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Everything posted by elenore
Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? (In random order) MLK Jr., Howard Zinn, Frida Kahlo, the Dalai Lama, Maggie Kuhn, Sojourner Truth, Imogen Cunningham, Sally Mann, Sylvia Plachy, Madeline L'Engle, Dan Savage, Gene Robinson, Neil Gaiman, Sherlock Holmes, Zoe from Firefly (you didn't say they had to be real!) There are probably more I'll think of after I post this... Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? Iceland...Language, I'm not sure...I'm not very good with languages. If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) Perhaps Harry Potter, but only if I am a witch. I don't want to be a Muggle. Failing that, the Land of Oz is pretty cool. Books to read: see my amazon wishlist! (uh, there are some books in there, really...I just noticed how much of it is music or movies. I also have a "to-read" shelf on goodreads; you might be able to pull some ideas out of there, but watch out for the ones that are also on the "own" shelf! I have a lot of books I haven't read yet...) used copies are always always welcome. Gardening: yes, it's time to plan my garden for spring! Seeds I could use: hmm. What am I going to grow this year? Carrots...Spinach...arugula? basil...peppers...dill...cucumbers? (not sure about that one...) strawberries! (I actually grew a few last year!) onions...Parsley...(insert Simon and Garfunkel song)...maybe some other herbs I haven't tried before...Like I said, I'm interested in medicinal herb properties...but I'm drawing a blank right now on what I'd like to grow, and not sure what will grow in my climate. Also, it needs to be easy to grow. I kill things sometimes.
mmm, yummy ketchup...with onions... Hair stuff? Sadly, I don't have a lot of hair to play with yet...growing it out. It's in a bob and not quite long enough to put in pigtails yet. Probably the next thing I would need for it are some of those good quality very small alligator clips (I think they are called. The ones with the teeth.) I had some once that did a great job of holding my super fine, super straight hair back when I was growing it out. Canned goods? uh...Home canned, you mean? That sounds nice...Regular canned goods from the grocery store? I don't need those. OPI Alice? Honestly, I had to google this, and the result I found is worth posting here so everyone can reference it: http://www.alllacqueredup.com/2009/12/opi-...hes-review.html I think I already shared my avoidance of glitter polish, but I have to say the Mad As A Hatter is pretty awesome. I wouldn't wear it much though and don't have the patience to put it on and take it off. I definitely like the Thanks So Muchness rather than the Off With Her Red, but I'm not a big wearer of red. So in summation...Great concept, but not anything I need or really want. Severed Finger? uh..no? What?? Tiny things? Probably would get lost. How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? That sounds so cute! I used to collect stuffed animals and I wouldn't mind having one. Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) Not right now...I need to minimize! What are your favorite animals? Cats! Cats! That would be for pets. For just admiring and looking at, it's wolves, whales, wild birds, owls, and bats. Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? Most falls into the category of unique articles of clothing that I regret getting rid of. Just yesterday I realized with a jolt that I got rid of my old New Model Army tee shirt. Why did I do that?? It's not like a tee shirt takes up that much room! If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? I'd wish for Ravenclaw, but if the hat didn't think I was smart enough...(is it pure smarts that gets you in or just a love of knowledge and learning?) I dunno, maybe Gryffindor? I am loyal and I get fired up about justice, and I am also a bit rebellious...but only in "safe" ways. Would I have gone ahead and flown to the Ministry with Harry, or would I have stayed behind? Those are the kinds of things that you probably only know when they are tested IRL. Maybe I would be a Hufflepuff. I really don't know. Astronomy? It's kinda cool. I don't know all the constellations or anything. Star Trek? Yes!! TNG is my fave, mostly for nostalgic reasons, followed by classic (same thing) I am not a purist; I enjoyed the new movie a lot. My whole family are Trekkies to varying degrees. I plan to watch all of DS9 soon since my brother has raved about it so much (and I liked the ones I did see.) Fave flowers: hmm. Apple and cherry blossoms, lilacs, roses. These are all basically to look at when they are growing..I'm not a huge fan of cut flowers. When I do get roses I dry them...love dried roses. Eye color: hazel, of a brown/green hue Stuff I collect other than BPAL: Books, vinyl records, old cameras, photographic ephemera, recipes, socks Breakdown of spending: nah, not necessary If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? When it comes to herbal tisanes, I am quite willing to try new ones. I am not as fond of fruity as I am of spicy. I am interested in the medicinal properties of herbs as well. My favorite black teas are chai and earl grey, but beyond that I am not a big black tea fan, especially flavored black teas. I sometimes enjoy green tea, and Pu Erh (smoked tea.) Oh and I love Rooibos. I usually like it plan but am open to trying different flavors. Trader Joe's had a delicious orange spice rooibos that they no longer carry...sad. If my witch happens to live in Seattle, you could make my day by sending me a bag of the Morning Glory chai spice mix from Mr. Spot's! Patronus: Probably a cat. I am nocturnal, I love to sleep, I like my solitude and am choosy about whom I lavish affection upon. But I love having a good lap to curl up in, and if you feed me I am yours forever. hee. PS. Dear Witch-I know better than to buy things on my wishlist right now (I hope!) But I'm afraid I am guilty of participating in the V-Day Wishes thread without thinking about the consequences. Due to an extremelygenerous wish-granter, I now am taking both Blackberry Jam and Scones and Ded Moroz off my bpal wishlist. Hope that's not too much of a pain in the butt. I will refrain from any more of that. love, me.
Huh. WHen I first put this on, I thought for sure it was not going to be a keeper. Despite the lemon cookies, there is a pungent scent that right away turned me off-is it leather, books, herbs? not sure...but I was feeling very sad and disappointed. I keep trying these library/book scents in the hopes that they will work on me. I decided to wait a bit longer though, and after it dried, I suddenly realized a nice soft smell was drifting up-slightly sweet, still a little sharp but mellowed, somewhat dusty. and I can smell the incense now. It's interesting, and a real morpher. I think I'll give it another chance.
Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? Those earrings look awesome, but my ears are stretched to 10G, so assuming they are standard posts (that's how it looks in the pic) I couldn't wear them. Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) Sure! ummm...I need strength and focus! ETA: Actually, I think maybe what I really need is patience...but I don't know if you can charge something with that. Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? Not really. Things are kind of non-eventful now. Burlesque: Not so much. Roller derby is more my thang. Villainess update: haven't even looked yet. uhhhh....ok...yum. Rasberry Swirl and Lipstick Lost sound great...in Whipped or Smooch. Oh, the Rasberry Swirl Smack sounds delish. Have not experienced the smack. Fleuvogs: awesome looking but expensive.
Would you like new nail polish? If so, what colors are you craving? I used to wear nail polish very often. Then, I got rid of most of it and now it's become an occasional thing. I tried to keep only the really good quality ones, and they all are formaldehyde and tolulene-free. I'm really interested in trying the water-based (rather than solvent-based, which still contains fumes.) I know the BPTP claw polish is pretty safe (relatively) so I still want to try those in Robotic Scarab and Smokestack. I like dark colors and I no longer use nail polish with actual pieces of glitter in it because it is so annoying to take off. Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I'm kind of over incense...I'd rather impart a scent without the smoke. Wax tarts have worked successfully in the past, particularly from Dark Candles. I also like their candles. However, I am attempting to have only beeswax candles in my home, which conflicts with that. There are plenty of great beeswax ones out there, though, like Big Dipper waxworks. Oh, what kinds of scents do I like? Foody and spicy usually. I just got some mini candles that are Cinnamon red-hots. They smell delicious. In the Dark Candles line, I have in the past appreciated the Dark Carnival and Dark Grove scents. I'm interested in the Bonfire, Haunted House, Forbidden Fruit, and Liquored-Up Tart. WoW? no Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. I keep trying to think of new ways to organize my imps. I could use some kind of box or holder to keep everyday favorites in-I have ammo boxes for long term storage but I find those hard to access on a regular basis. My main concern is keeping imps upright, but also when they're tucked into something like an ammo box it's hard to see the labels and find things. If you think you have the perfect solution for me, I would be thrilled. Otherwise, on other box fronts I am more or less set, having many lovely boxes gifted to me by past creative Witches! Favorite candy: dark chocolate. plain or with almonds or hazelnuts. chocolate covered coffee beans. Reeses PB cups used to be my favorite but I look for things that are slightly healthier now and I don't like milk chocolate anymore. in the non-chocolate category... uh.....drawing a blank. Is there candy besides chocolate? icon_biggrin.gif Kitchen Gadgets: I wish I had one of those rotating egg beaters. Other than that, I think all the gadgets I desire fall way outside of the $28 limit. oh, there is one other thing (but I wouldn't expect a Witch to mail this one): a large (12-qt.) stainless steel mixing bowl with a smooth/flat bottom (ie it doesn't have a groove running around the bottom inside, which my current set of mixing bowls has) and a rounded rim. For mixing bread dough in. I haven't been able to figure out what brand is best...a guy I know got his at IKEA and it's perfect, but I didn't see any on their website and our nearest IKEA is 3 hours away. I wouldn't mind cool dish towels. Ours are mismatched from Goodwill. (Not just cause we're cheap, often the used ones work much better: our Goodwill towels are more effective than our dark red matching ones that we got brand new as a wedding gift. They don't dry well and leave a lot of lint.) handmade gifts are great. To my knowledge I have no fabric allergies, though I do tend to like natural fabrics (not to be a snob or anything. There are plenty of good natural/acrylic blends out there and I am currently knitting a scarf with one.) I gots all confuzed...was the love poem question in this swap or in the no-baby shower swap? looks like lots of people are posting poems over there so sorry if i spilled over into this one with my enthusiasm. Anyway it doesn't matter if you are my witch, since u will see all my posts right? 00000288.gif Mardi Gras: I never paid much attention to it until I started, uh, going to church (totally different story for another topic...) and Shrove Tuesday started to have some meaning for me. I actually really appreciate Ash Wednesday and Lent (I'm an Episcopalian, to be very very brief.) For me it's about having a great party and celebrating life with a sort of "carpe diem" or memento mori attitude, followed by somber reflection on the fact that everything is temporary and I will return to dust, and then a season of inner reflection and trying to be aware of how I live my life while I'm here. </religious talk> I heart plush microbes! And I don't have any yet! I like the white blood cell, black death (duh), swine flu, flu, sore throat, beer yeast, and mono! omg Flesh eating disease is adorable too! magtongue.gif
For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? No pets, sadly. We want cats. Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? I will answer my own question. We're not particularly kinky around here...but sex-positive. I'm open to new games to play, trying new things, etc. Don't need condoms and the like, but lube or other sex enhancers (ahem) are welcome (I am the one who posted this question but it's totally making me blush!) Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I haven't been to one in a long time. I do have some costuming things but rarely an occasion to wear them. Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? nope! Gently Used CDs/DVDs? Yes! "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod-I just grabbed a bunch from the top, don't know if it's 25: A Thousand Beautiful Things-Annie Lennox Sogg -Amiina Rugla-Amiina The Swell Season-Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová Travel As I Wait-Tomas Halberstad Modular Mix-Air Alone In Kyoto-Air Another Day- Air Alpha Beta Gaga -Air Hilli -Amiina Sexfaldur -Amiina The Hurting Time-Annie Lennox Erased-Annie Lennox Dark Entries-Bauhaus Harvest Home-Big Country Ashes To Ashes - David Bowie Girls' Night Out -The Knife Something Inside Me Has Died-Kommunity FK Situation (US 12" Mix)-Yaz Kind of random. Interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Absolutely!
What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? Sadly, most of my Valentine's memories involve rarely getting any valentines (except for from the kids whose moms made them get valentines for every person in the class), and never getting a flower when, in junior high, they had those stupid anonymous "flower delivery" things (ah, the envy of those who did not receive their single wilted carnation!) Things did not improve much in adulthood, with a string of bad valentines days involving date disappointments, breakups either right before or right after v-day, and the like. By the time I was actually in a positive relationship that coincided with v-day, I was pretty cynical. Now I am married, but we don't make a big deal out of the holiday, and we don't see the need to go out to dinner on the same night that every freaking couple in the city is doing the same thing. I feel more positive about the holiday from a friend-love, sharing-chocolate POV, but I still feel that it is overly commercialized and places wayy to much emphasis on the idea that there is ONE other person out there for you and you are incomplete if not romantically coupled. Not to mention it is also totally hetero-centric. So I generally shun it except when it comes to creating new, non-commercialized, non-traditional traditions such as a round of SW! whoo.gif Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?)? I like red, especially paired with black. pink, not so much...white, ok with black...(you get the picture...) What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? Bats! What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? budding apple and cherry blossom trees, although this will be my first spring in the Midwest so I'm not sure what to expect. Perhaps it will become ice melting. Hand-knitted? oh mais OUI!! I loooove hand knitted things. Scarves are not so much needed right now, since I have lots and am honing my own knitting skills by doing scarf after scarf (once I feel confident I will move on to hats.) I would love a hat, or gloves, or armwarmers, or legwarmers,, or socks... I have a question: Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? E.g. edible body paint, lube, safer sex items...etc... icon_redface.gif
yay! awesome statement.
Note: i have never eaten Pfefferneuse, so I don't have any preconceptions for this one. It smells nutty and sweet. Like cookies with...almonds? The nuttiness is strong on me for most of the drydown. I can smell the spices-cinnamon, nutmeg-they're all nicely balanced and no one dominates. Later the nutty note kind of went away and I was left with a soft sugary cookie smell. I want to eat my hand.
Before I put it on, this smells very strong and fruity-not sweet, but kind of boozy, citrusy, and spicy. On, I can smell a lot of fruit-I'm not familiar with these foods that are listed, but going by what others have said, I can see prunes, maybe plums, rice pudding-maybe, but this isn't very sweet. I can see mead-that must be the boozy part. It's citrusy ,but maybe like a pomander ball with spices stuck in it. I think there might be a whiff of smoke keeping things balanced, but I wouldn't call it a smoky scent. Dry, it is a pleasant spicy fruit. I would try this again for sure.
Whoa! In the bottle this one is so strong and boozy-sweet! It reminds me of something I can't put my finger on, which is driving me crazy. The goats-milk makes it more tangy and strong than a regular milk note. So I put it on. It's sweet and smooth, spicy and latte-like. Yum. Then my skin eats it. OH SKINNN!!! WHYYYY?? Why must you always EAT the foodies? Anyway. So I might have to slather it on. On days when I want to smell like a boozy eggnog latte.
- 85 replies
Wow. Before I put it on, this is very sharp, dark pine. Like a damp pine forest. Something dank and dark is definitely lurking. On, I get strong pine. I worry for a second that it will be like Pine-sol. But! Here comes the clove, warming it up and twisting it around. Wow! For a bit it smells cologne-y. This might be a good man's scent (for men who want to smell manly.) It's definitely not sweet. On drydown, it smells like a clove ciggy. For reals. But still not too sweet. I like it. I'm not sure how often I will wear it, but I like it. I would especially like it on someone else, I think...(someone I am kissing lots)
This is a very pulpy apple. It's like walking through an orchard with overripe smushed apples fallen on the ground. Maybe there are some nuts around too. But mostly I get the fresh, strong apple scent. I like cider-y apple scents more than fresh ones, so I think I'll swap this one.
First impression: smells like a cross between Punkie Night and Fearful Pleasure. Apple-y. On: At first, very Punkie Night. fresh apples. but with something else lurking n the background. On drydown, that starts to come forward. it's a tanginess, is how I would describe it. Like hard cider! Later, a soft sweet note comes up. It's definitely not sharp as it was, the tang of the apple has become more like apple pie. no longer fresh but baked and oozing with yummy spicy sugary stuff. mmm. I was afraid of the milk note but it's subtle. just creamy and sweet. I likes it!!
- 168 replies
- Halloween 2009
- Halloween 2010
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This is really just what the description says. Cherry brandy. Soo yummy I want to eat my wrist. I was afraid that it would be like cough syrup, but it's not sticky sweet. Must be the brandy (how does Beth make a brandy scent, anyway?? ah, mysterious alchemy.) Unfortunately, it does fade fairly quickly on me, as these foody scents usually seem to.
- 96 replies
- Halloween 2009
- Halloween 2012
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BEET KETCHUP! : What is one thing you would like to learn more about that you haven't already? Spanish. Norwegian. Sewing. Knitting! Printmaking. Painting. What is your favorite cookie type? Chocolate chip, PB chocolate chip, oatmeal chocolate chip, chocolate chocolate chip...and the occasional gingersnap. icon_biggrin.gif oh and mint chocolate sandwich. or thin mints/thin mint knockoffs. oh and Milanos, mint or plain. I have a weakness for Milanos. specially since they fall in the "really unhealthy" junk food category for me, as opposed to the mildly unhealthy (sugar etc AND hydrogenated oil, unless they've changed their formula.) I love homemade cookies, and I don't care much for raisins or fruit in my cookies. There. I think I've covered the cookie subject. BPTP: Well, I haven't looked at it in a while, but now I have...so...aside from the Pumpkin Pie bath oil which I am in a decant circle for, I'm also interested in the Patentia and Luxuria bath oils. But I wouldn't say I'm lusting over anything. for the record. I am not that into beets. Please don't send me beets. But I would be interested in a red velvet cake recipe that uses beet for color. I love red velvet cake. (Exception: I do sometimes enjoy borscht.) (and when I do make borscht, I get distracted by how pretty beets look when you peel them...and I always have to take pictures of the patterns they make.) (well, and ok, I've had pickled beets, and the description of the roasted beets sounded kinda good...so I guess I do occasionally like beets. I give.) the knitted beet is cute. I like the idea of knitted veggies. Do you like to find out there's a package on the way or to receive a tracking number to stalk, or do you prefer surprise packages? I do like stalking, maybe because I am a control freak? But I would want to know something was on the way so that IN CASE it didn't make it and then my witch never heard from me...oh noes!! alcohol: I'm not a big drinker. I seem to prefer my drinks sweet (and I often say that given the choice between alcohol and sugar, I will choose sugar.) That said, I do enjoy a good wine (usually white), hard cider, mead, sake (you see a theme here, the theme is Sweet.) I'm not a big beer fan but I occasionally like beers that are more malty/smooth, not hoppy. I tend to like wheat beers, it seems. if i were your witch, and i wanted to make you a spell or mojo bag, would you be into that? and, if you were, would you want it for something like love, prosperity or luck? or would you want it for a certain element? or would you want it for something more personal- and what might that be? Health and energy!! I also do not know much about mojo bags. But that is what I am focused on right now. ok so...is it bad to have a graphic in my sig? I'm feeling bad now. I know mine is kind of too big. Is it annoying people? Bard, I love the beet icon, even if I don't love beets! I have checked the spam filter, though I already received the ecard from my witch...a Monty Python card...I hope mentioning it on the thread was enough! I didn't really see a way to reply to an ecard. And I hope I am not a disappearing witchee...I don't think so...I think I am being a good witchee...in fact I'm probably overwhelming my Witch with all my wants and gimme gimmees. (Did I mention that greed was my deadly sin?) (srsly although I do have some weird issues about asking for things, it is offset by the knowledge that I enjoy the giving even more than the getting. And I know that if my witch enjoys the giving and spoiling as much as I do, the best thing to do is to give my witch lots of options. (refrains from using female pronoun with respect for the man in the round. man or men?) I also want to let my witch know-I indicated on my amazon wish list that for all the CDs I would like, used is perfectly ok-but for most of them, copies are fine too! I keep meaning to say that but forgetting.
Would a "gift" donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift? That would be cool. I don't think I put enough organizations on my questionnaire, though. Someone mentioned Wolf Haven; that's a really good one, so is the Bat World Sanctuary. I love poor misunderstood bats! I also support no-kill cat shelters. How varied is your musical taste? Extremely so. It's all across the board and I'm very into using theme music to suit the mood, time of day, season, etc. I would be happy to get new music! I'm open to almost anything, except maybe contemporary country, opera (just can't get into it somehow), or...not really into thrash metal, either. That's all I can think of at the moment. and Hildegard is awesome. Would you like to receive something of this nature (sweet diva boxes) from your witch? Ok, I can't figure this one out. What are they? Google searches is not coming up with anything conclusive. It sounds like it is something you buy with things already selected? I guess I'd rather my witch chose things for me (if that's what it is.) But really I have no idea. musicals: Not very into them. Exception would be Les Miserables. I was very into it in junior high. Phantom of the Opera was ok too. Ok, and I like Fiddler on the Roof. Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? The other day I was just thinking about the 2 great songs from Pretty In Pink that are NOT on the soundtrack-the club scene bands. The Rave-Ups was one, I can't remember the other one right now. I've never seen them anywhere. The other song I've always wanted is Danny Elfman's "This is Halloween" mixed with Pop Will Eat Itself's "Ich Bin Ein Auslander". mixed by that genius Kurt guy from Information Society. Pirate or ninja: Ninja. Well,...although the pirate costume is better. But I identify more with a ninja. Super villain or vigilante? Which would you like to be? Which would you like to receive? vigilante! About Yankee candles: THe main thing is that the smell is often too strong for me and gives me a headache. (too many synthetics, maybe? not sure...) I've had this happen with other candles so I am selective. I had no problems with candles from Illuminations, although I haven't been there lately. I also have really enjoyed candles and tarts from Dark Candles. I was going to try and only use beeswax candles in my home. I'm sticking to that, but I would make an exception for Dark Candles. Hey, let's make that a question! Would you want candles from this site, and if so, which scents interest you? http://www.darkcandles.com I'd like to try: Bonfire, Chocolate Bat, Autumn Harvest, Jack O'Latte (heads up, pumpkin latte fans!!) or Pumpkin Spice, Nosferatu... wohoo, candles! They make tarts too. A lovely past Witch sent me a Dark Carnival tart, and I loved it. It smelled like halloween candy.
What was your favouritest job ever, and why? The movie theater. Why? It was great knowing when your busy time would be and when your slow time would be. It was easy to fulfill the desires and needs of the customers (see a movie, eat popcorn.) I worked with a fantastic group of people. It was a cool, art house kind of theater, a little funky and run-down, but better than any multiplex. Oh, and free movies and free popcorn. I liked it so much I worked there 3 different times in my life. I also really dig my current job, at a used bookstore. Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? 3? Why not 5? 1. Cocteau Twins-Treasure 2. Dead Can Dance-Within The Realm of A Dying Sun 3. Brian Eno-Before and After Science 4. Aphex Twin-Ambient Works Vol. 2 5. St. Mark's Compline Choir-Feathers of Green and Gold solar power?? oh no wait, I'm in a hole. I guess the thing you crank with your arm... What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? Dorian Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else? I try to cook, though often disappointed in the results. But...I collect cookbooks. I don't necessarily use them. I like reading them (rolls eyes) I like kitchen gadgetry too, but right now space is at a premium in our place. Oh, and I like baking more than cooking. Somehow I have a higher success rate. Maybe because it's more precise? Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? well yeah...books. yeah. I'm sorry, what was the question?(diverts self from re-sorting Goodreads shelves) You can take a look at Goodreads, but to be more helpful: I love the Sandman series, also Neverwhere...hmmm.. I'm getting too tired to think. From childhood I love the OZ series and Little House on the Prairie. I am a fan of Harry Potter. I mostly read fiction. What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? Although I usually try not to eat candy or anything with HFCS (oops, I may have failed to put that in my questionnaire...dear SW, dark chocolate is best, and I avoid high fructose corn syrup and trans fats whenever possible) ..mini 3 musketeers (and now they have Mint!! It's so good!) for some reason I like mini mr. goodbar. it makes me nostalgic. I don't think regular size mr. G would be the same. I eat my share of candy corn. What are your phobias? Heights, wasps, loud sudden noises (it's weird!) and hence, balloons. What is your favourite flower (or plant)? I love herbs that smell good-rosemary, lavender, etc. For flowers...I am fond of wildflowers and little ones that clamber up vines and grow all over everything. Lilac is divine. (I don't think I could wear it as a perfume, just to clarify. But I like smelling it.) Duct tape purses and wallets and things are pretty darned cool. Who else thinks so? meh. An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? well, I would give 1/2 of it to my husband. Well...or maybe a third. I'd spend the rest on books, clearing out some of my amazon wishlist (but buying them at local stores if I can!), things on etsy I am coveting, maybe some toy cameras and film...yeah, that money would be gone fast. Who likes coloring books? i prefer to draw Do you have a Good Reads profile? If so, make with the link! If you don't have one, go make one! http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/2332220 You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? Take out, shamefully. Unless I feel energetic and inspired. If you could decorate/redecorate any 1 room in your home, what would it be and how would you decorate it? Our rooms are so small and cramped right now it's hard to imagine...If I could have the bedroom exactly as I wanted it, it would be a room ONLY for sleeping...no clutter or electronics...some candles, lots of statues and books and comfort things. Lots of draperies. Dim light. Christmas lights. (that I can do, when I get around to it) Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? Not a big fan of organized sports in general...I used to be into baseball, and I still enjoy watching a game. I root for the Reservoir Dolls here in the Mad Rollin Dolls league of flat track derby! What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.) cats, first. Wolves, red pandas, dolphins, whales, and giraffes. This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? Peak oil? In the year 2525... if man is still alive... what sort of future do you imagine? (apologies to anyone who gets that song stuck in their head!) I think the Star Trek version would be ok except A. I would never join Starfleet and B. they need better clothes in the future. I could see it turning out more like Firefly. Really could. I would be scared. Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? I believe in energy, and the importance of ritual, and the power of the mind (gah that sounds like cheesy self help drivel!) I think that these things can apply to both magick/wicca/paganism and to religion, at least the way I practice it. I used to practice magic more, but now I just reserve a space of respect and honor for it. If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it? ) guess what, I has no idea what you is talking about!? Do you like pinup art/images? not so much... What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? I have been tossing costume ideas around..no plans yet but I am sure, knowing this town and our friends, there will be more than one event to choose from...As for traditions. I have a few; Decorating the house with Halloween stuff. Playing Halloween music/adding new finds to the playlist/making CDs for friends. Reading the Halloween Tree, Poe and other selected ghost stories and such. Reading Scary Godmother comic books. Watching one or more of the following: Arsenic and Old Lace. Young Frankenstein. It's the Great Pumpkin. Sleepy Hollow. (it's against the Rules to watch Nightmare Before Xmas for Halloween because it violates the Pre-Thanksgiving Christmas Ban...The officially mandated acceptable times to watch this movie are between the day after Thanksgiving and the12th Day of Christmas (aka Ephiphany.) General fall traditions: Making mulled cider, uh...I kind of ran out of steam there. I tried to think of other fall traditions but they were already all covered in the Halloween ones. Baking cookies is good too.
Some other train whistle fans here, I see! I thought of some other sounds I like: sleigh bells, owl hoots and frogs. Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? I love home remedies! I already use some but would be happy to learn about new ones. What is your favourite historical period? 1920s, turn of the century/Victorian, 1800s, Renaissance Did you order anything from the most recent update? I'm in a decant circle for Cake Smash and Pumpkin Pie bath oil. What kinda socks are you wearing tonight? I'm not wearing socks, it's too warm. When is summer over? I can haz fall plz? Super power?I'm torn between invisibility (so as to take stealth photos), teleporting (though it might be hard to explain), and controlling the weather. Restaurant.com question...I'm not actually familiar with that site. I'll go take a look here...Hmmm. Don't see much in the way of restaurants I already eat at...Africana sounds interesting, but other than that, I don't see anything I would go to. How does this site work/how is it you can get a $10 GC for $4?? What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why? Bonfire Night. I haven't really tried very hard to get it, but I think it's pretty rare. ETA: Ok...I had just pulled that off my wishlist but...I just realized I HAVE a decant of Bonfire Night! Someone frimped me and I forgot to take it off the list! I haven't even tested it yet. I think this is a case of Too Much BPAL...I can't even keep track of what I do have! So to answer the question differently, I guess the scent I've always wanted to try would be...Skadi, or Dark Chocolate and Cherry, which I somehow managed to completely miss-must have been when I was in the middle of moving.. I loved Snow Moon-an unexpected frimp-and since then have tried to get more of it, but it seems kind of scarce. Had success recently and got another decant, but I would still love more and maybe even a partial bottle (hey, I can dream...) Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. Oh, I don't know...Sometimes in swaps people send me really junky candy like pixy stix, jolly rancher...bright fruity things. Those go to waste since I do not eat them. But it's not a big deal. I don't want alcohol based perfumes, since they tend to be too strong for me and give me headache. Sadly, this seems to include the BPTP room sprays. I tried many of them and couldn't understand why I was repelled by the smell. Then I found out they do have alcohol in them. So I don't think I can take a chance on any more of those. I LOVE Alan Rickman. It's all about the VOICE. wrapping: I do appreciate things that are decoratively wrapped, but I also worry about waste. If I get wrapping I try to reuse it. If they are in those little mesh bags then I can reuse those for imps, etc. what are your favorite non-perfume smells? day in the life stuff? hmm. Onions and garlic sauteeing in olive oil. Freshly cut leeks. bread baking. lilac blossoms. Christmas trees. Snow. brand new kittens. Campfire smoke. dried eucalyptus leaves. darkroom chemicals. Hot popcorn. fresh ground coffee.
Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? Never was much of a gamer, for some reason (I think I fit the, uh, profile in other ways...) I do enjoy board games sometimes. My favorite ones from childhood were Monopoly (I know...but we have the Star Wars version!), Clue, 221 B Baker St. (this is an awesome game, but hard to find...It's like Clue but more complex.) Halloween icon? Bats, skulls, Jacks, crows, spiders. Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? A Holga (toy camera), a silver Celtic cross, ...hmm, this is difficult! a photo, probably. That I took. ok, a photo of my husband. A sprig of evergreen from Washington state and a shell from a beach in California. Fair trade chocolate. A packet of sunflower seeds. cinnamon sticks. (peeks in to see how much room is left) Pocketbook size copy of poems by Robert Frost. (I had to get a book in there somehow!) A compilation CD with what I consider to be the best music of my lifetime (of course, finders of time capsule will not have means to play obsolete music technology...but maybe they can admire it's shinyness.) Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. To publish a book of photos is always in the back of my head. Which I could do. If I ever got around to it. Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? Turkey or veggie. I like sauteed onions on mine. Whats your favorite childhood toy? I called them "goingees"...They were those little plastic Fisher-Price people that you could put on your fingers. I keep meaning to look for some on ebay. If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? I wish we had a cat, but alas. Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? No twittering for me. I have enough time suckers Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name? No Do you like pinup art/images? already answered. no What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? already got this one, previous entry. Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! I dunno how well they all know me, but I have friended most of the people I've Witched with in the past, plus some other folks I've met at MnS, etc. What is your favorite color? Pretty sure I already answered this in the questionnaire. To wear: black, brown, gray, blue. To decorate: black, dark red, purple, pewter, silver Any other steampunk fans/lovers? Yeah! I'm into it. The look, the genre. Haven't heard much of the music. would like to hear more. Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so! Myself and husband. Baguette and cheese, apples, wine, Hamburger helper (ok that's sort of an inside joke...on one of our first dates we had a picnic during his lunch break...I brought baguette and cheese and he had Hamburger Helper in a Tupperware.)
s anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) Not really my thing. Not into dolls. Favorite Halloween icon(s): I think I already did this: cats, bats, skulls. I should have mentioned earlier that I like the old-time Halloween images best. I don't care for cheesy contemporary ones. Just to be as specific as possible... As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one HUGE final package to seal the sweetness? Either way would be fun! The frugal part of me wants to urge my Witch to save postage and send it all in one...lol. But, getting little gifties is always fun. I just want to know my Witch exists...so if no small packages, I'd love at least a message or ecard so I know you're out there! What is your idea of the perfect evening at home? Homemade popcorn and a really good movie with the husband. Candles maybe, to make up for the fact that we don't have a fireplace. Oh, and since fall is coming, hot cider simmering on the stove. Social networks: I'm on LJ, as I may have already mentioned, but I don't tend to update it much anymore. But here it is: http://elenorerigby.livejournal.com/ Add a comment so I can friend you. tell me your name here. Other than that, I am not on much...well, myspace, but I only go there once every 100 years or so, because I hate it. I don't twitter...I don't like using my phone that much. What kind of socks? ho boy. you just said the magic word...socks. Let's see. I am fond of knee high socks, more than I am of short socks...I don't really like footies or little sox that barely cover your feet or ankle. I wish sockdreams.com had a function to add a wishlist, then you could see my sock taste! (Hmm, that reminds me, I haven't checked their latest products page lately...oo boy...) Ok, these are not socks. But looky: http://www.sockdreams.com/_shop/pages/late...ductID_1673.php Halloween sox are always fun. I like stripes. Like these: http://www.sockdreams.com/_shop/pages/sock...oductID_433.php or these: http://www.sockdreams.com/_shop/pages/sock...ductID_1043.php (I have 2 pairs of these already and they are sooo comfy!) (I am just answering all these questions because they are there and I want to be helpful, but by no means do I expect my Witch to spend a lot of money on me!) How often do you update your wishlist? I just got all my wishlists up to date for this round, and will strive to keep them updated if anything changes. May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment? oh, what a thoughtful question! I am looking for more steampunk lately, specifically: pocketwatches, gears, old keys, things of copper or pewter, spats, and my holy grail of thrift searches (why is this so bloody hard to find??): a basic black vest in a small women's size. how handy, the next question I see is: Any other steampunk fans/lovers? i make steampunk stuff as i'm good working with brass, but i don't really dig the aesthetic for myself that much. (except Johnny Depp's tools in Sleepy Hollow!) Yes, I am really getting into steampunk as a clothing style. I've been slowly building a fall and winter wardrobe that is much more steampunk-influenced than before, and I am constantly looking for more accessories to add to it. There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate? Favorite candy besides chocolate? Hmm! I like peppermint candy canes at xmas, especially the old fashioned kind. I am fond of candy corn at Halloween, and also mini Reeses PB cups (yes, I know that is still chocolate...of a sort.) I can't think of anything else right now...I'm not a big candy person, honestly! Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? Pumpkin seeds yes...not sure about chex mix. Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? Sox yes! wrist warmers yes! and leg warmers. Blankets sounds ambitious, but of course if that's what you want to do! : headband, you mean the kind that holds your hair back, or the kind that you use to keep your ears warm in winter? The former kind of gives me a headache. the latter I would try (though I always wear a hat anyway.) How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I love stories a lot more than scary movies because I can get mental distance from them and take a break..Ie I have more control over how scared I get. With my geekishness for all things Halloween, I love picking up old books of ghost stories. I have a great one illustrated by Edward Gorey. Poe is great. I just found a book of spooky Dickens stories at my work and am planning to get it. Hee! Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? Don't know what it is! Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps? Yes. Local and handmade stuff is great. Lavender is hurrah. Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? I do not wear dangly earrings since I started to stretch my ears...I do like pendants...I have really short hair so no need for hair accessories. What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? Hot cider, mulled wine, hot coco (with or without cinnamon or mint), spicy chai Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? Vampires. What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? Fried plantains. Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? Apple, pumpkin, blackberry, sometimes pecan though I can only eat a little....
Definitely clove. Strong, slightly bitter clove, yes like the smell not of the clove ciggy smoke but the ciggy itself. Too dirty and dusky to be a foody clove. On drydown the mahogany peeks out a bit giving it a nice wood note, just mellows it out a tad. I feel like I get a little tobacco in there too-just a bit. I don't smell patchouli at all. I might wear this once in a while, like if I ever go to a goth club again
I just swapped for a decant of this and while initially it was a very nice warm, cedar-y and slightly sweet pumpkin, i noticed a few hours later that I had a weird baby powder scent on my wrist. d'oh! It must be the honey...I don't want to give up on this one though, am considering trying to layer it with something to cover up the honey? (I'm hopeless)
- 61 replies
- Halloween 2008
- Pumpkin Patch 2008
(and 1 more)
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Thank you Hackess!
omg this is amazing. On me it starts out like a spicy Pu-Erh tea. Then cedarwood starts to amp up and it starts to smell a little like a cedar sauna. By drydown it's a cedar bonfire. love! It faded a bit but I will have no problem slathering this one on!