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Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt. 4

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Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest!

If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings?

Those earrings look awesome, but my ears are stretched to 10G, so assuming they are standard posts (that's how it looks in the pic) I couldn't wear them.


Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.)

Sure! ummm...I need strength and focus! ETA: Actually, I think maybe what I really need is patience...but I don't know if you can charge something with that. :)


Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world?

Not really. Things are kind of non-eventful now.


Burlesque: Not so much. Roller derby is more my thang.


Villainess update: haven't even looked yet. uhhhh....ok...yum. Rasberry Swirl and Lipstick Lost sound great...in Whipped or Smooch. Oh, the Rasberry Swirl Smack sounds delish. Have not experienced the smack.

Fleuvogs: awesome looking but expensive.

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