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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Hello!   Wow my virgin post on BPAL blogs! Not much to say for now other than hi! I'm pretty psyched, I am waiting on two decant groups- The Chakeras and Qliphoth. Not to mention the order I made on the lunar update. I'm dying for the Monster Bates to arrive. *te-hee* Monster Bates. That still cracks me up.   It's really wonderful to see the forum rocking the world again, allthough I still love bpaladdicts Live Journal community.   I can't wait for Pluto to go live in the next Lunar Update. That's one of my favorite paintball scents. It's pepperish so the mosquitos and other bugs stay clear as I run through the wood and paint my friends. The sad thing is that I'm close to assigning a BPAL scent for every marker that I have. They all have personalities, and are differnt (yes even the handful of VMs I have are all individuals) so they deserve their own BPAL. Besides, the Hurricane would smell good if I could soak the wooden stock with some Hurricane. I'd love to have something good smelling for Castle when I'm doomed to stay in a bunk with a bunch of loud stinky men!   I'll try to keep this updated better than my LJ. Even if it's just little blerbs. Have a good one everyone- and HUZZAH for the forums once again!




Thee Master List

And so, I basically open this blog (which just gives me yet another place to write, yipes) with a list of what I've tried and if I like/didn't like it. I'm trying to keep track, and this seems pretty much the logical place to do so, yes?   Like 13, Absinthe, Beaver Moon, Black Opal, Black Lotus, Brimstone, Brisingamen, Chiroptera, Coyote, Devil's Night '05, Dublin, Fallen, Grog, Hades, Hunger, Jazz Funeral, Juke Joint, Lady MacBeth, Lampades, The Lion, Lilith, London, Midway, Shill, Swank, Two Five & Seven   Didn't Like Akuma, Amsterdam, Baron Samedi, Bayou, Casanova, Crossroads, Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Tears, Eden, Euterpe, Hell's Belle, Hellfire, Juliet, Kyoto, Languor, Lightning, Lolita, Loralei, Lucy's Kiss, New Orleans, Santo Domingo, Shanghi, Suspiro, The Coiled Serpent, Vice   --   Next up: revamping the wish list based on what I've tried. Lord, that'll take forever.   Might as well ask -- can anyone please recommend things based on my "Likes" list? I just get overwhelmed trying to find stuff based on notes...   Oh yeah, I just got in on a decant of Monster Bait: Closet! Woo! Hopefully it'll come in before my birthday; I need to know if I want it before 5/1, and my birthday is 5/5 so guess who's ordering in April...!




Testing the waters

I'm so happy the forums are back!!!! I just thought I'd test this thingee out, it looks quite fun. I can't wait to see what other nifty doo-dads have been added.   I'm excited to start doing reviews again, I missed the forums like crazy...   Anyway... Hello all!!!   I'm wearing Tarot The Lovers right now...




Well, I've made it through the night.

Without making this into an E/N drama debacle, that was a pretty rough night.   But I made it out the other side of it relatively emotionally-unscathed.   But I *was* angered in a way I didn't think I'd ever be angered, which just that fact alone surprised me. I thought I'd break down and become even more distressed, but instead I fought back. And it felt *good*, knowing that I gave a piece of my mind and didn't just default to a "shrinking violet" stance.   Anyway, I still need professional help and I shall seek that today, by any means necessary.   Sleepless nights still suck, though.




Over the Mountain

We're leaving early tomorrow morning for a 7 night stay at this awesome cabin in the Smoky Mountains. Ah, rest and relaxation!   A ten hour drive with bickering 4 year old and 7 year old siblings should prove to be exciting! I'm driving, so I'll leave the navigation and child wrangling to Dave.   I'll be back late on Saturday, 4/1 so I probably won't be back on the forum until 4/2. I'll miss you all!




A clever title?

A test post!   Dang, I need to think of a clever title. I just realized that clever looks a lot like clover.   Twilight Alchemy Lab click'n'ship - 3/21   Black Phoenix Trading Post click'n'ship - 3/22   Woohoo! Presumably the t.p. cns is for an ebay purchase.   Scent of the day: Dorian   Gotta go to work!





Mm, well this is all rather flash! It's certainly good to be back on the forum, and things seem to be speedier... or maybe I'm just still getting used to the Powerbook over the poor old Tecra Tortoise.   Anyway, I should be at work by now, so I'm off


