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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Pretty in Pink

Does anyone remember the bratpack movie "Pretty in Pink?" With Molly Ringwald, that guy who's now in the TV show with Charlie Sheen whose name I forget, and James Spader before he got rather bloated-looking. I know some of you get off on James Spader, and I think he's a good casting choice to play the son of William Shatner, because the both look like bloated ticks to me, in that alcoholic liver-damaged way. Oh yeah, and Andrew McCarthy was in "Pretty in Pink," but he appeared to be semi-comatose in that movie and was most unconvincing as Molly's trob-boy. Oh, and Harry Dean Stanton...what a completely surreal casting choice, Harry Dean as good ol pa. His presence alone gave that movie a seamy underside that remained unspoken. Does anyone remember Harry Dean in "Repo Man?" One of my all-time favorite movie lines... something to the effect of: "Just look at 'em...ordinary people...I fucking hate 'em..." And Harry Dean in "Paris, Texas?" Weird-ass movie. I need to watch it again. Has anyone ever read essays by Cintra Wilson? The woman is an insanely brilliant writer and is utterly savage. I adore her. Most of her commentary is on entertainment industry abominations, although recently she's been branching out into political commentary. I just happen to have her book "A Massive Swelling" sitting on my desk and I must quote from an essay where she mentions Harry Dean Stanton: "...I was taken to a small blues bar to see derelict actor Harry Dean Stanton sing in the New Year. When we entered the bar, Harry, already suffering "spins," was using the microphone stand as a means to remain standing. "Harry needs another cocktail!" someone from the stage would yell every few minutes, as Harry unintelligibly moaned like he was passing kidney stones to "Wooly Bully" in cryptic and fluctuating time signatures which the musicians tried to follow, with the maddening futility of someone trying to grasp a dollar bill twisting away in a strong breeze. At one point Harry lurched off the stage mid-song and began shuffling around the bar, fumbling cardboard hats onto the heads of fearful young women, his dirty thumbs slipping into their eyes. "Harry's going to hand out hats now, heh heh," chortled the bandleader, treating the alcohol-poisoned actor as if he were a charming Down syndrome child. Any man in that bar with a loving heart would have beaten Harry out cold with a pool cue and dragged him off to sleep in someone's car."   Now how brilliant is that? Cintra is a goddess and without a doubt my heroine. Get her books, and she's a guest contributor to the online site salon.com.   But the reason I mention Pretty in Pink is that I'm wearing pink lingerie today. A pink bra with pink lace over the top and another side-tie mesh bikini, only this one is pink with large burgundy polka dots. And I'm wearing my combo of O and Tunisian Patchouli. My male friend who is one of my workplace noses declared it to be dangerous.   I do believe that it is.




Scent planning, imp overwhelmed, old favs

I usually go to sleep at night with at least a minute or two of thought about what scent i will wear the next day. Sometimes i make a solid decision, and sometimes i waver between a few and decide to see what happens in the morning. In the morning i get up and hover over my imp box, trying to make a decision. Sometimes it's obvious and easy, and sometimes i have to be very careful. If, for instance, i've been thinking about shadow but when i look in my box i find my eye grabbed by lampades, i have to make sure i pick the right one. I love both but if i go with what i've been craving (shadow) i may find myself throughout the day thinking in the back of my head about how i crave the sweet tartness of lampades. Then shadow is kind of ruined for me for the day, no matter how much i love it! And the opposite is true - if i go with what suddenly grabbed my eye in the morning i may find that what i really wanted was the one i'd been thinking about in the first place.   It's all so silly and many people would think i need counseling for having this much thought about something like perfume oils! But i'm sure some people out there in bpal land can identify. And when i say silly, i don't necessarily mean unimportant. These things are important to me right now, even if they aren't earth-shattering or life-changing. It's just something that enriches the other more important things in my life.   I'm still in the stage where i have scads of imps and i've tried almost all of them, but i'm utterly overwhelmed by them all and feel a constant battle between the grasping obsession of must...get...more...now...must...have and must...reduce...quantities...now. When i have that many (i have something like 80 imps) i know i can't do them all justice, and i look in my box and i'm so excited by them all but also have a feeling of dread, like "ack, i need to test those, and i need to retry those and see how i feel about them, and ACK i haven't even had a chance to LOOK at masquerade or shadow or snow white for three weeks and i love them but i have so many others i need to work on." You get the idea. I know it probably seems silly to many, but it's just overwhelming! I want them all at once!   Since i'm trying to move to ordering only on lunacy updates and since i didn't want peony moon, i gave myself the month between that moon and the next to not worry about testing very many if any oils. I'm just going to give the ones i love some time and attention, and basically revisit the ones i've been neglecting while hoarding and trying new ones all the time. It's been very good! I still try a few new ones now and then but mostly i'm enjoying the favs...geek, masquerade, cathode, EO musk, snow white, intrigue...and the list goes on. Once i've satisfied this mode for a while, i'll finish testing the new ones and i'll feel caught up, and i'll have at least separated all the swaps/sales from my keepers, and then i can think about trying some of the new ones out there. Yay!

this machine

this machine


I'm sorry for all of the suffering you knew

Integrating third-party software is such a pain in the ass, especially when you want to pimp it out to be all purty and the developers go and encrypt the core code. I think I may talk to them about getting an unencrypted set of code and use the "but I'll give you the integration-with-IBP 2.1-info!!" as a bribe.   Looking at my various schedules, I think I'm going to need to talk with Di to see if we should set the feedback to be manually entered at first and worry about automation later -- we'll be giving someone the task of babysitting the feedback, and they can monitor the new user queue. It looks like I've got about 15 hours/wk of homework/projects/labs coming up next month in addition to prepping for my national exam on the 22nd (15hrs/wk of prep), NOLA on the 14th-16th, tomorrow's exam prep, and finals...   (I don't really plan on sleeping more than 6 hrs/night again until after 5/11.)   My current list of what needs to be done to the swap feedback script to make it what we want: Set up categories (#, A-Z) & a "user" vendor. ~15 minutes
Integrate admin login w/ IPB. 20 min.
Layout front page ("list of categories"). ~10 minutes
Layout remaining views (27 pages). ~1 hour.
Add a default skin. ~1 hours of my time plus whatever it takes Di to find/create the page wrapper, CSS, and images.
Figure out why test case can't have reviews added. 2-3 hours.
Integrate reviewer login w/ IPB. 1-2 hours.
Integrate "item creation" to sync with new user registration & import current users. 2 hours.
Add profile info where currently just the name is. May just sync up Avatars on a weekly basis. Unknown, minor detail. Can happen after it's up.
What else do I have forum-wise that needs to be done? Just the raffle, I think. Raffle drawing code is done, so I can just export the tickets, assign raffle tickets by order, run the drawing, announce winners, get donors the winner addresses, and start decanting & packaging, and then start compiling the list of people who get PM box upgrades that haven't gotten them already.   Oh, and getting GD set up for the gallery. I think I may just submit a ticket for that as I really need to finish the gallery and do raffle stuff this weekend. And fixing the 'who's chatting' thingie.   Oh yeah, that reminds me, I need to print off the decant set labels and send them on to Di, Donna, and Meg tomorrow. Whoops, I'm late.     Entry Title: The Suffering You Knew




Why Not Just Go to Sleep!?

Yep. didn't go to sleep.   I should have. My issue= EVERY guy other than the boyfriend is looking good to me. Any one giving me attention in a positive manner is a good thing. Now Schmitti (a paintballer I knwo from the team is starting to look good to me). Damn damn damn. Bad Erik for being all sensitive, cute, and funny in emails back and forth! Bad me for enjoying writing!   Really bad me for being stressed and not wanting to run to the boyfriend.




Top 10

I tried adding this the other night, but I guess it was eaten by a hungry and greedy forum. My top 10 in no particular order:   1. Jack 2. Milk Moon 3. Antique Lace 4. Dorian 5. Kumiho 6. Snowblind 7. Midway 8. Miskatonic University 9. Honey Moon 10. Gluttony




Cillian Murphy...

...is someone I'd like to do all sorts of naughty things to. There's a couple scenes in 28 Days Later where he looks like my bf and *purrrr*   And I'd share my last tube of MAC lipstick with Robert Smith. Sometimes, hearing "Just Like Heaven" randomly come on the radio makes me so happy I smile like a crazy person when I'm in my car. I also sing along--loudly and off-key.




BPAL, work, whineyness, and cake

I'm scared of Death on a Pale Horse! Description from Lab: The End of All Things: empty white musk and mint seeped with solemn lavender, doleful patchouli and vetiver, scythe-sharp yuzu and lime, with geranium bourbon, white sandalwood and calla lily.   Lavender makes me go "yeugh", and I'm kinda scared of sandalwood. I've read it as being "herbally and lavender" which reminds me of this Burt's Bees handcreme that goes bad on my skin (for some reason it smells like bleach and old vase-water when it dries. ew) However, if the white musk, lime and maybe lilies cooperate with the others it won't be too bad? I wanted to order something "out there" that I would have never thought of trying but now I want an imp of Euterpe. Mmmm, lemonade . Mostly though, I want my imps and Peony moon! cantwaitcantwait *********** At work there was a big-ass bug in the hall. I didn't get close enough to figure out what it was but it looked kinda spider-y. *shudder* So, in typical girl fashion, my coworkers and I spent a while shrieking as it moved (skittered) around and proclaimed that we were not going near it, much less get close enough to kill it. Eventually some guy did (we don't know who, we never saw) and left the body lying there in the hall. Scary-ness, yo. ********** Whiney Section (and yes, I would like some cheese with that!) I'm so jealous of friends or random people who I've never even met! Everyone with a nice job they love that pays well, everyone who's beautiful, everyone who's going to a good school, or is super-smart, or has a big loving family, or has time to travel/backpack throughout Europe, I am jealous! **turns into green-eyed monster** grrr, arrgh! ******** After reading the description of one of the Monster Baits, I could really go for some yummy coconut cake. (I love bunnies!)




Getting caught up

I'm doing a bunch of laundry. I just cleaned up my nails. I'm getting a lot done tonight. I should get up and put in another load.   I feel kinda bitchy. I didn't like what my boy made for dinner tonight. And he made a huge wok full. It was this weird mish-mash of stir fry, with tofu, over rice noodles. That part was fine. But it was drenched in this insane sauce made of a mix of all sorts of bits from the fridge and pantry. He really likes mixed up cacophanies of flavor... I don't. And this was a mix of barbecue sauce, and 2 or 3 different chinese and thai sauces. I felt bad for telling him I didn't like it and making something else, but I just couldn't eat it.   After yesterday's rant, I went for the bpal this morning... I was reminded how much I love Stardust. And I don't even *like* florals. It makes me so happy. I haven't worn BPAL to bed for a long time either, I need to pull out something yummy tonight.




Imps to Keep

Bewitching Brews Black Opal Voodoo Hamadryad   Diabolus Kitsune-Tsuki   Love Potions The Lady of Shalott   Ars Draconis Dragon's Milk   Illyria The Apothecary Titania




Shtinky Puddin'.

So, I've been getting my boyfriend into BPAL slowly but surely. First, it involved gifting him with decants of Cthulhu and Kingsport early on in our relationship. Then, after finding out what some of his favorite scents were, I added a decant of Graveyard Dirt, which he adores. Later, I started holding out scents to him to see what he'd think. In order: Sugar Skull
Dana O'Shee
Sugar Cookie
After receiving Chumley's Sniffie Box, I asked my boyfriend how he'd like to smell to others. He mentioned "chocolate and raspberry," so I made him his own custom scent. hee.   Because he owns blacksmithing equipment and wants to get into the local Iron Worker's Union, I'm aware that dragons are a mascot of blacksmiths (fire, armor plating, etc). So, when I ended up with a couple of Ars Draconis scents as frimps, I handed them to him. He was particularly taken with Dragon's Hide, which has leather, and told me that he'd be interested in any other of the Lab's leather, Norse and Celtic scents. Based on a bit more he's mentioned, I've got some others in mind, too.   He now owns 20+ imps, thanks to me. It was so cute, listening to him call himself a "BPAL scent whore." If I remember correctly, he's got: Graveyard Dirt - 5ml
His custom scent, ala Chumley
Temple: Celtic - decant
Temple Norse - decant
Dragon's Blood
Dragon's Heart
Dragon's Hide
Dragon's Milk
Dragon's Tears
Hearth `04
Hearth `05
Herr Drosselmeyer
Les Infortunes De La Vertu
Torture King
Black Annis
Black Lotus
Black Pearl
Sudha Segara
Given his interests, I figure that I should collect the following for him: Leather
Black Tower, The
Dead Man's Hand
Jolly Roger
*Spanked - have a sniffie, but he didn't like it
Dragon Moon - Lunacy blend
Dragon's Eye
Dragon's Musk
Dragon's Teeth - up and coming
Celtic & Norse
Phantom Queen
Favorite Color
Black Cat
Black Dahlia
Black Forest
Black Hellebore
Black Opal
Black Phoenix
Black Rose
Black Widow
Master - Twilight Alchemy Lab
Old Scratch
Sea of Glass
Water of Notre Dame
And perhaps a nice, gun-metal grey ammo case to keep them all in. *whistle*




My first post here ...

-- and it's geekified. I didn't seen the Trading Post option in the list of codes to use in the I Got My Order thread. Turns out, while mods have been asked to keep C-n-S's seperate, the one I spoke with had no idea as to whether the same went for received orders. She let me post my announcement in the general thread anyway, but wasn't able to tell me what the code was. However, I figured it out on my own:   Black Phoenix Trading Post Order! Black Phoenix Trading Post colorspost good news here   Some days, I manage.




Rock 'N Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

Well, I scored today at work (no, not with hot call center guy who is now back from being sick!!!!!!), someone turned the raido station to sweet tunes from the 70s and 80's. I arrived at the bank listening to Led Zepplin!!!!!!!!   Fortunatly it stayed on all day. I actully enjoyed the tuneage. Cheap Trick, Zepplin, Van Halen, Lynard Skynard, and a bunch of other good stuff. Unfortunatly one of the VPs noticed by the end of the day and said they would have to change it to something, "More Bank-ie" *sigh* I suppose one day is better than none.   I really drooled over Alex today. I emailed him that I was concerned for him, and I was glad to see him back since he said he felt icky. Got to talk to him and told him I did miss having him around since he's really nice and a lot nicer than the other CSRs there. Yes, I am indeed a looser when it comes to guys I have a thing for. I also asked him when his Van Halen tribute band plays and if he could let me know so I could go see since the decent tunes in the bank came up in convo. Too bad it was so short.   I want to do VERY bad things to him (HEY! There should be a dryhump smiley. I'd laugh) Seriously. I fantasize about that guy. It's, well, ok I'll stop here. I am really working up the balls to ask him to dinner or anything sometime after work, but I do fear the whole saying of "Don't put your sex toys in dishwasher on the same cycle as your dinnerwear." But hell. I just need someone like that around, who doesn't have certian problems in bed, and at the lack of saying something shallow, someone who is so sexy.   On an entirely differnt note from carnal lust Diane, one of the other people who works (well worked) for the bank came in sort of to say goodbye. She went to the hospital complaining of headaches and blurry vision last week. Turns out she has a brain tumor and lung cancer. I think her daughtor said it was type 4. I was pretty close with her. She started last summer, and is sort of like an auntie to me. She was part of our "Stitch & Bitch" craft night, and we were going to have it at her place this spring on the pourch. She has the best outlook on everything, and I really admire her for that. Today it was AWESOME to see her!!!! She looked great (not sickly at all), and is moving up to Maine with her daughter's family- which is good for them. Fortunatly it's Old Orchard Beach so I'll come visit her a few times. At least that's where Decha and the Maine crew always try and get us to meet up since it's midway between Bangor and Concord. I was so glad that the other ladies in the lending department kept me updated, I mean I don't work upstairs, but Diane was one of my favorite people to work with and do lunch with. I'm really glad I can keep in touch with her, and I asked her if she would want to do a lunch or something with me on my birthday since I'll be up in Portland area. She said she'd love to! So I'll definatly drop her a line. That rocks.   I'm glad she is still the same vibrant lady. She was laughing and just glad to see everyone. That's the way anyone should be. Even when one knows the end may be drawing close, why not look at every day as a good one? Why not enjoy friendships and those around? I hope when I'm at that point in my life that I have the same grace and vibrance Diane embodies.




I'm a lonely scent lover

For my maiden bpal blog voyage, i shall discuss my status as the only person among my friends and acquaintances who is smell-obsessed.   I'm preaching to the choir here, i know, but smell is such an underrated sense. People think it's hilarious that i collect these perfumes - they may not think it's silly to love perfume, but they don't see why one would want more than one or two favorites. They listen if i explain that it's not just some perfume like going to the drugstore or the department store counter and picking out the latest j.lo or chanel fragrance that smells appealing...there's craft and artistry and thought and love that goes into these, not to mention they're unique and smell better than 99% of other scented things you can get out there.   I just wish i had a friend who is similarly appreciative, so we could dish about our pending orders, squeal when they arrive, talk endlessly about favorites and the horror at adding up just how much we've actually spent on this stuff (but still being so happy to have it!), and just sit around and sniff each other! I mean, i have a few people now and then tell me i smell great, and that's nice, but i want a Nose Buddy. Someone else who loves using their nose as much as i do. It's great to commune about this stuff on this forum, but it's not the same as having a good friend in real life you can do it with.   I'm not really such a sad-sack. I'm just lamenting this one particular lacking area of my current life.

this machine

this machine


Sassy tangerine!

What color, dahlings, is your underwear today? I'm wearing a tangerine-colored bra. Very sassy. And I have on a tangerine and yellow mesh bikini that ties on the sides.   And underneath the underwear, I'm wearing a combination of Tunisian Patchouli (from DSH) with O over the top. Damn, that is a fine combination. I think O is great alone, but I love it as a mixer.   Now this might be an interesting thing to track... I normally put my BPAL on prior to wearing underwear. Does the BPAL that I pick for that day affect the type of underwear that I pick? Ah, I have found a purpose for this blog... I'm going to track the influence of BPAL application upon my choice of lingerie.   My serious, Kinsey Report-like analysis has begun...





I'm really excited about the new blogs on the forums. I hope it turns out to be a lot of fun. Although, I really don't need another blog.   I'm getting really excited about my last lunar order. I hope the CnSs start going out soon.   My internet is down at my house until Thursday. That was the soonest they could come out, so the I won't be able to play on here much unless I am at work. And when I'm at work, I won't be able to play much. Speaking of work, I better get back to it.   Scent of the day: Nosferatu   Thanks SV and QS for all your hard work on our shiny new forums.   *edit* Our internet at our house is back up. Turns out it was a problem in the area, so it was fixed when they worked on that.





Montresor smells like Ribena at one point. Ribena and fruit pastilles. But after a few hours it smells of lovely plum-musk with wine and smoke, much nicer than smelling of sweeties.   I have period pains. I really don't want to go out tonight but I have to...I just want to sleep. I also wish my mum didn't call me every five minutes to tell me about pointless things like stamp collecting and stuff. And I wish she could understand my BPAL/smelly things addiction. She says 'you have too much perfume! Stop spending so much on perfume! stop using the internet or you'll go short-sighted! Stop chatting online with people in America that you'll never meet!' I know she's my mum but at times I wish she could just let me do what I bloody well want. I'm 21 in a week's time!   Oh, and that Corinne Bailey Ray song irritates the shit out of me.




Etymology of the word "goon"

From etymology online, the origin of the word "goon:"   goon 1921, "stupid person," from gony "simpleton" (c.1580), of unknown origin, but applied by sailors to the albatross and similar big, clumsy birds (1839); sense of "hired thug" first recorded 1938 (in ref. to union "beef squads" used to cow strikers in the Pacific northwest), probably from Alice the Goon, slow-witted and muscular (but gentle-natured) character in "Thimble Theater" comic strip (starring Popeye) by E.C. Segar (1894-1938). She also was the inspiration for British comedian Spike Milligan's "The Goon Show." What are now "juvenile delinquents" were in the 1940s sometimes called goonlets.   For those who are not familiar with vintage cartoons, Alice the Goon was so primoridally bizarre that she still freaks me out a little. I was always fascinated and deeply weirded out by her presence in Popeye cartoons. I have an Alice the Goon stuffed toy that I found on eBay a few years ago. I also love The Jeep, that weird little magical dog-monkey thing in Popeye. Was Segar on acid when he drew those cartoons?   Here is lovely Alice herself -- she was a bit of an androgynous old thing:     I think a BPAL scent based on Alice the Goon would be wonderful, although I imagine it to smell a bit like Enraged Orangantan Musk.




First Entry! whoo!

Ah, I have a blog again! The last one I had I was very bad about posting. So, hopefully, this will go better.   I'll mainly use this blog for rants, raves, random thoughts etc. Maybe I'll post pictures eventually.   So...on to the random thoughts!   * So far I think I like tea, fruit (but not cherry), and foody scents. Boozy's ok too as long as it morphs into something else later. White musk sometimes. But jasmine, magnolias and all florals that were in Blood Countess go insane on my skin and amp like crazy. I want to try maybe an incense or patchouli scent (Cathedral??) but I'm kinda afraid.   * I'm reeeally excited about the BPAL order I'm waiting on. I've bought my first 5 mL (Embalming Fluid) and my first LE (Peony Moon) I'm so proud. I've also ordered imps of O, Danube, The Hamptons, The Dormouse, Death on a Pale Horse and Dirty.   * Ducked outta work early to go shopping for skirts. I love spring!




Random Thought Part II

Random Thoughts Part II     * I'm really excited for the Silent Hill movie to come out. Lately, the boy has been playing through 1, 3 and is on 2 so I can have a feel of the plot and atmosphere etc. I love it so far.   I am not playing because I've proven myself incompetent after getting killed by ZombieNurses, was ran off a rollercoaster track (and died), got myself stuck in a room with rotting walls (and died), and fell into an endless hole never to be seen again (ie: died) among other things. So after that I handed the controller to the bf. I still wish I could fill a bag with bacon/meat and thwap Bosses on the head with it, though. There must be something I could use em for besides distracting monsters.   The Whiney and Mopey Edition *I think I'm going to a rough patch in my life. Actually I know I am. I am currently at a job I really like in my field except I hate one of my coworkers soooo much and it's a pretty small office so it's hard to ignore her. The pay is pretty bad, and the cost of living pay increase we got last year is not helping at all. Rent is sky-high in this area and if you wanna live in a place that you'd feel pretty safe in you'd have to give up an arm and a leg and perhaps your firstborn (you know, for the utilities ) Basically, I wanna get the ^*&(* outta my parents house and the crazyness that usually forms between us. After being at college for four years and left to my own devices I've learned that distance does make the heart grow fonder. --I'm applying to grad school and the stress of waiting/not knowing/expecting rejection is killing me. --Sometimes I think my bf doesn't give a damn about me even though I know that's a crazy thought and it's not true. I'm just feeling not confident about anything right now, and I'd like to be someone else for awhile.   If you've made it this far, thanks for being interested or bored enough. Here, have a cyber-




A hopelessly obsessed femme

I do adore my BPAL, but I love lipstick a lot. If you smell great and you have really red lips and smoky eyeliner and a nice push-up bra and some lacy undergoodies, life is delish'.   I'm sitting here at my desk and I have an empty tin of Uncle Joe's Mint Balls. I found this product at TJ Maxx and it made me laugh so hard that I had to purchase it. They're what... from England? They're really just a hard candy with mint flavoring. We had a lot of fun with the contents here at work while they lasted. As in: "What'cha eating?" "Oh, I'm sucking on one of Uncle Joe's mint balls."   Uncle Joe doesn't look like Uncle Joe in "Petticoat Junction," of course, he looks like a proper London gentleman in a a white top hat, ascot and suitcoat. Would someone with minty balls look any other way? I think not.     Today I'm wearing Kali with O over the top.





I'm really tired and out of it. It's not even the sleep thing, I managed to sleep from about 10pm-4am last night which is enough to make it through the day just fine... the hard part is the damn eating. I 'm not hungry at meal times, and ravenous in between. I should be back to normal by wednesday.   I do have a BPAL-related confession, though.   When I moved, I got rid of my low side-by-side dresser, replacing it with a tall chest of drawers. Unfortunately, that means all of my cosmetics and perfume have been relagated to inconvenient storage. I keep meaning to get a table to put in the bay window in my bedroom to use for all of that stuff, but I haven't gotten around to it.   Because of that, I've only been wearing Beaver moon when I remember to, and Anne Bonney when I go out. I have a box with about 60 5mls sitting in it, totally unused. Seriously, how stupid am I? I either need to pull them back out and enjoy them, or swap/sell them away so someone else can enjoy them, and just work on constructing a solid stash of Beaver Moon, Samhain '04, Embalming Fluid, Anne Bonney, and Snake Oil.   (I feel even worse, because there are a couple of *seriously* sought-after unavailable blends in my stash that I've possibly only tried once and held on to for almost 2 years. I have no idea what I'm waiting for. I feel selfish not getting them out to someone who would really love them.)




Unexplained Jolly Roger love

No work today, so I've been trying on a handful of scents.   Spent most of the day slathered in White Musk...so soft and gentle and sweet. It's like being hugged by my BPAL all day.   Then, about half an hour ago I decided I need to amp it up a bit - so I put on some Jolly Roger. Why do I love this scent so much? It would normally be everything I don't like in a scent - salty, aquatic, slightly masculine. And yet, I love it.   I wonder if it's because in the back of my mind I realllly want to like it so that I can get one of those cool skull-and-crossbones bottles?


