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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Sooo muuuch LFV (and removing my head from my ass)

The process of extracting my head from my butt has been long and arduous, but I think I've made progress. I almost let _perfume_ damage a friendship with someone I care about. I'm such an idiot. :/ I sincerely hope i haven't fundamentally changed our relationship for the worse... although I guess now she's seen what a selfish tard I can be. Um, yay honesty. I'd write about that more, but I can just say it in person. GOD I'm such an idiot.   In other news, we have lockets! I'm wearing my Brimstone locket right now, and h_f's gorgeous White Rabbit locket is sitting in its little velvet pouch on my bathroom counter. At first I looked at mine and thought O.o damn that's big -- but surprisingly, given that I usually don' tlike large jewellery, I'm very fond of it. It's quite elegant, and when strung on a ribbon is a lovely simple statement piece. I'm wearing it with LFV inside right now.   Speaking of, I nabbed some more La Fee Verte. Okay, I think I have enough of it now. Srsly. Three decants, three bottles and two more bottles on the way (four of those bottles are partials, but even so -- about 40mL). I have enough of it to last me a lifetime, which is exactly what I intended. I also have a total of seven decants of Dark Delicacies. No more of that one, either.   I've built up enough stuff-to-swap that if I'm really hankering for anything, I have a chance of finding it -- some SNs, some unreleased blends, Passion. I need to get more Green Tree Viper before it goes down, and perhaps bottles of Brisingamen and banded Sea Snake... but other than that, I think I'm done.     ...Oh God, I'm _so_ not done. Maybe I should just stop trying to convince myself.   Finished Season II of House. I need more House! Whyyyy?




My Vent about the Hospital Ordeal

It was quite the adventure. Imagine the scene. A beautiful Saturday morning. 10 am. We stop by a friend's house to drop something off before continuing with our plans for the day. The husband's cell phone rings. According to his report, my mother said, "J. and I are too sick to take care of each other. What do you think I should do?"   Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Who are you and what have you done with my mother? "What do you think I should do?" is not a sentence that is in her vocabulary.   The husband and his "call an ambulance" suggestion made no progress with her at all, and he handed the phone off to me. Yay. Since we knew it would be about three hours before we could be at her house, loaded up, and on the way to the hospital, calling someone from church to drive them seemed a sane and sensible plan. Mother agreed to it. We would head their way and be at the hospital in about two hours.   When I called back a bit later to make sure she got in touch with someone, she said that she had talked to D. and to F. and that they would get to the hospital. So we're thinking, that's great. F. knows. Everything is well in hand. Sigh of relief.   Fast forward a little less than two hours. We arrive at the hospital and ask "Where are J. and M. C.?" They haven't seen them. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. There is no way we should have beaten them to the hospital.   So I call Mom's cell. Voice mail. Leave a "where are you?" message. She calls back in a few minutes and says she's almost there. Meet her at the door because she needs help in. Ok. What are you in? The truck. At this point I'm really, really hoping that F. is driving, but I'm starting to smell a rat.   About this time, an ambulance arrives. With Dad. Where's Mom? She was right behind us. Nice ambulance ladies report that they tried their best to talk her into getting in the ambulance. Who's driving? She is. OH! SHIT!   So I go in with Dad, and the husband waits outside for Mom. And waits. And waits. Just about the time I'm going to suggest he go look for her, she arrives. In pj's, slippers, and a robe. The husband practically carried her in. The first part of the trip was extremely curvy. I have no idea how she made it there in her condition. Her poor gray haired guardian angel must have had to call for backup on that one.   Slowly, we begin to piece the story together. Supposedly, D. was busy. I suspect that she called and said, "What are you doing?" rather than, "Can you drive us to the hospital?" We don't find out what happened to F. until much later.   So anyway, they decide to take themselves to the hospital. In the process of getting to the truck, Dad falls. And can't get up. (What was that commercial?) Mom is too weak to help him up. So now they have no choice but to call an ambulance. Which takes an hour to arrive. So there Dad is, on the ground, with pneumonia, because Mom felt it necessary to tell me everything was under control when it wasn't. Will we ever believe her again? No, clearly not.   But now we're all at the hospital. Mom is about to pass out, Dad can't remember his phone number, so I get the job of taking care of all the paperwork. My first experience with doing so. Joy. Fortunately, there was a very sweet grandmotherly type at the desk who told me what a good daughter I was for driving two hours to take care of this and walked me through everything.   Sometime during this disaster, F. calls. As it turns out, Mom told him that she was going to have to go to the hospital, but neglected to mention that Dad was sick too. So F. thought Dad was fine to drive and everything was under control. Do I notice a recurring theme here?   Have I mentioned that Mom is a Taurus? *deep sigh*   We finally get them settled into a room, and they both decide they want a hamburger. Off we go to Sonic. I can't decide whether to laugh or cry, so I don't do either.   We finally got home at about 9:30 and collapsed into bed. I'd still be there if I hadn't started coughing, but I think I'll go back for a while.





Math. Why am I taking precalculus? I have this image of myself and I won't be "smart" if I can't do math, if I don't have a degree, if I'm not good enough. I don't want to drop it, but I don't want to be taking it for no reason at all. Or for no good reason. I mean, is it healthy to take it so I can prove to myself that I am capable of understanding higher math? I feel like I may've really screwed up. Even if I took the second half of precalc this summer, I still wouldn't get the full sequence of calculus unless a. I don't get into the program or b. I sneak in the last one in tandem with the radiology tech program. Neither of those seem like good options. OMG. Somebody tell me to calm the hell down.




Thanks again!

Hi witchy! I can't think what I did when it didn't post before- maybe I previewed and then forgot to add? Thanks for letting me know so I could post again and thank you properly. You really did cheer me up an awful lot. Wanna know something cool? It turns out the Colorado Shakespeare Festival is about five blocks from my apartment, so I'm thinking about volunteering with them this summer to keep myself busy. I did stage makeup all through high school and college, and I wouldn't think even though I'm out of practice that it would take too long to get back into it. And maybe I'll meet some people who aren't hippies or yuppies. (Fingers crossed.) I like doing special effects best, bruises and horrible scars and that sort of fun stuff. Happy St. Paddy's Day!





Sooo... now that I'm all registered for the maths next quarter- precalculus, to be exact- I'm starting to feel anxious about passing the final.   I've done fine in the class and I've had reasonably few problems grasping the concepts, but if I choke on the final... well, I can't get higher than a 1.7, even if I had a 4.0 going into it.   I know I'll pass. I know I'll pass. I need to pass.   Oh, and just in case you're lurking, Indi- I dropped History of the Modern Middle East, not linguistics. I need my fun class, and while I'd prefer archaeology, linguistics works out pretty well anyway.   Now I'm obsessing over how to work my schedule from here on out. I have 4 more quarters (counting Spring) before I can start the radiology program, though I have to be accepted first. Classes I have to take: A&P 1 and 2, Statistics. Possibly one other thing. Classes I want to take: Precalc 1 and 2, Calculus 1-4, English 201, Intro to Genetics, Archaeology, Physical Anthropology. A lot of classes to fit into three quarters, since I'm already registered for spring.   Fall: A&P 1, Precalc 2, English 201 or Genetics Winter: A&P 2, Calc 1, Statistics Spring: Calc 2, English 201, archaeology   ....yeah. I didn't really think that one through all the way. I just really want to learn this. Why didn't I tackle math sooner? And why is calculus a 4 course sequence?




Cool new toy coming next monthish!

In the next month or so, we're planning on doing a small forum upgrade (the one I talked about a few blogs ago). One of the new toys we're going to install is eAccelerator, which is something that really doesn't affect you other than it makes the server go faster - kind of like how you can boil water faster in the microwave than you can over a low burner on the stovetop.   Or at least, that's how the theory goes!





...over the last few days I have scored four decants of Dark Delicacies, a bottle of Hope (shipped!) for the price of a GC, imps of King and Queen of Diamonds, and an imp of Chaste Moon which through the magic of swapping I hope to turn into an imp of Ingenue.       ___   ON BUYING THINGS TO SWAP 'EM: This is not a black-and-white issue. Buying stuff for the purpose of swapping it away for rare decants is frowned upon by many in the BPAL community, and I can sort of understand why: we're all here because we have a strong and sentimental attachment to our smellies, so if you don't actually want it for what it is, let someone who truly loves it have the scent. I can understand that perspective, and I guess if I was giving up something I loved 'cause I needed the $$, at the end of the day I'd rather it go to someone who would appreciate it rather than just want it for its value. But also, a couple of things: -once you sell something, it's out ofyour hands. Your attachment to that item has ended, and with it your right to make moral judgments about how it's used. Whatever-it-is is no longer yours. let it go. -As a n00b, it's really hard to see people raving about all these great rare scents, and then not being able to try them because they're only up for swap for things of "equally rare value". You _have_ to start with purchasing, and the easiest way to break into the rares market is to buy something to trade. Sometimes what comes up for sale isn't what you want at the end of the day; but then again, sometimes you bring home an imp you intended to just swap away, and find a new love. -buying things to swap is actually pretty utilitarian. Picture this: you have four people, A; B; C; and D (shut up, it's late I'm not imaginative). A has a decant of Voodoo Queen that she is selling. B has a decant of Storyville that she will only swap for Voodoo Queen or Lugh. C has wanted to try Storyville for ages, but she doesn't have Voodoo QUeen (and she def. doesn't have lugh). D really loves Voodoo Queen (but in order to know that, s/he would need to have enough to test --> probably has a decant already). If D buys the decant of Voodoo Queen, two people are happy: A and D. A has gotten $ for it, and D has more of what she already tested and knows she likes. This has no effect on B, but C still can't even access storyville. If C buys the decant of Voodoo Queen, three people are happy: A, B and C. A has gotten the $ that she would've gotten anyway. C now has access to something she really wants (Storyville; and in the process got to test Voodoo Queen) and B has something she really wants. D isn't happy, but you can't make all of the people happy all of the time. Purchasing decants to swap is, from a utilitarian perspective, a pretty good idea. More people get what they want out of the market -- where's the harm in that?   it's like the idea of "too much profit". No such thing. If Beth wants to spend her $$ on a Lamborghini, I don't care, although since oil prices will have increased I'll probably be able to buy less perfoom. Which, in the end, might actually be a good thing for my pocketbook. How do you like fast Italian cars, Beth?




I tend to go a little overboard

with scents I like. Or, uhm, *think* I'll like. Or just get a weird hankering after, and decide for no logical reason that I'll adore.   This is how it tends to go: I get curious about a scent, whether I just see a decant of it pop up or for some reason I like the name that day. I skim the reviews. I read the reviews. I re-read the reviews. I snap up the first decant of it I see. I re-read the reviews, decide I love it, and hunt down as much as I can find. I get the first decant, and try it on. It's oooo-kay. I have five more coming. Great.   This is how I got so much Snowblind. Everyone was all "oooh! Snowblind!" and I tried it and it was... meh.   I just really, reallly hope I like Havisham. Because I swapped 2 decant sof Passion and 2mL of Snow Angel for the bottle I have a-coming in the mail...




Nobody reads this blog (thank god)

which is why I feel okay about posting in here. I'm getting scared of my own disinterest. The only thing I seem to have any enthusiasm for these days is my perfume collection! Yes, all right, BPAL is wonderful and blahdy blah, but I know why it's become such an obsession for me: because right now, there isn't anything else. and that's terrifying. There is nothing else I can muster the energy to care about or do. I can barely even speak to my girlfriend, although her gorgeous self is present in my thoughts. I thought leaving university would make the apathy better. It hasn't. Maybe I'm being impatient? I've been home a week... It's not as though there's some magic wand to wave to make everything fine. But I hate this. I can't care about anything, and I'm just unhappy.




Oh, and... (H&EE)

Voodoo Punani amps the saffron on me. It's nice; I like it. It ends up smelling surprisingly sophisiticated, like I wanted Monster Bait: Underpants to smell. Underpants was just too vanilla, though. :/




Ammo Boxes (and gloating)

I just nabbed 4 50-slot ammo boxes off a hunting store online. The total with shipping to Canada was $13.74, which I feel is acceptable (even though the cost for the boxes themselves was $3.49 0.o) -- that's about $4.50 per box, which isn't insane, although it's a bit more than I'd like. Perhaps I'll swap two of them away for some imps -- I only have 50-some-odd imp/decants anyway, and some of those are going in bottles.   Havisham (1 imp) and Ice Queen (4 imps) are going into the bottles I've found for them -- that's 5 of my 57 decants taken care of. I'll likely swap away some of my GC's, and I already know I hate Tarot: The Star (unfortunately). There'll be a whole row of 5 slots for my precious Ingenue, likewise for my Dark Delicacies decants. I can probably just save time and keep my swapping imps in one box. Or maybe I'll use one box for my intent blends -- like my voodoo blends and TALs...   I'm so excited! I love getting new stuff, especially new ways to arrange my scents. Now I just need an adequate box for my bottles... as in, one that can fit 10mL's as well :/ I have four (and they're alllll La Fee Verte.)   Now I'm feeling that lovely gloating that goes along with possessing things one loves.




Etsy Wishlist

Here's my slowly growing Etsy wishlist. It's things that I think look nifty and would fit in well in the house, or things that I think would be interesting/worth trying. They're just ideas, and I'll probably share this with family eventually... since they're always bugging me for ideas, too.   Also Neats:   This neatly feeds into my addiction to games.   This feeds into my neat and nerdy mug deal... not that I need more mugs... And actually... this store trips all sorts of nifty nerd buttons of joy in me... I think I LOVE this store.   And this is just kinda nifty...   This is lovely.   And I think this makeup might be worth trying...




Cool Quote

A quote that has been making me smile lately.   "It's never too late to have a happy childhood, and age only matters if you're a cheese." -Rick Steves   FYI-Rick Steves hosts a travel show on public television




Unjustifiably mad

mmkay. So I enabled a friend a while ago, and since then we've had a pretty loose arrangement regarding swapping BPAL. For a while I bought her BPAL and she paid me back in rave tickets, which worked out for everyone. I've also given her some things: most notably, I passed along first an imp and then my 2/3 full bottle of Voodoo Queen, because much as I liked it it smelled better on her than it did on me. If I see something I know she wants, I'll swap from my pile of stuff to get it for her. And that's why I'm a little bit frustrated, and I know it's not justified.   There's a scent I /love/ -- Ingenue. Damn hard to find. A while ago she saw an imp of it for sale, and bought it for me -- and then she fell in love with it. :/ You can see where this is going, I think. I'm a little cheesed off, because in the past I've given her things I knew she'd enjoy, even though they were rare and swappable, and I could've used them to collect things I wanted. It's not fair to give a gift with the expectation of getting something in return; that's not really giving, and it's not fair to either party. At the time I didn't think that was what I was doing, but I find myself a bit upset that I gave up things for her, and she's not willing to do the same for me - even for one decant. It's not going to drive a wedge through our friendship or any such thing, but I'm materialistic enough that it annoys me.   The biggest problem (insofar as there is actually a problem, which is debatable) is that there's nothing I can do about it. I didn't pay for it, she purchased it as a gift (and informed me it was such) before she decided to keep it; and I can't be angry at her for not reciprocating a feeling I had, or a way of doing things that I decided to follow. It just makes me upset, and I don't think I'll be looking out for her wants in the future. :/




Time to Start Stepping

A fitting beginnging to my last full day in Afghanistan: a window-shaking explosion at 6:45am. I had just gotten out of bed when I heard it; 20 minutes later and still no news on whether it was a rocket or an IED. (Actually, in the end, it was a gunpowder storage shop that exploded on accident.)   On a lighter note, something happened that made me laugh until my sides ached yesterday. See, there are these poor kids who hang out by the US Embassy/USAID/ISAF base in Shash Durak trying to sell things. Usually they sell newspapers or copies of the Afghan Scene, or chewing gum. These kids are RELENTLESS, springing into action at the sight of a foreigner, repeating "gum, madam? Gum? Madam, one dollar, gum?" Yesterday, I was running to have a quick beer with my friend Sas who is stuck in the USAID compound when I had to pass ISAF and the throng of kids. One jumped out in front of me with a plastic snake. "Snake, madam?"   So today is my last day. Praise to Allah.




isn't it nice, sugar and spice....

OK I need to stop listening to Soft Cell's 'Sex Dwarf'. I dunno what my problem is but I have it on repeat. It's just so catchy and ridiculous. I think that's exactly what I need right now.   Today was interesting to say the least. Unannounced to me, I was elected to play in an improvisation masterclass this evening. At least I ran into someone in the hallway who told me this a bit before hand, lol. Hm. I was quite nervous because of this, BUT after I played with a group (it was a nice group, too, flute bass, cello and electric guitar ) I seemed to get a profuse amount of compliments from the artists in residence. It made me a little uncomfortable; I don't know why. I guess I felt like who was I to be getting these compliments when I have only been improvising for 3 years. I don't feel like I have as much experience as others in my group, yet I always get complimented on various aspects of my playing (and hardly any criticism- which I would really like at this point). So I said 'thank you' politely and sat in disbelief for the rest of the class.   I suppose I should be proud of myself. I decided to branch out from my normal fare and try improvising, and by that I mean that I dove head in and joined a free improv 'big band' (kinda like Sun Ra, lol) with little experience and learned from some really amazing people. Hm. I hope that maybe, just maybe I can get some jobs improvising or doing free jazz sometime in the future. I know there are a lot of venues here for that so... *crosses fingers* I just need to find the right group of people that I click with here to form a good group. Goodness knows that has been a struggle so far!   Perhaps part of my struggle with accepting my success is that I have not worked half as hard at improvising as I have with written musics. I mean, I have studied flute for 14 years now. So, that's 14 years of work on written music versus 3 years of work on improvised music- I suppose I think I am being complimented on something that I have hardly even worked for. Now, I know I would be no good at improvising if I had not studied flute technique at all; I am just trying to reason my odd thoughts in my head. I must think about this issue more, it bothers me that I was so upset by the compliments.   Side note- Pele smells good. Very good. I don't know why I swapped away my original bottle of it. I just bought a new bottle and it came the other day; I'm wearing now and feel very happy indeed. It's definitely a 'tropical happy place' scent. I need a tropical happy place, by the way. It would definitely include lots of gardens and mojitos and sitting on fluffy pillows. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions.   I am quite exhausted. Tomorrow is my "day off" so to speak. I don't have to go to school, but have a lot of work to do from home. These are my favorite days, I must say. I prefer the little studio area that I have made for myself at home to the cold sterile practice rooms at school. I think it might also be a good day to catch up on my French grammar work .    




I love Snake Oil

Dotted my wrists with my nine-month-old Snake Oil this morning, and it's glorious. I can't believe I wasn't a huge fan in the beginning... it goes a little play-doh on me after a few hours and I have to reapply, but after it ages it's the most gorgeous sophisticated warm spice scent. On my skin the amber is prominent, and I love amber... so glad I have a bottle.   Also, next time I order from the lab I need to buy a bottle of Vixen to put away. I sniffed an imp of Vixen that someone had aged for over a year, and it was heavenly.   Things I'd like to try: Boomslang -- I'm not sure I'd want a whole bottle of this one, but I'd like to try it. Also, I'm pretty sure Sophia would like it. For her birthday, she's getting a bottle of Boomslang and a bottle of Velvet (she likes cocoa-y scents). Hope -- I want a bottle of this beauty. Faith, unfortunately, goes instant play-doh on me, and I don't think it's salvageable. Scent locket? I have a brimstone locket coming...   Other than that, I'm prettymuch out of wants! I have almost a full bottle of Ice Queen, ditto Havisham, I have an imp of Voodoo Queen which is all I'll ever need (it's too heavy for my complexion... but it's oh-so-beautiful), I've got a bottle of Snow Angel and much as I love it I'll never need more, I've got more MB: Closet than I'll ever use (but it's soooo goood), I've got a bottle of Snake Charmer and seriously, I could decant from it, I like aged Snake Oil better anyway; I wouldn't mind trying Storyville, Formula 54 and Blue Moon but I'm not rabid for any of them, and I have an imp of Intergalactic coming and if I need another one I've got stuff to swap. The only thing I really want more of is Ingenue. I'd like to build up a collection of 7-9 imps, ideally, which would be enough for me to be comfortably sure that I wouldn't run out. I have stuff I can swap for this, too -- I can decant from my bottle of Passion if I have to, or dangle my Trick 2 out there as an enticement. I have two single notes coming that can be swapped away without breaking my heart, although I want to keep my Blood Orange SN no matter how it smells on me (I love the scent of blood oranges). I have bottles of Pink Moon 2007 and Ostara coming; I'm very much looking forward to Ostara, very much. In some ways, my lack of wants right now is good; through careful swapping, I've tried most of the rares out there that interested me at all, and I've kept the ones I wanted and let the others go, but now I get to look to scents that have just come out and decide right away, based on what's in them, whether I want them -- there's no reputation or legend attached to the new stuff yet. That's kind of exciting.   I'm also looking forward to Blue Moon 2007, and the Cancer astrological blend, although if it's chamomile and lavender I'll load the bottle into a gun and shoot myself. I'll be purchasing any/all blends available for July because it's my birth month, and probably two bottles of 07 Blue Moon (just because I'm pretty sure it's going to be up my alley -- cool and soft and somewhat crisp and airy, gently sweet). So glad I got $1100 back from my taxes -- probably around $250 of that will go to BPAL...     Another $250 will go to paying for my rave habit [$500] leaving about $600 to sustain the rest of my expensive lifestyle for three months. That's $200 a month, or $50 a week. I should be okay, although I'll have to stop buying so many books. :/




Right, therapy...

Therapy today was fine. It was a getting to know you sort of deal, and I think this lady really knows her stuff. But cautiously. I don't want to get over-excited and then have her be some flake. But it went okay.   I don't have much more to say about it.   Oooh, the boy got me the Perfume book and it arrived today- can't wait to start reading it. ETA: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, just to clarify.   I am trying very hard to refrain from writing a wanted post with many inappropriate caps and exclaimation points and question marks, begging for somebody to please swap Persephone to me.   NOTE: Please do not offer to swap or sell Persephone to me until I've bumped the appropriately phrased post in the appropriate area of the forum. This is definitely not a request. I'm just wailing and gnashing my teeth about the unfairness of it all. Hee. (I've barely missed it three times recently. At least.) I know. Poor me.




argh Monday.

First day back from vacation, and I had rehearsal early in the morning with PICCOLO. Now, that, to me, is the equivalent of sitting in a room with a jackhammer (without earplugs) early the morning. I was not pleased (especially since I forgot my earplugs). Piccolo has always been a dilemma for me- apparently I play it well enough that people always ask me to play pieces with piccolo in it, but I don't really enjoy playing the instrument all that much (there are exceptions, mind you!). However, I can't say no because I have "can't so no syndrome". Ah well.   Funny thing, I walked in the door to school this morning to see that my name was on the faculty student concert this Friday night. No one told me I was playing in it. How nice of them, since I'm sure they want me to do a good job. Thankfully the piece that I am listed as playing is prepared and etc.. BUT STILL. I know organization is not this school's strong suit but this is sort of outrageous to me.   I had really good trip to Paris with my close friend. More about that later (since I have some hilarious pictures to post here...). There was lots of cheesy sightseeing to be had. I think my favorite place that we visited had to be the central mosque in the city. The interior was stunning- fountains and ornate tilework. Also, we went to an old lesbian cabaret/nightclub in Pigalle and had quite a good time. It was this older woman's birthday apparently and the party was quite hilarious. I have never seen women over 50 (I think perhaps over 60) dance like that in my life. I hope that I dance like that when I'm that age, too. Once my friend and I got drunk enough we joined in dancing and made asses of ourselves, which was good. I was also gratified to find out that pretending to be my mother (we have the same first and last names) and using her Mariott Platinum account got my friend and I free drinks at the hotel bar. We took advantage of that. It's funny. I am definitely not a party animal by a long shot, but when vacation hits I really feel the need to cut loose. I suppose it's good for me, cause now I feel much more relaxed and ready for the long haul of recitals and concerts that is March.   I finished reading Anansi Boys on the train home(yes, the BPAL Gaiman scents reminded me that I had not read this one yet) and liked it a whole lot. I loved the descriptions of the characters and their personal development- especially the journey that Spider took throughout the book. Although I wish that it hadn't been so long since I read American Gods. Maybe I should read the two back to back sometime soon.   While we're on the subject of BPAL (sorta) I must say, Mr. Nancy the scent is so incredibly dead on. Kudos to Beth!! Actually, all of the scents I just received have been incredible. I feel like BPAL just keeps getting better and better. The only problem is I can never decide what scent to wear in the morning . Tiresias, Priala, Mr. Nancy, Mr. Jaquel, Mami Ji, the snakes...I feel as if I have died and gone to olfactory heaven. I can't imagine how Beth could possibly create anything better, but I know she will.   Now, I must be heading off to bed because I am exhausted, but before I go, some silly photobooth photos. P-Dog decided it would be nice to lay in front of me while I was at the computer so I took advantage of the moment.   (and got my face licked in return )     she has a snaggle tooth, and I love it dearly...so much so that I am willing to post a chubby faced picture of me to display it.    




My Top Ten (OK, 7)

I don't have a top ten, but here are my faves. I have 5mls of Et Lux Fuit, Empyreal Mists, and Titania.   Et Lux Fuit Empyreal Mists Kumiho Zephyr Phobos (though it gives me a headache) Bon Vivant Titania   It should be noted: I'm falling DEEEPLY in love with The Dormouse and O. And Strawberry Moon was nice. And I can wear Kumiho, but I haven't sniffed all the BPAL I own, or even all the soaps I own, because THAT'S what gave me bronchitis. (14 May 2007)




Son of Return of Estate Sales!

It's feast or famine sometimes -- the past couple weeks we've gone to several houses and they've been pretty blah. A couple of weeks ago we got a Lane side table (early '60s maybe) and a tall lamp with a great canvas/linen shade for $50, but that's been it. Yesterday was good though, we went to 4 houses and bought things at 3 of them:   --one house had a bunch of collector plates (Norman Rockwell, Wedgwood, etc.). No souvenir plates unfortunately, but I bought a Presidents of the United States plate, through LBJ, for $4. I guess I'm SOL if I can't remember the presidents after LBJ --another house had a wrought iron Lone Star we can hang outside ($15) and a green California pottery bowl/large cup, very faux-Fiestaware ($2.50) --another house had a set of clay coasters from Disney World's Grand Californian hotel ($1.50)   The first house had a giant glass barrel-shaped container, maybe 2' tall, full of matchbooks, but we were peeking through the glass and there weren't any cool ones catching our attention. They wanted $65! That's a crazy high price, considering we got 2 bags of great matchbooks from all over the world for $4 a few weeks ago. Maybe the big glass container was valuable?




Crafty Things

Made a sniffy necklace and matching bracelet set for my Switch Witchee over the weekend. Also found a funny book for her. Sure enough, I couldn't stop at one cd - starting the assembly process for the next one...




Don't know what I want

I feel so confused right now ... don't know what I want and what would be best for me. I can simply hope that God will guide me and that the way he chosed is the "best" (meaning please easy and comfortable) one. I myself don't want to make this choice - even if I don't know all the facts. Doesn't make it easier.   And I hope so much that my BPAL order arrives today. Could need a cheerup ... CnS was on the second of march ... could work ...


