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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

I got called a "nigger" today.

By someone I've never had any exchange with whatsoever:   http://johnblack13.livejournal.com/2007/06/15/   This was said to piss off my boyfriend, possibly to provoke a physical fight. I think it was the dating equivalent of a "yo mama" jab.   I'm still trying ot figure out how I feel about it.




A Lovely Birth Chart Analysis from Jarvenpa

Since Jarvenpa was gracious enough to offer this incredible reading, I thought I would post it here with my own commentary for her personal edification as well as in the interest of those astrology students who are keeping score at home.For those of you who would like to have a chart to look at, here's my birth information:Name: Kevin James KageBorn: October 22, 1977, 1:06 a.m.Birth Location: Hinsdale, Illinois I've always felt like I wear my moon on my sleeve, so to speak.Even with a cursory training in astrology, much of this is Greek to me. I'm so glad we have jarvenpa to help us make heads or tails of this mess!This entire reading is something of a test for me. My Leo ascendant loves the attention, particularly since jarvenpa is always so very kind in her assessments. On the other hand, Leo does not like to be reminded publicly of his faults. What's more, a public reading like this plays havoc with my Scorpio-in-for-Fourth-House need for an privacy and an inner sanctum of sorts. I'll discuss more about that when it comes up in the reading.I don't like to admit that I crave attention (Leo doesn't like to be seen as needy), but if I'm to be honest with myself, then yes, of course I do. And, of course, I feel somewhat guilty about it, because I wonder if I'm really worthy of the attention I do receive. It's a constant war.It's interesting, because I've warred with this a lot. I've always attributed it to my Libran need to be fair-minded. How can I always be right? How can I be at the center of the universe when the universe is filled with so many incredible people with their own ideas and opinions. Instinctively, I trust my judgment first and foremost, but, particularly as I grow older, I find myself contended with the idea that I am not THE center of the universe, but from a certain angle, I am A center of the universe. I have to say that my childhood was never particularly serious in terms of hardship, but I was a particularly adult child. My parents pushed me hard to be the best of everything, and when I placed in the 99th percentile and won awards, it only encouraged them to push me harder. I was a very intellectual child, and by the age of seven or eight I was spending my time discussing important philosophers and winning games of chess against men who were old enough to be my grandfather. I liked hanging out with older people as much as I liked hanging out with kids my own age. They offered so much insight and wisdom. And conversely, the older I get, the more I enjoy spending time with children. As we grow older, I think many of us lose our appreciation for the beauty of the ordinary. Children have that appreciation in droves. For children, the ripple of the wind playing in the grass is magical, and so it is for me as well. I wish I could share that feeling with everyone in the world.I am the lord and master of the worst-case scenario. I'm not sure I ever felt distant to my parents, however. At a very young age, both my parents worked and I was raised by my grandmother. I suppose that could be the distance, but it feels like a stretch to me. I came from a very loving household, and while my father in particular could be overzealous about my talents and at times hypercritical of my performance, I don't know that there was real distance between us. He was a fiery Aries with two Libra children. I think our inherent Libraness drove him batty.Yes, yes, yes. There is such a profound difference between order and organization. I am not an insanely organized person (although I make valiant efforts to be, there is only so much time in the day, and one must pick and choose one's battles, and in the end, the forces of entropy are going to win anyway, and ohh.... that's a lovely rock...). But order, patterns, neatness... yes, these things are beautiful, satisfying, safe.Not that I don't appreciate a little chaos, but I don't want to live in it. And in the moonlight... and on a moonless night under the stars... and in the rain... and when it's snowing like the onset of Fimbulwinter....Singing is so much better than stuff. There is a party in my third house, and everyone is invited. I love big eyed kittens. I draw the line at babies dressed as bumblebees.I find this interesting, because right now, the relationship between my brother and I is very strained, and in part it's because I can't get away from him. I don't have a quiet place to retreat. I love my brother dearly, and ever since we were children I have always been his translator. But I would never call our relationship graceful. I can say we've ever been good siblings to one another, although I think by turns, one of the other of us has tried.I'm not going to comment too much on the arts/literature/poetry parts of this reading. They seem to be fairly all pervasive, and everyone knows I'm a creative person anyway. This is one of the things that really struck my best friend when I showed her the reading. She was quick to stress that my words often carry more weight (for good or ill) than I intend. This is something that I've grown more conscious of as I've grown older, and particularly with mercury in Scorpio, I have to be extra careful to rein in my sharp comments.*sigh* As I mentioned before, my parents put a lot of emphasis on my "brilliance," and so it was natural that I did as well. I don't think it's as true anymore, but for a long time I really did feel that my self-worth was measured in IQ points.And any time I'm trying to come to terms with something difficult or profound in my life, I write something.This is, by far, the best description of what being a Libra is like, ever. so true... so true...My brother has mercury in Scorpio also. When we squabble, one can hear the rapiers ringing. So very true. Twice in the past year I've had good friends from online come to visit me. The first time, one of these friends brought her boyfriend with only the shortest possible notice. That was worthy of a panic attack, but ultimately, I came to accept that he was coming, and everything went well. In the spring, this happened again (almost) when another one of my friends was planning a visit and casually mentioned that she'd invited two of her other friends to come hang out with us. That time, it was just too much for me, and I politely but firmly told her I wasn't comfortable with that.Like jarvenpa, I have a very permeable outer life, but I have to have my sanctuary, and no one enters my sanctuary without my permission.I grew up surrounded by computers, which is not a strange thing anymore, but it was pretty new and different when I was born in the late 70s. My father was quite bright and he did a lot of programming and made a lot of special modifications to his hardware. He would receive letters from people from all over the world asking him computer questions. He was a brilliant problem solver, and he really liked nothing better than finding a solution to a seemingly insurmountable task. I did almost die as a baby, and the doctors didn't believe that I'd live past two years of age.I can't say much about this in my life currently, but it's definitely interesting.Hard on my heart indeed....I've been told repeatedly that much of my success would come later in life. I think you're echoing that here.Me? Fall in love with my friends? Never!(.... you aren't buying it, are you?)I suppose it's happened once or twice. This could, in part, explain why I enjoy physical labor so much. Whether it's gardening, or molding things with my hands, or just physical exertion of any kind.I don't think I've ever been terribly attracted to earth signs. At least, not sun signs. It's true, I dated a Virgo for quite some time, but her perfectionism tended to be a source of stress for me. She was a wonderful lady and a gifted artist, but rather than being a grounding force in my life, I think she tended to be a barrier instead. (Perhaps I'm reaching with the metaphors here).I tend to be attracted to Geminis and Leos, sometimes Pisces or Cancer. Food for thought.Strangers do indeed seemingly seek me out and unload their problems on me. It's gotten the point where I often just put the offer on the board because invariably there comes that awkward moment of, "I can't believe I'm telling you all this," and sometimes it's easier for them if they've already been invited inside (more sanctuary metaphors).In retrospect, I think it must be this tendency in conjunction with fourth house Scorpio that makes me crave privacy so adamantly. I'm more than willing to be friend, confidant, therapist...etc, but I have to have the ability to say, "okay, you are a lovely person, but we'll have to make an appointment for tomorrow, because the doctor is out." That really sounds lovely. I have dreams like that. Of course, I also have dreams of being an intergalactic rockstar, so make of that what you will.Joint ventures.... that's a little troubling....What's interesting here is I've been feeling this a lot lately. There are many pursuits that I enjoy, but I'm feeling unsatisfied in all of them. I have this sense that I should or must be a writer, but at the end of the day, I don't feel particularly fulfilled by what I'm writing. The same can be said of graphic design, web design, even music in a way, although I must say I've felt more drawn to music of late than to any of my other creative passions.Lately, I feel drained by everything. I have no idea what my true calling is, or whether I even have one.I'm not sure if misgivings is accurate here. I don't think I've ever really felt that way. However, my physical disability is definitely a limiting factor, on multiple levels.Allow me to recoil in horror at the thought of being perceived as "slow." I can't really say much about this, but now I wonder if it's true.Forever young and forever in movement and delight. I definitely appreciate those qualities.This part may take some time to fathom.This is one of those incisive bits of this chart that really leave me feeling flayed open. I really can't say much more without crossing my own boundary lines.No pressure now.You have such amazing perception. When you say something like that, I suddenly wonder if you've been watching me all this time.In a good way, I hope.Yes, yes, yes.Resolution? Really? That sounds so wonderful. This has really summed up most of what I've been facing lately. The feeling of totally being out of control, the need on the fundamental level to know who I am and what I should be doing with my life. Particularly since the beginning of this year, self-image issues that I thought I had long since overcome have resurfaced with a vengeance. Feelings of unworthiness, or of being worthy yet receiving no recognition. It's a mess, really. Thank you, so much. Yes, you've hit the nail on the head. I don't really feel comfortable sharing how closely you hit the mark, but you most certainly did.Thank you for so many wonderful insights. You are truly a kind and generous person.




Sad news.

It's really bad that this occurs on the day before I head off to Sicily. I was going to write a little entry about how much I looked forward to tucking into real Italian food, the best pizzas with the thin crispy crusts, pasta cooked in the best tomato sauce, and the finest ice cream in the world. But then I hear some truly saddening news.   My aunt passed away today. The melanoma which I thought was being cured successfully with chemo (in the last phone call I had with her, she was so optimistic) finally claimed her life. It is really terrible, I didn't know her that well have haven't seen her much, I wish I'd seen her more. Now it's too late...cancer is a horrible thing and it has claimed many of my relatives, my aunts, uncles and grandmothers. It frightens me and has made me a little scared to go out in the sun (and I'm going to Sicily of all places) even if my skin tone is more sun-resistant than hers. I wish I got to know her better in life, and I did say some things about her in life which I regret a little now (mainly jokes about her obsession with Cliff Richard and her phone calls where she constantly went off at tangents about friends of her friend's boyfriends mothers...) but nothing too serious. It's bad timing that it happens before I leave for what should be a relaxing holiday, but life and death like that-full of bad timing, sadly. I suppose the good thing is that now the pain and sickness really is over, she's free from it, in a better place.




bats in my belfry

I haven't been sleeping well, so I took a hot bath around 10:30 last night with the hopes that it would help knock me out. My soothing bath was interrupted by an angry and persistant bat. My apologies to anyone who may have seen a scantily-clad woman releasing an agitated bat from a towel sometime around 11:00 last night.*   Playing naked hide and seek with an ill-tempered bat frazzled my nerves. The cold medicine I had taken earlier backfired, so I was nervous and exhausted but wide awake. I tried to sleep anyway. Dogs barked. My mouse would not get off of his squeaky wheel, except to noisily chew on his toys. Dogs howled in 3-part harmony. Bat-like noises were heard. My son alternated between crying beside my bed because he didn't want to sleep in his bedroom alone, and crying in my bed because he wanted to sleep in his bedroom alone. I ended up putting the mouse habitat in my closet for the night. Even though my closet is huge and as nice as my bedroom, I still felt guilty. I had nightmares about mice when I did manage to sleep. Huge vengeful mice with squeaky bat wings. Sad mice with tears running down their little mouse faces.   So today I am functioning on three non-consecutive hours of sleep. That might not be so bad, except that I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep on any night in the past two weeks. I am beyond sleep deprived at this point. I really wouldn't be surprised if I do start hallucinating bats.   Today of all days, I was railroaded into having lunch with my Mom and four year old son. I love them both dearly and normally welcome the chance to spend time with either of them, but today was just not the day. They insisted on eating at Burger King, of all places. My son, who is usually an angel, was on his worst behavior. So was my Mom. They both took pleasure in pushing my buttons, which were admittedly easier to push today than they usually are. Hooray, temper tantrums and crappy food for everyone! I've never been so glad to get back to the office. I'm the only one working today, which is good, but I can't leave before at least 6:30, which is bad.   *Note to those of you with an interest in bat welfare: I tried to be very kind to the bat. I gently picked him up with a towel after he roosted on a windowshade. He tried to bite me, but I think that's because he was upset, not because I was hurting him in any way. He appeared to fly away unharmed when I released him. Bats get into our house all of the time, so any advice on getting them out safely would be welcome.




Tokyo Stomp, Milk Moon

Yesterday I tested Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp. It smells like butterscotch in the vial, but on my skin it's a warm minty vanilla, like a pipe shop minus the tobacco. I kept sniffing for the tobacco. This one probably won't be a fave -- too sweet for everyday -- but it's funky and fun.   And I just tried out the other LE I got from that order: Milk Moon. It's really grape-y at first, almost like fruit candy. But then it calms down and gets more figgy. Mm, I love me some fig. And just a hint of pomegranate. I can detect the honey, but the milk never makes an appearance on my skin. I like Milk Moon, but I don't like it as much as Eden (which also has fig and honey). Which is a relief, because I can get more Eden whenever I want, but Milk Moon is kind of a one-shot deal.   So out of the three scents I ordered from the Milk Moon Update, my favorite is the last-minute impulse addition (Minotaur), not the two whose descriptions I drooled over most. Interesting....




Tried #5

Excolo   AIZEN-MYOO- no AL-SHAIRAN- ok ANUBIS-no BARON SAMEDI- NO BASTET- wanted to love her more but ok CENTZON TOTOCHTIN- no COYOTE- no CZERNOBOG- no ELEGBA- no EOS- no ERIS-no EVE- no GAUEKO- no GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS-no HADES- no HECATE- ok KALI- ok KURUKULLA- ok LILITH- ok LOVIATAR- no NEMESIS- ok I think NUIT- no NYX- no I think OBATALA- no ODIN- sadly no OGUN- no OLD SCRATCH- ok PANNYCHIS-no PEITHO- no PELE- Really, Really like why don't I have a bottle ????? SACRED WHORE of BABYLON- ok SHANGO-no TEZCATLIPOCA- NO! THANATOS-no XIUHTECUHTLI- NO YEMAYA-no CALLIOPE-no CLIO-no MELPOMENE- no POLYHYMNIA- I think no TERPSICHORE-no I think THALEIA- good and I have actually been debating a bottle of this one EUPHROSYNE-no THALIA- #1 summer scent I LOVE THIS SCENT I have approx. 1/8 of a bottle left but a 10ml all full and waiting YUMMY! AGLAEA-no THE NORNS- I don't think so but I would like too re-try them because I have no memory   ALECTO- NO MEGAERA [reformulated 5/1/2005]- ok I think UTRENNYAYA-no VECHERNYAYA-no ZORYA- no   THE STATIONS OF THE SUN- I have tried some but off hand can't remember what and what I thought   Next my favorite most untested section   Voodoo Blends   AUNT CAROLINE'S JOY MOJO- REALLY WANT A BOTTLE this stuff rocks! BLACK CAT- good BLOCK BUSTER- would like more CHUPAROSA- no FIRE of LOVE- ok FRENCH LOVE- ok HAS NO HANNA- have an imp I need to work with HIGH JOHN the CONQUEROR- I love this stuff (not for scent) it works great I need a bottle LOVE ME- ok RED DEVIL- good VAN VAN- have an imp but need to pull it out WATER of NOTRE DAME- no   I tried a lot of Tarot oils and I only liked the Sun but felt odd using them so my imps still sit mostly untouched. I might need to re-pull out The Sun though.   Same with the Sephiroth but am curious about GAMALIEL due to the Lilith connection.   The Chakras I have sniffed here and there but haven't been able to afford the entire imp scent to work with them to see if I want bottles, my Libra balance hates the idea of working only with one chakra.   Panacea   ELIXIR V: MOXIE- yes would like more ELIXIR VI: DETOX- LOVE! I have my 10ml down to 3/4 full ELIXIR VII: SAFARI- liked my imp would like to use it for what it is for   I would love to try more of these though for what they are for.   Sonium Somnus- LOVE   Would like to try more   Carnaval Diabolque- I have tried most all of them but only liked   Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller MELISANDE, THE PUPPET MISTRESS- Own a bottle Faith and Hope- split with friend but still need my Hope like both   Slightly interested in Privilidge, sadly no Pruno though, and that one seemed so funny hahaha!   I Hope this helps!!! If you want a list of favorites of LE's I can definetly expand my list hahaha! But most of my most favorites are listed and sadly many have become expensive over time Curse you beautiful Poppet, Strawberry and Pink Moons and Midwinters Eve!!!!!!!!!   But how can I completely complain since I no longer have to sell my soul for Shub!   That is the end of the current scents YIPPEE!!!




Tried #4

Ars Draconis   DRAGON'S BLOOD- yes DRAGON'S BONE- no DRAGON'S CLAW- no DRAGON'S EYE- no DRAGON'S HEART- no DRAGON'S HIDE- no DRAGON'S MILK- ok DRAGON'S MUSK- no DRAGON'S TEARS- ok own a bottle LADON- no   Rappaccini's Garden   ASPHODEL- ok BANEBERRY- no I think BELLADONNA- no BLACK HELLEBORE- no BLACK LILY- no BLACK LOTUS- no BLACK ROSE- ok BLOOD LOTUS- ok BLOOD ROSE- LOVE! sadly close to a 1/4 of a bottle left in mine COBRA LILY- no DEATH CAP- no DESTROYING ANGEL- no DEVIL'S CLAW- no MANDRAKE- no MOON ROSE- ok SHADOW WITCH ORCHID- no SLOBBERING PINE- no SQUIRTING CUCUMBER- no! STRANGLER FIG- no SUNDEW- no WOLFSBANE- no YEW-TREES- no   I have tried some Salon's but I don't remember which off hand so I am skipping that list for now.   Picnic in Arkham   AL AZIF- ok ARKHAM- no AZATHOTH- no CTHULHU- the only aquatic I like, DH has a bottle THE DEEP ONES- no THE HIGH PRIEST NOT TO BE DESCRIBED- no MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY- NO! THE MUSIC OF ERICH ZAHN- no NIGHT-GAUNT- ok, need to re-try NYARLATHOTEP- no R'LYEH- ok I think SHOGGOTH- no SHUB-NIGGURATH- HELL YEAH!!! One of my top scents, I still have my first series bottles but can always bathe in more HERBERT WEST- no Y'HA-NTHLEI- no




Tried #3

Diabolus   AKUMA- ok BAOBHAN SITH- no I think BLACK ANNIS- like so many others NO BLACK PHOENIX- ok BLOOD COUNTESS- no BLOODLUST- ok BLUEBEARD- no CATHERINE- no I think DJINN-no DRACUL- no FENRIS WOLF- no HELL'S BELLE- ok HELLCAT- like have a bottle IMP- like KITSUNE-TSUKI- like have a bottle KUMIHO- ok LOUP GAROU- no MALICE- ok MEDEA- ok i think NEPHILIM- ok PAIN- no PHANTOM- no PHANTOM QUEEN- no RAGE- no SERPENT'S KISS- ok SZEPASSZONY- no VILLAIN- no WICKED- no   Carousol   BILQUIS- no MAD SWEENEY- no MAMA-JI- sadly no MR. IBIS- no MR. JACQUEL- would like to own MR. NANCY- sadly no SPIDER- ok I think   Mad Tea Party   ALICE- Yes THE CATERPILLAR- no CHESHIRE CAT- ok THE DODO- no THE DORMOUSE- no DRINK ME- no EAT ME- sadly no, I so wanted to like this and layer it with Beaver moon FRUMIOUS BANDERSNATCH- Like have a bottle I need to use more JABBERWOCKY- no THE LION- ok MAD HATTER- no MARCH HARE- Love sadly I have less then a 1/4 left in my bottle THE MOCK TURTLE'S LESSONS- no MOUSE'S LONG AND SAD TALE- no THE QUEEN OF HEARTS- no THE RED QUEEN- no TWEEDLEDEE: no TWEEDLEDUM: no TWO, FIVE & SEVEN- like WHITE RABBIT- No, No, No, No this is one of the four scents that does AWFUL things on my skin, its ugly.     Illyria   THE APOTHECARY- no DESDEMONA- ok GONERIL- no HELENA- no IAGO- no JESTER- ok LADY MACBETH- yes have a bottle LEAR- no OBERON- no OPHELIA- no OTHELLO- ok QUEEN GERTRUDE- no ROBIN GOODFELLOW- no ROSALIND- no TAMORA- ok TITANIA- ok TITUS ANDRONICUS- no VIOLA- no Wanderlust   AMSTERDAM-no ATHENS- no BAGHDAD- like BAYOU- no BENGAL- ok CAIRO- no CROSSROADS- no DANUBE- no DELPHI- no DUBLIN- no thank goodness better this then Glasgow EDEN- no GLASGOW- Like and would like to get more then an imp GOMORRAH- no THE HAMPTONS- liked I think I need to re-try this one THE HANGING GARDENS- Like have a bottle HOLLYWOOD BABYLON- yes KYOTO- ok LONDON- no MACHU PICCHU- no MADRID- ok MAG MELL-no MOROCCO- ok MOSCOW- no NEO-TOKYO- no (thank goodness) NIFLHEIM- ok PARIS- ok PORT-AU-PRINCE- no PORT ROYAL- no PRAGUE- no R'LYEH- no ROME- no SANTA EULÀRIA DES RIU- no SANTO DOMINGO- no SHANGHAI- no SILK ROAD- nice SRI LANKA- nice TENOCHTITLAN- no TINTAGEL- no TOMBSTONE- no VENICE- no VERSAILLES- no VINLAND- no WHITECHAPEL- no JEZIRAT AL TENNYN- no LYONESSE- no           COCKAIGNE- how did I miss this one I really need to try it! yerevan




Tried Take 2!





What Scents I have tried and Opinions

My opinions on tried Scents, these are to the best of my memory and tried to include if I only have a bottle, not if I own an imp. If it isn't on the list I either totally can't remember it or haven't tried it.   Bewitching Blends   ABSINTHE- Ok AEVAL- I think only ok ANNE BONNY- NO AntIQUE LACE- NO ARCANA- OK BELLE ÉPOQUE- OK BEWITCHED- no BLACK FOREST- NOOOOOOO BLACK OPAL- Ok BLACK PEARL- smells like suntan lotion so sadly no THE BLACK TOWER- same no as BF BLISS- no BLOOD- YES own bottle BLOOD PEARL- same as BP BON VIVANT- Uber love and I have less then half a bottle BRIMSTONE- no CATHODE- no CALICO JACK- no CHIMERA- I think this was good I need to re-check it out THE COILED SERPENT- wanted to but no DEE- no DELIRIUM- this scent stalked me and I still dont like it ECLIPSE- yes own a bottle EPHEMERA- I don't think so FAE- ok GRAND GUIGNOL- I like this one GROG- no HAMADRYAD- no THE HESPERIDES- apple is a no HYMN TO PROSERPINE- I don't think so, I need to re-check this one out INCANTATION- no INTRIGUE- no JACK- I tried to love it but no JOLLY ROGER- No pirates life for me JUKE JOINT- no LA BELLA DONNA DELLA MIA MENTE- sadly most of the La's and Le's didn't work for me I know I found one ok but I have it in Imps LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI- " LAMPADES- Yes, I believe I have a bottle LEANAN SIDHE- no LIGHTNING- NO MAGUS- no MASQUERADE- no MATA HARI- sadly no MORGAUSE- I tried it and was on the fence but I think I liked it ok, need to re-try NAMASTE- ok PENNY DREADFUL- with the name I wanted to but no POISONED APPLE- no apple RAKSHASA- ok SAINT-GERMAIN- no SCARECROW- NO SCHEREZADE- ok SHATTERED- sadly no SUDHA SEGARA- yes SWANK- OH YEAH! Another halfed filled bottle of yum! TWENTY-ONE- no ULALUME- no ULTRAVIOLET- no UMBRA- ok VEIL- I think ok VELVET- no chocolate VOODOO- ok WILDE- love it on hubby not me YGGDRASIL- ok   Funeral Oils   DANCE OF DEATH- No DANSE MACABRE- No EMBALMING FLUID- No HAUNTED- Ok HOUSE OF NIGHT- no JAZZ FUNERAL- no LES FLEURS du MAL- no MIDNIGHT- no NOCTURNE- no SHROUD- no THANATOPSIS- no TWILIGHT- no WINGS of AZRAEL- no ZOMBI-no   Elements   BURIAL- no HURRICANE- no INFERNO- yes UNDERTOW- no





Yay! I actually picked this up and hugged the package when it arrived. Cough.   European Order! 5ml Imp5ml Brown Jenkins   Imp of The Red Queen   Frimps: Phobos, Water of Notre Dame, Tezcatlipoca, Regan   I FINALLY have bottles of two of my absolute favourites now!   It struck me the other day that my five favourites (this week ) are Imp, March Hare, Dorian, Brown Jenkins and Geek. Four of those are GC. Perfect!




Enraged Groundhog Musk: The Perfect Foody

Really ridiculous, insanely inappropriate, and staggeringly silly! Cranky groundhog musk sweetened up by chocolate-covered black cherries, cardamom, French vanilla, and caramel. Bottle: Bitter cocoa and cardamom.   Wet: Dark cherries with a lashing of chocolate.   Drydown: The vanilla appears, rounding off the slightly bitter cherries nicely.   Dry: The foodie in me loves this! I'm having trouble picking out individual notes, but it's a warm, sweet scent, but not as sweet as, say, Carnivale. Yummity yum yum!   Dry (20 mins): Obviously my skin thinks this tastes as good as it smells, and has eaten it! Oh well. It leaves behind a very light musky scent, so would be great for a job interview or something - pleasant, but with little throw and no permeating qualities.   Verdict: While it lasts, a sweet, musky foody. Warm and cuddly with 50% Extra Added Cute.   Rating: 4/5   Review




Minotaur, Hesperides, Crow Moon, Coyote, TKO...

I tested out Minotaur last night. It's a different kind of scent than I've tried before, heavy on the resins, which gives it an edged, dark, weighty kind of odor. On me it's very sweet, though most reviews don't seem to reflect this. I really like it. This morning all that's left of it is a hint of black musk, which I have just about sniffed right off of my arm.   Other scents I've tried, but not mentioned, in the last few crazy weeks:   Hesperides reminds me of sweet, dark apple cider. Definitely a winner.   Yew Trees and Yggdrasil, both tree-themed scents, have not made a great impression on me. I wore them both on days when I didn't have a lot of time to pay attention to them, so I haven't given up on them yet, but I remember both as underwhelming and not entirely pleasant.   Crow Moon - I admit I was hooked by the name; I really like crows, when they're not waking me at five in the morning. The description is very accurate: "This is the final Full Moon of winter. The call of the crow signals the end of the frost, and their scent, of vervain, black violet, white musk, and Chinese cedar, is brushed by the last cold wind of winter on their wings, and the scent of evergreen boughs touched by the season's final flowers and the first blossoms of spring...." So, okay, it starts out smelling like frost, light musk, and cedar, kind of a bracing scent, and then as it dries down, all of a sudden -- spring flowers. That's pretty freakin' amazing. I don't actually like the floral part very well, but I'm still totally impressed.   Coyote is a sweet, light muskiness on me, not dark and heavy like the Minotaur, but the warm golden brown of a smaller, swifter critter. It's a lot like what I hoped The Lion would be. This makes two amber scents I really love (the other one's Aglaea), so I may have to retract my verdict that amber doesn't work for me. Yum.   TKO is a profoundly comforting scent; it's sweet and warm and reassures me that everything's okay. It doesn't magically put me to sleep, or keep me asleep; instead, it soothes and calms me so that I can allow myself the sleep I need. I definitely wouldn't wear this in the daytime, as it kinda makes my brain shut down -- which is exactly what you want when you can't sleep. I adore it.




Dorian: Mr Darcy's Cup of Tea

Inspired by and created for my beloved Tedwin: my eternal, beautiful, wicked Dorian Gray. Refined, elegant, and lovely, with a noble bearing and seemingly gentle air. This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea. Bottle: Light cologne.   Wet: Sweet vanilla with a slight "kick" from the citrus. Amazingly, the lemon hasn't amped to washing-up-liquid proportions yet!   Drydown: Sweet vanilla tea, just like the description.   Dry: There's sometime else in here that I don't recognise (probably the fougere, I haven't a clue what that is!). It's a sweet, bright, vanilla tea with the remnants of a slice of lemon in it, and this other, slightly musky scent underneath it. I love white musk so this is lurvely!   Verdict: Mr Darcy, holding a cup of sweet vanilla tea, out of which he has just fished a slice of lemon. I knew I would love this as soon as I read the description, and I'm so glad I bought it unsniffed!   Rating: 4.5/5   Review




Enabling, Black Forest, Coyote

While visiting C, I gave her some of my unloved imps: Mag Mell, Frumious Bandersnatch, Kumiho. They all smell a little funky on me, but behaved themselves on her. I was going to give her Florence, too, but we dropped it on the floor of a public restroom (really, we both did; it was a botched hand-off) and even though it didn't all spill, I made her throw it away because, yuck, public restroom floor. But she liked that one as well. I'm going to order her a few secondhand imps as a thank-you for her hospitality, and Florence will be among them if possible.   She gave back the Black Forest imp I gave her last year -- said she liked the concept but not the oil. Not much left in it, but I'm really glad to have it again. I only tried it once, and my impression of it was a darker, dirtier evergreen than Jabberwocky, with a lingering musk note (musk always lasts forever on me). I was unsure about the musk at the time. But I recently tried Coyote and decided that maybe I really like musk. Because I sure do like Coyote.




March Hare: Pure Fruit Heaven

Bottle: Pure apricot. Like a jar of apricot jam.   Wet: Slightly spicy apricots, reminiscent of one of those pastries with apricots and cinnamon/spices on top.   Drydown: Sweet, slightly less in-your-face apricot now, lightly spiced.   Dry: Now this is LOVE. Gorgeous, smooth, sweet apricot grounded by a hint of clove and spice in the background. Absolutely delectable. And so glad it's GC!   Verdict: An apricot pudding with spices drizzled over the top. Sexy, smooth and sensual. Seriously, I can't find the words to describe just how delectable (sorry, used that word already!) this scent really is. Definitely one of my top five! It's also great as a room scent (hence my pending second bottle!)   Rating: 5/5   Review




Boyf's Family Event: Am I Evil?

I really need to get my thoughts in order about this.   I met the boy at the beginning of last year, as he's in my Physics class. We started going out in February. In about March (while we were still at Uni), his mum emailed him about his grandfather's 80th birthday event thing, which is today. She also invited me, in a "Does Jenny want to come too?" sense. I turned down the offer, for these reasons: - I hadn't even met his family yet, let alone got to know them. - I didn't want to intrude on a family event. - It's very selfish I know, but I didn't want to be the "outsider", where I wouldn't know anybody and everyone would be laughing at in-jokes and talking about people I don't know and whatnot.   So I politely declined, saying that I didn't want to intrude. However, apparently all the other girlfriends/boyfriends/partners of the family are going. And I'm the only one who hasn't. So I seem like the unsociable scrooge who isn't interested in his family. What if they hate me forever because of this?   I should also say that, having met them last month, I would definitely go to a family event if invited now. One of the cousins is getting married soon, and I'm hoping to be invited to that so I can meet some more of his family (if they're as lovely as his parents, I can't wait!), and also hopefully patch up this little boo boo.   But anyway, I guess I'm confused. I felt justified in my decision not to go at the time, but I'm not so sure now. And it's too late anyway. So I'm beating myself up about it, because I'm worried that his parents won't like me any more, and they're such nice people that I don't want to upset them (and as I'm hoping they'll become my in-laws in the future, I definitely want to start on the right foot!).   Any thoughts/advice..?




Creepy and Spooky on eBay

I really hate having to do this, but my finances are taking a nosedive. I'm therefore putting my 5mls of Creepy and Spooky on eBay. Creepy was nice but pure butterscotch on me, which was alright but rather cloying and heavy, and certainly not something I would wear. Spooky was very nice, but it went to almost pure vanilla - which I can get from other, cheaper oils.   So: Creepy and Spooky on eBay UK. International (USA and EU) bidders are welcome. Shipping is expensive because I will send by recorded delivery.




quikslvr #3

trying to get back on track here...   Elegba wet: sweet, milky caramel & coconut dry: still sweet, reminds me a lot of spooky minus the mint. for some reason i swapped away my bottle. i guess this goes back on the wishlist.   Cairo wet: soft spices, a little sweet dry: turned mostly floral with a touch of a resin. almost like a rose incense, but a little too heavy on the rose.   Arachne this just got discontinued, and it's one that i've always wondered about... wet: wet, dewy florals, a little ozoney dry: dry woodsy notes, fresh airy notes. it's very lovely! too bad it's discontinued. it's one of the few vaguely-ozone scents that have ever appealed to me.   Death on a Pale Horse wet: pale indeed. it's fairly faint, but there's a bit of a citrus note that i can detect, and just a hint of vetiver dry: this is so incredibly amazing. it's clean, fresh, slightly manly. but absolutely no throw. I'd be all over a 5mL if I could smell it apart from when my nose is pressed up against it.   Desire wet: powdery neroli dry: dry, nondescript floral; slightly woodsy, a bit of musk. it's nice but a little too soft for my tastes.   Polyhymnia wet: lemon candy dry: the citrusy note is completely gone, but there's a herbal/woodsy note left behind. not too much punch, but pretty all the same.   High John the Conqueror wet: oddly sweet. since this is presumably made with high john the conqueror root, it thought it would smell more herbal or earthy. dry: still very sweet. it almost has a suntan lotion kind of aroma to it, oddly enough. i have a high john the conqueror root--it doesn't smell at all like this. it's not a bad scent, but this is one that would probably get relegated to perfume, and not be used for its magical qualities. it doesn't remind me enough of the real root for my brain to make the connection.




The Pill and Pregnancy

So anyway, after reading a few threads about birth control and pregnancy, I thought I'd share my (hopefully not too TMI ) experiences.   I'm on a birth control pill called Cerazette. It's a mini-pill, so proestrogen-only rather than the combined pill that they normally give. Since I started this I have not had a single proper period. Not one. In the first two months I got light spotting irregularly, but after that? Nothing. Nada. Zip. The "freedom" of not having a bleed is brilliant, in that I can go see my boy and do anything I want at any time of the month, I don't have to worry about carrying towels or a mooncup about, and I don't have to worry about it starting at inconvenient times and places.   However, as you can imagine, the lack of a monthly bleed is slightly disconcerting from a pregnancy point of view. I am in no way attacking mothers or families here, but I really do not want children right now. Becoming pregnant would be a nightmare, what with the physical changes and the urgency of an abortion (again, not attacking anyone, that's just what I, personally, would do if I became pregnant now), all tied into my University course. My solution? It was actually suggested by the boy after I admitted to being worried, because I was gaining weight (a result of too many kebabs, actually ), and of course I had no bleeding. He suggested that I give myself a pregnancy test every three months or so, just to make sure. Why didn't I think of that myself! Of course all the tests (all two of them ) have turned out negative, but it is a very good peace-of-mind method. Plus, the boy gets peace of mind too. He wants to be a father, but not at 20   ETA: I know the chances of me becoming pregnant while on this pill (which has a 99.5% success rate) are slim to none, as it works by actually stopping ovulation, "most of the time" according to the leaflet. But better safe than sorry eh


