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VA Tech events

I must confess that right now the only people I feel sympathy for are the victims, their families and friends, the campus, and the shooter's parents. Basically, everyone but the shooter himself. Maybe one day I'll feel bad for him too, but not right now. Right now, I'm still in my angry stage.   On Monday morning while going to the post office on campus I overheard some girl mentioning "It happened at VA Tech" and thought nothing of it. I thought it was men's basketball ACC talk, and forgot about it until I opened up the CNN.com webpage like I do every day. I was shocked, saddened and angry. I still can't believe that all those people are gone.   As for the media, I've been trying to avoid most TV coverage because the sensationalism saddens me and of course, I question the wisdom of releasing the actual video the guy made to the public. (Ugh, I don't even want to write his name ) Yahoo.com has some quotes from it though, including one that has incensed me:   "Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people"   I'm not even Christian and this pisses me off. Jesus? Um, NO. I don't think the Bible ever mentioned that Jesus ever went on a rampage and killed a bunch of people. I suppose we can take this to mean that other people just as unbalanced and disturbed might attempt a copycat? That's about it. His blaming everyone except for himself for his actions angers me too. I guess I can't comprehend what drove someone to kill 32 people. Okay, you're depressed and troubled, but what does everyone else have to do with it?   I also admit that the first thought that came to mind after reading his play was "Wow, that was really shitty writing". Seriously, it sounded like a sullen 13 year old boy in remedial English wrote it. Someone mentioned in the VA Tech thread that it sounded angry, and on that I have to agree. Even through his bad writing you can see how frustrated and mad he was.   I don't know how to conclude this entry. I guess I just wanted to rant and ramble. Thanks for reading, if you've got this far




Battlestar Galactica-"The Son Also Rises"

I'm posting this here even though I'll be posting in the thread too becuase I'm sure no one wants to read/hear what I'm sure sounds like a broken record by now: Why why why is Cally still on this show?! She really pissed me off with her "We don't get second chances-::looks at Sharon::-or third chances" comment. Congratulations, that was really subtle. What are you, six?   I loved the bonus scene where Sharon creeps up on her. Awesome.   Also-Someone saved the cats (or at least a cat) after the attacks! Yay!   That's pretty much all for now. I'll post the rest of my thoughts in the BSG thread tomorrow when I'm less sleepy.





For my birthday, the boy came up to spend the weekend. He came bearing gifts Yay!   I recieved- A live recording of the last Pixies show in DC from 2004. This was one of our first dates   Audiobook of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, read by the author. I've been looking for this for months and months.   A box of yummy chocolate from Schakolad. The box itself? Chocolate   The chocolates!     The boy (+ chocolate)   Me!




Hot Fuzz Advanced Screening!

Friday night, the boy and I went to an advanced screening of Hot Fuzz, a comedy by the team behind Shaun of the Dead, one of my favorite movies ever, and Spaced, one of the best TV shows ever The movie was hilarious. If you liked the type of geeky humor in Shaun of the Dead and Spaced, you'll love this move. I won't give away too much except to say that it's to action movies what Shaun of the Dead was to zombie movies.   We were so excited to not only get in (it was first come, first serve-the (free) tix didn't guarantee entrance) but get amazing seats- third row, center! Seriously, I'm convinced that Simon Pegg is my bf's heterosexual man-crush, lol.   Here are some pics (with the bf cropped out b/c he doesn't want to be on the intarwebs):   The panel L to R: Nick Frost, Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg pointing accusingly. I think this is where he answers a fan's question of "Whose idea was it to dropkick the granny?"   Me and Edgar Wright:   Me and Nick Frost who was adorable and friendly.   Me and Simon Pegg who told my bf "Hey, thanks for coming out, mate!" Fangirl squeeee! Sorry about the gigantic pic. It won't resize and the direct link isn't working for some reason.




Oh, crap

So I was really a hungry hungry hippo today so I went to the grocery store. I bought:   Strawberries (on sale! they were delicious) Bagels Cereal Skim milk Vitamin water(I may be addicted, they're so yummy. Also: 3 for $3!!) A box of SnackWells creme sandwiches   I thought I was being healthy. Well, hours and hours later, and 9 cookies later I glance at the back of the box. Calories: 110, Serving Size: 2 cookies Whoops. Teaches me not to check serving sizes first. I used to do it all the time, I swear, but the one time I forget! Bah!   On a different note, I had another fight with my mom today. Really, I hate it when adults act like children. I hate it when my dad always takes her side even though she bullies him sometimes too. I hate living at home with them. Oh, you crazy asian moms. Distance makes the heart fonder, get me away from here!!





The last 48 hours were great. On Friday, there was hardly any work to be done, so I ducked out early and went shopping. I dropped $80 at H&M , then the boy and I went to a small Mexican place for dinner and Cinco de Mayo yumminess. I had the chicken fajitas which weren't all that adventurous but yummy just the same. Next time, I'll try the chimichangas if I'm feeling particularly indulgent (they're deep fried tortillas, if I remember correctly).   After that we went over to my our friend's place where she and her husband had about 8 other people over to watch bad 70s porn. And it was bad. Like, not even so bad it's good, just f-in bad. After awhile we all got tired of making fun of it (too easy, at one point a mastiff and a fun house mirror was involved), and just drank and caught up with one another. It was great. Had a wonderful time trying to explain "Snakes on a Plane" to my friend's boyfriend.   Borrowed a book from my friend (yay! things to read!), then came home and fell asleep. I was DD for my boy, and good thing too. We both knew he was a little buzzed/well on his way to becoming hammered because he got real chatty about completely inane and sometimes TMI things, lol. On the way back I spotted not one, not two, but four cop cars including one that had pulled over some dude who was in the middle of the Follow the Path of my Finger with Your Eyes Test.   Today, something happened that made the 48 hours even better. I got an acceptance letter to a Grad Program! YAaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I'm a little (a lot) scared too, because this means I need to get over my horrible bad study habits that made getting into a grad program initially so hard. So, in celebration, I think I'm gonna make a BPAL order Perhaps I should wait till the next update though? Hmmmmm....   Happy weekend, everyone!




Whine/Confession Post

Damn you, Facebook. I was tagged in two photos and then I untagged myself because I think I look fat in them. I didn't want any of my friends from high school to think "Oh, she got fat hahahaha".   So my confession is this: yes, I am this self-concious/vain. Also, I hate Facebook newsfeed because it made the whole untagging thing useless, as I had already shown up on the friend's list recent activities thing. Grrr.   ************ I hate being this size. I hate that I've gained weight since college and that I delete all the pics of myself that I think are ugly becuase I think they make me look fat. Ugh. I know I'll be stressing about this Facebook tagging business all night.




Happy Friday?

So today was a nice friday because:   1. A coworker and I went to Target during our lunch break. Yaaay Target!   2. I kept getting compliments on my new t-shirt. It pays homage to my looove of horror movies.   3. The boy came over. He's been doing rounds/working at the hospital for all of the week. I haven't seen him in a week ::gasp::... I missed him!   4. Finding out that Nightmare Before Christmas will be re-released in theaters in 3D!   Not so great moments:   1. Watching Sleepaway Camp for the first time. It was cheesy-bad 80's stuff until the disturbing ending. Ew.   2. Me telling my mom that I'll be going to dinner and a movie with the boy tomorrow and her angrily saying "why do always go to dinner with just the two of you? We [my parents] should be going with you! " Dude, it's a date. With two people. You are not included because 90% of the time we hang around at home watching movies in your house with you around 'cause you're crazy-strict even though I'm 23 and you won't let me go anywhere. Argh argh argh. Sometimes, you just wanna be alone with your significant other sans parents. Is that too much to ask? I love them, but the craziness must stop   Only 39 days till grad school/moving the #### out! Wheee!   My weekend so far looks like it will involve a journey to IKEA to buy/scope out furniture, dinner and Clerks II date, posting a roomate wanted ad, sleeping. Have a nice weekend, BPALers!





Ok, so I've recently gotten myself and the boy into Battlestar Galactica. I knew I was gone when I exclaimed "Frak you!" to the car that cut me off the other day in traffic. I knew the boy was gone when he made Cylon jokes. So far I've only seen the miniseries and a part of season 1 up to "Act of Contrition". The "Argh!" that is the title of this post is in response to my weird ability to attract spoilers from all over. And once I see/hear a bit of it, I can't stop! I'll be reading through some random LJs of people I only kind of know, or be listening to conversations in class, and now I know stuff and I can't un-know it. For example, Sharon "Boomer" is now "Athena", there's a weird/crazy pairing between Lee and Kara (imho, so wrong,ew, because it's a real possibility that they hate each others guts) and then there's also possibly Helo/Kara-which is so wrong becuase....well, it should be Helo/circe_blue Or at the very least Helo/Boomer...Aaa!   I hope this show continues to be amazing. I used to be a really, really big X-Files fan but then season 8/9 came along and while I still wanted to watch, I would check out spoilers for the episodes to steel myself for whatever convoluted plot twist they threw at me on Sunday nights. Anyone else remember that "Fox/Dana" e-mail?? ::shudder::   PS-I am totally NetFlixing these of course. There's no way I'm waiting a week for each new episode again. Of course, I would have to dodge the spoilers more... Alright, I should get to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow and I'll most likely have to come back to this post to make it more comprehensible. G'nite!     ETA: I am now finishing up season 2.5. So far Helo/"Boomer" or new model #8, and seemingly Lee/Kara. Stupid me-I forgot the number 1 rule of TV/movie romances. If they hate each other's guts, of course they will end up together Also, the boy and I have started calling Anders Dane Cook. Sharon Screaming "Let them try to take this baby!!!!" and Slamming Her Head Against the Wall = Creepy Last Parting Shot of Sharon's Pregnant Belly Set to Creepy Music = Double Creepy Gauis Having Invisible Naughty Dirty Cylon Sex and Getting Caught by Starbuck = Hilarious!




Obligatory "X-Files" Post!

Why is this entry called an "obligatory" post? I suppose it's because it my favorite show of all time and I'm sort of surprised I haven't posted properly about it yet. Seriously, I remember watching the premiere of the very fist episode when I was ten, sitting in front of the big TV in my parents living room. I was bored, and fully prepared for the show to be lame. Little did I know, I would continue to watch every week until I finished up my freshman year in college! That still baffles me sometimes.   This entry wouldn't be complete without a for the sequel coming out this summer. So, in anticipation I present to you a list, all in good fun (note: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR THE SERIES!):   Top Three Unintentionally Funny Moments on The X-Files   3. "Scully Performs Science-Magic" in Redux-Okay, so you might be asking yourself "Why this episode? The X-Files has always tried valiantly to at least be scientifically feasible, but it's a sci-fi drama, why knock it?" I blame it all on freshman year biology in college. I had the privilege to be taught by Dr. Anne Simon, who coincedentally was also a science advisor for the show. She called our attention to this episode. Specifically, she mentioned that Agent Scully needed a Southern Blot (a method to check for a DNA sequence) results "by 7pm". "But that's impossible!" says the lab tech, there isn't enough time and they'd need a "blazing hot probe." So Scully does it herself. Cut to the next scene, and sure enough it's done! Science-magic! Dr. Simon kept telling us that she tried to persuade the writers to change it, but of course they didn't. Turns out, at various conferences other scientists wouldn't let her live that one down. And knowing how nitpicky and snarky scientists can be, I can't help but laugh/grimace every time I see this scene. Also: "Blazing hot probe" Heh heh heh.   2. "Mulder Shows Us His Ugly-Cry" in The Field Where I Died-C'mon you know the one. He's going through regression hypnotherapy to find out who he was in a past life, then out of nowhere, BAM! His face scunches up comically and then it's an Ugly-Cry, complete with close-up. Yikes. I don't care if you're super dignified Helen Mirren, if you pull an ugly cry I will giggle uncontrollably (and most of the time, inappropriately!)   1. "Scully Gets Attacked By Puppet Cats" in Teso Dos Bichos-Ah, yes, this one. (In)famous among fans for extremely fake looking cats Scully gets attacked by. Seriously, they looked like hand puppets. Supposedly, Gillian Anderson is allergic to cats, so fake "stunt" cats had to be made but damn, the prop department must've been on vacation that cold week in Vancouver, becuase those weird furry, stiff puppet thing? Not a cat! I submit this piece of evidence for your viewing pleasure (not much in the way of lighting-this is The X-Files after all, but still hilarious):  





Dudes. My mom called and was mad at me becuase I missed one of her calls! I was out getting lunch and left my cell phone in my apartment by mistake. I didn't check it when I got back so I had no idea she even called in the first place. Also, she is mad at me because I've decided to stay at my apartment after I took my last exam and start packing a bit (we're moving out Saturday), instead of returning home right away. I can't stand this. This is completely ridiculous, and I have no idea how I'm gonna live with her for 2-3 months when I move back home (my lease wasn't renewed because they're renovating etc).   Also, a couple weeks ago, I transfered $8,000 from my savings to hers becuase she wanted her account to look good (she's applying for to own part of a franchise). She wasn't going to use it, it's just gonna sit there until they/she gets all the papers in order and then she'll transfer it back. Well, it's been a couple weeks, and it's still not back in my account. I don't think she'll actually use it/steal it, but I'd like my savings back now please. I'll ask her about it in a subtle way, after she stops being pissed at me for no reason. It was going to be my "Texas" money (which brings me to my next issue).   My bf of more than two years might be moving to Texas (or Ohio) depending on if he gets the internship (residency?) he wants after he's done with med school (spring '08). I refuse to do long distance relationship that is MD to Texas long, so most likely I'll be moving with him. I won't be living with him, but I'll get a job and an apartment in the area. I'm kind of looking forward to it, so I can get away and become more independent of my parents. This is my issue. My parents are super conservative and overprotective to the extreme. I cannot imagine how they are going to react when I tell them. In fact, this is the thing that I worry about the most. It seems that every serious conversation we have, ends with them yelling at me, becoming angry, and me in tears. I'm 24, and I can't believe I'm still in this situation with them. What should I do? How do I tell them?




Hello again!

So according to this, the last time I wrote a blog entry was in May. oops. Not too much have happened since then and if you care, here's a rundown of events:   - I actually got an A Virology! Yay! I'm still super-proud of my grades on the final exam and the final project 'cause I thought acing that class was going to be im-fraking-possible.   -Summer: Hung around, spent time with the bf, got some reading done. Read The Stand finally. With my love of apocalypse-y things, I dunno why I haven't finished it before now. Oh, my bf (A) also introduced me to RPGs. We played Shadow Hearts, and I wasn't impressed. The last game I ever played all the way through was Mortal Kombat II on the Sega Genesis, so you can figure out that a) I've been out of the gaming loop for a Veeery long time and b ) this whole Standing Still While Your Enemy Gets A Turn at Beating Your Ass Up did not compute with me at first. SH had its moments though, and from the demo of Eternal Sonata I played, it looks like that might be a better "fit" for me. Also, I make a bad gamer because I am content to just sit there and watch A play. Seriously. This is what we did for all of the Silent Hills, and for Bioshock. Which leads me to my next statement that I suck at First Person Shooters. You know that scene in The Office where Karen makes fun of Jim 'cause he sucks super-hard at Call of Duty II and keeps running into and getting stuck at walls? That is totally me Playing through the first level of Bioshock all you would hear me say was "Ohmigod, how do I turn around?!" "Wait, what the hell, is this up or down?!" Urg.   Also during the summer, the 'rents and I visited Niagara Falls. I'll post pics and commentary up eventually.   -Now, I'm back at my apartment at school, being annoyed with myself because the reason that we've not been receiving any mail lately was because I've neglected to post my roomie and my name on the inside of our mailslot. WTF. Luckily, energy and cable bills have yet to be sent out, and the only thing I have to worry about is getting Netflix to re-send their stuff (i'm borrowing A's Netflix while he's away. He said he put a bunch of "surprises" in my queue so I was really excited ) Also, since I've moved to a new place, I am no longer within walking distance of the school This means driving and much more annoyingly and agrravating, parking. I hate having to car-stalk people or roll my window to ask the most frequently asked question in the garage: "Are you leaving?"   Anyways, that's what I've been up to. Exciting, yes? Now I'm off to go do more exciting things like, make coffee and catch up on reading for class. Ooh, what adventure!




School woes

School Woes: Good news-The apartment complex I'm living is fixing things up, renovating, adding hardwood floors, washers/dryers, modern kitchens. including high speed internet and electricity to the monthly rent, etc. to the units.   Bad news-everyone who is currently living here are expected to leave and not come back till Spring '08 once their lease is up. So I'm pretty much out of a place to live once May comes up.   WTF. Seriously. I expected that once I had signed on to live here I wouldn't have to move again, but now I do? If I had known that this was going to be the situation, I wouldn't have lived here in the first place. It's just not worth it, to go through the hassle of packing all of my crap up, placing it into storage and bring it out again once I find another place. And moving back in '08 wouldn't be worth it either since I'm a grad student, and I'd be leaving soon after. This is a college town so housing is rough. Every place has a waiting list, or doesn't rent to students at all. One place near this university has a waiting list that goes back to 2005(!) Ugh. It's just really annoying. Also, I had planned to do summer independent research up here, but because of the lease thing, I have to place to live, I can't. People who wanted a place to stay during summer looked a while ago, and again, I didn't want to have to move my furniture. This on top of other school things.   I had spent hours and hours researching papers and sent a bunch of them to my professor so he could approve them or suggest which one I go for. Instead the first line of the e-mail I get back from him is "Sorry, I'm not excited for any of these" and later "Try looking for so-and-so, I might have a copy lying my office". I hate it when a professor has a paper in mind for you to do a presentation on, and not only doesn't tell you what it is, but wants you to attempt to download it from the internet. Where exactly? "Oh, just google it". This last part is a problem because I do not subscribe to any journals, and I sure as hell am not going to drop $32 for one 12 page paper. And, my school's library does not have this particular journal. Grr. I think he should've just lent me that copy so I could photocopy it or whatever intstead of playing e-mail tag for 3-4 days when I could be doing work He has given copies of articles to other students before, and when I asked him about this one the last week, he just told me to e-mail him. Ugh. I'm really frustrated. I hate hate hate doing presentations and I like to be as prepared as possible, and it looks like I'm not going to be as prepared as I want. Arrggghghhg




Pining for Peony

Where art thou, Peony Moon? ::waitsimpatientlychecksemail:: Next time, I'll be a smart girl and separate GC orders from just released LEs. Then, I can get some imps to tide me over till the Lunacy oil arrives. I'm gonna go check out the How Do You Plan Your Order thread. I sniffed some Peony-something at the Gap today. Smelled really soft, and pinkish, and nice and clean. Then I noticed that because the tester had been handled so much the oil was leaking out of the roller-ball thingy and soaked a bit of the bottle and my hand. Also, it had bits of dirt or something on it from being dropped on the floor probably. I hate that. What are these people doing to the roll on applicator?! It's not that hard to use! Tried some commercial perfumes also. Thierry Mugler's Angel Violette and Cacherel's Promesse. The Angel smelled alcohol-y and then morphed into B.O on me. Nasty. Ugh. Promesse was better but nothing that impressed me enough for me to buy it right then and there. Flowery, soft, young, didn't smell like some dude who hadn't taken a shower in a summer week.   Really excited to hear about Hungry Ghost Moon . Sounds great.   Watched the Office without the bf there with me or on the phone with me, and it felt a bit weird. Still funny though. "Jim Halpert, clean up in Aisle 4, laundry detergent." and the Dwight NBC public service announcement was fantastic.   Also, my cat bit and clawed at me yesterday. I bled. A lot. For all the times he's a big ol' pile of fluff and cuteness there are just as many times he's a Little Furry Bastard.




Mint Car

...so yeah, I didn't know what to title this entry so I called it the first thing that popped into my head. I do The Cure. ******************* Weird Dreams:   I really need to stop reading historical non-fiction before I go to bed. The other night I dreamt that I was a court Lady at Versailles and I was dancing with Louis XVI. His coat was silver and blue silk and it had fleur du lis on it. Anyways, all I remember about the dance was that he kissed me and it was **hot** . Yeah, very weird to get a hot kiss from a king who was allegedly socially inept. Even if it was dream-kiss. (For the record, the book was Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser.)   The other dream I had more recently:   It is the very first day of graduate classes and I'm sitting in a drab, gray room. Suddenly, it's announced that we will have a pop-quiz. On the first day, crap! So I'm freaking out, and I find out that for this quiz we have to pick two songs, write down the lyrics and either analyze or critique them. So my two songs were gonna be "Shady Lane" by Pavement and "This Could Be Love" by Alkaline Trio, only I could not for the life of me remember the damn lyrics..   While I was freaking out, I find that I only have 20 minutes left to complete the quiz and just when I start to panic all over again, I wake up.   ******************* Tonight a family friend graduated from art school with a graphic design degree. He even designed the invitations that the school distributed to guests, which I think is awesome.   Anyways, to celebrate we went to have some Korean BBQ. And can I just say? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ There is no emoticon available that is drool-y enough for me to convey how yummy it was. I'm dragging the boy there next time, not that he'd mind.




Cool Quote

A quote that has been making me smile lately.   "It's never too late to have a happy childhood, and age only matters if you're a cheese." -Rick Steves   FYI-Rick Steves hosts a travel show on public television




Astrological Chart Part II: Electric Boogaloo!

The bolded is again, so true. I enjoy learning new things, travel etc. And I always crave for things to be beautiful and pretty. I’ve been known to be insulted when things aren’t when they could be. This baffles my very practical Taurus boy, haha.   It’s funny you should mention teaching, as I'm kind of afraid of it! I’m not very good with public speaking. I hope this will manifest itself in other ways, though!     Oh, so that’s why I love browsing Tarot card art! I’ve always wanted to get back into art. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, I stopped when I went to college.       Once again, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I am totally a dork for this but one of my favorite things to do is to drift off into my own fantasy land before bed, while doing repetitive tasks, er…during class… which is why I always have to curb that, lol!   Once while studying I looked out the window started drifting away and before I knew it, it was 20 minutes later haha.     Since you wrote this for me (a little more than 2 years years ago!! ), I’ve gotten engaged! We’re getting married in November. At the time of this writing the challenge with friends came while trying to keep in touch properly while I was away at grad school and they all had jobs themselves. So it was a little tough.   Again jarvenpa, thanks so much for doing this! You are awesome And if you do something similar for me in the future, I promise not to take years to respond (is there something in my chart about epically procrastinating?)




Astrological Chart Part I!

I'm going to split this up into two posts. Turns out I'm very wordy, haha.     Huh. That is very interesting especially considering I myself haven’t felt very Aquarian at times. And in school I have the feeling people would describe me dependable, quiet or shy. Not very Aquarian. As for the mommy thing, I do seem to do pretty well with the kids of friends to my shock (I am an only child).     Awww, bring it on! I *love* little bunny rabbits and stray dogs and cats! In fact, since you’ve written this, I’ve moved and five (!) stray cats have found me. I feed them and give them ear scritchins then they go on their way. I’m hoping to get an appointment to get them neutered/spayed soon :crosses fingers:     Well, I am beyond glad the universe/stars/something has a plan for me as I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing!   I love the woods and crisp autumn air. One of my favorite things to do is to read under the shade of a tree.     Oh, wow. I totally agree with the bolded!     I earned a master’s degree in biology and I really, really hope I can get a job (in research!) very soon. And I absolutely love to travel, seeing new things, exploring a new city. When my fiancé told me we couldn’t feasibly visit Europe in the next few years do to his job, I wanted to cry =(     Very interesting! I feel more dorky and less mysterious or charismatic, though. But this is very good to know !       The bolded part is what really caught my eye the first time I was reading this. I cannot watch, hear, or read about cruelty to animals or violence against women. I will change the channel or leave the room. Otherwise, I tend to dwell on it and get very depressed.     I really don’t like confrontation, as you wrote. You’re right on about that, lol.   And I will try to not focus about money right now, but admittedly it is *so* hard! I’m jobless right now and I always check what each employer is paying.




Bad Day (Major Whining Ahead!)

Argh, today was one of those days....   Yesterday, all I did all day was read my textbook, take notes and studied. When I took a break, I (stupidly) went onto Facebook and proceeded to feel like Underachiever of the Year. All these people from my (admittedly way too competitive) high school went to Ivy Leagues, got a grad degree at an Ivy League then started their own companies, are assistant VP, in law school, in med school, or are just plain successful. I am really jealous of all of these people.   Emotionally exhuasted, I went to bed. Silly me, I didn't realize the rest of the apartment complex if full of useless, inconsiderate douchebags who blare fucking Nickelback at full volume at 2am and hold loud, weepy drama queen cell phone conversations in the stairwell. I eventually fell asleep sometime in the early morning but kept waking up because the girl who lives above me apparently is not human and doesn't need sleep. Apparently, what she does need is a damn carpet so as to cushion the sound of her stomping around like a T. rex in Jurassic Park. I am not exaggerating. When she walks, my water glasses *vibrate* just like that scene in the movie (oh joy).   When I woke up 7:30 to get ready for class, it was drizzling on and off. Class came and went, and when I was done I figured I would try to find the short cut my roomate told me about. I think you all know where I'm going with this. Well, it was drizzling before but now it's absolutely *pouring* and my umbrella craps out on me. It inverted and several little metal thingies are dangling off of it. So, umbrella-less, lost, and wet I trudge around campus and eventually get on the right path again, and now I'm here on the forum whining about it to anyone who will read this far.     I must say, had I not gotten lost the shortcut would've been way convenient. I'll be using it next time for sure now that I know where to go.   Now I'm off to take a nap before my night class so I won't be as grumpy, lol. What was your One of Those Days?





I was awakened today that 6am by my TV going on and off...by itself Ummm, ok. So I figure that since I am up I might as well check the school closings, since it's going to snow all day today. Well, I saw that my county has closed schools and went back to sleep, happy that I won't have to do this presentation till next week. I wake again, because yep, my TV is doing its thing. I unplug it and go back to sleep. When I wake again I double check school closings and of course, my county is NOT listed.   Man, I could've sworn it was closed today! What a cruel trick you're playing, weird-haunted TV!




Geeky Love!

My favorite episode of The X-Files is on Sci-Fi right now! Of course, I have it on DVD but there's something to be said for coming across it randomly. Yay, "Bad Blood"!   "I'm in this as deep as you are and I'm not even the one that overreacted! I didn't do the--::makes stabby motions::-- with the thing!"   and of course:   "Shaft-He's a bad mother-shut your mouth!"




Ghetto Oven

I'm a klutz. It's one of those days/nights. Everything I touch goes kablooey! So I was trying to bake a cake for my fiance and I'm using this incredibly ghetto oven that's come with my apartment. First, it only goes up to 200 F. Then, once it reaches 200, you have to turn on the stove to "re-ignite" it or something. Then, 7 times out of 10, the temperature keeps going to 450. No matter what you set it to. 450. I don't know why. So, of course, I stupidly decide to bake this cake and at the slightest smell of cooking sets off my fire alarm. WTF. I freak out and attempt to turn it off (can you turn off fire alarms?) or take it down, and blissfully, and before I can get my hands on it it stops.   (In case of actual fire, I'm pleased to discover that the alarm is REALLY FUCKING LOUD and REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING)   But, I decide i need to take it down anyways in case it goes off again while I'm cooking. I balance precariously on a barstool. I think you can see where this is going. I fall, hard. I think I make an embarassing sound like, "whoommoop!!" while I am going down.   If BPAL made a scent called Ghetto Oven it would smell of burnt cake, burnt chicken, and despair (lightly burnt).   I've opened all the windows in the apartment to air it out (it *still* smells like burnt cake), and now I'm going to sleep.




BPAL Locket!

My BPAL locket came! Yaaay! I had to wait a few days to wear it, 'cause I wanted to buy ribbon for it. I think I'll wear it out for my date this weekend with the bf. We're going to go see 300       Admittedly, I didn't put anything in my locket today. At first I used a bit of cotton with Antique Lace, but......it's not pretty enough! The cotton bits poked through. I read in the Trading Post thread that someone used a bit of velvet, or cloth so I think I'm gonna do that. I just need to find a fabric store and cheap fabric.   What do you use?




Exams etc.

I feel like doing this   Just calculated my grade and I need to do very well on the final (at least 95%) to get an A in Virology. Arrrrrhgggh! I don't think I can.....I've got a project for this class too, and ...just.....there's too much stuff going on Now I just feel like not putting in so much effort into the project and studying if I'm just going to get a B anyways. I'm not this grade-grubby usually, I swear. I just liked this class a lot, put a lot of effort into it so I wish I did better.   On top of that, I've been running around trying to find a moving truck for the apartment becuase while it was *implied* that we reserve the truck when we reserved the storage space, it is not so. I miss my friends, and I miss my bf. I'm tired of being cooped up in my room studying or writing papers/projects with no one to talk to. I am burnt out! And obviously I don't handle stress well.   All I wanna do snuggle up in bed with hot cocoa, turn down all the lights watch my new Pan's Labyrinth DVD and take a nap.




For "Office" fans

Okay, so the Jim/Pam thing has been dying down quite a bit this season. And, actually I think Karen is pretty damn cool, and I'm not mad that Jim is with her as long as eventually he gets with Pam. The bf even likes Karen more than Pam   So, without Jim/Pam this season I find myself more and more fascinated by Ryan and Kelly. That last episode where she rambles on and on (and on and on) about Netflix and Ryan just sits there staring while people file in and place money on the table because it's obviously a bet to see how long he can get her to talk/say the word "awesome" (::breathes::...)--hilarious.   I came across Mindy Kaling's (aka Kelly) Blog: http://mindyephron.blogspot.com/ Really great. Not much about "The Office" itself, more about stuff she likes and buys (is that so Kelly, or what? ). It is awesome and I am slowly but surely making my way through the archives. ---------- Also, just found out about the Tokyo Stomp shortage. This relieved me so much! I know I'm usually the last to get my CnS but I was really starting to worry. Now, I know that my package has not been lost, stolen, stomped by large lizards attempting to invade Tokyo. Phew!   PS: Can you believe that in the 9th grade we were given an extra credit assignment to watch the "new" Godzilla with Matthew Broderick then write a paper on it? Something about asexual reproduction is all I can remember.



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