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more questions ketchup

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s anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls)

Not really my thing. Not into dolls.


Favorite Halloween icon(s): I think I already did this: cats, bats, skulls. I should have mentioned earlier that I like the old-time Halloween images best. I don't care for cheesy contemporary ones. Just to be as specific as possible...


As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one HUGE final package to seal the sweetness?

Either way would be fun! The frugal part of me wants to urge my Witch to save postage and send it all in one...lol. But, getting little gifties is always fun. I just want to know my Witch exists...so if no small packages, I'd love at least a message or ecard so I know you're out there!


What is your idea of the perfect evening at home?

Homemade popcorn and a really good movie with the husband. Candles maybe, to make up for the fact that we don't have a fireplace. :lol: Oh, and since fall is coming, hot cider simmering on the stove.


Social networks: I'm on LJ, as I may have already mentioned, but I don't tend to update it much anymore. But here it is: http://elenorerigby.livejournal.com/

Add a comment so I can friend you. tell me your name here. :blush:

Other than that, I am not on much...well, myspace, but I only go there once every 100 years or so, because I hate it. I don't twitter...I don't like using my phone that much.


What kind of socks?

ho boy. you just said the magic word...socks. Let's see. I am fond of knee high socks, more than I am of short socks...I don't really like footies or little sox that barely cover your feet or ankle. I wish sockdreams.com had a function to add a wishlist, then you could see my sock taste! (Hmm, that reminds me, I haven't checked their latest products page lately...oo boy...)

Ok, these are not socks. But looky:



Halloween sox are always fun.

I like stripes. Like these:


or these:

http://www.sockdreams.com/_shop/pages/sock...ductID_1043.php (I have 2 pairs of these already and they are sooo comfy!)

(I am just answering all these questions because they are there and I want to be helpful, but by no means do I expect my Witch to spend a lot of money on me!)


How often do you update your wishlist?

I just got all my wishlists up to date for this round, and will strive to keep them updated if anything changes.


May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment?

oh, what a thoughtful question! I am looking for more steampunk lately, specifically: pocketwatches, gears, old keys, things of copper or pewter, spats, and my holy grail of thrift searches (why is this so bloody hard to find??): a basic black vest in a small women's size.


how handy, the next question I see is:

Any other steampunk fans/lovers? i make steampunk stuff as i'm good working with brass, but i don't really dig the aesthetic for myself that much. (except Johnny Depp's tools in Sleepy Hollow!)

Yes, I am really getting into steampunk as a clothing style. I've been slowly building a fall and winter wardrobe that is much more steampunk-influenced than before, and I am constantly looking for more accessories to add to it.


There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate?

Favorite candy besides chocolate? Hmm! I like peppermint candy canes at xmas, especially the old fashioned kind. I am fond of candy corn at Halloween, and also mini Reeses PB cups (yes, I know that is still chocolate...of a sort.) I can't think of anything else right now...I'm not a big candy person, honestly!


Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what?

Pumpkin seeds yes...not sure about chex mix.


Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most?

Sox yes! wrist warmers yes! and leg warmers. Blankets sounds ambitious, but of course if that's what you want to do! ::lol: headband, you mean the kind that holds your hair back, or the kind that you use to keep your ears warm in winter? The former kind of gives me a headache. the latter I would try (though I always wear a hat anyway.)


How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you?

I love stories a lot more than scary movies because I can get mental distance from them and take a break..Ie I have more control over how scared I get. With my geekishness for all things Halloween, I love picking up old books of ghost stories. I have a great one illustrated by Edward Gorey. Poe is great. I just found a book of spooky Dickens stories at my work and am planning to get it. Hee!


Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13?

Don't know what it is!


Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps?

Yes. Local and handmade stuff is great. Lavender is hurrah.


Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things?

I do not wear dangly earrings since I started to stretch my ears...I do like pendants...I have really short hair so no need for hair accessories.


What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall?

Hot cider, mulled wine, hot coco (with or without cinnamon or mint), spicy chai


Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster?



What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave?

Fried plantains.


Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's?

Apple, pumpkin, blackberry, sometimes pecan though I can only eat a little....

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