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Astrological Chart Part II: Electric Boogaloo!

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The house of travel and exploration and education is important to you (it has a Libra cusp, and in it are Pluto in Libra conjunct Saturn in Scorpio) . Pluto/Saturn conjunct grants a lot of power (and, as always, responsibility). Think of learning/teaching/travel/spiritual exploration (with a gloss of art, harmony, partnership) as areas in life in which, if you wished, you could have achievements, power, strength. This doesn't mean you have to...um, become a professor, or something...but bear in mind that you are someone with strength here.


Pluto in Libra transforms our concepts of the beautiful, the fair, true partnership, etc.


Saturn in Scorpio (it's generational, so we have a number in this thread) needs sexuality for security, but also fears the surrender of power. It's a complicated Saturn to work with--and tends to get very close, then pick fights ("things are just too nice!!"). There's a theme of learning that loving, that connection, doesn't mean you lose yourself, not really.


The bolded is again, so true. I enjoy learning new things, travel etc. And I always crave for things to be beautiful and pretty. I’ve been known to be insulted when things aren’t when they could be. This baffles my very practical Taurus boy, haha.


It’s funny you should mention teaching, as I'm kind of afraid of it! I’m not very good with public speaking. I hope this will manifest itself in other ways, though!


You have a 4th house Chiron in Taurus, opposite the Moon. Could have been insecurities in the household when you were a child; absent parent/s or distracted parent/s, a sense of--distance from what truly you needed most to feel secure. Taurus Chiron has some difficulty accepting the sweetness of the world, the pleasures (I keep meaning to check out Emily Dickinson's chart. She was a Sagittarius sun person, but that sense of being controlled, constrained..might have been a Taurus Chiron. "I took the smallest space.."). But...once you face your fears and your old issues, you can (as with the Capricorn Black Moon) connect others to this delicious world, help others reach security and safety. With the opposition to the moon this is particularly true, and you might have an inner sense of some special calling (which wouldn't be far off the truth as I see it here).


That Jupiter in Sagittarius is conjunct the 11th house Uranus. Very Aquarian! Friends may be where you find yourself--or your life goals--and you have great connection and sensitivity towards (and from) your circle of friends (Sag Neptune). Pallas, in the 12th house, is conjunct Neptune (Pallas is in Capricorn). Pallas/Neptune gives a great ability in visualization. Useful for artists, of course--but also for anyone who needs to "see" problems to solve them. Because she's in the 12th house (and so is Mercury)...either circe_blue is in some way denying her mental gifts (particularly her skills at organization) or it has for some reason seemed...safer...not to be all front with her intelligence. Or, she uses her mind to get in touch with the unconscious, with deep things (so, she'd make a good therapist, or an artist who draws on the unconscious and archetypal).


Oh, so that’s why I love browsing Tarot card art! I’ve always wanted to get back into art. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, I stopped when I went to college.



She is very at home in the realm of the imagination. Indeed...is there maybe a sense in which she fears she will be swept off into that realm of beauty and illusion and sensitivity? I am getting an odd sense from this chart, of imagination vs. discipline.


Once again, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I am totally a dork for this but one of my favorite things to do is to drift off into my own fantasy land before bed, while doing repetitive tasks, er…during class… which is why I always have to curb that, lol!


Once while studying I looked out the window started drifting away and before I knew it, it was 20 minutes later haha.


Well, the south node is in the 12th house. North node is in Cancer in the 6th house--reaching out to be of tender service, to take the structure and sense of the 12th house Capricorn energy and care for...the world? or parts of it, anyway.


Leo intercepted in the 7th may make it hard for her to claim her desires for admiration and attention in her partnerships (her partners see her nice Cancer cusp there--another version of the "mommie!!! with cookies!!! for meeee!!!" stuff going on in other's minds about her)


Jupiter has just entered her 10th house, so there might be career opportunities coming. Pluto is in the 11th...well, transformations and challenges with friends, perhaps. Neptune is conjunct her first house Sun: so, what's real? People are projecting a hell of a lot on her right now, and her sensitivities are high. Saturn is meandering slowly through intercepted Leo in the 7th...maybe getting more serious about partnerships?


Since you wrote this for me (a little more than 2 years years ago!! :) ), I’ve gotten engaged! We’re getting married in November. At the time of this writing the challenge with friends came while trying to keep in touch properly while I was away at grad school and they all had jobs themselves. So it was a little tough.


Again jarvenpa, thanks so much for doing this! You are awesome :D And if you do something similar for me in the future, I promise not to take years to respond (is there something in my chart about epically procrastinating?)

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