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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Few and far between, part 2.

In the Summer of 2005, there was a family medical emergency.   I have, since then, been spending about half my week at my mother's home, offline, doing home-care. We're coming up on the one-year anniversary of her stroke and after a winter funk, are now looking at our options.




Few and far between, part 1.

So, since late 2004, my reviews on this forum have been dwindling down to nearly nothing. Since I didn't do much here besides post reviews, I don't think may people actually found out what the deal was.   In mid-2004, I started getting really, really depressed. "Situational depression," some people called it. A 10-year relationship was going down the tubes. It ended formally in January 2005, shortly after New Years.   I moved out in late February/early March of 2005, and started building a life of my own.




Pining for Peony

Where art thou, Peony Moon? ::waitsimpatientlychecksemail:: Next time, I'll be a smart girl and separate GC orders from just released LEs. Then, I can get some imps to tide me over till the Lunacy oil arrives. I'm gonna go check out the How Do You Plan Your Order thread. I sniffed some Peony-something at the Gap today. Smelled really soft, and pinkish, and nice and clean. Then I noticed that because the tester had been handled so much the oil was leaking out of the roller-ball thingy and soaked a bit of the bottle and my hand. Also, it had bits of dirt or something on it from being dropped on the floor probably. I hate that. What are these people doing to the roll on applicator?! It's not that hard to use! Tried some commercial perfumes also. Thierry Mugler's Angel Violette and Cacherel's Promesse. The Angel smelled alcohol-y and then morphed into B.O on me. Nasty. Ugh. Promesse was better but nothing that impressed me enough for me to buy it right then and there. Flowery, soft, young, didn't smell like some dude who hadn't taken a shower in a summer week.   Really excited to hear about Hungry Ghost Moon . Sounds great.   Watched the Office without the bf there with me or on the phone with me, and it felt a bit weird. Still funny though. "Jim Halpert, clean up in Aisle 4, laundry detergent." and the Dwight NBC public service announcement was fantastic.   Also, my cat bit and clawed at me yesterday. I bled. A lot. For all the times he's a big ol' pile of fluff and cuteness there are just as many times he's a Little Furry Bastard.




Woe to the Uneducated

My husband and I went and got one of those really neat misting fountains. It was not expensive and I could just smell how nummy my house would be with a BPAL misting fountain.   the lady that worked there said we got a free scent with our purchase. While I was trying to find a polite way to decline my hubby ran over and picked out cherry vanillia. Not bad..i like the scents.   So we got home he set it up and asked me how much to put in the fountain. Before I can even answer he dumps the entire bottle...that is 2 drams worth of cheap stuff into the fountain.   It smells nasty to the 9th. I have a headache..my throat hurts..and I'll have to live with this nasty shit.   he on the other hands love it..thinks it smells great. Poor Poor soul. I fear there is not hope for him




Dream dream, even for a little while

If I ever find myself independently wealthy I want to open a ranch like this:   Rolling Dog Ranch   And I want to spend my vacations renting properties like these:   Private Properties Abroad   Oh, and I've just finished reading a trashy 1940's novel called "Dragonwyck" and I'm trying to decide whether to go to bed tonight with John Steinbeck or Carl Jung. Carl Jung might be more fun, because he comes as a package with Joseph Campbell.





Snarky never claimed to be "goth", but she apparently ended up that way.   Black just suited her better, and while her musical tastes have always been on a diet, she enjoys what little genre music does happen to wander past her plate.   Oh and there's the poetry. The breadth and depth of which must surely qualify her for some sort of angsty, navel-gazey, inky black award.   It was on Glampyre's suggestion that BPAL would appeal to more "gothic" tastes that brought Snarky into the fold in the first place. But instead of finding a more delicious brew in which to wallow Snarky has found mostly happiness and resonance through BPAL.   Better living through (esoteric, alchemical) chemistry, as it were.   This morning's judicious application of Danse Macabre has eased Snarky out of her Existential Funk. She's now contemplating dinner with The Mister (another date-date!), a minor sandwich cookie binge (probably not, though, because of aforementioned date-date), and (hopefully) impending landed gentry-dom. It feels good to be grounded in the here-and-now again, rather than the shoulda-woulda-couldas.   However, Snarky will endeavour to honor her inky black roots and try mightily to contemplate something deepy dark and morbid. Possibly the wretched demise of this damned intranet site she's been trying to build for the last two months. Surely therein lies a tale of woe.




Just who do you think you are?

She's like everybody else - she's completely unique.   There are minor variations that skew her off center from the norm, but it's a large, comfortable demographic with ample wiggle room.   The hated but apropos "slackerdom" is inherent (why else a "high-concept" blog crafted during the work day?) as is the vague uneasiness that often accompanies the under-utilized, over-educated, filled-with-potential-but-not-going-anywhere intelligence that wishes it could live long enough to become wisdom.   She has recently discovered concrete proof of her own mortality - first in the endodontist's chair, tears streaming back into her hair; and again in the surprisingly warm and comfortable imaging room during her first mammogram. Her world sharpened into finite days. Now anything done without mindfulness is shameful, offensive, a waste.   Which is horrifying as her entire life, save for a few accidental miracles, is one shameful, offensive waste after another.   She's waited so long - too long? - she needs to do something. The need is a physical ache in her palms, a perma-frown, unbearable restlesness.   She grabs her imp of Danse Macabre. The drydown will bring back old friends and that night spent saying timid goodbyes. Making eye contact for the first and last time. Her last dance with that great old group of freaks.   Green hope wafts from her drying wrists. She settles down to type, and to wait out her memories.




Harboring an Alien

*THE SPASM*   Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like Alien VS. Predator was going on in my chest and back. In the dark, I waited to see if one of those pesky little aliens was going to burst out of my chest. It is even worse this morning. Nitroglycerin tabs usually help and so do muscle relaxants - not today! It must be quite the fight.   What is actually going on is my esophagus is spasming in high gear. Along with the spasming, I actually get symptoms of a heart attack, but that is basically because those same nerves are all tied in together. It's the shits sometimes....   I have a shitty digestive system which leaves me with a pretty bleak future. I don't think about the future because I have faith in modern medicine and I think that one day they will have something out there for me.   My digestive system is slowly shutting down. It all started with abdominal pain when I was in my teens - not to worry, my mother was told. After I had my children, I was told I needed a hysterectomy - not only for the fibroid tumors, but because of the never ending low abdominal pain. A few years later, the abdominal pain gets worse and to make a long story short, my gall bladder just quit working. Gave up and died! Gall bladder - Gone, Appendix -gone. Somewhere along the line, my colon gave up and died too - they took that too.   At least I didn't need a colostomy bag. Things move sooooooo slow thru my digestive track that I actually have to take a medicine to force things thru and to have a good poo (ha! I said poo! and I rhymed ) My stomach is slowly shutting down, my small bowel is so very slow and lets not forget the esophagus - where things don't go down if when I swallow, or I have the freaking alien breakout! Oh! and lets add to it, all of the scar tissue build up from the numerous abdominal surgeries - plus the unknown peritonitis and peritonitis from a ruptured small bowel. ACK! So, for all of those things, I am in chronic pain from esophagus to rectum.   Anyhow, whoever is struggling inside my chest right now, I hope that it's not the alien that wins!





Blogs abound. Snarky regularly rocks three (count 'em, three!) of her own (the prerequisite LJ discourse, the demographically behooved knitblog, and a fairly young SparkPeople weightloss rumination), so why another one?   Because this is so. Damn. Cool.   But, Snarky has to make it interesting, different, somehow equally relevant to the other virtual dumping grounds to her massive ego. Ergo, this experiment.   Once upon a time, she had delusions of literary grandeur. Through some overworked and convoluted logic, the BPAL Blog is going to be The Writing Blog.   And if the Hat Trick of "Snarky-Centric Script", "Aspirations of Artistry", and "Grabby Gimmick" is to be acheived.... well, ya gotta have a gimmick if ya wanna have a chance. Snarky is going for the time-tested, Bob Dole approved method of third person narration. Also possibly horrible grammer, passive (aggressive) sentence structure, and major conjunctivitis (in this case, swelling and overuse of conjunctions... not pink eye). But not dangling participles! That is something up with which Snarky will not put!   Finally, depending on mood, your humble narrator might be "Darkity" or "Snarky" or just plain little Miss Universal "S/he®".   So. All of this, plus the occasional mention of smellies to keep the blog relevant to its gracious host-body. Groovy.




Perhaps to maunder

Maunder: 1. [v] speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly 2. [v] talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice 3. [v] wander aimlessly     I so do need to thump myself in the head and give myself an attitude adjustment. Except that's probably not the gentlest way to look at it... Let's see... I need to remind myself not to whack out in my predictable old ways.   But I'm so good at whacking out, since it's my Own Private Madness and at worst I seem a bit distracted. Inside, I am a teeming malestrom of whackedness and then I get more pissed off at myself because I know I'm doing it to myself. I went out for a walk to try to clear my head and actually did something to make it worse. Oh, it's a long story.   And for hell's sake, I have no basis to bitch. None whatsoever. My pissiness is based upon the fact that I want what I want when I want it, even when it makes no sense and my brain knows better.   Part of my attitude problem is, I'm sure, due to lack of sleep. I went to bed about 11:30, woke up at about 1 a.m. feeling like shit and I didn't get back to sleep until about 3:30. Then a thunderstorm rolled in at 5:30 am and woke me up.   And lack of sleep often produces a heightened princess "wah!" effect in my psyche. I need to chill out tonight and meditate for about an hour to get my turmoil under control. And I need to do it early, because if I try it too late at night, I will keep nodding off because I'm tired. That may happen anyway.   I'm not going to get into what's upsetting me, but trust me, most of you would categorize it as an amusing, madcap, abudance of riches "problem" of the sort that would be whined about by Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City." Yuppers. The reason that I watched "Sex" was to watch that bitch openly whine about such things and have girlfriends patiently listen and not yell at her at the top of their lungs "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU SPOILED ASSHOLE BITCH! JESUS CHRIST! PEOPLE WOULD DIE FOR THESE 'PROBLEMS!'" And I also find Chris Noth (Mr. Big) to be hot.   I'll stop maundering now. Anyone who read all the way to this point, you are a saint or you want to be like Carrie's long-suffering girlfriends in "Sex." Or for whatever reason, thank you.




Cocoa Loco

Lingerie divas, this blog is here to enable you. I happily encourage growing the economy by purchasing BPAL and lingerie. The two are like hand and glove, for gorgeous lingerie is made even more beautiful when you are wearing a white-hot BPAL oil.   I had a $10 credit to Victoria's Secret and wandered out there over my lunch hour yesterday like a crack-addled 'ho in search of her next fix. Naturally, I came away with a new bra, but just one thong undie. I had succumbed to the IPEX bra extravaganza out there last spring and summer and now have three pairs of those babies. I do think the demi version of the IPEX is the nicest, and that is, in fact, the model of my sassy tangerine bra. But yesterday I purchased their new Secret Embrace model in a lovely dark cocoa brown. The Secret Embrace underwires are barely detectable and there's no bulky snaps or even tags. It's intended for those clingy little spring and summer tops, BPTP baby doll t-shirts and the like. And it's got a bit o' subtle padding in the bottom of the cup, to give the girls a bit of an extra boost.   And while I wear a 36 C or D cup at VSC, that just makes me laugh. My girls are middlers at best. I have broad shoulders and a fairly wide ribcage, so there's a bit of a grand canyon between the girls; cleavage requires feats of engineering that are too painful for me consider, so I rely on the perkiness factor where the girls are concerned.   And I had my mammogram about 3 weeks ago. Divas, please do valentina a favor and do your breast self-exams, and if you're of the age where a mammo is indicated, get one. If affordability is an issue, many states have passed laws that help pay for mammograms if you don't have health insurance. Check it out. Our girls are wondrous things and we need to keep an eye on them. Also consider taking flax seed oil as a supplement; first of all, it's great for your skin and hair and second of all, there's some evidence that essential fatty acids can help diminish the risk of cancers, including breast cancer. If you won't do it because I say so, do it for Sheryl Crow. I mean, I don't really like her music, but to break up with Lance (not that I think he'd be an especially laid-back boyfriend) and then be diagnosed with breast cancer is pretty fucking rough patch, IMHO.   OK, when did this become a public service announcement? Oh my hell, you've probably stopped reading!! Let's talk about the flesh colored mesh thong with that little "Pink" dog VSC mascot depicted in red rhinestones on the upper left-hand side. I think that Pink campaign is a bit pruient and about as subtle as a 2x4 upside the head, but I have dogs so what do I do when confronted with a fleshy meshy thong with a doggie on it? I buy it, because I am a lingerie-addled 'ho.   And this 'ho keeps wear her O and Tunisian Patchouli combo. It smells really good together. I know I will tire of it, my body chem will do another seasonal/hormonal morph, or more likely, my order of the Monster Bait and Osun will arrive and I'll have a new infatuation, but for now, the O and Tunisian Patchouli cocktail is swoon-worthy.




Settling in

Now that I've totally geeked out on some of the forum blog technical details, I think it's time to settle into actually posting.   ---   This spring it seems that I'm traveling like mad. This would be great for someone who liked traveling, but I don't. I can't help it. I hate sleeping away from home. even the nicest hotel comes in 2nd place to my own bed in my own room.   Last week, I was in England. Five days in Oxford, and 2 in London. I was totally enchanted by Oxford. London, on the other hand, was so gray and dismal. I loved the museums, but beyond that... Also, I don't think of myself as a prude, after all, I loved living in San Francisco, but... Walking down what seem to be normal downtown shopping streets and seeing sex shops and casinos just mixed in with the cafes and stores just seemed odd and a littledissonant. Also, what's with all the betting parlors? On every block, almost.   I unfortunately missed out on two places I wanted to go: I was planning to take a day trip to Stonehenge, but when I called the tour company, they were totally booked. Then I thought I'd take the train to Bletchley Park (where they cracked the Enigma code) but their museum was going to be closed until April 1. I was sad.   Everyone has been asking me about the food. Well, Oxford and London were both covered in very nice French boulangeries, which have great coffee, tea, and chocolate croisants. Many of them also serve sandwiches where they take a length of baguette, make a cheese-heavy sandwich with it, then smoosh it on a panini grill. The long narrow shape makes them much easier to eat than the kind of paninis we have here.   Also, the Indian food is spectacular. I can see why people joke about it being the national cuisine of England. The non-ethnic restaurants we went to were less impressive. They really do sadly overcook their vegetables.   I had fish and chips at a pub in Oxford (it was away from the tourist areas and was populated mostly by locals (I got chatted up by a handful, so I'm sure they were local). They served it on a regular plate, and it didn't taste any different from fish and chips you would have in the US. On the plus side though, the pub had Strongbow on tap. I love Strongbow...   ---   I took lots of pictures, so hopefully soon I will have some to post!




French Love & Inferno

So, I grabbed two from the big ol' pile of imps needing sniffing.   French Love: A warm, soft, sexual blend. Sweet and alluring. Used to entice new lovers and add an aura of temptation and carnal sin to your environment.   The name, of course, attracted me, so I put it on. It's like dragon's blood, but there is something else there. Something intriguing. I kept wanting to sniff it more. I never figured out what it was; it kept slipping away everything time I got close.   It doesn't react the same as dragon's blood - it stays more true to form with little morphing. Not bad. I think I'll keep the imp around for a little bit.   Inferno: The Dark Side of Fire: cinnamon, bitter almond, and neroli. Heavily spiced, torrid, and possibly conflagrant.   In the imp it is all almondy and cinnamon, very fiery and smoldering, but I know before it even touches the skin what it will be. Scents with cinnamon are always pure red hots on me and not thing else. And that is what it was. Even as strong as the almond was in the imp, once on my skin it was all cinnamon. *pouts* I wish I could wear cinnamon.   I was going to wear French Love today...but when I was getting ready - I was in a Tiger Lily mood all the way. *sniffs* Mmmmm...honeyed lilies. Spring is nice.




Memorable roses.

Blood Rose ~ I've nicknamed this The Days of Wint and Roses because it smells like it has a high red wine content.   Eve ~ Supposedly there's fig in this, but damned if I could smell it over the rose once I applied it to my skin.   Rose Red ~ Unfortunately, this is an LE; however, it does smell like a perfect dew-covered rose.   Zombi ~ Fresh, this oil smells far, far more like dirt than rose -- and that's how I prefer it. Aged, it smells far, far more like rose than dirt -- upon wearing this, not even Lushious Goodness could blow my skirt up.




Dirty scents.

I tried Death Cap on Saturday. It starts out smelling like freshly turned earth -- much like Graveyard Dirt. Then I can smell something else in it, which I'm willing to believe is the mushroom. Then the mushroom scent takes a sweet turn, which overwhelms the rest of the oil until it starts to smell like cupcakes.   I'm tempted to nickname it Picnic at the Cemetery.     I'm trying out Premature Burial today. The green is doing odd things to me. Ever smelled frozen spinach being boiled? That was a peculiar stage of this oil.   Penny Dreadful also has that wonderful Graveyard Dirt base, but soon includes semi-sweet florals. I would consider this a true scent-garden oil.   Graveyard Dirt ~ I have a bottle, with three more on the way. This actually smells like freshly turned earth, and I was first aware of it as an LE scent. This may end up being my default "working" oil, though I'd need to research the appropriateness of using it thus.




Effective scents.

13 ~ Oddly, I used to have issues about walking around smelling like I'd smeared myself with chocolate, but sometimes 13 would just be too much fun not to wear. Then I let my sweetie sniff some. There's nothing like seeing someone's eyes glow from a BPAL scent to change one's mind. I'm beginning to equate certain scents with sex (ginger and more recently mango, for instance), which is a habit that seems to transcend whatever relationship I'm in. I keep forgetting to wear this oil on the 13th -- after all, I have a bunch of new decants to play with today -- but hopefully I'll correct that next month.   Imp ~ I love this one because it makes me feel somewhere between mischevious and downright evil. Sometimes I feel like I'm developing the Joker's grin just from applying it. "I aim to make some mischief." It's kind of difficult to be scared about walking around alone at night when I feel pleasantly psychotic.   Loviatar ~ for a couple of months, I wore this out while dancing before I started dating a scent-phobe. He's no longer an issue, but I've dropped the habit of wearing scents to the club. I'll have to correct that soon, as this one left me feeling relatively powerful and predatory.   O ~ for months, this was the oil I wore out dancing because it was soft and sexy and made me feel pretty. I have to start putting some BPAL in my dancing bag.   Snake Oil ~ the only precioussss I can wear to work and get compliments on, it's grown on me since I first tried it a few years ago. I used to think that Tombstone was sweeter, but I must have been very confused.   Spooky ~ This smells the way my hair does after I've shampooed with Washaday Greens and conditioned with Cooaluin. Of people I've hugged after giving myself the complete mint-and-coconut treatment, only one has complained about the wet cardboard scent -- the rest have told me I've smelled edible and prolonged the hug just to breathe me in some more. This is my "no, really -- you wuv me" scent.   Sugar Skull ~ While playing "my sweetie has a broken sniffer," I held this bottle up to his nose, keeping my fist around it so he couldn't see the name. This was the oil scent that made him grab my hand in both of his to keep me from moving the bottle away. I've since decanted about half of one bottle into a lip-gloss roller bottle for slathering, and picked up another 5ml for good measure.   Talvikku ~ My sweetie sniffed me after I put some on and said, eyes glowing, that I smelled like candy. I'm not sure that a whole week passed before I bought a whole bottle from Lush-a-Lot.




Chocolate scent notes.

Le whee!   13 ~ I took a risk buying the first release as a 5ml and have never, ever regretted it. I rarely smell anything from it but milk chocolate, though. Freak Show ~ delightfully fruity, I wouldn't have pegged this for a chocolate scent Gluttony ~ absolutely alarming by itself, but excellent as a mixer. review. Lump of Coal ~ I got to sniff this recently, and I agree with people who get fudge brownie out of it. Wowzers. Pumpkin Patch #2 Cocoa, Hazelnut, & Walnut ~ like pretty much everyone else, this is one of my favorites of the Pumpkin Patch series. Not big-bottle worthy, but fun. Spooky ~ there's chocolate in this? Wow, all I smell is mint and coconut.   Le suck!   Cerberus ~ cherry scented bandages. review. Dia de los Muertos ~ I really wanted to like this from the name, but it was a little more harsh than I wanted to deal with. Intrigue ~ not my thing, but I gave it to receptionist who said it reminded him pleasantly of his childhood in Scotland. review. Kali ~ a nice collection of ingredients gone horribly wrong on me. The Great Sword of War ~ I think this one was a little too incensy for me, but I'm not sure. I didn't like it, though. Velvet ~ the chocolate descriptions intrigued me, but I mainly remember it smelling like the fabric.




Hermetically sealed for your irritation!

I think my mother passed a strange gene down to me - it's the dreaded TAPE gene.... Opening any gifts from Mom especially around christmas time gets frustrating. She tapes things closed - not only tapes things but TAPES them. Whenever there is a present ready, my dad has his trusty pocket knife out because he knows. Knows what? you say? He knows that is is going to take some big time muscles with his pocket knife to get thru all of mom's tape! It's the family joke but it gets downright irritating if you are a ripper! Ya know, one of those people who love to rip into a package - damn the pretty paper.   So, somewhere along the line, I got the gene (or the obsession)and it is magnified by 1,000 to say the least. All of my swaps go out pretty much hermetically sealed for protection Whose protection? Well, I would venture to guess, protection of my mental health status! My bottles, for example start out with me trying my damndest to get the lid on as tight as possible. Plumbing thread tape is next to keep the leaks in place. Saran wrap is next, pulled tight and then taped into place - just on the off chance any oil would get past the thread tape and saran wrap. Then, said bottle is wrapped verically in bubble wrap (tape to hold it closed), the horizontally, then it is put into a liitle pouch I have taped together, with the imps and such going out.   Boxes? Now, here is where my obsessive hermetic seal really kicks in. I am so paranoid that the box is going to come open or the label is going to come off that I pretty much tape the whole damn box. I cannot help myself. It is against my nature to normally tape it due to rampant paranoia running thru mywee little mind. Paranoia that the box is going to fly open, or lids are going to leak. This mind set also comes in to play when wrapping presents also. One of my good friends got a care package from me that was vitually a box encased in tape. WEll, what if water got in? Or perfume tried to leak out? Anhow, she is the one who started the whole "hermetically sealed" thing.   Advice to future swappers and buyers, Have scissors on hand when my packages come in.




More scent notes.

Notes of mine grabbed from the Lush forum for future use.   In other news, I'm trying Gingerbread Poppet in my scent locket today. Um, I learned something important: just because I could tip my imp of Imp and have to scoop the oil out with the wand does not mean that the same would have been true for G.P.   I smell like a riot in the Keebler factory.     Bewitched ~ very, very sweet blackberries. If it's too sweet on you, I recommend Baneberry, which has a little greenery to cut some of the sweetness. Dragon's Milk ~ one of the few of the Ars Draconis line that I can tolerate, if I remember correctly. Dana O' Shee ~ whee! sweet! Often compared to Snowcake soap. Eclipse ~ I smell HIWTK from this. Snake Oil ~ took a while to grow on me, and now I'm considering a 5ml bottle. Black Pearl ~ a sweet, creamy coconut scent. Imp ~ my "hi, i'm a large, unstable thing of indeterminate gender walking alone at night" scent. Embalming Fluid ~ a very bright citrus. White Rabbit ~ my frimp of it shattered in the box. Smelled sweet and lovely, though. Tombstone ~ before it ages, it actually smells sweeter than Snake Oil. Dorian ~ for Anita Blake fans, my standing comment is: This is what Nathaniel's hair my smell like. Laudanum ~ hoohoo. Herbal, and a great sleepy-time oil. review Hecate ~ very strongly floral to my nose. Queen of Sheba ~ spiced, honeyed almonds Antique Lace ~ after reading people's reviews, I was surprised by how dry and dusty a floral this is. O ~ powdery and very much like cocoa butter on warm skin. Snowblind ~ A perfect, light, sparkling mint blend. Milk Moon ~ somewhere between sweet-n-creamy to "damn, I forgot to finish this glass of milk" Smut ~ falls a bit flat on its own, but has potential if it's layered with O.




Amber scents of note.

Aureus ~ my first wonderful experience with amber. review Bastet ~ spiced almonds, if I remember correctly. review Black Lotus ~ review Bruja (discontinued) ~ related to Snake Oil, but dampened down with dark chocolate. review Carnivàle ~ didn't love it. Maybe it contained cherry. review Corazon (LE) ~ very much a red wine scent. review Haunted ~ a very smooth smelling oil. review Hollywood Babylon ~ not as sweet as I later remembered it being, oddly enough. review Imp ~ I really like this oil: a sweet incense that I can wear! It's my "I'm feeling borderline psychotic right now, perhaps I'll go walk out in the dark alone" scent. Loviatar ~ my "Come here and worship me" dancing oil. O ~ my "Really, I'm perfectly harmless" dancing oil. review Red Lantern (LE) ~ smells like the aftermath of licking caramel sauce off a lover's body. Red Moon (LE) ~ dragon's blood resin. meh. Saint-germain ~ too floral Sin ~ cooling cinnamon pastries. review The Lion ~ this is probably what the lion from the Kenya animation smells like.


