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Obligatory "X-Files" Post!

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Why is this entry called an "obligatory" post? I suppose it's because it my favorite show of all time and I'm sort of surprised I haven't posted properly about it yet. Seriously, I remember watching the premiere of the very fist episode when I was ten, sitting in front of the big TV in my parents living room. I was bored, and fully prepared for the show to be lame. Little did I know, I would continue to watch every week until I finished up my freshman year in college! That still baffles me sometimes.


This entry wouldn't be complete without a :) :) for the sequel coming out this summer. So, in anticipation I present to you a list, all in good fun (note: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR THE SERIES!):


Top Three Unintentionally Funny Moments on The X-Files :)


3. "Scully Performs Science-Magic" in Redux-Okay, so you might be asking yourself "Why this episode? The X-Files has always tried valiantly to at least be scientifically feasible, but it's a sci-fi drama, why knock it?" I blame it all on freshman year biology in college. I had the privilege to be taught by Dr. Anne Simon, who coincedentally was also a science advisor for the show. She called our attention to this episode. Specifically, she mentioned that Agent Scully needed a Southern Blot (a method to check for a DNA sequence) results "by 7pm". "But that's impossible!" says the lab tech, there isn't enough time and they'd need a "blazing hot probe." So Scully does it herself. Cut to the next scene, and sure enough it's done! Science-magic! Dr. Simon kept telling us that she tried to persuade the writers to change it, but of course they didn't. Turns out, at various conferences other scientists wouldn't let her live that one down. And knowing how nitpicky and snarky scientists can be, I can't help but laugh/grimace every time I see this scene. Also: "Blazing hot probe" Heh heh heh.


2. "Mulder Shows Us His Ugly-Cry" in The Field Where I Died-C'mon you know the one. He's going through regression hypnotherapy to find out who he was in a past life, then out of nowhere, BAM! His face scunches up comically and then it's an Ugly-Cry, complete with close-up. Yikes. I don't care if you're super dignified Helen Mirren, if you pull an ugly cry I will giggle uncontrollably (and most of the time, inappropriately!)


1. "Scully Gets Attacked By Puppet Cats" in Teso Dos Bichos-Ah, yes, this one. (In)famous among fans for extremely fake looking cats Scully gets attacked by. Seriously, they looked like hand puppets. Supposedly, Gillian Anderson is allergic to cats, so fake "stunt" cats had to be made but damn, the prop department must've been on vacation that cold week in Vancouver, becuase those weird furry, stiff puppet thing? Not a cat! I submit this piece of evidence for your viewing pleasure (not much in the way of lighting-this is The X-Files after all, but still hilarious):


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