks are awesome, though hard to pick out. I love pin up reds...right now MACs Russian Red is my holy grail, but I"m always looking for alternatives!   15. Actually, this isn't much of a question, more of a request: Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? Your witch will thank you.   BodyArtForms (plugs and jewelry) Etsy Amazon Sockdreams   16. Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? I used to play a lot of table games, but stopped after all my games got lost in a move. I love Cards Against Humanity, Apples to Apples, Settlers of Catan, Munchkin, and Cats in a Blender. I've a few added in my wishlist on Amazon.   17. Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? I love smoked spices that would go well in bbq rubs...um, apart from that I'm not sure! I have a lot of regular spices (oregano, thyme, rosemary, basil, and others in that vein), as well as a few more random ones like turmeric, curries, random mixes. I'm always willing to try something new, and I love interesting salts.   18. Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I'd love some acrylic paints! Or canvasses!   19. What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? To answer my own question, no. I make them, and have hair that is way too short for it to work!   20. Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I've never had anything from Trader Joes, but it sounds utterly fabulous. It sounds like they have some utterly fabulous caramels among other things!   21. Would you rather have something fun or practical? Yes please!   22. Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? Oh dear gods, yes!   23. Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? Negative, though I'm really lusting after the Weenie Pumpkin versions of Dorian and Sin!   24. Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Her stuff is cute, but not really my style, ta though!     25. Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? I like spice! I'm a medium sort of creature, thanks!   26. If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? I'm more of a gummy or hard candy being over fudge...it gets wicked sweet too fast for me, and I have no self restraint and may end up eating the whole thing.   27. Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Sure!   28. Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? Right now I'm feeling Paintbox Soapworks and Haus of Gloi's scrubs and soaps and whatnot a bit more than Lush, thank you though.   29. If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I have gauged ears, so mostly wear plugs, but I like spirals and pretty ornate designs too (check out my bodyartforms.com wishlist for ideas of what I like. ) I'd definitely prefer a pendant, as I have my own chain that I love madly. (Unless you have a popcorn chain. Then I'm all about popcorn chains.)   30. If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive?   I love abstracts and watercolours! I'm not sure I'm smart enough for cubist type stuff though.   31. Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Nothing from their update, though I'm lusting after a few GC items.   32. How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? I like it, and wear it once a week or so. I love holos, unique glitters, milky glitters, and bright colours. I'm not picky about brands...I have everything from Wet N Wild to Deborah Lippman.   33. What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I prefer indie makeup companies. My go to is Fyrinnae, but I'm dying to try some Sugarpill and Shiro Cosmetics!   34. Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I've not tried, but I'd like to! I'm drooling over the chai blends, as well as the cream flavour and dozens of others.   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? Yes! I picked up a GameCube a month or two ago, and am slowly building my library. I'm interested in (used copies, plz. New prices are insane!): Soul Calibur II Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, The Two Towers, Return of the King Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Metroid Prime Prince of Persia (any) Mario Party (5 or higher) Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Sin (always. I hoard bottles), Dorian, and Medea.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I adore their sorbetto-it is my favourite/Holy Grail scrub. *drools* Also, their soaps are lovely. Scents: The Queen is Dead, The Englishman, Lady Linden, Mandinka, Gold Frankinsense and Myrrh. I'd also love some Bookkeeper's Butter.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? No, we have a small apartment, and my cat likes to eat plants.   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? They're shiny! I like Michaels, Ulta, SockDreams, Amazon...   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? This! Kitten rentals and deliveries, with the proceeds going to local shelters.   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Pilot pens, any colour really. I love these. Artist trading cards (watercolour) Burt's Bees Lip Chap (in the bright yellow tube)     Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Honeycomb (with the honey still in it)! I love it so much, but I can't find it locally.   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? I'm not home weekends, but that's it.   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Yes! I have a wishlist.




Switch O' Ween help!

Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. YUM! I have had some of thier teas. I like spicy or flavored blacks usually. The occasional herbal (if its not roobios). Some of my favorites are the Valentine's tea, the Chestnut tea, and their chais. (I have some of all of those.) I think I have a gingerbread one and a peppermint candy cane one too. I would like their christmas one, or anything else that sounds nice. It would be fun to try a fandom tea, just for giggles. (I do not like jasmines either, so other than jasmines and roobios, anything goes!)   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I do like video games. Mostly I play free games from Gamehouse on my computer. I like the little time management ones. I have a Wii too. I think I have all the games I want for there. (I have the lego games, mini ninjas, wii sports, wii sports resort, cabella's big game hunter, and a couple of the mario games.)   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. You're a funny monkey! My witches and swap buddies have been very generous to me, plus I tend to snatch up bottles of things I like. I have no self restraint. I think I have a few wishes on my wishlist of things I've tried and want more of. Otherwise, the rest is stuff I haven't tried, and would like testers.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I LOVE paintbox! I adore the scrubs. I'm not much of a lotion wearer. Soaps are always great! I like similar scents to what I like in oils and candles. Spicy, foody. Not a fan of florals/aquatics/clean scents. Pretty much anything patchouli is awesome.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I do! I grow things that people give me! I'm going to start working on turning the back yard into a wildflower garden. No mowing required then! So any wildflowery sort of seed would be good. Or anything else that reseeds itself for the next year.   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Sure! I like stores!   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? Ummm.....   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Ummmmmm....   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? I like farmer's markets! And the stuff that is there!   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Sure, if its big enough to fit me and my pleasantly plump calves!   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? Oh my! This looks like an update made just for me! I'm probably going to hunt down decants of all the ones I want to try. I'm a bit of a snot that way.   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Yes! I like the feed bag bags! Especially ones with chickens or cows on them!   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Yum! I'd probably say medium or mild. My husband can't take much heat, so he wouldn't be able to eat what I made with them.   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? I like sweets!   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? GIMMEE!   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I think they're high priced, but I do like thier stuff, I've tried a few bits of thier soaps, and a couple of thier bath bombs. I have a magic muscles massage bar at home right now.   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I like earrings! Necklaces, on the longer side. Choker length stuff is too short for me. maybe 18"?   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? GIMMEE!   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I can always use more yarns, even leftover bits from your projects. I turn the bits into amiguri or kitty toys, and I'm all out of bits. Skeins are nice too! I'm not picky about what material it is made out of.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? Love hair sticks. My hair is not long enough for them anymore though, and probably won't be that long ever again. Maybe if they were tiny little hair sticks, I could make two little buns on the top of my head...like a little kid with piggy tails. Actually, that would be cute, so I would like them!   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? Not that I can think of. I have access to pretty much all of those stores.   Would you rather have something fun or practical? I like things!   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? It sounds fun! I think I would like a set!   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them I like games, but we have lots that don't get as much use as they should. However, I really want a copy of Zombie Dice. Also, I like puzzles.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Not that I can think of. I do use a lot of blend for putting on meats. We like all kinds of meats. (I do not like caraway seeds though.)   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Some of the scarves are quite nice. I do need to get a plain canvas tote bag sort of thing too, if you can make one of them. I have a lot of patches/buttons that need to decorate a bag, so something very simple would be best. I plan to use it to take books back and forth to the library.   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. I don't do tarot. Pulp fiction paperbacks sound fun! Or stuff similar to the penny novels that people read about the old west guys. Not a Dr. Who fan. Old church cookbooks are always a hit! I adore used books!   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I peeked at it, but didn't read everything. (Then I won't need to order things!) I have some of the lippies from last year, I think a candy corn and pumpkin cake. So, I wouldn't need more of them. I like thier skin gloss stuff, I haven't tried any of the perfume oil. I generally like scrubs. Ha ha ha! I am not helpful!   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Yes! To all jams/jellies/butters/sauces! I like all kinds! (I do not like vinegars though, so if you made some flavored vinegars, I wouldn't care for those.)   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? yay! I am not good with lipsticks, I prefer balsm and glosses. Dark colors make me look like a clown.   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2VIHZXZ6QO1U3/ref=topnav_lists_1 bpal: http://www.bpal.org/topic/127-wishlist/page__st__1950__p__1597467#entry1597467   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? I like tshirts! Probably best to get a men's XXL to make sure it fits. I do look at teefury everyday and have been grabbing the ones I like from there. I like minions, Supernatural, Firefly, Harry Potter, bpal (Obviously), any sort of Supermario stuff, probably old cartoons, powerpuff girls, nightmare before christmas, muppets, anything fun! I do need the shirts to be dark or bright colors.   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Depends. Pumpkin flavored hershey kisses=not good. Pumpkin flavored latte from caribou=awesome!   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I'm going to skip the Beaver Moon things, but a decant of either would be nice. I've got decants on the way for the Weenies from the lab (the ones I was interested in). I haven't made my Trading Post order yet, but all the Tricksy is going to come live with me. Ha ha ha ha ha!   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? I've got some on my list. Besides the list, I would adore a copy of Bedknobs and Broomsticks. DVD or VHS would work for me!   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? I'm snooty...I don't like Starbucks coffee. (It all tastes very burnt to me.) I do like Caribou coffee a lot. Teas are good. I don't use sugar in my tea. And I like all the teas except licorice ones or roobios ones. Spicey ones are a hit, and vanillas and other flavors!   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I didn't like the caramel apple milky ways or the pumpkin spice kisses. Everything else is delicious! Particularily candies that are shaped, like the batty peppermint patty, the pumpkin peanut butter cups, the snickers halloweenies. Yum yum! Decorations, I tend to go "not gross", all of them are good. I have lots of windows now, so stuff that can go in windows is fun. Lights are always fun! Some knick knacky things are good! Costumes, I normally half-ass a costume. SOmething like wearing a headband with ears on it, or a mask. Nothing really elaborate.   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? We watch a Halloweenish movie and hand out candies to kids. I always carve at least two pumpkins. I have the little sawblades to do that. So more patterns would be fun. Or extra sturdy scoopers/scrapers for cleaning out the pumpkin. I saw some pumpkin kits that looked like lightbrites that get stuck into pumpkins, those would be fun.   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? My first pick would be socks or mittens! Keep in mind I have a size 11 in women's foot, and I need men's XL gloves (and some of them are a little tight). Scarves and hats are nice too. My head is also big! And I've never tried arm warmers (My arms are rather large too, I can measure them if you like). Ha ha! I am a broken record! (On the bright side, I'm also 5'11" so small arms, feet, head or hands would look very disturbing on me.)




"I want to complicate you/don't let me do this to myself"

Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? Yes! I got into Munchkin this summer and love it! I only have the original, so any expansion pack would be great. I'd also love to have Cards Against Humanity, as my family is amazing and filthy-minded and hilariously politically incorrect and this game would be fantastic to play with them.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Sure! I cook a lot and bake a fair amount, and so anything interesting you want to send my way would be great!   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) No thank you I recently started crocheting and so I'm good on knitted things!   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Tarot cards!!! And pretty much anything from a used bookstore   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I've always wanted to try Winchester; Batik, Empire, Gloaming, Lovehound, and Roma perfumes sound amazing. The lip lusts in Bettie and Sweet Cream also sound fantastic.   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Yes! All of your canned goods are belonging to me   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? Love lip balms (nut free please!), and adore lipsticks. I'm not a gloss fan because I have very long hair and live in a very windy area so I wind up with lip gloss in my hair and smeared across my face I have the best luck with Revlon and MAC lipstick, but will gladly try any lipstick you send my way, Witch! I love pinks and reds and am always on the lookout for a good nude!   Since wish list links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wish list links here, so they're readable? All my wish lists are linked in my signature under "Wish List". If you click on it, it'll bring you to my BPAL wish list, and then at the bottom of that post are my Amazon, Pintrest, etc lists!




Switch O Ween '13 questions!

11/11/13: Candles?: Yes! give me all the candles!   11/7/13: Would you be interested in getting a kit of sorts to learn how to do a craft or make something, with some basic starter materials and instructions? And if yes, what sorts of things would you be interested in learning? How to do origami, or glass etching, or cross-stitching, or card making, or knitting, or crocheting, or cheese-making, or mushroom growing, or whatever? I would be interested in origami, and I love cross stitching! I also would love to get a some sort of potted herb garden kit or just some herb seeds.   11/5/13: If your Witch were to create a cookbook of recipes she thought you'd like, would you be interested in that sort of thing? And if so, what sort of recipes would you be interested in? I would love dinner recipes on the healthier side.   10/29/13: Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.) I would prefer whole bean, because it helps it last longer and stay fresher since I have a little coffee grinder. I'd love some flavored coffee! Really anything would be good, but my favorite coffee flavors are cinnamon, coconut and chocolate   10/28/13: Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Wintervale and Three Treasures. Probably just perfume oil samples. The lip balms all sound amazing, it's hard to choose which one. I think the Gingerbread. 10/27/13: How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? I'd love any deep blood reds, dark blues, purples or greens. Metallic!   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I have way too much makeup, but I'd love to try samples of skincare products and foundations. Anything for sensitive skin would be great, and usually I'm the lightest color.   10/26/13:   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. Sure! anything fruity please! I'm also starting to get into green teas that have a hint of fruity flavor. (I also LOVE raspberry earl grey, which is hard for me to find, unfortunately)   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? No thanks.   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Blue Snowballs, Blue Pumpkin Floss V3, Tanuki no Orai   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I haven't, but I'd love to try anything! I think I'd be interested in Indian Summer, if they still have that scent.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? Unfortunately I go away to school in the summer, so I haven't been able to garden!   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Sure! Target or Trader Joe's would be nice!   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? I can't think of anything, sorry   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? cute notepads, cheesecloth, pizza cutter, strong magnets, placemats in a sage green color.   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? I can't really think of anything that would be okay to ship. Maybe some apple or pumpkin butter?   10/25/13: Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? nope!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? here is my wishlist. The slouch socks have been my staple for like 7 years! I usually get the dark red and plum ones, so I have enough of those. I'd love some grey ones. These are another favorite. I'd love some red and "denim" ones. 10/24/13: Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? UMM YESS THE APPLE SCENT!   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Love those knitting bags! I really like the bat one   10/24/13: Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I really love the Karma scent, so I'd love anything with that. I'd also like to try a lip balm or a lip stain if they had a plummy color.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? This might seem really lame, but I would ADORE a painting of a mountain lion, or African lion (or really any wild cat).   Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy. I don't really wear anything in my ears but small silver studs with gemstones. I love necklaces though! I like wearing small dainty pendants on 18" silver chains, and I am obsessed with gemstones, especially amethyst, labradorite, garnet, moonstone and clear quartz (but I'd love ANYTHING).   10/23/13 Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? I like mild and sometimes medium, but my husband loves hot! We'd love to try some different currys and chipotles! If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? No thank you, unless they have very small portions. Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? I'm really trying hard to eat healthy, and the truth is that I have a voracious sweet tooth. I would rather have just a few treats, for sanity's sake.   10/21/13 TRADER JOE'S: I have one near my parent's house, but don't get to it often enough. My favorite thing in the world are their coconut chips!   hairsticks I used to use them, especially Ketylos, but since my hair has gotten so thin they just fall out. I do however love wooden hair forks, like this one https://www.etsy.com...=fb2_tnx_title. It holds my hair so well. I only have one, so I'd love more!   Is there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I will always take yarn in jewel tones! I also really REALLY need vintage or reproduction Victorian scraps, especially flowers and birds, for my wedding scrap book I am trying to put together. Background scrapbook paper in victorian/art nouveau type prints would be great too! (sorry I know this is a bit obscure.)   10/20/13: Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? Dungeons and Dragons (my husband is OBSESSED and he is the DM of our campaign) We are playing 4.0. I am playing a Drow Assassin that is rebelling against Lolth, and instead worshipping the Raven Queen. Thus, I need MORE RAVEN MOON because it smells exactly like I'd imagine the Raven Queen smelling. I also need some flat black or silver glass marble pieces for my shrouds. Really anything related to my character would be AMAZING.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Some quality cinnamon and vanilla bean pods would be great! I make my own vanilla extract and I am always needing more bean pods.   10/19/13: If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Those are all really cool! I have too much of that kind of thing though, unfortunately.   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. I love tarot cards, I'd love to get an old rider waite set, as I don't have one of those. Anything celtic would be good too. I'd love any books about hauntings! Anything old and ancient (I've been obsessed with finding an old Godey's Lady's book from the late 1800's since I was a kid), especially homemaking books, ladies magazines or children's books from before the 1950's.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I'd be interested in trying the perfumes Burying Tree and Incantare. I've always wanted to try a Lip Lust, but never got around to it. I'd LOVE the caramel apple one and maybe the pumpkin cake.   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? YES I'd love apple or pumpkin butter! Unsweetened applesauce would be great too!   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? If all I got was a ton of lip balm from my witch, I would be ecstatic! I am obsessed with lip balm. However I don't really like MyLipStuff balms, they are too greasy/oily! My favorites are Rosebud salve, and the strawberry version they have, or anything with a fruity/candy flavor that are on the waxy side (beeswax/petroleum jelly). The Nivea ones are great too. Not a fan of glosses though. I usually only wear lip balm and matte lipstick on the rare occasion.   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? amazon etsy   10/18/13: Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? I need more band shirts and I NEED BPTP SHIRTS! I only have Sleepy Moon 2006 (which is falling apart!) and I have this years Black Butterfly Moon. My favorite is the baby Bella tee, and I am a medium in that. I am a fangirl of things like GoT, Batman, Battlestar, Firefly, but I don't really like plastering myself in memorabilia. I WOULD however, swoon over a literature tee. Like these: http://outofprintclo...-shirts/womens/ I'd love a Little Women, Moby Dick, The Raven, Alice in Wonderland, Jane Eyre or Sense and Sensibility tee   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Love them! I'm not a huge fan of 'pumpkin spice' flavored chocolate though. I'd rather just have regular chocolate! Anything else pumpkin would be welcome! (teas, coffees, baked goods, etc ) Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I got September Midnight and snakes in the pumpkin patch, and I have some weenie decants coming. I haven't gotten anything from Beaver Moon, but I'd love to try decants or sniffies! I also really wanted to get a new BPTP hair gloss, or at least try a new one, but I ran out of money. The werebeast one, definitely. I'm waiting and waiting for my beloved Implacable Beautiful Tyrant to come back. I only have a small decant, and didn't get a big bottle in time before they went out of stock   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? I'll put them on my amazon wishlist!   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? YESS EVERYTHING! worked at starbucks for two years and I miss my weekly pound of coffee/tea tin. My favorites are Yukon and Guatemala (medium blends) I also like Gold Coast for dark blends. And I have had a long obsession with Passion tea, which I always seem to be running out of! I love the berry hibiscus refreshers but I'm more of a fan of the store made drink than the vias. I'd love to try any Teavana fruity tea blends!   10/17/13: Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I love all types of halloween decorations, but I tend to lean toward macabre and cute things.   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Not really anything yet, besides dressing up for parties, though we won't be doing that this year.   10/16/13: Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Socks please!! I knit a lot myself, so instead of scarves, hats and armwarmers, I'd love new patterns and yummy yarn to make them with!




Switch o'Ween answers

Dear Witch, I think I somehow missed transferring some of the thread questions to here, but I did answer them. I'm sure you probably don't really need to hear more from me, anyway, as I have a problem with wordiness. But let me know, and I will track the lost questions down.   Is there anything you would like from the Blooddrop Halloween update? Sure! Apples & Bones, Dracula's Daughter Crypt, Kissa yojoki, Hare, Newt, Vixen, Chai Tea, Elderflower & Spiced Pear, maybe Library, maybe Long Black Veil, Parlor Tricks, Pomegranate & Darkened Honey, and Summer's Remains all sound very nice. Also, Balck Currant & Tea Leaves, but I have no bath.   Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? I don't really do coffee, but if it's something flavored or for cooking, sure; either kind is fine.   Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Sure! Snow Wolf, Three Treasures, Rosy Cheeked, Waning Sun, and Brown Sugar & Pear lip balm? I like Christmas Tree smells.   If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer? I would probably be tempted to wear them, which would involve stabbing them through my unpierced lobes. That would not be good, and then it would be sad. I would probably end up modding them into hair ornaments, though. So it would work out!   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? I like nailpolish. Zoya and Sinful Colors are my go-to brands, I guess. I'd like another OPI 'Let's Do Lunch', or colors in that vein. It was subtle and made my skin look healthy, which is awesome.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I like mineral loose pigment shadows, and Korean BB creams, and lip stain... I like makeup. I try to go with more natural things, but am easily lured into buying awesome, highly pigmented stuff. Some favorite brands are Skinfood, Fyrinnae, Tarte lip thingies, Josie Maran stain markers... I've recently tried out some Meow Cosmetics shadows (the LE Rainforest ones from the summer, because this Forum is full of evil[ly awesome] enablers), and would be interested in more of those. I also love makeup brushes, Eco Tools and the black one from ELF are great. I like makeup, and would probably love to try most things I haven't yet-- cruelty-free and more natural are the best. I'm on a quest for a good concealer. I spent Birchbox points to get one from Juice Beauty, so we shall see. You can see the veins next to my eyes. I'm scary looking. Plus side, don't actually need a Halloween costume, because I already resemble the undead.   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I like teas, and would love things like Falling Leaves or Autumn Garden Spice.   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? Yes; many. I have a small library. My thread answer was a lot more wordy, but it basically boils down to laziness on my part. But if you wanted to send me games, I would play them, and enjoy it.   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. I really am happy with the ones I have, but who says 'no' to BPAL? As far as currently available GCs, maybe I would like Chuparosa, Strangler Fig, and Baobhan Sith? Oo, or voodoo Lily-- but I hoard imps of stuff so I really should be okay.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? Big in Japan is one of my favorite product scents right now. I love her scrubs. They are unbelievably fabulous.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I grow plants; whatever I can. I'm coming to the conclusion that plants like okra don't want to grow here, because it is very dry. Herbs tend to be awesome out here, and flowers... it's weird. We have an orchard. I also tend to let the nightshade grow(it's only white nightshade, I would not risk belladonna around my furbabies[which is sad,I want one of those victorian horror/ Rappaccini's Garden type greenhouses of doom, which is so not going to happen, like, ever] ditto for growing foxglove or hellebores, despite how gorgeous they are. I did let some datura grow this year, and somehow got the one plant that smelled of skank, instead of the gorgeous floral growing in the desert-- don't know what happened there. But, oh well). I love plants, and plant things are always appreciated.   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Sure! Etsy, Amazon, B&N, Botanical Interests, Baker Creek, whatever; lots of places who do gift cards are awesome.   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? This and slightly less recently, this. I don't know, it probably isn't HOLYFCUK caliber, but I laughed.   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Nailfile, (I am stealing this from whomever genius post this in thread) underpants, sturdy comb, mp3s, lotto tickets(preferably winning ones ). I don't know. What did I write in the thread?   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Yes, but much of it is not mailable. Honey, spices, salts, vinegars and jam-type things are always good.   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope. I don't really go anywhere, ever.   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Sure! Here is a wishlist, onto which I have put just about every OTK, thigh high, and tight that looked interesting, in all the color variations that I might possible want (hardcore!). On the other hand, I do have a bunch of socks, so there is no need to go out of your way to snag sockdreams, unless it was part of your mighty plan.   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? I might like testers of a few, but most have patchouli, so I'm kind of iffy on them. Czarda Macabre looks like the most likely to work of all, I guess. I love the inspiration, though.   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Oh my goodness, so cute hats! Also, love the name. I have officially put one of those bunny totes on my to buy list for my best friend. For me, I don't see anything specific that jumps out, but I'm sure that I would love something if I received it.   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? Aww, I had not even thought about the Holidays LEs. So, aside from my usual standbys of Sandstone, Aqua Mirabilis, and all the moisturizing massagy bars, I might love to try: Buche de Noel, Noriko soap(darn that SLS, though), Celebrate body lotion, Sikkim Girls body lotion, Santa Baby lip balm, Sandy Santa bar, and might even risk the SLS to try Sugar Plum Fairy scrub or Mr. Punch soap. Also, I have no bath, but Pumkin is adorable.   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I don't have pierced ears. If you really want to get me earrings, every once in a blue moon, I will wear a pair of vintage/antique dangly screwback earrings-- the dangly kind that are kind of delicate(to offset my kind of manly jaw). Necklaces are awesome, any length, as are pendants.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I would love any art you were inclined to create for me. I especially like nature and fantasy things. You can check out my Deviantart on the Switch o'Ween people list, if you need inspiration.   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? I'm okay with semi-spicy foods all the time. I think maybe I am missing the gist of the question. I prefer curry spice to chipotle-type spice(because you can taste the fruitiness of the pepper, but then, it's savory, and that just weirds my tastebuds out sometimes). When ordering spicy food at restaurants, I usually get medium. Historically, though, when getting food made by my Korean and Indian friends cooking regional, I kind of had to request if they could make it like they would if I were a tiny baby. Some peopel have a rather amazing spice tolerance that my tongue does not handle well.   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? Sure? Sweets are good. I like sweets. Can't think of anything specific right now, but, yeah.   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? So long as it isn't going to come three months later and be all furry and alive , I am totally good with homemade food stuffs.   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? Umm, I don't think so? But craft supplies are always welcome, regardless.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I like hairsticks. Sure, I would like a set.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? We have a Trader Joe's half an hour away, so I am probably set in that regard. If you've got a store that has awesome things not widely available, sure, I'd love to try them.   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either one is fine. Whatever works for you.   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? Sure?   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? I might, but I would be playing by myself... I'm always interest in things with pretty pictures or interesting information, though. Games books can be fun to read.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? One can never have too many spices, right?   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Sure! I'd love anything from anyone's store or handmade goods in general. handmade.   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Everything? Tarot cards would be awesome, and spooky books(okay, any books->book >ME< hoarder<-),CDS, Movies, if you want to send it, I will love it.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I will do this. It's five hours away now...   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Yes. If you have sweet and/or sour, fruity things, I will eat them.   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? I feel that they ensure one less area of my body feels like it has been basking in a dehydrator-- which is a very good thing. I do tend to have a bunch on hand at all times, though. But I'm not going to say 'no' to more. Petro-product free is a general preference; EOS and Body Shop are two favorites, and I would love to try all kinds of ones that are by small companies on Etsy(if they have a tint, mega bonus).   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? (these are a little bit disorganized, but are still an accurate indicator of my tastes) Etsy   Amazon   BPTP   BPAL   Pinterest (I am not very good at this, and it's a little vague and chaotic)   10/18/13: Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? Sure! I would most likely wear a ladies' large, but I would have no issue modifying any size that you wanted to send.   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? I think I like it, but I think it does not like me. Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks, and actual pumpkin pieces, like, as a tempura item seem to be totally safe. That Pumpkin Spice Brulee Oolong from Teavana that TwilightEyes mentioned sounds pretty fabulous, also.   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I did not get anything from either-- though I would still really like to pick up a couple of Weenies. I will let you know if I do. Also, please don't feel you need to get BPAL. BPAL is awesome, it's true, but it is also expensive. And, if you are going to buy BPAL, it would probably make me much happier if you bought some for yourself and loved it.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? There are a bunch on my Amazon wishlist. Speaking seasonally, Waxwork, the Raven(John Cusack;haven't ever seen it yet), and Rockula would probably top the list.   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? A lifetime supply of pumpkin Spice Lattes-- but then I would be impossible to live with. There is no solution. Even decaffeinated, there is a lot of sugar in them, and you *don't* want to see my impression of a human pingpong ball. I speak Valley Girl and I speak it quickly, LOL. I love tea, and I remember there being some nice ones from Teavana, but I have no idea what. If you want to send some teas, your judgement if far better than mine.   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I like creepy, creepy-cute, elegant, spooooooky, glittery/sparkly, dark, orange and black, glow in the dark, bats and cats, and spiders and owls and naked trees... Oh! General leafy fall stuff is fabulous, too(Sorry, Halloween is very close and my mind is starting to go one-track spooky goodness). I *don't* really like gore, stuff that is marketed as 'Halloween' but is really just some kind of commercialism and/or marketing, and mean things.   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Decorate, dress up, hand out candy, watch a scary movie, light a candle at sunset and blow it out after midnight. Also, a tradition that I do is freak out and get super paranoid of my cats for the whole fall(moreso than usual, and I am already a pretty big nutball where my furfamily is concerned). This is not a tradition I appreciate having to observe. But, yeah... Woo, candy and cute kids trick-or-treating!   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? If you want to send any, I will love them.




switchoween 14

I hope all is well witch! I'll keep Q answers here for your convenience. I'll add the newer to the top.let me know or have the ringleaders let me know if I missed one, you'd like me to elaborate, or need an answer quickly.Fair warning ... My grammer is atrocious, I use a lot of chat speak & love ellipses.     ____________________________________________________   thank you for the ecard! I'm excitedly waiting and stalking the package & mailman in between final projects. I broke in the new house's shower with the paintbox stuff you sent me. My dad and brother loved the scent of Nekisse, but they didn't want to try "girly" products *giggle*. I just finished the last of the bluberries. I've been showing off my knee socks. I hope you are well ;-)     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for the birthday wishes! I sent my new addy to the switch witch account so they can give you my new addy. Best wishes witch. I'm at the new house making use of all the wonderful gifts you've given me. ___________________________________________________________________________   the dried blueberries are gone, used in oatmeal and as a snack for class. now I think I'll do toast with pickled blueberries and some greek yogurt. The nights are getting colder (days are still pretty hot), so the socks are keeping me warm. I can't wait to wear them under my boots & with skirts & mary Janes. ____________________________________________________   I spent mah GC! http://www.sockdreams.com/products/sock-it-to-me-curvy-stripes:9825 rainbow strip knee high http://www.sockdreams.com/products/diamond-rib-knee-highs:4171 red diamond rib knee highs http://www.sockdreams.com/products/sitm-pirate-skull-knee-high:10071 pirate skull knee highs http://www.sockdreams.com/products/lace-anklet-with-ruffle:46 black lace anklet with ruffle   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wow!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I still haven't used my GC yet (i'm eyeing some rainbow knee highs, black & red stripe over the knee, red cable knit knee highs & debating between red fishnets or skull over the knee socks). You annihilated my paintbox wants. I was hoping I'd get enabled with blueberry jam, but doubting it could be done. This is all above and beyond my wildest dreams. I am a very happy witchee *eating dried blueberries, petting my box of soapbox plunder, watching Sleepy Hollow on the DVR, and getting ready to plow back into my textbook when it's done* i hope life is treating you very well.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for the card witch ;-) for some odd reason it just showed up in my iphone mail. No pressure for contact. I'm fine with a ninja, if that's you. I know you're out there lurking. *squee* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   121. Lush just released holiday stuffs. Any interest? yog nog soap, hot toddy shower gel, buche de noel cleanser, so white shower gel, snow fairy shower gel, snowcake soap 122. Any chocolate loving witches want something from this place? sure,   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119. Is there anything from my shop that you might like, past or present? Skelly Bones journal 120. What are 6 GC scents & 6 others that you would be interested in as imps? check mah wishlist Bliss, Jailbait, hellcat, eat me, whip, miskatonic university lovers in a rice field, MB Bloody Mary, thorous, thoos, gluttony, halloween: LV, _______________________________________________________________ 113. Do you like incense? Or are you more of a fan of essential oil aromatherapy/fragrance oils a la Yankee Candle/B&BW? Or all of the above? What scents do you prefer for those kinds of things? Nag champa? Lemongrass EO for the house? PUMPKIN SPICE EERYTHANG. What companies do you like specifically (if any) - links? no incense, but wax tarts, candles or oil for warmers is good. sweet, fruity, or baked good 114. Trading Post Weenies are up!! What's everyone interested in? boo hg, pumpkin spice hg, choco pumpkin candle 115. My mom has crocheted a bunch of little witch hats, would this be something you are interested in? sure 116. Are you interested in anything from my mom's Etsy shop? skeleton bags & wizard hats = win 117. Are you interested in dried honey crisp apples or italian prunes? sure 118. Do you need any travel mugs, coffee mugs, tea makers, rock sugar, coffee or tea syrups, etc? sure, sbux & teavana are crack, fillable tea bags, tea makers, syrup _____________________________________________________________________   110. For those of you who like Fantasy or play Dungeons and Dragons... would you be interested in a custom painted miniature? If so, what gender, race and class? Any preferences for a theme, color scheme, preferred weapons/armor, etc? Specific character description you would want me to try to hit? something elvish, red & black ... beyond that ... no idea 111. Are there any local or national charities that are close to your heart that you know would appreciate a donation in your name? shadetree, safe nest, safe house, (domestic violence, women & children advocacy) 112. I have two partial (Backup) bottles of some scents on your wishlist, Witchee. However, the labels aren't perfect, due to a tragic imp explosion. Would you still be ok with getting them? I have a loving home for smudged labels ;-)     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   104. What are you interested in from the NYCC exclusive list? dew drop inn room spray (I ordered a decant), and both the apple hair glosses. 105. Most anticipated "Weenie blends? I'm curious about the single notes, pumpkin 1, autumn cider, all souls. I like feeding the dead & sugar skull. I wonder how the candy corn single note compares to the trick or treat scent. 106. Caffeine or no? And is this a health or preference? I love caffeine ... coffee or tea. (my go to's at Sbux are (light iced) caramel machiatto, green tea latte or pumpkin spice latte). 107. Are you interested in anything from the MAC Rocky Horror or the e.l.f. Disney Princess make up collections? MAC rocky horror! 108. I pass this shop every day, If you were my witchee would you like a custom chocolate bar? What would you choose? Plain, white or milk and with what? oooooo dark chocolate, cappucino, caramelized hazelnuts, & orange peel 109. Would you like to try chocolate covered Turkish Delight or flower flavoured things (Rose and Violet chocolates)? I've never had a turkish delight but would love to try it or flower flavored things/chocolates   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   100. Are there five things under $25 at Birchbox you would like? beauty protector & detangler, shampoo & conditioner, a pencil sharpener, tea filter bags   101. Do you want anything from the Fatherhood update at the Post? decants= captain lilith & her first mate, mornings in new orleans, pralines & powdered sugar   102. Street art! Into it? Not into it? Meh? depends on the art itself, but yea   103. If you could only pick one note that you love (e.g. Vanilla, Orange, Lavender, Rose) & you could only wear/have perfume, etc in that note, what would it be? cocoa absolute/dark chocolate   ____________________________________________________________________________________   nail stickers: sure   book: whichever form the first 5 series on my list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Which one scent would you want from each of the following updates: Metamorphosis, Lilith and GC??? (I'm going to ask this about weenies once they launch too!) M:Eastern Comma L:Very Pink Surprise Cake GC: Bliss   Speaking of NYCC......any goodies my witchee may be interested in? I don't know if the Lab will have items or not, or if they will be there......but something else perhaps?? I wouldn't even know what to ask for ... geekery & shenanigans   QUESTION! On a whim I have decided to go to the Tokyo Game Show this weekend. There will presumably be lots of silly free swag like postcards and stupid fans. Would something like that possibly interest you, witchee mine? sure   If you have a significant other (or even a close friend that will laugh at the implications), would you enjoy any of these couple rings? no couple or relevant friend How about anything from the same store's Halloween collection? http://www.spiffingjewelry.com/product_p/halloweencuff7.htm this makes me giggle http://www.spiffingjewelry.com/product_p/gotg2.htm   So - IF you imbibe at all ... preference between: wine/beer/cocktails and then glassware and/or bar-ware? cocktail gadgetry? Books on the subject/recipes? would you want sample bottles of local/regional/small batch craft spirits if they were home decanted and labeled? (I can't think of any craft distillery that makes minis.. at least not around here). sample bottles are awesome, not big on beer unless is ginger beer or really sweet, wine unless it's crazy sweet, hard liquor is good, especially cinnamon flavored/infused, glassware-sure higball glasses or pretty small glasses,   My question, I make sugar cubes, would my witch like some chai, lemon, rose water or other flavored sugar cubes or am I the only one who wants to put on my gloves and BPAL and go to a tea party? sure   _________________________________________________________________________________________   79. Stores are putting out their halloween PJs and undies! Would you be happy to get any in a package? And if so, what size? For PJ pants, do you like cotton or flannel? I love PJ's, boxers, & undies!!! cotton pants. men/unisex L. women's xxl or 1x ... 14-16 80. Do you like M&Ms? I love them, especially the pb kind 81. How about wax melts? I love them. 82. Would you like a subscription for Spotify? I know it's music related, but probably not 83. What scents from the Lillith update would you like to try? not buying, AVUNCULUS, VERY PINK SURPRISE CAKE 84. Would you be interested in receiving a box of sugar cube skulls? a bag, sure 85. Skin care routine? Fave cleanser? Toner? Moisturizer? What about body lotions? Any particular brand or scent? Lip balms? Yay or nay? I cleanse in the shower and use oil free moisturizer. enable me with your fave skin care products. I have oily acne prone skin. I love body lotion & lip balm vanilla/caramel/ chocolate/baked good scented/flavored. 86. Is there anything you would like from Salem MA (mugs, keychains, postcards, etc.or witchy supplies like incense, candles, books)? Any of the above would be awesome 87. Would you be interested in any of the items in LisaNut's etsy shop? the purple boa cowl and witch's hat 88. Spiders (as in cute knit kind) yes or no? that would be awesome 89. Pillows (the mostly decorative type)? sure 90. Any kind of bags - big, small, medium, purse, grocery, etc? I could use a medium, long strapped, cross body bag/purse, with at least a couple of pockets 91. Is there anything special coming up in your life? not really, i'm looking forward to halloween & my birthday both happening over the weekend --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   75. What do you most look forward to each Fall? Cooler weather, wearing sweaters & boots, the leaves turning orange, the slew of birthdays, pumpkin things 76. What gadgets do you use in your everyday life and would you like a cool case for them - with your favourite fandom or artwork or saying? gadgets? can't think of any ... but I'd find a use for an organizer case 77. Are there any beauty accessories you need or would like? For example make-up brushes, facial brushes or eyelash curlers. make up brushes. I could use a big fluffy foundation powder brush, eye shadow brushes 78. Would you be disappointed to get one big box, or would you prefer a bunch of little ones? And would you be disappointed if your witch actually had it together early and sent it to you sooner than later? however my witch wants ___________________________________________________________________________   73. What is your favorite type of Halloween candy? peanut butter cups, caramels   74. Do you need or want any cosy footwear, like fluffy slippers, or slipper socks etc? sure, fluffy slippers or slipper socks work   ___________________________________________________________________________ 61. Do you feel a particular affinity for a specific animal/s? macaws 62. Anyone have any Paintbox Soapworks loves? sorbettos & soap, chocolate & lavender, gingermilk, sweet cheeks, punkie night, nekisse, the englishman, rice pudding. for the holidays she made a gelt soap scented/shaped soap that I love ... wish I would've hoarded some 63. How would you feel if your witch or a minion of your witch showed up in person at your house with goodies? Thrilled? Annoyed? Completely creeped out? I'd prefer not ... the house is usually a mess & in chaos with my brothers 3 small children, but maybe at the nearby starbucks, the university or somewhere else. 64. Do you have a ravelry account? Tell me about your yarn obsessions. nope *fingers tangling & knotting in yarn* 65. Sock Dreams, yay or nay? sure, I have wide calfs & love tights. OOO red fishnets, rainbow fishnets, rainbow knee highs 66. Knitted items like scarves, shawls, dishclothes....yay or nay? Favorite fibers? Favorite colors? sure, black or rainbow would be awesome, shawls or dishcloths work 67. Is your Amazon WL up-to-date? I believe so 68. If you were to receive handmade caramels, would it matter if they were made with raw cream (unpasteurized)? pasteurized please 69. Would you enjoy getting a sampling of quality incense taken from various sources? Are there types of incense you know you don't like? Would you want a burner for loose incense and a few charcoals to get you started with that, or would you rather stick to simpler types? I don't do incense. I'm more the candle/wax tart type 70. I know we already had a question about needed kitchen accessories, but what about spices? sure, curry, all spice, i'm open to spice things up 71. Would you like handmade stationary or cards? How about a quill pen? handmade cards or stationary sure. quill pen, wouldn't know how to use it. 72. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being "gimme that ghost pepper!" and 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" Where is your heat tolerance? probably about a 4. I don't mind some kick, enough for a taste but not so hot it's pure fire and i can't enjoy my food.   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   47. I make hairsticks...would you like/use them? sure, though I'm more the elastic band or metal/plastic headband type 48. Does anyone here LARP? If so, what kind of LARP? And what kind of character do you play? no 49. Would you completely freak out if I sent you a chocolate covered scorpion or some other food oddity? This includes things like 'bacon powder' from thinkgeek.com. not freak out, but it probably wouldn't get used 50. This has kind of been covered, but, are you ok with receiving canned jam (from a veteran jammer!) and if so, what flavors would you like and not like? I love jam. Blueberry would be great, don't think I've seen any. I love mango, pineapple, orange, enable me with your favorite, I'm open to try things. I have fig jam in my fridge right now. 51. Let's talk nail polish. What colors do you love? Hate? Which brands are you dying to try? Have you ever used indies? Do you like glitter? Any textures to avoid (glitter, sand, etc)? I lean towards black, pinks, purples, and deep crimson red. I don't mind texture or glitter (but prefer fine glitter or shimmer/metallic so it's easier to take off) 52. How do you feel about getting a special Halloween plushie? that would be awesome, especially a vampire, skeleton, witch,, or spider 53. I'm in Japan, anything specific you might want from the land of the rising sun? pretty fabric or paper, honeydew or lychee candies, a tea set 54. Are there any GC scents that you know you love, but for whatever reason, keep putting off buying bottles of? Bliss 55. I know not everyone likes Lush products, but if you do, which Lush items would you like to get from your Witch? I've only tried soap & bath bombs. I can always use soap or shower gel. enable me with your fave products 56. Is there anywhere (in the US) that you are dying to get away to? Also when would you be able to get away. Would this even be something you were interested in? If so, go look at the Southwest sale for routes and dates and times. Probably in December before christmas I'll be going to El Paso to see my mom 57. If you are ok with receiving t-shirts, what size are you, do you prefer tissue tees, normal crew tees, babydoll etc? i'm okay with tees, unisex xl. I prefer babydoll/women's cut xxl or vneck instead of crew. I frankenstein normal tees and cut out the neck 58. THINKGEEK! Who loves it - do you have a wishlist on there?? What are some things you are jonesing for on there for under $20? Ceramic Ninja Mug, 3D Unicorn Mug, Pinkie Pie Mug, Zombie Run Card Game, Badass Zombie Killers Card Game, Pocket Ref 4th edition, Steampunk Skeleton tee   59. Zombies, yes or no? the cutesy/funny kind not scary gorey. 60. Would you like arm warmers/fingerless gloves? If so, what length? just beyond the wrist, almost to the elbow, full sleeves? fingerless gloves to the wrist or elbow would be great   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. I wonder what a potential witchee would think about being bombarded with PUMPKINS in various formats. Because my current obsession just may last long enough to be of use in spoiling.....but I know wouldn't be appreciated by everyone. Would you appreciate it?!? I don't mind pumpkins ... in edible or creative forms ... especially if they have a face ... I will pet them and call them pumpkinions ... and I may or may not speak to them in third person as we plot to take over the uni ... nevermind *giggle cackle cough*   2. I currently have a CSA and my significant other is perpetually out of town for work, so I've been doing a lot of canning and baking with my vegetables. How do people feel about canned good (pickles, salsa, etc) and vegetal baked goods (squash bread, zucchini bread). canned goods: no thank you, I'm kinda picky with my salsa and trying to lay off pickles (though they are uber salty goodness) baked goods: *grabby hands* the preciousssss 3. Trading Post wants? bliss scrub ... I wish I had a bathtub full. A decant of honey hairgloss (I put bpal in my hairgloss and wonder what the bpal version is like). 4. What direct sellers do you not like and would prefer not to get things from? And also feel free to list any retail brands you really don't like. None come to mind 5. How about y'alls coffee and tea preferences? I love tea especially herbal, green, & flavored black. I tend to brew it a quart at a time, let it cool and fridge it. Enable me with your favorite. I can do loose or bag. I have some of my faves in my blog. I love adagio's Hojicha, I want to try teavana's matcha. 6. Do you cook? Would kitchen accessories make you happy? I make things that are edible, nothing fancy. Accessories are welcome, especially good metal measuring cups. 7. How do people feel about creative endeavours? Would you like to receive one? Or supplies to make your own? What do you like? Drawings, stories, poems? Go for it. If you prefer the homemade route that's okay with me. Easiest way to make me happy is colorful sugar skull decorated things. I need more of them in my life ... many more. Poems & stories ... sure 8. What culture or country (doesn’t have to be modern) do you feel an innate connection with? What about it makes it special to you? I'm lame, nothing ... I like the concepts of diversity, acceptance & collaboration. 9. Is there any sort of art commission you would like: cartoony, pin-up, fantasy, realistic, etc? If so, what subject would you like drawn (a picture of you, a character, a loved one or pet)? Sure, I'd love a sugar skull/ day of the dead art or a pinup of me, Chrysanthemums, tulips, poinsettias, henna type designs, A lip/mouth design with fangs or something in black and red. I have some likes in etsy of stuff I'm drawn to. I'm not really crafty or creative. I used to scrapbook and paint & do mixed media (gluing stuff to wood or canvas because I can't draw). 10. What do you find yourself doing for fun in your free time? What are your main hobbies and interests? I do a lot of reading, listen to music, watch movies, play board/card/video/computer games, watch bad karaoke, play trivia @ bars, dance & drink with family. 11. Table-top gaming? If yes, what kind, edition, etc? Gaming accessories you long for? I love themed editions of games. I have a lot of lord of the ring themed games. I think I need cards against humanity. 12. DVD movies or games that you wish would magically appear in your hands? Can they be used, through Amazon? I think they're in my wishlist, used is great, daria the animated series, the holiday 13. What kind of snacks or candy from other countries/states would you like to try? chocolate, gummy,honeydew, or lychee flavored things. I have a wicked sweet tooth. 14. Do you have a favorite internet meme, character or pop culture fandom? not hardcore, but I like gambit from xmen, sephiroth from Final Fantasy, wonder woman 15. Do you have a Facebook profile (or other social media) that you are comfortable linking to aid your witch in stalking? Please note whether you are willing to add BPALers as friends. facebook.com/buxomsmiles 16. Anybody interested in something from RCCC, whether it's con-exclusive merch or from a particularexhibitor or artist? Whatever geekery & shenanigans you'd like to send my way, inlcuding the RCCC shirt 17. How important to you is regular contact / chatter with your witch? It can be nice, but I know some people are shy or just prefer to be ninja, whatever you're comfortable with 18. Do you like puzzles/riddles/treasure hunts and that sort of thing? sure 19. If you were to receive music, would you want a physical CD or digital versions? A cd 20. What’s a current problem/annoyance you have that could be remedied but you haven’t had time to address it? hmm I'll have to think on this 21. How do you feel about having some sort of trinket to carry around for good luck/wishes? i.e. a small figurine, symbol, card, coin… sure   22. Are you superstitious about anything? Any things you can't have in your house for that reason--bad associations? nothing comes to mind 23. For the vegetarians and vegans: How do you feel about things (say, marshmallows or gummy candy) made with vegan gelatin or other typically-animal-derived-but-not-in-this-instance products? animal derived is fine or vegan 24. Ok, so we've covered pumpkin. How do you feel about the other fall classic – apples? sure 25. Do you have any fabric or skin-contact aversions? wool 26. How do you feel about Christmas/Yule ornaments? love them, I've seen some awesome sugar skull shaped & painted ones, Ojos de dios if you're looking for something cheap & creative to do ... popsicle sticks & red & black yarn 27. How do you feel about Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty accessories (including mugs, cups, etc)? awesome 28. If you had a week free where you could learn anything, with no financial restrictions, what would you want to study? knitting or crocheting. I've tried to learn from books but my hand eye coordination is not up to par apparently. 29. Do you enjoy poetry? Who are your favorite poets and what type of subject matter do you like? not really, but I prefer romantic or upbeat poems. 30. Would you enjoy receiving something related to a favorite Disney character? I would love it. Stitch is my favorite. 31. How do you feel about cute things as decorations or accessories? (Example: Would you enjoy this stationery - or do you prefer elegant/creepy/neutral stuff?) bring on the cuteness & stationary 32. What is something you'd really like to recieve from your witch? Please be as specific as possible - no, "Oh whatever she thinks is fine!" books/tea/sugarskull things all would make me really smile 33. Go to your music source of choice - on random or shuffle setting if possible - & share with us the 10 most recent songs/artists. last FM link is in my blog. it's a bit out of date. 1 let me be your lover - enrique iglesias 2 me enamora - juanes 3 come get it bae - pharrell 4 Bellas Finals: Price Tag/Don't You (Forget About Me)/Give Me Everything/Just The Way You Are/Party In The U.S.A./Turn The Beat Around - pitch perfect soundtrack 5 fat bottomed girls - glee cast 6 partition - beyonce 7 gorilla - bruno mars 8 give me everything - pitbull 9 i'll make love to you - boys ii men 10 i'm your man - michael buble 34. Tarot cards, rune stones and/or other divination tools yay or nay? I'm not well versed to use them 35. Do you have a Celeb crush? or someone who you just can't get enough of....other than your SO. Jim Carrey is my favorite. robert downey jr makes me swoon too. 36. Glitter? are you okay with it, or hate it like the plague? depends on the application, I like glittery things, but it depends on the application. if it's something that won't get touched and moved a lot, pile it on 37. If there was another time period other than now that described your style/aesthetics, what would it be? I think I lean toward goth & victorian 38. If you had to pick one or two quotes to live by, what would it be and why? I like helping others and think it's important "Be Ashamed to Die Until You Have Won Some Victory for Humanity." -Horace Mann   "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them at least don't hurt them." - Dalai lama 39. Do you prefer physical books? CD books? eBooks? If eBooks do you have preferred format, kindle/nook/kobo/PDF/ePub/ect? eAudio? I prefer physical books, eaudio is also good (I listen when I'm doing stuff) 40. Smut! Yes or no? If yes, what kink, er, kind? enable me with your fave. yes, i have some wants in my book wishlist blog. JR ward is my fave author. Paranormal & cowboy are my favorite flavors. I also like masters of the shadowlands series (I'm kink friendly) 41. Ebooks! Yes or no? sure 42. If you were to get a custom bottle from House of Gloi made for you what notes would create your perfect blend? blood orange, chocolate, coffee, brown sugar 43. If your witch were to take a photograph (or paint or whatever) of something just for you, what would it be? Landscape? Flower? Critter? Something to illustrate a favorite quote? a flower, pug, the sky 44. What is your favorite Halloween animal or other symbol/decoration? cute skull/skeleton, witch hat, spider on spiderweb, coffin/vampire (i lean towards cute not scary) 45. Makeup, especially of the indie variety. Nail polish, nail wraps, eyeshadow, lipstick/gloss, etc. Y/N? Specific preferences (color, finish, product, brand, etc.)? enable me with your favorites. nailpolish (shimmer is awesome or glitter): purples, pinks, deep crimson reds, black. eyeshadow (shimmer is awesome): burgandy/wine is my fave. Eyeliner: black is my main, but I use colored instead of eyeshadow most of the time. I'm looking for a deep red lipstick. I often just use lipliner instead of lipstick or gloss. i'm a lipbalm junkie. 46. How do you feel about profanity and off-color humor? I don't mind it, but prefer it not be horribly sexist, racist, etc ... I'll probably still laugh anyway.




Switch O'Ween 2013

So here is my round up of condiments.     Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents?Three Treasures,Eggnoggin in Whipped Soap, Bubbling Scrub, Emulsifying Scrub   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested?none thanks   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? none thanks   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library?i love video games, i would love to get more Assassin's Creed games for my xbox. I have a pretty small game library for having two systems   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.Pinched with Four Aces, Crypt King,   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer?Love her!! I have some stuff listed on my help blog entry   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? not yet, but i will once we move to our new house   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?ooo... amazon,etsy   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? not at the moment   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like?no thanks   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes?not moving until december   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams?gift card would be cool   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in?not yet, i already placed an order for a few decants   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? none thanks   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? yes! I love spoonfudge   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? sure   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee?I love Lush! i have a list in my help blog   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? no earrings and a pendant would be cool.I tend to like really long chains   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? i'd love anything my witch chose to send me   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I have started working with polymer clay so any supplies for that, watch parts, anything that would work for steampunk or jewelry making   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set?sure   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? i've never been to one, so I would have no idea what to ask for.   Would you rather have something fun or practical? fun, i think.   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? sure, why not     Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? not really, but thanks   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? none thanks   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.)no thanks   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds.ooo tarot cards, I'd love any books about steampunk crafts or polymer clay crafts.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I would love stuff from Haunt, but the ship time might not fit in with this round of SW   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)?oooo, yes. I'd love to try apple butter or applesauce!   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers?I like them. I don't care for minty balms. I am open to trying any brand   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? ALl of my links are posted in my blog so you should be able to see them there.   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear?I would love a tshirt from Firefly, but I take a 6X women's shirt, so it's kind of a lost cause.   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things?bleech. no pumpkin for me, thanks.   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I wouldlove a bottle of White Sage. I haven't even looked at the Weenies, so I'll have to get back to you.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list?actually, I can't think of any   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? no thanks   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike?we love it all!! Halloween is awesome!   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? we take my daughter out for trick or treat, and afterward we get donuts and hot cocoa   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? arm warmers would be cool.




Switch Witch Q&A - Switch O'Ween Lightning Round 2013

*** Pinterest | Etsy | Amazon ***   Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? The Gingerbread and Rosy Cheeked scents sounded nice. And I also like the sound of the tinted lipbalm, but only if it comes in a stick/tube rather than a pot. I can't be dealing with slimy pink fingers.   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? I like it a lot, but my passion for collecting awesome colours of glimmery sparkly nail polish has proven incompatible with my complete unwillingness to care for my nails. They are usually too split, ripped and generally bodgy to bother applying nail polish, and thus my glorious collection remains tragically underused.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? My tastes veer to the pricy side of the spectrum unfortunately. My favourite brands are Benefit, Stila and Nars, and Dior for lipcolour. I like mineral makeup also.   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. The only one I have tried is Snow Glass Apples. It was good, I'd happily try more from them (as long as it doesn't contain whole berries / seeds - see answer to gardening question below).   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? Nope, nope and nope.   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Judith and Holofernes, Celeste, Hermia.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? YEZ! I love Tarty's stuff! I love pretty much all her soaps, and I'd love to try her goat milk creams or solid scent balms too.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? Yes! I like to grow edible things mainly. Right now I'm growing tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries and herbs - oregano, sage, rosemary, coriander (cilantro), Italian parsley and basil. Caveat: sending seeds to Australia is very, very frowned upon (we are very protective of our agricultural industry, and pathologically fear the introduction of pests/diseases/noxious plant species from overseas) and they would most likely be confiscated and destroyed.   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Sure I like 'em! Any store I've mentioned liking or that I have a wishlist for would be great.   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? This, in a carpark yesterday.     Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Oh golly gee... I'm crap at thinking of these, because if I could ever remember the list of little doodads I need to get, I'd probably have gone and got them, y'know? I could use a couple of the fine point Sharpies - not the marker kind, the fine-tip pen kind? The only other thing I can think of is that I love buttons (the holding-your-clothing-shut kind, not the "VOTE 1 JEFFREY P. FUCKNUCKLE FOR WEST FARTSTON TOWN COUNCIL" kind*). I keep big jars of them on my desk. Partly for using in craft projects and partly just for gazing lovingly at.   _______ * Though if you do actually find a button that says "VOTE 1 JEFFREY P. FUCKNUCKLE FOR WEST FARTSTON TOWN COUNCIL", I totally want it.   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? I like most things they sell at farmers markets, but no specific needs come to mind.   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Umm... I'm possibly going up to the outlaws' place (in the country, but only 3 hours away) for a couple of days next week. I'm feeling resilient, so I should survive two days in close quarters with the MIL. Maybe.   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? I love ALL THE SOCK DREAMS THINGS! I would like ballerinas or bees or dandelions and limes or wallpaper or peacocks or poker or purple or clouds or OMFG manatees!! or le chat noir or swallows or cheeky french maidy looking things or elephants or more of these awesome argyles that my former witch ellebelle gave me or rainbows or moar bees or octopi or helloooo, sailor or ruffles or beetlejuice or starbursts or stripeys or other stripeys or chevrons (in part because they actually managed to use the term chevron correctly, glory be!). Or these arm warmers. Haha! Bet you're sorry you asked.   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Yes, yes... all your spicy fudz are belong to me. Srsly, I eat so much spice that my kid must have built up a tolerance during my pregnancy, because I don't know of many other one year olds who will steal bean chili off your plate. As for hot/medium/mild, I enjoy all of the above. I like the hot stuff, but sometimes just a little zing is nice too.   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? I've never had it, but I'd be glad to try it. If I didn't like it, the man of the house almost certainly would.   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Yes in principle, but in practice the shipping times make it difficult.   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I haven't tried a lot of Lush products, but I do know I like their citrusy-scented soaps - Karma I think the one is called, can't remember the other.   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I think I covered this in my questionnaire - I'm not wearing earrings just at the moment, and I like necklaces that sit anywhere between garotte and cleavage-dangling length.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I'm not really into a lot of fantasy art - I like Brian Froud's goblins a whole lot, but those ethereal fairy paintings (Stephanie Pui Mun Law et al) are not my style. My art and design boards on Pinterest show the kind of stuff I like. I'd love anything inspired by Alice in Wonderland.   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? A thousand times yes!   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I constantly have craft projects on the go (often several at one time). There's nothing specific I need right now, exactly, but I can always use pure wool felt, DMC embroidery threads, evenweave linen fabric for stitching, glass seed beads...   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? They are lovely, but I just cut my hair and it would be too short to do anything with them right now. Of course, if my witch makes such things I'd be delighted to receive a set anyway and keep them around for when my hair's grown out again.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I keep hearing talk of this cookie butter...   Would you rather have something fun or practical? I lean more toward practicality these days - I'm very anti-clutter, so I like things to either be beautiful or have a purpose if I'm going to keep them around.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Again, if you are a US based witchy, chipotle powder would be very handy. It is not widely stocked here and I like to use it quite a bit.   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? OMG witch, if you are in the US and you sent me Cards Against Humanity, I would love you foreverandeverandever, no lies. I've wanted it for ages but it doesn't ship internationally from Amazon (I could just print the free PDF, but I want the *proper* ones, dammit).   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) This looks like nice stuff, but it's not really the season for woollens here at the moment.   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Anything unusual and interesting from a place like that is bound to be cool   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I won't look at the update - I've been sent their stuff before and it's really nice, but my discretionary budget has taken a hit since I bred, so I try not to tempt myself unnecessarily   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? I do a bit of preserving myself, but I'm always interested to try what other people make. Could be kind of heavy to ship though :/   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? Balms and glosses I have plenty of already, and I tend to have expensive tastes in lipstick   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? Have done so up the top   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? The fandoms I'm interested in include Labyrinth, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, Harry Potter, Firefly. I am also a little bit lot obsessed with anything and everything related to Alice in Wonderland. I don't need more tshirts as such, but if it was a super cool incredibly awesome extra special tshirt, well! It would be rude not to. I wear a M or L in girly/babydoll shirts depending on how well they accommodate bustiness (L is probably the safer bet).   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? I actually \haven't tried many pumpkin flavoured things. Pumpkin is really just a vegetable you have with your Sunday roast dinner here... the profusion of pumpkin EVERYTHING on Pinterest is sort of baffling for me.   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? Nope, I haven't made a lab order in months.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? At the moment I'm trying to collect Disney movies on blu ray for the little one before they go back in the 'Disney vault'. Of the currently available ones, I still need to get Cinderella, Peter Pan and Bambi. I already bought Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Tangled, The Sword in the Stone, and The Princess and the Frog. For me, I have a few things on my Amazon wishlist, and I also want to start getting the Doctor Who (post reboot / 9th Doctor onwards) episodes on DVD.   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? Ummm... I'm interested in those IngenuiTEA things I saw somebody post about in a previous round, I have no idea where they come from though.   WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? As I mentioned, it's not a big thing in Australia yet so we don't really have any traditions in our house. I did carve a pumpkin a couple of years ago, the stores are starting to stock them for Halloween as it gets more popular.   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I have tried candy corn, and I did not like it very much Most other candy I like, but I do try (not always successfully) to keep my sugar intake within reasonable limits. As for decorations and costume supplies, Halloween is not really much of a thing here (though it’s slowly getting bigger). My kid is too young to take trick or treating, and I doubt anybody we know will be having a Halloween party or anything. Boo   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Thanks to many incredibly talented former swap partners, I’m pretty well set for both scarves and hats (also, here in upsidedownland it’s actually getting warmer, not colder ). I always love socks, especially knee highs or over-the-knee (and if you can hand knit socks, I bow down to you). Arm warmers wouldn’t see much action for the next few months, but I’d happily put them aside for later.




Switch-O-Ween 2013 Questions

Newest at the top this time   Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Yule smells generally aren't my thing. Too foody and wintery *shiver*   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? Don't really wear it.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I don't really wear makeup.   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I haven't tried them, but I would be open. I'm a milk and sugar tea person, so herbal teas probably wouldn't work well   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I love video games I'm currently playing FFXIV! I don't have many games, mostly because I can't speak Japanese well enough to buy here and shipping is expensive... I like RPGs and rhythm games a lot. My favorite game of all time is Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance so far!   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Boadicea, Scherezade and No. 93 Engine.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I haven't, but I would be interested to! I don't like fruity or foody smells, but anything incesey, leathery or spicey is good to go!   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? No space.   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Sure, as long as shipping to Japan isn't ridiculous... which it usually is *sigh*   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? Half of the internet is awesome during Halloween! My sister sent me a pic of a black horse that had been painted with a horse skeleton so it would would look super creepy in the dark! So cool!   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Hmmm notepads, post-its, pens that actually work, hand sanitizer aaaand more burts bees peppermint chapstick.   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Not that could be shipped here probably...   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? The Halloween socks are cute >.< I like the haunted house crews, skeleton ones, and the bloody zombie and vampire kisses. I have a Halloween problem though   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? La Lugubre Gondola, Csardas Macabrem, Nuages Gris, Marche Funubre and Totentanz, definitely. Probably Trauery Vorspiel and wavering on Ossa Arida since I love frankincense but am not sure about the rose...   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Not really   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? I can't do spicy AT ALL! Zip! Zero! NONE! *is a chicken*   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? I'm up for anything sweet, as long as it's not TOO sweet. Plain chocolate fudge is usually a bit too sweet for me, but I haven't tried a lot of flavors.   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? A-OK!   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I have never really looked into them, so I have no idea I'm pretty open to B&B stuff. I don't take baths is the only limitation.   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? My ears aren't pierced, but I have some spring hoops I put various charms on. I lost one of my good ones, sadly. The other hurt so nothing too heavy!   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? So many... I love crafting. I'm a try everything once kind of crafter. I don't knit or crochet, though! I have weird texture issues with yarn... I've been doing resin work most recently   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I have no idea how to use them... I don't know how to do anything with my hair... I can't even braid it. I should probably figure something beyond ponytails out though since it's almost to my butt...   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? Not that I can think of right now   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either, neither, both!   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? I have one ^_~   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? I love table games. I don't get chances to play as often as I like, though. I'm good on dice, I have two fabulous sets now! Anything else I'm open to   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? I can't cook anything involving more than six ingredients... and even that's pushing it >.>   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Not that I could think of...   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Hmmm some really pretty tarot cards could be cool.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! They sell out so fast O.o Winchester looked really nice...   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Probably can't be send internationally   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? I generally only use chapstick, my favorite for that is Burt's Bee's Peppermint. I don't like anything that feels waxy.   Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? Kaboodle Wishlist Think Geek WishlistEtsy Wishlist   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? Lots of things! Hitchhiker's Guide, FFVII, a random assortment of animes, Nyanpire and hilarious science jokes. "I find this Humerus"   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? I'm relatively indifferent. There are some I like, some I hate. Pumpkin pudding is the bestest   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? Definitely Haunted Houses, The Hell-Gate of Ireland and September Midnight! I'm going back and forth on Samhainophobia. I have an older year's version that I like but it's got a lot of risky scents in it for me.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? The last show I watched was the Fearless Vampire Hunters. If that exists on DVD maybe that I also wish they had a DVD of the German Tanz der Vampire because it was possibly the most hilarious play I've ever seen.   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? I don't drink a lot of tea, or any coffee. I'm mostly a hot chocolate girl.   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I don't like cutesy things unless they are like horrifyingly cute... does that make sense?   What traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Decorations! Scaring people! Dressing up and going to Halloween parties! Japan isn't really into Halloween so the foreigners tend to have their own pockets of revelry   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? I'm probably good on scarves and hates, socks and gloves might be nice though. I will note, I'm allergic to wool. I don't seem to have problems with other animal products, so I assume it's the lanolin.




Switch Witch Fall 2013 Help #2

Here I will collect the answers to in-thread questions for the Fall 2013 Switch Witch round (until I decide this is too long and make a third entry about it).   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? No hats please. Otherwise, sure. Though honestly, due to the mild weather where I live, I so rarely wear scarves that I think I'm already pretty well served in that department.   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike?
candy: maybe if it's chocolate? some more info about candy preferences is included in my questionnaire as far as I know.
decorations: I like halloween decorations that depict cats or candy corn, and also like purple or black glittery stuff (I've seen glittery foam skulls or spiders, for example).
costume supplies: can't really think of anything, haven't dressed up for for Halloween in quite awhile. I used to wear cat ears all year round, but I think I personally am about 10 years too old for that now (I'm 32), not that I have problems with others older than me wanting to dress up or anything.
  WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Don't really have any. My husband and I would like to stay in and have trick-or-treaters, but we didn't really get any in the town where we lived for the last 4 years. Since we moved over the summer, hopefully our new neighborhood will be different... many of our neighbors have elaborate decorations, so hopefully that is a good sign.   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? Not sure about fandom tees in general. Here are tees I like on etsy that are under $20, can edit with others if I find others: DJ John Leo constellation tee As for t-shirt sizes, womens would be L or XL, juniors would be XL or XXL, and mens would be M or L   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Mostly indifferent, I guess.   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? I did not purchase anything from those updates.   As for recent questions, I'm not really into owning DVDs/movies (if there are any exceptions they would be on my amazon wish list, but I'm not sure whether any are even listed there), and will need to give the Starbucks/Teavana question some more thought, so will update that one later. *EDIT* about Starbucks/Teavana: maybe the green tea concentrate? And I can't really find anything at Teavana, it all seems a bit too expensive given the spending limit for this swap.   Oh, and I don't have a Pinterest... I guess I'm "an old."   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. As another has mentioned already, I'm pretty sure you are talking about Half Price Books, a place that my husband and I frequent. I may sound like a broken record here, but this would probably be another good time to look to my Amazon wishlist. I would be fine with receiving anything on it in used form. As for the specific examples listed, I guess I wouldn't mind a Dr. Who pen, though I'm not much of a fan of modern Dr. Who due to the scary monsters.   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! Not sure if this is what you're talking about, but I guess I'll assume so. The Candy Corn lip balm sounds nice. Out of the scents listed, Gloomy Sunday sounds best, but I don't really use non-BPAL perfumes even if I own them, and am not sure that I like the idea of Sugar Polish or Skin Glossing Oil. Maybe if there was something more like a lotion?   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? That would be very cool. My husband loves apple butter but I just like it okay. Neither of us like applesauce. So maybe the jams/jellies?   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? I do not own or wear lipstick. I do wear lipgloss and lip balms... I like the tube/stick form better than the stuff that's in a jar or pot. I used to really like the "chai rose" lip balm from Badger brand, but I am not sure whether that stuff is still around.   Actually, this isn't much of a question, more of a request: Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? I mentioned this in my last post here... these can be accessed via my signature. My BPAL wishlist is linked there, and there is also a link to my blog on the forum... the first "Fall 2013 Switch Witch" entry has the other links in it (the second has my answers to these questions so far).   Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? I own/play Mastermind and Trivial Pursuit, and would play Perquackey if I had it (looks like it's pretty inexpensive online right now, too). My husband and I used to have a couple of expansion-pack type things for Trivial Pursuit, one was about music, and the other was this one. If you find those hanging around at a thrift store or something I wouldn't mind having them again. In general I hate playing games so would not really be interested in other games of any kind.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? I personally can't think of any that I need right now, but will definitely update this in my blog if I do. *UPDATE* If you find some good chile/chili powder or have a favorite one, I wouldn't mind receiving some.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I think they are nice in theory... I may sort of have enough hair for them, but don't think I would actually use hair sticks if I had them, considering that I already have a nice collection of barrettes that I no longer wear.   Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I need a plate-hanger to hang up a really big plate, but I guess that's not really a "craft" since I didn't make the plate. Nothing else comes to mind.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? Hmm... someone has already mentioned Cookie Butter... I went to a Trader Joe's 2 days ago but that substance was sadly nowhere to be found. I'd definitely still like to try it if it is available. I will try to think of whether I am desiring other items from faraway stores and will update if I think of something. Oh! Ikea often has napkins (the larger square ones, not the smaller rectangular ones) with cute prints, and I live pretty far away from Ikea now....   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? No thanks!   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Either or both.   Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Semi-spicy is fine, and for chili powder/salsa type stuff I usually go with Medium. I know this wasn't actually part of the question, but I do like chocolate with chile... of course, that's pretty standard in Texas.     If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge or any other such "ordered online" sweet? Hmm... not sure. Spoonfudge does not seem all that intriguing to me. As for other brands, I had ordered some caramels from Fusion Sweets for my husband for Christmas and really liked them, but I just looked at their website and their etsy, and they seem to have drastically pared down their selection, so there really doesn't seem to be anything interesting there right now.   Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? A-O-K as long as they fit in with preferences previously stated.   Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy. earrings: any and all would be fine. necklaces: I would rather have necklaces than just pendants. I do not usually wear necklaces of super-short choker length due to comfort issues. I believe I put necklace measurements in my original questionnaire.     Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? Christmas Eve bubble bar Shoot for the Stars bath bomb Lord of Misrule bath bomb Demon in the Dark soap (I think that shower gels are kind of priced out of this round unless one gets the tiny size, but if you really want to know, look at my answers for past swaps in earlier blog entries....)   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? not really into this, sorry.   Miskatonic update? Interested in decants of Marche Funebre and Totentanz. Probably buying a bottle of La Lugubre for myself, so don't get me that.   Dear Witchee: Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Not so much. It's possible that I may stay overnight somewhere once or something, but not really probable and I doubt that'd seriously affect shipping.   New Question:Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Yes, definitely... but I haven't looked at that site in awhile so probably need to figure out exactly what. I think there are some guidelines in past blog entries for other swaps... there's also the gift certificate option as someone has already mentioned. I'll try to look at SockDreams today or tomorrow and post with specifics, hopefully I will get around to it. *EDIT* here are some I like/want: these in the colors that are neutral or blue need another pair of these in ivory, though the caviar and graphite colors look nice as well wouldn't mind another pair of these in either available color these look very nice hmm... these in mocha these look really pretty in navy Hope that helps!     -Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I've never had them but would definitely be open to trying them. I think I said some stuff about tea type preferences in my original questionnaire?   -Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? Never have and likely never will, sorry!   -Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. I have a wishlist section of this, but I guess narrowing down from that I'd choose Banshee Beat, Shortbread Snowflakes, and either Eat me or No. 93 Engine.   -Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I've had some of the sample-size glycerin-type soaps and liked some of them. But I maybe go through one of those a year since I use that size only for handwashing and they last a long time. I'm really more interested in the hot process/coconut-free soaps (not because they're coconut-free though, I love coconut... I just like this kind of soap better than glycerin soap)... out of what's in stock now, The Natural, Second Breakfast, The Olive Tree, Nekisse, Mandinka, and Whiskers sound nice.   -Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? not a fan. gave up on growing things after the second time my house burned down.   -Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? I guess the ones I've already mentioned? The only other ones I can think of are Lush and maybe ThinkGeek.   --Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? nothing specific comes to mind.   --Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?
maybe some cookbook page flags?
or a new flashdrive?
or glitter food?
I've also been interested in Zoya's Renew
And I'd still love some address labels to put on outgoing mail, even if you just typed them on your computer and printed them out onto a sheet of labels.
  -Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Hmm... I've already mentioned jams and jellies, can't really think of much else that would be ship-able. Maybe chocolate stuff or baked goods if you think they'd survive the journey. *EDIT* Honey would be nice too.   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? I think I talked some about nail polish in my original questionnaire. I constantly have my nails painted... if they aren't painted I will pick at them in public which is obviously no good. Prettymuch any color but pink would work... I just think I already have enough pink. I think I originally said I really wanted Rainbow Honey's Mare of the Moon polish in a larger size since I just had the mini, but when I checked the site last week the whole Equestria collection was gone. So use your own judgement if you want to get me nail polish, I guess! I do like glitter and I don't like matte or textured (sand, etc.) nail polishes.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I do own makeup (well, powder, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, anyway... I don't own lipstick or blush), but I basically only wear it to job interviews (which hopefully I won't be going to for awhile) or a couple of times a year for special occasions, so I don't really need more.   Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Will update later in blog because I'm too tired to go through the list right now. *EDIT* Three Treasures soap Eggnoggin Pumpkin butter Plotters Breakfast soap   If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer? I'm finding this a bit hard to picture so would probably need to see an example, sorry.   Is there anything you would like from the Blooddrop Halloween update? Will also update this one later in my blog. *EDIT* no Hallween items are "jumping out at me," haha, but I wouldn't mind trying the lip balm in Candied Violet or Green Tea & Honey, or the Flutter in Lavender Honey.   New question: Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.) Either whole or ground would be fine. I'm a big fan of coconut coffee and also like cinnamon coffee. Otherwise probably not much on flavors.   New question: How do you feel about robots? They are fine but somehow kind of remind me of the "emo" trend from the early 00s.   What are you guys doing for Halloween? Going to hope for trick-or-treaters and also hopefully make/eat ramen burgers.   I feel much the same as mermaidsdream.   Dear Witch: Are there any GC scents that you love, but for whatever reason, you keep putting off buying bottles of? I think I mentioned some in answer to a previous question, but I'd like to add Satyr and Kumari Kandam to those. Hmm... and I sold my bottle of The White Rider awhile back when I really needed money, so wouldn't mind having that again either.   If your Witch were to create a cookbook of recipes she thought you'd like, would you be interested in that sort of thing? And if so, what sort of recipes would you be interested in? a. sure! b. whatever's fine, I guess, but I don't really mess with yeast (the live stuff, I mean, I'm cool with nutritional yeast) so wouldn't get much use out of recipes that use it. Well, and I don't eat much red meat other than the occasional crockpot roast... just not my thing. Hope that helps.   Also witch do you like use candles? Yes, definitely. I'm not much for the votive or tealight size though, I don't really use those if I receive them, so something a little bigger than that would be better. If you are wondering about scented candles, I like most types of scents other than ones that are like generic holiday spice or extremely berry-scented.   Would you be interested in getting a kit of sorts to learn how to do a craft or make something, with some basic starter materials and instructions? And if yes, what sorts of things would you be interested in learning? Nope, I wish I had the energy for something like that, but I just don't.




Switch O'Ween 2013 Help!

Amazon wishlist - http://amzn.com/w/SQH5WXN77PBP   Steam wishlist - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996815045/wishlist   Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/ladywench/   -Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? I'm pretty good with tshirts right now.   -Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I love candy corn!! I love 'witch kitsch' decorations (though any type of halloween decorations are awesome, lol). I'm okay for costume supplies, though I could use a really decent witch hat and hat pin to go with it.   -What traditions to you partake in for Halloween? None at the moment. When I was a kid though, my mom and sister and I were ALWAYS witches for Halloween, and I want to start doing that again, and do that with my daughter once she's old enough, too!   -Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Not in Florida, lol! I always love fun socks though, and arm warmers!   -Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? I do, especially baked goods.   -Name some DVDs you wouldn't mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? They are in my amazon list, which is at the top of my SW help in my signature   -Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? We haven't been able to play games in a while, but we love them! We play all kinds - Muchkin, Catan, 7 Wonders are our favorites.   -Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Not that I can think of, but if you see anything fun I wouldn't be opposed!   -If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) Nothing is screaming to me.   -Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. I love classic sci-fi/fantasy authors - Ray Bradbury is my absolute favorite - so old sci-fi/fantasy stuff would be fun.   -Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! Didn't see anything I needed.   -I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? I think I'm okay there   -How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? They're okay. I have a habit of chewing lipstick right off, and I don't like gloss too much. I only ever use Lip Medex balm. For lipstick I wouldn't mind trying Lip Tar, in a nice cool red (blue toned, not orange toned) or dark pink (nothing too bright or light pink, I prefer more of a magenta for pinks)   -Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable? My wishlists are all at the top of the SW help in my sig, as well as my Pinterest for ideas of stuff I like!   -If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge or any other such "ordered online" sweet? Sure, why not!   -Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Yes!!   -Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Spicy is okay, probably mild or medium.   -Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy. Earrings - Surgical Steel only please! I could always use more standard barbell earrings, 18g. I have 11 holes in my ears, lol For necklaces, I like choker length for necklaces, though anything is okay, just not super long - anything super long tends to get lost in my cleavage   -Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.   -Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I love video games! I have a steam wishlist, which is linked in my blog, in my sig   -Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. P013. That's really it at the moment, lol.   -Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I've tried a few things, and I don't really need anything from her right now   -Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? Someday I'd love to garden, and I have the space, but I'm not really sure what I want to do there yet.   -Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Yay! Joann's is always good, as is LUSH, Target, and Amazon.   -Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? This Labyrinth print!   -Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? Corkboard for above my computer New undies Rubbermaid type containers in various sizes Scissors A sturdy notebook for writing inspiration and ideas   -Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? Not that I can think of   -Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I don't really like tea.   -Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope! I'm at home with a newborn, so no away time here.   -Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? I REALLY want to try the Snow Fairy shower gel. I also want to try the Randy Buttercream soap, Brazened Honey mask, and the Mint Julips lip scrub.   -If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I'd love anything video game related. I wouldn't want anything flowery, or super abstract.   -Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Eggnoggin - scrub and perfume oil, Fancy Bread perfume oil, and especially the lip balms - Gingerbread, Peppermint Sugar Cookie, Lemon Custard, and Hot Toddy.   -How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? Love, but I have TONS.   -What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? Also love, but again, tons! I always like getting good pigmented colored eyeliners, especially pencils right now. I have a few colored eyeliner pencils, but they're not nearly colorful and dark enough for my liking. I want the colors to POP!   -How do you feel about robots? Robots are fun   -If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer? Probably not, I typically just wear standard barbell earrings right now. Plus with a newborn I'm trying to stay away from dangly things she can rip out of holes in my head   -Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.) I don't like coffee!   -Do you want to be an early accepter or would you prefer your reveal later in the swap, say maybe closer to the deadline? Whatever my Witch wants Part of the fun for me is all the communication and such during the round (so a ninja witch this time is taking a bit getting used to, lol!), but I'm good with whatever my Witch would like to do




Start of the Fall 2013 Switch O'Ween!

Hello Witch Dear! I'm so excited to meet you, you have no idea!   I'll be keeping all the questions from the main thread here so that I can be as verbose as I want without feeling like I'm boring people If there's anything extra that you want to know, please feel free to email me!   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? I love The Hobbit and Doctor Who most of all, and I would love shirts of either! I wear an XL or a XXL   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Mostly indifferent. Most pumpkin-flavored things tend to be very heavy on the spice or too sweet, so I skip these and get all the chocolate instead .   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? Nope! The Lunacies very rarely work on me, and neither of these sounded good enough to me to drop the cash on them. And the single note also didn't call to me, so I'm good.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? The new edition of Little Mermaid (Disney)! I'm collecting all the re-releases of the Disney classics. I'd also love to have a copy of your favorite movie, Witch Dear!   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? No thanks! I'm not a tea or coffee person, but I do have an insane love of hot chocolate and apple cider!   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I love candy corn, Kit Kats, Milky Ways, and vanilla tootsie rolls. I love fun, slightly spooky, kitschy decorations. I don't dress up, so costume supplies would be wasted on me. As for dislikes: no candy with nuts or peanut butter, and also no scary or gory decorations.   What traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Pumpkin carving! This year I'm going to try to carve at least three pumpkins. We used to hand out candy, but there aren't a lot of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, so we stopped doing that a few years ago. And we also kit the house out in some pretty awesome decorations   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Yes to all but the arm warmers! I love all colors, but I do ask that anything you send me be soft and not scratchy please




Fall Switch Witch 2013 Q&A

Collection of answers to Qs in the Switch Witch Halloween 2013 thread and stuff.   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers?
All of the above! Pulling out the scarves and arm warmers is one of my favourite parts of cooler weather.
Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike?
I'm always down for candy! I used to say "except candy corn, because that stuff is nasty," but I have recently seemed to change my mind about it. Tasty stuff, candy corn. Re: decorations, I've decorated my little lawn (townhouse, so it's basically some grass, sidewalk, my two trees, and my porch and windows!) a lot already, but I can never say no to Halloween related stuff. As for costume supplies, I'm not really dressing up this year (work and school), alas.
WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Yeah that can help me plot a box of goodness...or Doom
Depends on the year and my schedule! I do decorate (cobwebby stuff on the trees, decals in the windows, pumpkins on the porch, skeleton-y things on the bushes, bat-themed lights along the walkway), and sometimes I go to a costume party or two. I usually go to my Aunt's to pass out candy (there's little T&T in my neighbourhood because of stupid rules re: the hours one can do it), which is always fun.
Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear?
Anything horror-y, anything related to any TV show I like (SOA, Walking Dead, etc) or any band I like (I s'pose you could find that out by my LastFM thingie), certainly. Size-wise, XL is usually a safe bet (thanks, huge boobs!).
Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things?
I'll just let this emoticon sum up my feelings on pumpkin: . So, yes, I love pumpkin flavoured and scented things, both by itself and in Pumpkin Cheesecake, Spice, Eggnog, Latte, etc form.
Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything?
Not yet, but I have my eye on Ooky for a possible future purchase.
Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list?
I'm really not really much of a DVD-keeper. If there's something I want to see, I usually rent it at a local video store or from my library's network.
Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...?
I can always use tea accessories like rock sugar, tins, mugs, etc, and I'm always looking to try to kinds of tea.
Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds.
All of the above! Okay, maybe not the haunted cemeteries of Seattle... though haunted cemeteries/places of Michigan would be awesome! I love used books (except obviously moudly and/or smoke-damaged ones; those like to try to kill me).
I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)?
Love me some jams and jellies. And butters. And applesauce. Anything but grape.
How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers?
Huge fan of balms and glosses, but not so much lipsticks. Given the season, I'm big into pumpkiny, cinnamony, and minty flavours/scents. Texture-wise, I prefer balms to lip butters; the latter always feel too greasy for me. No particular favourite sellers, and I'm always open to new ones!
Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them?
Alas, not so much. I've always been interested in them, but I never have the time to devote to learning/playing.
Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices?
I don't believe so! I keep everything pretty well-stocked and fresh (ew stale spices), and I don't think I'm running low/out of/in need of anything in particular.
Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start?
I'm always working on something or other. At the moment I'm researching and acquiring stuff to dabble in making lotion, sugar scrub, lip balm and possibly whipped soap/foaming lotion (just for my own use and maybe for family, etc), but I have pretty much everything I need already on order or in transit. The only thing I haven't ordered yet is fragrance oils, because I haven't had the time to sort through reviews to see who sells crap and who sells good stuff.
Would you rather have something fun or practical?
If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge or any other such "ordered online" sweet?
I would be totally cool with any sort of food any sort of way. At all.
Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK?
Most assuredly yes.
Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild?
Totally depends on the spice. In general, though, anything hotter than, say, RedHot (which I adore) is too hot for me. I like tangy-hot, not "tastes like burning" hot.
If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive?
I've said this before, but I'm pretty art-stupid, so... I have no idea. I'd dig anything with bright colours, really.
Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee?
Oy, I haven't ordered anything from LUSH in years, so I wouldn't know where to start. Nothing against 'em, mind, I've just been happily occupied with smaller-scale shops/sites/sellers. That said (and I did forget to mention this in my Q), anything but shampoo/conditioner (I usually have unnaturally-coloured hair [silver-blue at the moment], so I have to stick with "special" [and awful-smelling] stuff) would be cool!
Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes?
Nope! None planned, anyway!
Would you like anything from Sock Dreams?
Oof, it's all so lovely. Anything stripey or colourful re: socks or gloves/arm warmers would be cool.
Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.
I love Adagio! I've tried about half of their teas, and aside from a bad batch of Gunpowder, it's all been fantastic. My favourites so far have been Birthday Cake (a blend), Honeybush Vanilla, Rooibos Earl Grey, and Earl Grey Bravo.
Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library?
I do play, but mostly only adventure- and horror (mostly psychological, some survival), and even then, I'm pretty picky. Besides, I don't have much time to play anymore.
Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of
Hungry Ghost Moon (either year), Snow White (any year), Snake Charmer.
Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer?
I have not, but it looks lovely. Their emulsified scrubs and body butters look especially intriguing, and Big in Japan and Halcyon sound like they'd smell fantastic (though, so do a lot of others!)
Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow?
Not where I live, but I keep a garden at my Aunt's (who lives less than a mile away) in return for splitting the results (which, since it's a pretty big garden, is not a problem! ). I usually grow beans, cabbage (when the rabbits let me!), green peppers, tomatoes, squash (varies by year), sweet banana peppers, green onions, yellow onions, leeks, lettuce (variety varies by year), and a lot of herbs.
Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?
Usually yay! The only GCs I ever say "nay" to are for places I'd never, ever be in, like the Babys R Us one I got recently (subtle hint, maybe?),
Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?
Honestly, if I could remember them, I'd have most likely picked them up.
Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like?
Depends on the market! I went a little crazy at the last FM of the season in my city and bought so much fresh corn and gorgeous tomatoes I might drown in them.
How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested?
LOVE. IT. I can only wear it on weekends (stupid hospital rules) but slapping on some pretty varnish Friday nights has become like a ritual with me. I don't have a favourite brand, really; anything bright (I've been trying and failing to find a really bright neon yellow-green [kind of somewhere near #B0FF05] lately) or sparkly is always a safe bet.
What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving?
Love, and I tend to love it all! I'm only really (really) picky about foundation (being that I'm so pale I'm nearly translucent, and it's hard to find a foundation that doesn't make me look like I've just bathed in spray tanner). I'm fairly simple as makeup goes: concealer, foundation, black eyeliner, coloured eyeshadow, mascara, lip stain/gloss and done. Re: eyeshadow, I've been a fan of mid- to dark-ish greens and smokey grays lately. Re: lip glosses/stains, I've been gravitating toward plums and berry shades.
How do you feel about robots?
Robots are awesome.
If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer?
Certainly! I love both, but I collect dragon-related things, so between the two, dragon!
Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.)
Either's fine! I do love flavoured coffee, though I'm not a fan of bitter flavours (super dark chocolate, etc). Caramel, nuts, and non-dark-as-hades chocolate are awesome, though.


