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Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt.6

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Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why?

(In random order) MLK Jr., Howard Zinn, Frida Kahlo, the Dalai Lama, Maggie Kuhn, Sojourner Truth, Imogen Cunningham, Sally Mann, Sylvia Plachy, Madeline L'Engle, Dan Savage, Gene Robinson, Neil Gaiman, Sherlock Holmes, Zoe from Firefly (you didn't say they had to be real!) There are probably more I'll think of after I post this...


Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? Iceland...Language, I'm not sure...I'm not very good with languages.


If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) Perhaps Harry Potter, but only if I am a witch. I don't want to be a Muggle.

Failing that, the Land of Oz is pretty cool.


Books to read: see my amazon wishlist! (uh, there are some books in there, really...I just noticed how much of it is music or movies. I also have a "to-read" shelf on goodreads; you might be able to pull some ideas out of there, but watch out for the ones that are also on the "own" shelf! I have a lot of books I haven't read yet...) used copies are always always welcome.


Gardening: yes, it's time to plan my garden for spring! Seeds I could use: hmm. What am I going to grow this year? Carrots...Spinach...arugula? basil...peppers...dill...cucumbers? (not sure about that one...) strawberries! (I actually grew a few last year!) onions...Parsley...(insert Simon and Garfunkel song)...maybe some other herbs I haven't tried before...Like I said, I'm interested in medicinal herb properties...but I'm drawing a blank right now on what I'd like to grow, and not sure what will grow in my climate. Also, it needs to be easy to grow. I kill things sometimes.

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