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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Lupercalia scents

As much as I can remember, Lupercalia is my least favorite of the yearly 'big updates' from Black Phoenix. Every year, I get excited about trying some new scents, but overall, they've had the lowest success rate for me. I like a couple of the Shunga scents from '08, like Ebisu Making Love, and Men Ringing Bells (actually bought a whole bottle of that one, even though I don't wear it much). They both remind me of some kind of fabulous, expensive hair care products. And I really like Chintimani-Dhupa, which I think was a Lupercalia scent.   Today I got some of my decants from this year's update, and so far I've briefly tested Miller Vs. California, Lovers In A Rice Field, and Lovers With Rutting Cats. I think the Rice Field is the best out of those, but again, it smells like some kind of fancy shampoo or conditioner. Not so much foody as drinky to me, it starts out rather like shampoo or soap. Then it drifts into plum tea, then later into plum wine. This scent, in the early stages especially, is extremely reminiscent of one of the 4 Fat Cats wax tarts, but I can't remember which one. Basmati Rice, or maybe White Plum Chutney. This is nice because it reminds me of when I lived in northern Kentucky, three years ago, which although not the greatest time of my life, does have some pleasant memories.   Lovers With Rutting Cats is probably my least favorite of the three. It reminds me of Love's Philosophy, but not as sweet or sugary. Or maybe Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener, without the sassafras. Basically I get a lot of vanilla that comes off a little plasticky, and as a whole, the scent just feels a little flat or one-dimensional to me. I might be spoiled because so many other bpal scents seem 'deep' to me, and this one just falls flat on my skin, unfortunately. Of course, this is from a first impression, and those sometimes change.   Miller Vs. California is an interesting one. This scent actually smells more complex than the notes suggest. I first smelled a lot of sweetness, fruit, berries, and cream. The leather seems to be a supporting note only, nothing like the leather in Quincey Morris, or other leathery blends. As this one dries, it changes a lot. The papery note and the leather both come out stronger, and it also seems to get spicier, which I attribute to either the leather, fig, or possibly both (or maybe something else entirely!). At the beginning, this reminds me a lot of the newer Milk Moon, which I hated, but this is better....the cream isn't so sour or cloying. It's creamy, but the sweetness of the berries and fig balance it out a little more. I think the leather is actually helping to ground the scent a lot, even though I couldn't really smell it at first. Later, after drying, this scent smells entirely different.....it does remind me of some other GC scent, but I can't think of which one. Nephelim? Or the one I can never spell, Tzadikim Nasturtium or something. Anyway, I swear there is another scent that smells something like this, but I can't place which one it is. I like the early sweet and creamy stage more than the later, dry, papery/spicy stage of this one.   So far I can't say that I'm likely to get much wear out of these, but I also have yet to try my other decants. I have Flowering Chrysanthemums and Phallus Head still to try, as well as decants from another circle still on the way. I'm really looking forward to Dia and Glukuprikos (sp?).




Duets in Horror decants

I was extremely lucky to get some decants of:   Erik & Christine Silas & Ruthyn Jekyll & Hyde   Erik has leaked a little so I know what *he* smells like, but will be testing the others shortly.   Sadly, a lot of my BPAL is in boxes as yet unpacked - because I'm back at my folks' place and they are renovating, so they've asked me to only unpack bare minimum, sob sob!





Since my forum wishlist isn't working...   Gradually my wishlist has become smaller and smaller but here it is!:   LEs: Sugar Slathered Candy Apples bottle please!! Even low level partial/empty welcome Spooky decants for my bottle (05) or full bottle please!! Snow White (all years) Gelt Humbug bottle and decants welcome! Tarot: The Star All Souls 06 decants for my bottle Earth Ox decants for my bottle Purple Phoenix decants for my bottle Gingerbread Poppet 05 and 07 decants for my bottles   GCs: Nanshe Croquet Baneberry Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Tweedledee Kyoto   BPTP: Tomoe Gozen perfume Hua Mulan perfume   My favourite notes (in no particular order) are: Vanilla (sweet rather than smoky) Mint Sugar Cream Lemon Grapefruit Ginger Tea Cocoa/chocolate Apple Sweet Coconut (absolute favourite!!) Melon Coffee light florals...   Notes that absolutely don't work: aquatics tobacco most coffee scents rose berries





So Far: Come To Me #1 Favorite, AMAZING!!! The Illustrated Woman Snake Oil All Night Long - I LOVE THIS!!! Inez Morocco Namaste (incense only) Titania Midnight Belle Epoque Dragon's Tears 51 Manhattan Viola Black Phoenix Snake Charmer




Note Preferences

Likes:   Trying to categorize right now...so far, spicy warm things and clean florals. Carnation, lavender. Always willing to try most items.   BPALs I love:   Silk Road, Sudha Segara, White Phoenix, La Primavera, Dorian, Lilith Victoria, Hexennacht 08, Gingerbread Poppet 07, Scherezade, Robotic Scarab, Ether, White Rabbit, Tamamo-no-Mae   Dislikes:   Almond, cherry, coconut, mint, lemon, eucalyptus, rum or other boozy notes. Orange creamsicles. Heavy patchouli.   BPALs that have not worked:   Mme. Moriarty, O, Snake Charmer, Snake Oil, Elegba, Eclipse, Queen of Sheba, Chrysanthemum Moon, Hay Moon, Siren, Venice, Ichabod Crane, Katrina van Tassel, Lyonesse, Mead Moon, Carnavale Diabolique, Xanthe, Marianne, Aeronwen, Clemence, Strawberry Moon, Pink Moon 05, Pink Phoenix




Wish List!

In no particular order...   Would like to try imps of:   LE:   Hod A Blade of Grass L'Autumno Pink Moon 2007 Gennivre C. Auguste Dupin Worm Moon Glowing Vulva Hanami Harikata The Spell of Amorous Love (imps to fill my bottle!) Dolce Stil Nuovo Aries 2007 November Hungry Ghost Moon Lune Noir Crumpet Rebellion Grainne ni Mhaille Blossoms in Springtime Miles   GC:   Aeval Chimera Dana O'Shee Plunder Tushnamatay The Bow and Crown of Conquest Brisingamen Desdemona Hermia Glasgow Kyoto Morocco Aziraphale Lady Una Mama-Ji Nanny Ashtoreth Mr. Ibis Succor Quietude Baku Veil Black Opal Rapunzel Prunella Belle Vinu The Little Sparrow Nostrum Remedium Somnus   GC - SALON   And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt Bat-Woman The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child The Cup of Death Cupid Complaining to Venus The Ecstasy of St. Theresa Garden Path with Chickens Itaso Kansei Nenkan Joro Fuzoku La Mort Qui Danse Melancholia Bat Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree   GC - TRAVELING SALON   Autumn Haloes Judith and Holofernes Parsifal Wezwanie/Hold     Would like bottles of:   LE:   Labores Solis Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones Season of the Inundation The Festival of Anuket Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District Marcilla (partial) White Rose (BPTP) The Dole of the King's Daughter (partial okay too)   GC:   Egle   Already have, but might be tempted by:   White Phoenix Tamamo-no-Mae La Primavera   Non-BPAL:   Villainess Perfumes in: Masala Byzantium Crushed Pyromania   Villainess soaps   Socks!





In the bottle: Sweetness, a touch of something clean and herbal.   On wet: Still clean, sweet, and herbal. Definitely picking up on the tobacco flower (which used to be my favourite home fragrance from The Body Shop some years back). Very nice so far!   Drydown: Lightly perfumey. The bright, citrussy bergamot (which I love), the smooth, sweet, candy-like angelica, and the tobacco flower are dominating this blend. Underneath, I can detect a smidge of woody sage - possibly a teeny shot of the frankincense. No ginger yet, or anything that's yelling "fig" or "olive blossom" - though I'm sure the latter two are mixed up with all that sweet, floral goodness. The benzoin is also, thankfully, absent at the moment (it doesn't like me, sadly).   Overall: A very pleasant floral-herbal scent. It's heady but light, complex but not over the top, sweet and fresh with just a little herbal darkness to ground everything perfectly. Wearable and lovely. 3/5





This list is in progress:   Sophia Phobos HI'iaka Miskatonic University Venice Moscow Follow Me Boy Vixen Imp Eden Wings of Azrael Twilight Haunted Xiuhtecuhtli Brisingamen Nero Eros O Tiger Lily Jezirat al Tennyn Black Dahlia (I'm throwing it in the bathtub though...yummy bath!!!)





Bottles I am Looking For Chimera v5 Cupcake Spatter Pattern Analysis Le Pere Fouettard (Ava Luxe) The Beach   Stuff I'd Give a Kidney For Glowing Vulva   Stuff I Want to Try ! The Oval Portrait ! GC Caliban Zephyr País de la Canela Cobra Lily Mad Hatter Grand Guignol The Deep Ones House of Night Nocnitsa El Dorado Ogygia Kuang Shi Event Horizon The Unicorn Hellfire Manila   Carnival Diabolique Hand of Glory Faith Hope   The Salon Death of the Grave Digger Sunrise With Sea-Monsters Lucretia Philosopher in Meditation Judith Victorious   Neil Gaiman Pepper Agnes Nutter The Buggre Alle This Bible Nanny Ashtoreth Wensleydale Bilquis Mr. Ibis   Oh crap, how did I miss these? (LEs)





The more the merrier! (Scents I tried and love!)   Bakeneko Black Lace Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Tamamo-no-Mae The Perilous Parlor Snake Charmer Resurrected Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms   I want to try these!   LE: Selkie Blood Moon Hellhound on My Trail Snow-Flakes Queen of Clubs Midnight Mass Monster Bait: Underpants Skadi Chaos Theory II : CXXXVIII (The Butterfly Effect) Fire Pig Opuhi   Carnaval Diabolique: Australian Copperhead Asp Viper Green Tree Viper Western Diamondback Wulric, The Wolfman Thalassa, The Galapagos Mermaid Pickled Imp Inez Cytherea   Bewitching Brews: Bewitched Black Forest Lightning Phantasm Undertow Voodoo The Hersperides Kubla Khan Water of Notre Dame Black Opal Ozymandias Wilde Cathode Velvet Anne Bonny La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Dee Shattered Eclipse Zephyr   Mad Tea Party: White Rabbit Two, Five & Seven The Unicorn The Lion The Dormouse Queen Alice Mouse's Long & Sad Tale   Wanderlust: Danube Tombstone Kumari Kandam Lyonesse Amsterdam 51 R'Lyeh Shanghai Baghdad Delphi Florence Glasgow The Hanging Gardens Havana Kyoto Machu Picchu New Orleans Prague Bengal Morocco   Ars Moriendi: Embalming Fluid Dance of Death   Sin & Salvation: Dorian The Bow & Crown of Conquest Sea of Glass   Ars Amatoria: Golden Priapus Snake Oil The Lady of Shalott La Petite Mort Psyche Severin Rapture Satyr Desire Perversion   Diabolus: Blood Countess Dracul Fenris Wolf Hell's Belle Szepasszony Villain Medea   Excolo: Xiuhtecuhtli Kali Aglaea Queen Mab Hecate Eros Peitho Bastet Aizen-Myoo   Illyria: Ophelia Lady MacBeth Titania Tamora   Ars Draconis: Dragon's Milk   Rappaccini's Garden: Belladonna Shadow Witch Orchid Death Cap   A Picnic in Arkham: Y'ha-nthlei Arkham   Pharmacopoeia: Sassafras   Somnium: Somnus   Steamworks: Antikythera Mechanism   Marchen Belle Vinu   Good Omens: Crowley Famine Aziraphale   American Gods: Mr. Ibis Mama Ji   Stardust: Yvaine Fairy Market   The Graveyard Book: The Lady on the Grey The Convocation Miss Lupescu   The Salon: And There was a Great Cry in Egypt Lucretia Bat-Woman Two Monsters Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa   Panacea: TKO Moxie Seduction   But don't be fooled by this, I'm always willing to try scents that are not on the list! Thanks for looking!




bottle wants, update

Three Gorgons (I no longer think I want a whole bottle of this.....Satan And Death is a better citrus-y scent) Dia Flowering Chrysanthemums Lovers In A Ricefield Glukuprikos Silence Carnaval Diabolique Satan And Death With Sin Intervening Obatala





The Lab sez:   Volcanic ash and Easter Island palm   Bottle: Wright's Hickory Seasoning, also known as liquid smoke. It made me homesick. My mom smells like this when she's been barbecuing.   Wet: Campfire. Angry, burny, smoking campfire.   Dry: This is where it gets interesting. I'm not exactly sure what palm smells like, but after the smoke burns itself out...this gets really sweet on my skin. Not a foody sweet, like Beaver Moon, but not a flowery sweet either. It's very clean and appealing at that point.   If this were to be reissued, I'd hope that they could make the smoke tones shorter.   Rating: 3/5




Wulric The Wolfman

Friendly, charming, and cuddly, but possessing one hell of a mean streak: cocoa absolute, French vanilla, birch tar, lavender, bourbon vetiver, wild musk, clary sage, and citrus.   I bought this on eBay for the Manly Guinea Pig (MGP) as a Happy Expensive Dinner and Two-Days-From-Dead-Flowers Day present. It's been in my keeping for a couple of weeks now and I did have to try it.   This is a rather sexually dimorphic scent between the two of us, not necessarily because of the smell itself, but because of what we can smell in it.   Bottle: CHOCOLATE!!!!!   On me: - Wet: Hershey Kiss. I could literally eat myself to death like Pizza the Hut. - Dry: The chocolate smell gives way to something weird. I'm not spicy...or flowery...or boozy....or vanilla-y. Something very dry and less warm than the chocolate odor, then it meets a smokey death.   On MGP: - Wet: The same incredibly edible smell. This is what that Axe commercial with the dark chocolate guy wishes it smelled like. - Dry: Still chocolate.     This is where I feel obligated to point out that these are my interpretations of the smell. He could not smell anything remotely like chocolate on himself, irrespective of the oil being wet or dry. The MGP swears that it smells like Snake Oil and only after three hours wear did he get chocolate notes.   Rating:   Me: 4/5   MGP: Not something I'd wear daily, but something I'd wear on a date when I want your undivided attention. It's still good. 4/5




Christmas Trip to North Pole

Sign coming into North Pole     Santa Claus Lane (Main St.) with candy cane street lights     Traffic circle with Christmas trees (it was snowing again, of course)     And now that I've spent over an hour playing with uploading, editing & resizing photos...




ever increasing ginormous swap list

bpal 5ml darkness ( at top of label ) l'inverno ( at top of label) beltane 2008 ( at top of label)   violette market 10ml whip 5ml ghost town     arcana skipping vespers     possets naples yellow doped pumpkin halloween highway 666     woobie necropolis asphodel     cobalt blends ritual     nocturne alchemy bastet's chocolate covered raspberry temple of horus     blooddrop merci 18




Deleted list

Interested in an Imp or decant:

No current list. Give me time. This list used to be very long.

Allergies: Olive, cinnamon, sage, incense
Skin amps these notes too much: Orris/iris, most incense, anything with Snake Oil




Scent Evaluations

This blog serves the purpose to keep my memory in check about what I've discovered about scents. I doubt it will hold much interest for outside readers, since anyone can just check the website to get thoughts on scents. If you happen to be interested in my opinion however, read on. Favorite to Least Favorite:     51 Luminescent, glowing, and otherworldly: green mandarin, neroli, honeydew, white amber, guava, freesia, white and green musks hovering over desert scrub, smashed wood, and the dry, biting scent of night air over the Groom Lake salt flats. Marvelous. Love this one too!   Absinthe   All Night Long As if the name didn't spell it out for you. This blend relieves all sexual inhibitions by simultaneously relaxing and arousing. Starts out as redhots, after about 20 minutes is changes to a wonderful warm cedar. I love love love this! I can't stop smelling it. This may have to be ordered as a 5ml.   Belle Epoque Sweet opium, Lily of the Valley, vanilla, mandarin and red sandalwood. A spicy floral vanilla. Delicious incense. I love this one. I'm getting the sandalwood as it starts to absorb and warm on my skin. Also the Lily of the Valley, which does amazing things on me. I will continue my review.   Black Dahlia Voluptuous magnolias strewn over orchid, star jasmine, black amber and smoky rose. Too dark for me. Bitter florals, sorta sour, too heavy. I think it's the amber that does it to me, I really can't do it.   A very floral soap scent...I'm throwing it in the bath! Black Opal A play of geological darkness and jagged brilliance. Soft and luminescent with flashes of black fire.   Barely there...vanilla, dirt, something a little unsettling, almost a plastic smell.   Black Phoenix Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won't stop kissing mirrors for a month.   Delicious vanilla spice. Warm and a little sharp. A great incense, but delicious on as well. Woody smell too, cedar. I love this scent, which is strange because the first time I tried it fresh from a new bottle I didn't particularly like it. Now to me it is like "Snake Oil" meets "All Night Long".   Brisingamen The amber necklace of Freyja, Norse Goddess of Love, Sex, Attraction and Fruitfulness. Her magnificent necklace was bough from four Dwarves [Alfrik, Berling, Dvalin and Grer] at the price of four nights of her passion. When Brisingamen graces your throat, no man can resist your charms. A glittering mantle of rich golden notes: five ambers, soft myrtle and apple blossom, myrtle, and carnation.   Smoky cinnamon at first... I'll have to test this again, the amber may have screwed me again!   Come To Me A phenomenally powerful attractant. Sexual and commanding in the extreme. Fantastic - Really Works. I get so much attention wearing this stuff. I don't even think it smells that amazing myself, but the boys LOVE it.   Dragons Tears Bittersweet yet powerful: salty aquatic notes and bursting with dragon's blood.   Starts out intensely floral with an overwhelming saltiness. Morphs into a nice spring floral, reminds me of lilacs. I don't think I'll be buying a bottle, but I will keep testing out the imp.   Eden   Disappears on me very fast. Sorta fruity and floral but for some reason I am unable to really distinguish the hints in this one. Ends up smelling like dried fruit on me. Nice enough but not a must-have.   Eros   Follow Me Boy A houdoun recipe dating back almost 150 years. This blend is favored by prostitutes, exotic dancers and others in the sex industry for its power to attract, seduce, and enthrall. Ensures financial gain and increased profits. Delicious.   Hanerot Halalu Yule '08   Hanging Gardens This perfume is an interpretation of the Hanging Gardens by night, based on further accounts of its fruit and flora: date palm, ebony, fir, pomegranate, plum, two pears, quince, fig, and grapevine with plumeria, three gardenias and dry rose. Need to test out more, seemed rather generic on me. Haunted A mournful, poignant scent, thick with foreboding. Soft golden amber darkened with a touch of murky black musk.   Getting some lime...maybe with barely some milky vanilla cream: keylime pie...Very subtle. Weird! More citrus than sweet cream. Getting the musk. sorta yummy, will try again soon.     Hi'Iaka mai'a, hibiscus, white ginger, akala, na'u, Hawaiian moon flower, yellow ilima, pink lokelani, jewel orchid, and fringed orchid. In Bottle: Banana Candy and Orchid   First Dab: Still smells like banana candy, warming into flowering leis. Very tart and sweet and tropical. I'm not sure what some of those ingredients smell like, such as the moon flower that it contains, but very floral. It also has the pungent resin base of most perfumes, a little astringent. ...Definitely a Spring and Early Summer scent... or just a Hawaiian scent, would go well will all warm and tropical climates, especially in the Morning. Getting sorta a Channel #5 after scent. 1.5 Hour Later: The Lokelani, a type of rose, is definitely coming out now and is giving the scent a very soapy smell on my skin. Rose comes out very strong on me and very soapy. I would wear it on a tropical island, that's about it.   Illustrated Woman Skin musk, smoky vanilla, pine pitch, patchouli, Indian resins, golden honey, and tobacco.   I love love love this, I need more time to test this in order to write a good review...   Inez Golden amber, vanilla musk, myrrh, cedar, carnation, and red sandalwood.   At first this was My All Time Absolute Favorite!!! But now that I've tried it again several months later it ain't so great...did it turn in the bottle? sad! Was: Vanilla, Woody, subtle patchouli ... Now: chocolate, a nice enough smell but not on my skin, I'm not a candy bar. I'm gonna wait and give it another go around soon, maybe it's just my mood, or the day...   Imp Devilishly playful: white peach, amber, golden musk and patchouli.   This really does put me in mind of an imp. I essentially like the scent, but it is not something I would wear around. Not sure what it reminds me of, not something I particularly want to keep smelling all day. No Amber for me. Jezirat al Tennyn The Dragon’s Isle: smoke and fire, earth and wind. The rage of the elements blasting over a primordial paradise. Wow! Very Smoky and Fire. Earthy...dirt. Meets its description nicely. Sharp and awakening. For some reason it reminds me wet aspens in the forest. Its overly masculine for me, but a guy would appreciate it...then again I might try it again for a whole day just to see how it does over a long period of time.   King Cobra   Lune Noire '08 LE   To be fair I tested it a long time ago and put it in the NO pile, but I think that's only because I didn't actually want to smell like it, but it has a yummy scent. Lune Noire on me is slightly soapy and powdery and floral like cherry blossom, with almost apple cider quality.   I am still deciding whether its "wear" quality or just a pretty scent. I have just enough to do a few more tests. After 2nd test and 2hrs: too sharply soapy/powdery for me! damn!   Midnight   Miskatonic University The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.   After awhile turns into a irish coffee-wood scent. Quite Delicious! It's a great pick-me-up in the morning, and that's when I'll be wearing it to go with my coffee, forget about having a pastry! By the end I'm not smelling so much of the wood, it's as if I spilled vanilla coffee on myself... in a good way!   Mme. Moriarity Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum.   At first I enjoyed a tobacco scent, but it soon faded. Not a huge fan, too incensey for me. It's growing on me, very summery. I will save it for summer.   Morgause   Has too much resin in it for me. The other parts are too heavy for me as well.   Morocco   Moscow A rich, bold blend of imperial rose, carnation, lush jasmine, lily of the valley, dark musk, amber, bergamot and gilded tangerine.   A bit to rich and intense for me - heavy, run of the mill on me.   Moscow interesting lime undertones at first. Resin also, ends up smelling like old lady perfume on me. heavy, makes my nose twitch.   MotM   Namaste   Classic Incense...pretty generic scent - will use for that.   Nero   O The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla. Seems to be everyones favorite... but I have to keep testing it to see if I like it. Starts out like cherry candy on me. Fades into that vanilla and honey and still has a cherry candy smell on me. Later - turns into honeysuckle almost. Yep lots of honey in the end. Still deciding.   Ode On Melancholy   Phobos Chilling white musk, lemon verbena, white grapefruit and lemongrass. Lemon Pledge. I wore it for 25 minutes and it I just reeked like house cleaner. It was bitter and astringent in the bottle and on my skin. I had to wash it off and cover my wrists in snake oil! Maybe I should apply less and find another scent to blend it with.   Queen   Slobbering Pine Dewy, wet, whiplike and sticky.   Starts as a masculine pine cologne on me, too masculine for me... but then morphed into a sickly sweet floral mixed with pine - not a great mix in my mind. I gave it to a guy friend to try out, maybe he'll have better luck though I doubt he'll switch it for his burberry.   Snake Charmer   Snake Oil By far, our most popular scent! Magnetic, mysterious, and exceedingly sexual in nature. A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla. First Impression:   Instant Vanilla and spicy liquor scent with dry spices. Sweet and almost has a sauna dry wood scent. I love this scent, it's very comforting and warms the blood. I feel very sexy, confident and relaxed with this scent constantly keeping me company all day.   Sophia: My Namesake The Gnostic goddess of Wisdom. A solemn, deeply profound draught of lavender, soft musks, star jasmine, black rose, delphinium, and gentle spice.   In Bottle: I was surprised that the scent wave of ingredients gave off an impression of licorice, wintergreen, musk’s and spice inside the bottle. First Dab: Sweet and tart to start like candy hearts. Then deepens into a heavy rose/white musk - luxuriant. There is some lavender blended with the rose. Not getting too much of the spice. Child Sweet and Evolving into a Mature Feminine 1.5 hour later: Powder Rose and Musk: Baby Powder   Same Later ON... Just like Baby Powder on my skin. Not for me unfortunately!   Tintagel   Titania A nocturnal bounty of fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon.   Fruity, bubbly, delicious! Bright and sociable, flirty.   Thalia Plumeria, pear and white champagne.   Yummy Melons! Then pear and plumeria...wow, this is so delicious. I wish it would keep more of its initial brightness instead of fading so soft, but it's still wonderful!!!   Tiger Lilly   Twilight An enigmatic, otherworldly scent, brimming with power and mystery. Lavender and jasmine, with a touch of glowing honeysuckle.   Starts out like sunscreen on my. Very sharp to start. Softens into: Yuck...too soapy floral for me.   Venice lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf.   All I'm getting is Rose, Violet and Jasmine. On me it smells like an elderly ladies perfume, very strong and sour floral. Ick! It starts to warm up on me, the sour floral fades into soft generic elderly florals, like a potpourri sachet that goes in the linens drawer. Second Try: LEMONS!!!!!! Then Rose. Tea. More of an English scent than Venice... Limey Not so icky to me this time. Probably not my thing.   Viola Gentle tea rose, lilac, Calla Lily, and Somalian Rose layered over golden Peruvian amber, Spanish moss, red sandalwood, rosewood, and myrrh, with the lightest touch of Mandarin.   Amazing, smells just like spring/early summer when I pass my neighbors blooming garden. It is sweetly fruity too. LOVE IT!   Vixen Lascivious, flirtatious, and vampy as hell. A true heartbreaker’s perfume. The innocence of orange blossom tainted by the beguiling scents of ginger and patchouli. Wrecked havoc with my chemistry... either that or I just really don't like whatever is in there! After all the hype I am so sad, not my thing at all. I hope I can give her another home with someone who will truly enjoy her! After second try...That ginger and patchouli are a dangerous mix I think as far as my nose goes. Then it goes a bit vanilla-y on me...is it the orange mixing in? I don't know...it keeps confusing me. Wanda Along with Loviatar, she has become something of a 21st century Patron Goddess of all Dominatrixes. While Loviatar is the Goddess of Pain, Wanda govens Control. She is the breathtakingly beautiful sable-wrapped marble queen of Sacher-Masoch’s fantasies. Her scent is a deep red merlot with a faint hint of leather, sexual musk and body heat over crushed roses, violets and myrtle.   Tangy sweet and fruity at first. Softens quickly.   Wings of Azrael   Xiuhtecuhtli  




What I Got & What I Want

My very first imps:   Belle Epoque Midnight Queen Sophia (my name) Hi'Iaka Black Phoenix Wanda Venice Snake Oil All Night Long Come to Me Follow Me Boy   Bonus Samples: Phobos Brisingamen Miskatonic University Dragon's Tears   From Friends: The Illustrated Woman Morgause Tintagel Lune Noire '08 LE 51 Viola Inez Slobbering Pine Black Opal Twilight Ode To Melancholy Mme. Moriarity Imp MotM Morocco Titania The Hanging Gardens Absinthe Vixen Snake Charmer King Cobra Hanerot Halalu Yule '08 Wings of Azrael Namaste O Thalia Kubla Khan Xiuhtecuhtli Undertow Himerus Eden Manhattan Nero Tiger Lilly Dorian     I have been trying them all out, so far my favorite's are: The Illustrated Woman, All Night Long, Viola, Snake Oil and Come To Me, but I will a put up detailed descriptions when I get chance to really test them.       Wish List:   Endymion Red Devil La Belle au Bois Darmant Oberon Hunger Midnight Kiss Ars Amatoria   ANY BEWITCHING BREWS: THE CONJURE BAG all my favorites come from here.





Oh for gods' sake. Why doesn't he just admit he wants to be with her instead of me. It's blindingly obvious he enjoys her company more than mine.


