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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

I'm a lonely scent lover

For my maiden bpal blog voyage, i shall discuss my status as the only person among my friends and acquaintances who is smell-obsessed.   I'm preaching to the choir here, i know, but smell is such an underrated sense. People think it's hilarious that i collect these perfumes - they may not think it's silly to love perfume, but they don't see why one would want more than one or two favorites. They listen if i explain that it's not just some perfume like going to the drugstore or the department store counter and picking out the latest j.lo or chanel fragrance that smells appealing...there's craft and artistry and thought and love that goes into these, not to mention they're unique and smell better than 99% of other scented things you can get out there.   I just wish i had a friend who is similarly appreciative, so we could dish about our pending orders, squeal when they arrive, talk endlessly about favorites and the horror at adding up just how much we've actually spent on this stuff (but still being so happy to have it!), and just sit around and sniff each other! I mean, i have a few people now and then tell me i smell great, and that's nice, but i want a Nose Buddy. Someone else who loves using their nose as much as i do. It's great to commune about this stuff on this forum, but it's not the same as having a good friend in real life you can do it with.   I'm not really such a sad-sack. I'm just lamenting this one particular lacking area of my current life.

this machine

this machine


Sassy tangerine!

What color, dahlings, is your underwear today? I'm wearing a tangerine-colored bra. Very sassy. And I have on a tangerine and yellow mesh bikini that ties on the sides.   And underneath the underwear, I'm wearing a combination of Tunisian Patchouli (from DSH) with O over the top. Damn, that is a fine combination. I think O is great alone, but I love it as a mixer.   Now this might be an interesting thing to track... I normally put my BPAL on prior to wearing underwear. Does the BPAL that I pick for that day affect the type of underwear that I pick? Ah, I have found a purpose for this blog... I'm going to track the influence of BPAL application upon my choice of lingerie.   My serious, Kinsey Report-like analysis has begun...





I'm really excited about the new blogs on the forums. I hope it turns out to be a lot of fun. Although, I really don't need another blog.   I'm getting really excited about my last lunar order. I hope the CnSs start going out soon.   My internet is down at my house until Thursday. That was the soonest they could come out, so the I won't be able to play on here much unless I am at work. And when I'm at work, I won't be able to play much. Speaking of work, I better get back to it.   Scent of the day: Nosferatu   Thanks SV and QS for all your hard work on our shiny new forums.   *edit* Our internet at our house is back up. Turns out it was a problem in the area, so it was fixed when they worked on that.





Montresor smells like Ribena at one point. Ribena and fruit pastilles. But after a few hours it smells of lovely plum-musk with wine and smoke, much nicer than smelling of sweeties.   I have period pains. I really don't want to go out tonight but I have to...I just want to sleep. I also wish my mum didn't call me every five minutes to tell me about pointless things like stamp collecting and stuff. And I wish she could understand my BPAL/smelly things addiction. She says 'you have too much perfume! Stop spending so much on perfume! stop using the internet or you'll go short-sighted! Stop chatting online with people in America that you'll never meet!' I know she's my mum but at times I wish she could just let me do what I bloody well want. I'm 21 in a week's time!   Oh, and that Corinne Bailey Ray song irritates the shit out of me.




Etymology of the word "goon"

From etymology online, the origin of the word "goon:"   goon 1921, "stupid person," from gony "simpleton" (c.1580), of unknown origin, but applied by sailors to the albatross and similar big, clumsy birds (1839); sense of "hired thug" first recorded 1938 (in ref. to union "beef squads" used to cow strikers in the Pacific northwest), probably from Alice the Goon, slow-witted and muscular (but gentle-natured) character in "Thimble Theater" comic strip (starring Popeye) by E.C. Segar (1894-1938). She also was the inspiration for British comedian Spike Milligan's "The Goon Show." What are now "juvenile delinquents" were in the 1940s sometimes called goonlets.   For those who are not familiar with vintage cartoons, Alice the Goon was so primoridally bizarre that she still freaks me out a little. I was always fascinated and deeply weirded out by her presence in Popeye cartoons. I have an Alice the Goon stuffed toy that I found on eBay a few years ago. I also love The Jeep, that weird little magical dog-monkey thing in Popeye. Was Segar on acid when he drew those cartoons?   Here is lovely Alice herself -- she was a bit of an androgynous old thing:     I think a BPAL scent based on Alice the Goon would be wonderful, although I imagine it to smell a bit like Enraged Orangantan Musk.




First Entry! whoo!

Ah, I have a blog again! The last one I had I was very bad about posting. So, hopefully, this will go better.   I'll mainly use this blog for rants, raves, random thoughts etc. Maybe I'll post pictures eventually.   So...on to the random thoughts!   * So far I think I like tea, fruit (but not cherry), and foody scents. Boozy's ok too as long as it morphs into something else later. White musk sometimes. But jasmine, magnolias and all florals that were in Blood Countess go insane on my skin and amp like crazy. I want to try maybe an incense or patchouli scent (Cathedral??) but I'm kinda afraid.   * I'm reeeally excited about the BPAL order I'm waiting on. I've bought my first 5 mL (Embalming Fluid) and my first LE (Peony Moon) I'm so proud. I've also ordered imps of O, Danube, The Hamptons, The Dormouse, Death on a Pale Horse and Dirty.   * Ducked outta work early to go shopping for skirts. I love spring!




Random Thought Part II

Random Thoughts Part II     * I'm really excited for the Silent Hill movie to come out. Lately, the boy has been playing through 1, 3 and is on 2 so I can have a feel of the plot and atmosphere etc. I love it so far.   I am not playing because I've proven myself incompetent after getting killed by ZombieNurses, was ran off a rollercoaster track (and died), got myself stuck in a room with rotting walls (and died), and fell into an endless hole never to be seen again (ie: died) among other things. So after that I handed the controller to the bf. I still wish I could fill a bag with bacon/meat and thwap Bosses on the head with it, though. There must be something I could use em for besides distracting monsters.   The Whiney and Mopey Edition *I think I'm going to a rough patch in my life. Actually I know I am. I am currently at a job I really like in my field except I hate one of my coworkers soooo much and it's a pretty small office so it's hard to ignore her. The pay is pretty bad, and the cost of living pay increase we got last year is not helping at all. Rent is sky-high in this area and if you wanna live in a place that you'd feel pretty safe in you'd have to give up an arm and a leg and perhaps your firstborn (you know, for the utilities ) Basically, I wanna get the ^*&(* outta my parents house and the crazyness that usually forms between us. After being at college for four years and left to my own devices I've learned that distance does make the heart grow fonder. --I'm applying to grad school and the stress of waiting/not knowing/expecting rejection is killing me. --Sometimes I think my bf doesn't give a damn about me even though I know that's a crazy thought and it's not true. I'm just feeling not confident about anything right now, and I'd like to be someone else for awhile.   If you've made it this far, thanks for being interested or bored enough. Here, have a cyber-




A hopelessly obsessed femme

I do adore my BPAL, but I love lipstick a lot. If you smell great and you have really red lips and smoky eyeliner and a nice push-up bra and some lacy undergoodies, life is delish'.   I'm sitting here at my desk and I have an empty tin of Uncle Joe's Mint Balls. I found this product at TJ Maxx and it made me laugh so hard that I had to purchase it. They're what... from England? They're really just a hard candy with mint flavoring. We had a lot of fun with the contents here at work while they lasted. As in: "What'cha eating?" "Oh, I'm sucking on one of Uncle Joe's mint balls."   Uncle Joe doesn't look like Uncle Joe in "Petticoat Junction," of course, he looks like a proper London gentleman in a a white top hat, ascot and suitcoat. Would someone with minty balls look any other way? I think not.     Today I'm wearing Kali with O over the top.





I'm really tired and out of it. It's not even the sleep thing, I managed to sleep from about 10pm-4am last night which is enough to make it through the day just fine... the hard part is the damn eating. I 'm not hungry at meal times, and ravenous in between. I should be back to normal by wednesday.   I do have a BPAL-related confession, though.   When I moved, I got rid of my low side-by-side dresser, replacing it with a tall chest of drawers. Unfortunately, that means all of my cosmetics and perfume have been relagated to inconvenient storage. I keep meaning to get a table to put in the bay window in my bedroom to use for all of that stuff, but I haven't gotten around to it.   Because of that, I've only been wearing Beaver moon when I remember to, and Anne Bonney when I go out. I have a box with about 60 5mls sitting in it, totally unused. Seriously, how stupid am I? I either need to pull them back out and enjoy them, or swap/sell them away so someone else can enjoy them, and just work on constructing a solid stash of Beaver Moon, Samhain '04, Embalming Fluid, Anne Bonney, and Snake Oil.   (I feel even worse, because there are a couple of *seriously* sought-after unavailable blends in my stash that I've possibly only tried once and held on to for almost 2 years. I have no idea what I'm waiting for. I feel selfish not getting them out to someone who would really love them.)




Unexplained Jolly Roger love

No work today, so I've been trying on a handful of scents.   Spent most of the day slathered in White Musk...so soft and gentle and sweet. It's like being hugged by my BPAL all day.   Then, about half an hour ago I decided I need to amp it up a bit - so I put on some Jolly Roger. Why do I love this scent so much? It would normally be everything I don't like in a scent - salty, aquatic, slightly masculine. And yet, I love it.   I wonder if it's because in the back of my mind I realllly want to like it so that I can get one of those cool skull-and-crossbones bottles?




sex dreams can be sad sometimes...

I had a dream last night that has me a little depressed today. In my dream, I was making out with Brad, my crush. The guy I've had a crush on for almost a year and a half. And it was one of those dreams that seem so real. You can feel everything as if it was actually happening. When I woke up, I was exhilierated - as if I had actually been kissing him. But then I felt sad, because it was just a dream, and I know in reality he will probably never want me like that, and I'll never get a chance to kiss him like in that dream.




Everybody starts with a first post, right?

Like a lot of other people, I have some blog-like things elsewhere on the web, but I don't update them much. On the other hand, even if I don't post often, I am lurking here at the forums a lot, so maybe I'll be more inclined to post.   Anyway, I just got back from a week in London, so hopefully soon I'll have a bunch of pictures to post.




I'm back, so's the forum!

Now that I've returned home from my weekend away, I'm wondering...which city is better? London or Paris? (There's only one way to find out-FIIIIIIGHT!!! if you watch Harry Hill you'll understand!)   As to what BPAL I will try today...maybe Eos. The weather is crap and I want to smell springy.   I also hate my new post-woman. I swear she delivers my stuff to the wrong houses. Or she's deliberately stopping me from getting parcels. So many things I have bought online from the States (including my Balthazar statue) have, apparently, mysteriously disappeared when crossing the pond. Maybe the postal planes with my parcels flew over the Bermuda Triangle or something...





Fun times. So, somebody I've been friends with for coming on seven years now has sort of just proven himself to be a rather awful person. The sad part is that I should've seen it coming, and I just wanted to believe the best about him. The really sad part is that other people are paying for my mistake with him. It's a huge mess. I'm pretty angry all around. And sad. I've spent the better part of a year (or more) trying to help him find his way, and all he's been doing is taking advantage of me and anyone close to me who wants to help me... Grrrarrrgggghhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrggggg.  




I'm not so good with titles

nor am I good with naming things. I like the word "borborygmus," but it just doesn't sound so cool and I really couldn't come up with anything better ("Dear Diary" was an option, but it's hard to pick up on irony with the internet), so my blog title will probably be subject to change.   I have several thoughts running through my head right now. First, this is really cool! hooray! Forum blogs, whodathunk (this is also the sound a tree makes when no one is there to hear it)? However, I really shouldn't be creating a blog, considering the vast wastelands that my other blogs have been reduced to (oh dear god, my other blog buddies must hate me, but I keep forgetting to check the site) and the status of lurker I have acquired (not as of late). What would it mean for me to be a lurker and yet a blogger? Is that the profile of an attention seeking killer? Do I need a hyphen between "attention" and "seeking"? So many questions, so little time.   I think that I should get back to (procrastinating instead of) doing the work I have been (and will continue) putting off this weekend.




Something New

As if I didn't spam my livejournal enough...   Well, let this be the grand old introduction to Lucialand.   Lucia de'Medici is my penname, and has been for about three years now. I stumbled into BPAL through a friend from the Harry Potter fandom, and like most good things, the hobby escalated quickly into obsession.   Such is the course of good things sniffable.   I'm very big on Lush, though not active on the Lush boards, as well as Villainess, Arcana, Dark Candles, GothRosasary and DarkSwan.   As mentioned, I'm active in the Harry Potter fandom and especially in the Dark Fiction arena - you won't get any of that here, since my writing frequently runs gamboling into splatterpunk, and quite frankly, I don't want to upset anyone with my passion for psychological trauma. I reserve my indiscriminate habits for my LJ.   I'm 24 and a Design Major from Montreal, currently finishing my second year Bachelor at Concordia University. I specialize in Web and Print design, but once in a while I fiddle with applied, three dimensional design (more often it's because I absolutely have to.)   I'm presently procrastinating. I've got a project due tomorrow which wouldn't get done even if I tried. Accordingly, I've resorted to watching Jackass on teevee.   There's the intro: wrapped up neatly.     P.S. I spilled (for the first time and last time ever - knock on wood) a fair dollop of Bearded Lady on my sweatpants this evening while decanting. I don't know whether I should laugh at my sheer stupidity or cry at the loss of the precious.





Well Huh! I found something pink that I like (Pink Moon does not count). I love the SheDevil skin on the forum. It's refreshing and differnt. Plus the chick up in the corner makes me grin. Nice job!   Anyone else out there like the newest South Park episode: 140 The Return of The Chef ?   Talk about a cross between wrong and hilarious. I loved the analogy to Scientology they made with the Super Adventure Club. I am still bummed out that Isaac Hayes left. Especially after much eairlier he claimed that he wasn't mad/offended by Trey and Matt. I believe it was something like, "The thing you have to understand with Matt and Trey,They Lampoon everybody and if you take that s*&t seriously I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge for $2" On Opie & Anthony's interview on XM.   Oh well. At least Kenny is still there.




Let's see how long this little venture lasts

Well, let's see, I absolutely suck at journalling and my spare time is slim, so I'm sure this blog is going to go on 4-EVA!!1!eleven! Oh boy, I'm going update every night and tell all my friends!   yeeeeokay. Well, even if it lasts all of five minutes, it'll at least be nice to be able to vent somewhere and not worry that I'm thread-jacking or imposing on anyone to read my innanities. And plus, I can ramble on about scent stuff and people will have a clue about what the hell I'm talking about.   Like Hades. My obsession with it has grown to somewhat frightening proportions. At first, I thought "hm! Smells pretty nice. I think I'll keep it around for when I'm getting my sleek-ass hipster thang on." Then, I started wearing it more and more. I think the exotic and atypical nature of a lot of the notes kept attracting me, because who wouldn't like to say "Oh, it has black narcissus, stephanotis, opoponax, labdanum, onycha and ambergris in it. Yeah, those are some of my favorites." when someone asks what you're wearing? Freaking hard core, that's what it is.   Anyway, now it's become a total obsession. I'm all "Hades in the morning, Hades in the evening, Hades at supper-time!" And it's kind of making my boyfriend's eyes water because I can barely smell it on me anymore and keep on dowsing myself in it. I dunno, it's become sort of "The Boyfriend" scent because, while it doesn't necessarily capture "me" it makes me feel like Pluto himself's got my back. Meanwhile, all sort of pretty scents have been feeling lonely and neglected. Damn you, Velveteen Rabbit for manipulating me as a child and making me feel guilty for not loving all of my posessions equally! Damn your velvety, sob story hide!   My obsession with it has spiked recently partly because I've been toying with the idea of going all-out and making it my one and only scent, so when someone thinks of me, they'll think that smell. So I've been wearing it a lot just to see if I can't get it to drive me crazy. That and I've been looking around other places to find opoponax in blends that have full suites of bath stuff, so I could fall in love with them and have an easier time of it. But all the other places I've found it (okay, just Ava Luxe, really) treat the opoponax sweetly, making sweet, somewhat smokey blends. Don't get me wrong, I love Opoponax Intense, but I think I like the use of cypress in Hades to give it that dangerous, sacred smell. Dog only knows since I don't like cypress or cedar in anything else. But, of course, commitment like that scares the crap out of me right now, and I'm a little concerned with how much I want to concentrate on a scent that doesn't personify me as much as a phantom "other."   At the heart of my concern is that, if I were to try the scent that was the absolute most "me" it could be, I'd turn my nose up at it and instead grasp at scents that are more "someone else." And that prospect saddens me.   Or I could just be worrying over a whole heap of nothing, so I'll sign off with a funny math joke I read recently:   Two mathematicians are eating together at a diner, and they wind up arguing over how much mathematics the average person knows - one believes that most people have a reasonable knowledge, while the other thinks most people are incredibly ignorant when it comes to mathematics. While the second mathematician is in the restroom, the first decides to have a little fun to argue his point so he calls a waitress over and tells her "In a few minutes, I'm going to call you over again and ask you a question, and the answer will be 'One-third x cubed'. Can you remember that for me?" "One thir dex cube," she says. "One-third x cubed," he corrects her. "One third ex cube," she repeats, and leaves. When the second mathematician returns, the first one calls to the waitress and asks her "Waitress, what is the integral of x squared?" She replies "one-third x cubed," and then turns to walk away, but then calls over her shoulder "plus a constant!"





Hello!   Wow my virgin post on BPAL blogs! Not much to say for now other than hi! I'm pretty psyched, I am waiting on two decant groups- The Chakeras and Qliphoth. Not to mention the order I made on the lunar update. I'm dying for the Monster Bates to arrive. *te-hee* Monster Bates. That still cracks me up.   It's really wonderful to see the forum rocking the world again, allthough I still love bpaladdicts Live Journal community.   I can't wait for Pluto to go live in the next Lunar Update. That's one of my favorite paintball scents. It's pepperish so the mosquitos and other bugs stay clear as I run through the wood and paint my friends. The sad thing is that I'm close to assigning a BPAL scent for every marker that I have. They all have personalities, and are differnt (yes even the handful of VMs I have are all individuals) so they deserve their own BPAL. Besides, the Hurricane would smell good if I could soak the wooden stock with some Hurricane. I'd love to have something good smelling for Castle when I'm doomed to stay in a bunk with a bunch of loud stinky men!   I'll try to keep this updated better than my LJ. Even if it's just little blerbs. Have a good one everyone- and HUZZAH for the forums once again!




Thee Master List

And so, I basically open this blog (which just gives me yet another place to write, yipes) with a list of what I've tried and if I like/didn't like it. I'm trying to keep track, and this seems pretty much the logical place to do so, yes?   Like 13, Absinthe, Beaver Moon, Black Opal, Black Lotus, Brimstone, Brisingamen, Chiroptera, Coyote, Devil's Night '05, Dublin, Fallen, Grog, Hades, Hunger, Jazz Funeral, Juke Joint, Lady MacBeth, Lampades, The Lion, Lilith, London, Midway, Shill, Swank, Two Five & Seven   Didn't Like Akuma, Amsterdam, Baron Samedi, Bayou, Casanova, Crossroads, Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Tears, Eden, Euterpe, Hell's Belle, Hellfire, Juliet, Kyoto, Languor, Lightning, Lolita, Loralei, Lucy's Kiss, New Orleans, Santo Domingo, Shanghi, Suspiro, The Coiled Serpent, Vice   --   Next up: revamping the wish list based on what I've tried. Lord, that'll take forever.   Might as well ask -- can anyone please recommend things based on my "Likes" list? I just get overwhelmed trying to find stuff based on notes...   Oh yeah, I just got in on a decant of Monster Bait: Closet! Woo! Hopefully it'll come in before my birthday; I need to know if I want it before 5/1, and my birthday is 5/5 so guess who's ordering in April...!




Testing the waters

I'm so happy the forums are back!!!! I just thought I'd test this thingee out, it looks quite fun. I can't wait to see what other nifty doo-dads have been added.   I'm excited to start doing reviews again, I missed the forums like crazy...   Anyway... Hello all!!!   I'm wearing Tarot The Lovers right now...


