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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Imping along

Imps a comin' in:   #20 love oil - A potent, enticing love formula, favored among Louisiana courtesans. Sharp rose and herbs soap. Yeah... I don't need to smell like that. (not bad in the oil burner though...)   Bard - Bay rum, honey, and white musk mingling with the scent of harp wood and lute strings and the twang of horn brass. - Are you kidding me? For a moment I could picture the lute in my mind! Ok... maybe not a lute. Maybe a ukulele, but still. Wood and strings... but not too much of either. I got no brass, though. The other notes combine into a lyric, gentle sweetness with the suggestion of a wood fire without really smelling like one and the barest hint of the smell of the outdoors in someone's hair. Seems to settle down into an echo of O. Arm huffing yummy yum. WANT. Added: It's close to the skin, clean and sexy as hell on my husband. I'll retest, but this may very well be a bottle.   Black Phoenix - Rosey almonds. Nice, not soapy rose and almond creamyness. Someone said cinnnamon but I'm not getting any of that burn. It's quite nice!   Blood Kiss - Lush, creamy vanilla and the honey of the sweetest kiss smeared with the vital throb of husky clove, swollen red cherries, but darkened with the vampiric sensuality of vetiver, soporific poppy and blood red wine, and a skin-light pulse of feral musk. A tiny dab tells me this is all cherries and vetiver. More testing must follow. Possibly followed by arranging to have myself drowned in it. I just heard my wallet cry out in pain. How can so many of these be so delicious?   Cheshire Cat - Grapefruit, red currant, dark musk, Roman chamomile, delphinium, and lavender. Starts beautifully - the grapefruit and lavender is delightful. But the grapefruit and lavender fade leaving something sort of boring.   Darkness - Blackest opium and narcissus deepened by myrrh. Erk. Narcissus not for me!   The Dodo - No wood. Just fruit and sweet. Nope!   Dwarf - Iron filings and chips of stone, Styrian Golding hops, and soot-covered leather. - Oh damn. I like this too. Rock and hops and leather. Yup! I really want to try this on the husband, although it doesn't come across as overly masculine on me. The hops lose their bitterness and a faint sharpness emerges (iron? maybe?). Completely boring on the husband.   Eternal - Stephanotis, cyclamen, heliotrope, white rose and gardenia. White Fleurs. It's not exactly soapy or headachy, it's just not me.   Event Horizon - A disconcerting scent, heavy and oppressive, through which no light, no matter, and no spirit can escape. Black opium, labdanum, opoponax, black orchid, and benzoin. All base notes as far as I can tell! Smoky opium on the first whiff. I haven't as of yet narrowed in on what labdanum, opoponax or orchid actually smell like themselves... but i think I'm getting the benzoin, the deep resin, vanilla-like sweetness. This one is dark, heavy, and quite lovely.   Fire For Thy Stepmother's Daughters - Flaming coals, hellfire, and blackened bone. Strong soapy ashtray faded surprisingly quick to mildly spicy bubblegum. Close to the skin. Weird dry down, there. No thank you!   Fire of Love - No notes listed. Designed to rekindle fire between lovers. At first it's wood and musk, maybe patchouli an musk. Then it's... wood and civet. Then it's civet. Yeah.... civet is not for me. Later: OHMYGOD GET IT OFF!   Galvanic Goggles - Metallic notes with Indian musk, tobacco flower, and African balsam. Metallic notes = nice but ordinary old gentleman cologne. NOOOOOOO.   Hetairae - Golden honey, fiery patchouli, sweet fig and clove, and a blushing touch of ylang ylang. AAAhhh! Ylang ylang, fig and honey. I love the fig and with the ylang ylang it's so freaking pretty. Oh my. This really is gorgeous. Purely and completely gorgeous. I love this. Retest and very likely bottle. Does eventually settle down to powder...   Haunted - Soft golden amber darkened with a touch of murky black musk. - Goddamnit. I can't like all of these imps, can I? I can't even describe this one. It's dark and rich. Black musk is, clearly, quite nice on me and it seems to keep amber from doing that precious play-doh trick it likes to do on my skin. WAIT! I just got a whiff baby powder. Just a whiff, but it might be enough I don't have to buy ALL the perfume.   Iago - Malevolent, dark and shadowy: sinuous black musk, wet leather and vetiver. Dark and bitter. That's not a complaint. I'm going to try to layer this with some sweet perfumes and see what happens.   Jabberwocky - An earthy yet buoyant scent: pine, eucalyptus and orange. Fruity Golden Priapus? The eucalyptus makes it edgier but the orange makes it really loopy. I like it but probably don't want to smell like this. Maybe. I'm thinking this imp is getting used for air freshening.   Le Petite Mort - Warm, damp skin flushed with the glow of passion, touched by ylang ylang and myrrh. At first it was just MYRRH which I like but a single note is not what I'm after. Like, where tha ylang ylang at? So I rolled the imp around and dabbed a bit more on. And it bloomed a bit. I get none of the O that others seem to get but it's sweet, slightly sweaty (in a fresh physical effort sort of way) and stays quite close to the skin. It might be gorgeous. Will test again. I think it went back to all myrrh?   Lilith - Mother of Demons, Vengeful Fury, Darkest Seductress, Queen of the Djinn, Goddess of the Gate. Red wine, myrrh, black musk, and attar of rose. Oh heavens. That is heady! The first wine soaked rush is crazy, made me say "uh oh!" But the wine recedes to the background and then the incensed roses. Yes yes, I have other incensed roses but not these exactly. I wish I still had full goth regalia for this one. Sometimes these perfumes are described as dark and it's like a picnic in the spring but this one really does seem dark to me. And sexy as fuck. Seriously.   The Lotus Tree - This is supposed to be lotus and honey but I'd swear there's opium poppy too. It's a lovely blend of sweet, tart and languid. Geez, I think I like it!!   Maenad - Orgiastic mayhem in the extreme: sweet strawberry and orange blossom distorted by carnation, black poppy and hibiscus. Candy and flowers. Heavy on the candy. I mean, it's delicious and fun. It smells great. It's a hair down, sundress and strappy sandal kind of scent. That being said, I can count on one hand the number of days in my life I would have chosen Maenad and still have fingers to spare.   Neutral - A flawless skin musk. Close to the skin - clean, the tiniest bit fruity smelling. Like a freshly washed person you like, and they have nice soap (though... not really soapy if that makes sense)   No. 93 Engine - Balm of Gilead, benzoin, frankincense, balsam of peru, beeswax, saffron, galbanum, calamus, hyssop, mastic, lemon balm, and white sage. Fast morpher here! From super medicinal smelling woods to slightly smoky, herbal and lightly sweet. Very interesting! I applied a little more to try and get a better sense of it, it was fading so fast. Wet and drying it's very intense. It's kind of amazing that it's so nice dry.   Pink Snowballs - Ridiculous. Pink. Plastic. Candy.   Prurience - This scent smoulders with a lust that singes the edge of your nerves and leaves your soul chilled: red amber and scorched musk with voluptuous carnation, charred vetiver, sensuous tonka, and orris. Huh. Smooth from the amber, musk and tonka. Spicy carnation way in the back. I haven't figured out orris yet. Retest! Retesting says strong smoky vetiver and baby powder. Uhhhhh...retest the retest??   Ravenous - An utterly feral, thoroughly rousing perfume. Red patchouli sweetened by orange blossom. Not complex, really, but a great balance between patchouli woody/grassiness and orange blossom which is more and more seeming to be a floral I can really wear and enjoy. Stays close to the skin but lasts for hours. Wants the precious.   Roadhouse - Truck stop sleaze. Weedy dandelion and hops with a whiff of tobacco and hemp and a swirl of booziness. Oh, man. Dandelions and grass - clean and sunny. Is there sleeze here? I get no sleeze. This is bright and cheerful and I... might like it. That's really freaking surprising. It also gets eaten by my skin almost instantly. Hm.   Shattered - A blend of white champagne notes, grapefruit, lotus, slivered mint and crystalline aquatic blooms. Oookay. I at least appreciate having the idea that "aquatic blooms" is not my thing. Yech. Also, lotus. So sweet AND cologny. MMMM. No.   Shroud - Wood, flowers and then poof! It's gone! It disappeared too quickly to review.   Smokestack - Creosote, coal, and industrial waste. Whoa nelly! That's maybe more intense than good for me.   Spellbound - Incense and roses - nice if I ever run out of Mircalla The Grave Pig - Fig, oakmoss, mushroom caps, and patchouli. Earthy fig. Really great earthy fig with low throw but crazy staying power. *sigh* I really like this one too.   The Raven - Violet and neroli mingled with iris, white sandalwood and dark musk. Imp looks aged. Very light and close to the skin. I have to put my nose right on it. Not dark at all - pretty violets. But I think I have other pretty violets.​   Wanton - Rose! and then my skin ate most of it. I have nice rose but this is nice.   Wicked - Jasmine, rose and myrrh. It's really lovely. But I'm wearing Ysabel and it covers the same bases but is more complex.   Yemaya - Her ofrrenda is a bounty of melons and grapes, strewn with the petals of the flowers of motherhood, draped with sea mosses. Lovely sweet melon with a background of flowers... that I may or may not be amping. It's sticky sweet.




All these Aged Imps!

Absinthe - a bright pop of citrus and mint that immediately turns into soap. Oh! and then the soap turns to anise! Perfect! I don't love it but I sort of like it.

Alice's Evidence (aged) - Fruitastic! I like the gingery spicyness and there's throw like whoa, but there's something that makes my eyes water and flutter in a self protective way when I raise my wrist to sniff. It seems to be mellowing on my wrist but it's still so strong!!! Oh. I think i got it on my nose. Later: It's a yankee candle with incredible throw. Yee gods.

Al-Shairan (aged) - huh. Spicy but overly sweet and a little band-aidy. Not my jam, I think

Anne Bonny - Mostly wood with some musk, Quite dry and very close to the skin. Another imp that may be too old for testing.

Aureus - Wood and amber. Close to the skin and nice. Not knocking me over, but nice.

Baneberry - Green, fresh, floral with a background of dark berries. Berry soap. Might be headachy.

Bathsheba - Carnation and musk and... plum? Mostly a feminine carnation, but plum may have mellowed over time. I'd love a new imp.

Bewitched - Well, that's pretty. That could be a lovely summer scent.

Black Lotus - River demons smell like bubblegum and nail polish remover. That is not what I thought river demons would smell like.

Cairo - On me: a burst of lemony brightness followed by incense and nail polish remover. Great throw. Ick. On the husband: Meh. Away ye go!

Cathedral - Dry woods and a kiss of incense. Boy did my skin eat that fast.

The Caterpillar - Have some fucking FLOWERS why don't you? Smoky after a while, maybe.
Christmas Eve in the Counting House - Creaky wood, thick fog, and dying embers. Wha? Is there an aquatic note that doesn't hate me? Maaaaybe?

Come to Me - Sexual attractant smells like pretty soap?

Cthulu - Dapper little old man cologne. Aquatic notes are a shitshow on me except, apparently THESE aquatic notes. On dry down this got pretty rad. I'm not buying a bottle of this. Even if I kind of like it.

Czernobog - Such a dark, thick oil! Animalian and musky. I wonder if aging has mellowed this significantly. This imp is a keeper, it's really quite rich.

Dance of Death - Aged out all interesting notes I guess. This is nice but it's sort of the basic bitch of patchouli and myrhh blends. I might have been really excited about this before sniffing The Grave Pig or Death Adder.

Deadly Nightshade Honey - Honey and flowers. Not a bad flower but I like some of the honeys more.

Deep in Earth - Shares a note with Zombi, that my nose refuses to acknowledge as dirt.

Devil's Claw - Pretty much like Malediction. Vetiver party!

Dracul - masculine. I catch no mint. Very nice gentleman's sexy cologne. Probably too normal for husband.

Dragon's Claw - Dragon's blood and three sandalwoods too many. Blar!

Dragon's Tears - Geez, soap. It's okay on dry-down but super light and not fabulous on me the way so many BPAL perfumes appear to be.

Envy (sigh. aged) - I suspect aging has really mellowed this. It's herbal and green but very light. I like it. I need to try it fresher, but I suspect after I do, I'll be buying a bottle. Or not. I slathered and it faded rather quickly to a faint... nail polish remover smell.

French Love - ooooooooh. Oh, goodness, that's surprisingly lovely. Beautiful floral with a tangy something and probably dragon's blood. Husband approves emphatically. Emphatically.

Gamorrah (again with the aged) What begins with fig is abruptly flattened with a slightly scorched wooden paddle. Someone spanked mah figs! And then it's a very very dry wood. Whatever sweetness is there appears to be from the Mitzvah Gororet Mitzvah I was wearing earlier today. Woody with dry fig way in the background.

Greed - I think I found a truly dead imp. Almost undetectable. Woods at a great distance - I need a new imp.

Hades - Dreaded narcissus is actually well tempered here with woody, incensy notes. I don't think it's a "me" scent, but it's surprisingly beautiful. (try on the husband! fleurs!)

Harlequin and Columbine - French vanilla, red currant, sage, balsam, rosewood, mandarin, lemon peel, pomegranate, and cedar. Ooooo! Yummy!

Hellfire (aged) - Gentleman's club, for sure. The notes don't pop out at me, just blend into a distinguished gentleman's cologne.

Hunger - Well. Maybe narcissus is not the death note I thought it was. Black narcissus, orange blossom and vanilla. I'm betting part of the OMFG deliciousness of this one is that it's over 5 years old. Super dark, thick oil. Spicy orange amazeballs. I'm thinking about going dancing tonight in this one.

Jolly Roger - Aquatic cologne.

Kabuki (aged) - Cherry punch to the face! The anise and musk make a nice accompaniment but that doesn't make the initial cherry sweet/tart all over my wrists any less weird. Boom! I smell like Twizzlers. It's not bad but it is not my usual style. After a little more time it's cherry cola! Days later I find myself reaching for this imp. I guess... I like smelling like Twizzlers and/or cherry cola. The imps a keeper and a bottle is under consideration.

Kill-Devil - That is really sweet, which I guess is not a surprise since the notes listed are molasses and honey. It makes me think of the honey in Defututa which I'm not so sure is good on me. My husband just gave me a stink face and and icky sound over it. That's confirmation enough for me. No bueno on me.

Kubla Kahn - Smoky sweet and gently floral. Complex as hell. Maybe quite nice. Try on the man! He was meh on it, though.

The LIghts of Men's Lives - Lit candles. No really, sweet lit candles. Retest this one. Hours later it's unlit candles. Jeeebus

Mad Hatter (omg so many aged imps) - What the? *scrambles to read notes* - okay, then. Minty, herbal musk it is. I think I want to compare a new imp to an old imp. Also, that is quite pleasant, if initially very weird. Another also, I think my skin's a tad dry because it's eating scent today.

Magdalene - Uh. That can't be right. I mean, that really... bitter with a background of rose. Nope.

Malediction - Oh, it has vetiver in it? Gosh, I'd never have guessed. Hay-oh! Honestly, I kind of like it, even though it's really really intense. The aged stuff is the consistency of molasses. I think it would be good for layering with the stuff that's too sweet.

Midnight Bell (aged) - How the heck does Beth actually do "crumbling stone"?? Dirt, clay, rock. The incense is there too. Is church incense different from head shop incense? It's lighter and cleaner smelling than, say, nag champa. That's sort of magical. I wouldn't mind smelling of this, but finding a bottle is probably more work that it's worth. I might... keep an eye out though. Oh, durrr. I guess I can order it from a store. Hmmm. Might be nice for amping up th.e dirt note in Zombi...

Moonshine and Mist (disc) - At first a surprisingly gentle, clean floral. Ethereal is right. And then I saw a review that called it "Dove soap". Oh. Yeah. That's totally Dove soap.

O (just as aged as all of 'em) - Okay, okay. I know I tested this imp, uh, 5 years ago or so. If I recall, it was awful on me. So... is this lovely because I've changed or because this imp is at least five years old and has become liquid gold? I'm going to give this today... and if it's still amazing I'm buying a bottle to put in the closet for a couple of years. LATER: sweet and baby powder. Uh... so... no on that bottle.

Old Scratch - I think the lavender fougere has aged out. Amber and patch and faint herbal cologne. Nice but not me.

The Obsidian Widow - Oh my stars and garters does that start out with some jasmine. After a few minutes I get some incense and dry rose. It may be turning soapy (sandalwood, you cad). No wine whatsoever. After a while I had to wash it off.

Phantom - Myrrh, dark musk, attar of rose and ylang ylang Oooh. Oh that's kind of lovely. Man oh man that's some lovely incensy rose. Goddamn! .... oh. uh... soap.

Phoenix Steamworks (aged)- geez, that's sort of nice. Golden for sure. Definitely a cologny scent. I wonder how it would be on my husband... oh nope nope nope. Just nose tickling cologne.

Rapture - JAAAAAASMIN! And then a little rose and incense ... and then soap. Yup. I'd love to wash with that soap.

Red Lace (aged) - Red musk is turning out to be a winner for me, but I get anxious when I see tobacco as a note - as an ex-smoker I find it can either make me disgusted or set up with little echo of longings past. This gives me just a hint of that longing, making it not viable to wear this regularly. And since I have plenty of red musk plus other lovely in my collection and since I don't get any other notes... I'm not in the least bit sad that this would be hard to get ahold of now.

Red Lantern - Oh, this to me is a brown, not red aroma. Golden and furred and rich and... celery? Celery??? Yeah. Incense, tobacco and celery.

Redoul Honey (aged)- Juicy and tart fruity sweetness. It makes me want candy. It's delicious and cheerful and smells very nice on me in a way that doesn't fit my self image at all. I keep sniffing my wrist, though! No bottle, but I'll keep the imp around. 4 Hours later and it's faded but instead of morphing into something cloying or headache inducing, it has continued to be tart and juicy. Oh, dear. I didn't wan't to like it but I think I do.

Rumpelstilzchen - For the notes, suprisingly light and soapy. I am less sad that this is dc'd.

Shub-Niggurath - I have no idea how old this is. I think it harkens back to when it was LE. Warm, brown, mildly spicy. Resiny. Nice nice. And then it mellows to something a little masculine and not too exciting.

Slippery Poppy Tincture - Oh, yummy! Floral with tart berries and honey. That's really delightful!

Squirting Cucumber- Cucumber. That's totally a spa day. Dude, I'd love some lime in there.

Sri Lanka (dc) - Indian sandalwood and cedar, and the dry incense smoke of olibanum, gum mastic, patchouli and myrrh. Wooood. Dry woods. Nice though. But the skin is *eating* it fast.

Three Brides - Rose and orange, very nice but then the lurking cala lillies start stomping around. I *almost* really like this. Almost.

Umbra (dc) - patchouli and wood. It's nice!

Voodoo Lily - Lily and then nailpolish remover. Nope.

Wanton - Sandalwood and palmarosa seem to be duking it out over rose and patchouli's lifeless forms. No,

Whitechapel (aged)- A burst of lime and rind over clean with a faint herbal lavender and sweetness. The lime calms down (too quickly!) and then it's just a freshly washed sort of sweet, but a nice one. A very nice summer fragrance for light hearted moods. Probably should avoid while headachy.

Whoso List to Hunt (dc) - Another incensy rose - a good one on me though.

Wilde - Okay, so... I really should sniff this one less aged. I'd love to get the full impact of the herbal notes which I suspect have mellowed here. That being said, it starts very masculine cologne and then *poof*! It's lovely. A little sweet, a little herbal, a little tart, just an echo of citrus (Ah, bergamot). It's pretty nice. It seems clean and sophisticated to me.

Womb Furie (2011?) - I didn't like this when I first tried it but...it's sort of nice now. I dabbed the tiniest bit (it was powerful once upon a time) and none of the stages so far have been headachy and now it's a sweet, slightly fruity powder. It would at least be worth getting another decant to age and wear once every so often.




Perfumes that work on me and their notes

Ask the Nearest Hippie -patchouli, hemp, smoky vanilla bean, and cannabis accord
Body Remember - The echo of caresses: raw black coconut, ambergris accord, ambrette seed, champaca flower, and sugar cane.
Burning Vulva - Vanilla-infused amber, leather, beeswax, cyclamen, oakmoss, peru balsam, orange blossom, red ginger, tonka, opoponax, myrrh, and black pepper. -
Death Adder 2006 - Snake Oil (Indonesian spices sugared with vanilla, patchouli) with vetiver, black coconut, vanilla, and opoponax.
Defututa - Olive blossom, honey, smoky vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, and champaca flower. (whoa. Apply Lightly! Also, cinnamon is not a working note unless it's aged unto death. Defututa really almost doesn't work.)
Kabuki - cherry, red musk, star anise
Mme. Moriarty 2006 - Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum.
Mircalla - red musk, purple orchid, frankincense, smoky vanilla, Styrian herbs, peru balsam, tonka, Zanzibar clove, and patchouli
Redoul Honey - Poisonous blackberry and honey
TKO- Lavender, sugared vanilla?
Wanda - deep red merlot, faint hint of leather, sexual musk and body heat over crushed roses, violets and myrtle
Whip - black leather and damp red rose.
Ysabel - Red carnation, red roses, Spanish cedar, velvet musk, pomegranate, clove, and incense.
Zombi -Dried roses, rose leaf, Spanish moss, oakmoss and deep brown earth.




more testing: seraglio, l'essence le ardeur, joyful moon, black death

L'Essence de le Ardeur - roses that turn to powder on my skin - sell.   Joyful Moon - very delicate, fruity/floral - I like how it starts and I have a fondness for this so I'm keeping it.   Seraglio - starts off almond turns to roses and musk pretty fast, but not powdery roses.   Black Death - tobacco, musk, heavy scent, rather masculine, but I don't think it's worth keeping.  




Going through the imps

I have a ridiculous number of imps, gleaned over the course of three or four years of buying ,swapping, and collecting.   Tried this evening from the bottles: - Peacock Queen: faded really fast - Silentium Amortis: same   Onto the sale pile, I think.   A couple of imps that faded really fast and I put them in the 'sale/giveaway' pile.   And then a few of the stronger rare scents.   - Doc Buzzard: I'm liking the woody/amber smell - it is a very masculine scent. Doesn't change much once it's on my skin.   And it's HTF so of course this one would suit me. I'll have to see if anyone would swap for a Storyville, or maybe a Voodoo Queen   - Gypsy Queen: found an imp of it - naturally, after I'd sold the bottle: not as good a scent as Doc Buzzard, more subtle, incensy, but it's fading to green. Wait, the amber's coming back in again. A bit more subtle than I like. I'd rather the steady solidity of Doc Buzzard.   I've decided I'm not going to keep things just for their rarity. If i can swap them for things that suit me, so much the better.   I did find half an imp of Formula 54. It's rather nice. But, frankly, I have buckleys of getting that...




it has been entirely too long

So, after three or so years of absence, I've come back. Older, wiser, and rather less smelly than before. But that's okay, because I'm in the process of refining my preferences and finding out what works with my skin these days.   I've come to learn my scents: an amber base with tobacco and a touch of sweetness.   So far, the three scents that are kickers are: Mdm Moriarty, Red Lantern, and The Soldier. The first two more than the second. Except that I just sold my bottle of Mdm Moriarty for a song. Yes, a song. Kicking myself from here to neverland. And seeking a new bottle. Which i might have to swap some super-rares for, alas. Oh well, I was only going to sell them anyway.   Speaking of which, I have to find out how much people are paying for certain super-rares these days. I am quietly hoping that I haven't recently sold some rares to on-sellers, because that's depressing.   Otherwise, I'm trying to deplete my collection, the major difficulty being that a) nobody wants to pay postage, the scents I have are not scents people are looking for.   GRARGH.




spring cleaning q's

Ladies and gents, if you're comfortable receiving clothing, what size(s)? Any particular types of clothing (skirts, oversized t-shirts for crafting, work clothing)? How do you feel about shoes that were bought, worn once, and never brought out of the closet again?   To answer the question myself, I'm perfectly happy with gently used clothing mostly I wear ladies' L/XL or something in the vicinity of a 14. Knee-length or longer skirts, dresses, business-casual tops, nerdy t-shirts. Shoes I'd be fine with in principle but my feet are impossible to fit. I'm also happy to take in hippie/bohemian/folkloric/why-the-heck-do-i-have-this type of stuff that I can disamantle and remake into tribal belly dance costume pieces.   vinyl toys: I'm not opposed if something fits into my interests, but not something I'd actively search out.   makeup: swatched/tested is fine. I wear mostly loose pigment shadows, warm browns, purples, tawny neutrals, and saturated colors are best, I don't really wear anything matte. Nailpolish I like, but I do have a ton. Not picky about brand, but I don't care for glitter polish because it's impossible to take off, and I'm generally not a pink person.   books i wouldn't care for: political intrigue, horror/gratuitous violence, sappy romance, and jane austen-esque books won't get much love around here   crafts: cotton remnants that could be used for quilting, decorative trims or bits of funky fabric for costumes, wood blanks for woodburning...I'm an avid crocheter, but I really should not say send yarn, I need to evict some.   kitchen stuff: I had a flat-edged bamboo spatula that was my most-used cooking utensil until it broke, haven't been able to find a replacement. Otherwise I think I'm mostly set.   hair and other accessories: I have something approaching neck-length hair that I'm trying to grow out, so bobby pins, barettes, and headscarves are welcome. I can't wear headbands at all, don't have the right head shape. Other accessories like handwarmers, shawls, scarves, especially handmade stuff--if you knit/crochet and want to make something out of your stash to send, I'm all for it.   Kids Stuff I do not haz small humans   International/regional stuff: Absolutely. I would extend this to even virtual tourist kind of things--items with a place emblazoned on them, tourist brochures, whatever.   handbags: I almost never carry a purse, so handbags as a category are not that useful, but I do use tote bags and backpacks for things   video game type stuff: computer, original nintendo, super nintendo, playstation, PS2. mostly I play rpg type games and puzzle types of games. If you get me and this question becomes relevant, I can cobble together a wishlist of games I missed.   Perfumes other that BPAL: I don't object to other perfume companies, but I wouldn't be able to name names of things I'd want--if it fits with my note preferences (or at least lack of death notes), I'm all for trying it.   Pets: 1 bullyhound mix who loves toys and treats, One psychotic macaw. Strangely, the macaw adores corks, like out of wine bottles, to demolish, so if you have a bunch of those laying around...   Bath Stuff nothing with sulfates, but otherwise sure! scrubs, bath oils, bath soaks....I like to pretend I fit in my tub once in a while.   Yarn sure...I have a ton, but I'm trying to destash, so we can play revolving yarn door here. Not picky about fiber or weight, I can use anything   CDs/DVDs sure! prefer no horror as far as movies go, and I don't listen to much jazz, rap, or country, but I'll give anything a listen once. =)   If you are interested in receiving homemade baked goods: Anything is fair game, I think. The beloved has a great fondness for chewy cookies.   If you are interested in receiving clothing, would you like any belts, sweatpants, or slippers? And do you have color/style preferences? Belts, sure. Probably something around ladies' XL in size, or those woven types where you can make a belt hole anywhere. I do prefer plainer styles, or at least not a huge buckle, sweatpants and slippers I'm proabbly set, but if you have a pair of L/XL cotton/knit pj bottoms to offload, I could use those.   If you are interested in receiving books, would you like to receive ebooks? I think my hand-me-down tablet can work as an ereader, so sure. Any format is fine.   do you have any use for a potpourri container, a bright purple reusable water bottle, or a Massage Envy gift card? Probably not any of the above   Hey, how do people feel about stripes? Say, black and white stripes? stripes are cool   collections: interesting rocks (darn geology class), shells, shark teeth, that kind of thing, pottery, damaged Windstone Editions figurines (I restore them), garden seeds, jewelry in particular inexpensive hippie/bohemian/etc. kind of stuff, dangly earrings, necklace/collars, bracelets, stuff that I can wear for dance.




Spring Cleaning v4.0 2015 Q&A

1.Ladies and gents, if you're comfortable receiving clothing, what size(s)? Any particular types of clothing (skirts, oversized t-shirts for crafting, work clothing)? How do you feel about shoes that were bought, worn once, and never brought out of the closet again? Ditto this for anyone else in your household who might appreciate wearables.   I am a L in BPTP tissue tees, XL in just about anything else, including Tee Fury and Threadless. Otherwise, I'm a 12-14 in bottoms (usually larger in pants, smaller in skirts unless they are super form fitting, generally skirts are somewhat safer because I am about the bass, as it were), I don't wear much in the way of button ups because boobage. On the weekends it's pretty much tees- either TP or geeky tee fury type stuff and jeans for me, and pretty business formal during the week. Shoes: I wear a US 8, I love me some funky Fluevogs, or sandals in the summer. I'm trying to keep heels to no more than 1.5 inches because my calves are not what they used to be. Totally happy to take anything that fits this description off your hands.   2.How do you feel about socks that were very briefly on fresh-out-of-the-shower feet & then removed when it was discovered they didn't fit? Absolutely! I do have pretty monster calves, so I have the same "gee these are adorbs except for the circulation in my legs" issue, and I have a couple of pairs in my hope to find a home pile myself.   3.How do you feel about vinyl designer toys? (Ex super7, kidrobot, etc) I've never really gotten into these, which basically means I'm a clean slate. Someone mentioned Lego, which is my obsession. Otherwise, my fandoms are Harry Potter (Ravenclaw represent), Doctor Who (especially 9/Rose), Star Wars, Firefly, GOT (sort of, though I've only read the books), pretty much anything Gaiman related, LOTR sort of.   4.What kind of makeup and/or nail polish would you be interested in receiving? What kind of colors do you like? Sure! I covet bright colors for eyes and lips and could actually use some sort of setting "glue" for sparkly shadows (I know there's a name for this, but search me). Also, I search forever for non-black or brown mascaras (especially need blue-black, but love other colors too). I do not need facial care stuff or foundation/powder and I never wear blush, so anything along those lines would just get a home in the next round of BBBoxes. 5.Speaking of books, are there any books you WOULD NOT READ if something happened to fall into your package? My goodreads has a ton of info about my preferences, but jumping of an earlier answer, I would NOT be interested in anything religious at all, including pagan stuff. I'm an avowed atheist, so it's just not my scene. Otherwise, I'm not real big on non-fiction or much from before 1940 or so. 6.Are there any other hoarders collectors of nail polish? All the bright sparkly colors for my toes. I don't really wear/need neutrals and don't care much for matte.   7. Any hobbies/crafts you would really like supplies for? Similarly, any that you just *really* don't need more stuff of? I keep saying that I want to start doing cross stitch and embroidery again and I can always use polymer clay and related supplies, beads, and jewelry fittings.   8.Are you interested in anything for your kitchen? Pots/pans/gadgets/small appliances/etc. In terms of need, probably not. But I could find a good use for a salad spinner, double boiler, madeline and bakeware. Fun dishtowels and spatulas are cool. And wooden spoons.   9.How about fashion accessories??? I have super short hair, so don't really use hair accessories, but my daughter has really long hair and is growing out her bangs right now, so she would get use out of hair clips, headbands and the like. I have a lot of scarves and such as well, so I don't really need more, but if something seems perfect, I'd be happy to adopt it.   10. Used makeup? I'm not terribly picky about my makeup, other than mascara. No non-cleanly tested mascara, please.   11.Would you like to try anything that may not be so easily available in your country, for those of you who may get an international person? Sure!   12.Kids' stuff? I have a daughter who will turn 5 during the swap who loves owls and rainbows and birds and dolphins. Gently used clothes in a size 5 or above are totally cool, as are Kindergarten age appropriate books and such. I also have an 11 year old son who is gigantic and totally pubescent and who will take anything military history related off your hands.   13.Are there any styles/colors of handbags you won't carry? Anything in the biege/brown/white/yellow/orange spectrum or anything too canvasy utilitarian or patchwork hippy-chic. Otherwise, I prefer cross body bags that are kind of classy-funky, if that makes any sense.   14.Do you play video games & would you be interested in recieving games? If yes, what systems do you have & what types of games do you like? Sure! Personally, I mostly play adventure/HO games on my kindle (think Big Fish/G4), but we do have a Wii that I wish I had more time for and my son and husband play all the time. They are also angling for an Xbox.   15.Are you a BPAL only person, or do you wear other perfumes as well? BPAL only please!   16.Do you have pets and if so what?   Two cats and a tank of guppies, none of whom need anything. The cats don't really like treats and catnip gives one of ours a really bad trip, so we avoid it. Cool aquarium accessories might get some love, I guess.   17. Bath/beauty stuff? Ie oils, salts, bubbles? Masks, bb creams? All the bath stuff. ALL OF IT! Except for non-cleansing scrubs. I have SO many jars of non-cleansing scrubs that I really really should not adopt more. But all the foaming scrubs. I am pretty set for a skincare routine as well, but am always on the look out for a good charcoal face wash to tempt me away from my current decidedly uncool Mary Kay regimen.   18. If you are a dustpan who would like to receive yarn, are you particular about said yarn? Wool allergies? Irrational hatred of acrylics? Can you use partial balls (like I used maybe 50 yards of a 200 yard skein), or do you only use certain weights? Please no yarn. I have no use for it unless you're making something out of it before you sent it to me. No fabric, either, while I'm thinking of it.   19. How does everyone feel about CDs and DVDs? Any preferences? Sure, but I have no idea how to even begin to guide this question, other than to send you to my amazon wishlist.   20. Hey, how do people feel about stripes? Say, black and white stripes? Stripes are love. 21. Do you have any interest or use for anything tarot-related? Not really. 22. Do you like cats? Actual cats are great, have 2. Not that big on stuff with cats on it, unless it's kind of weird (like a cat in a space helmet or something, not anything super cutsie). 23. Do you collect anything? Not super comprehensively, but I like gargoyles and creepy critters. My daughter will take anything you have with owls on it. Lego is probably the biggest thing, now that I think of it. We have several hundred of the actual sets and probably close to a million bricks all told. So there's that. I also love sticker books and adult coloring books and my daughter likes the youngling variety. Son is in a big military history kick right now. 24. Also, I've unearthed a ton of stuff from the regifting heap, so do you have any use for a potpourri container, a bright purple reusable water bottle, or a Massage Envy gift card? As noted in thread, I will take all water bottles or travel mugs that are in good condition and I'd happily find a use for Massage Envy. No potpourri please, containers or otherwise.   25. If you are interested in receiving homemade baked goods, do you have any favorites or limitations not mentioned in your questionnaire? Would you like a full list of ingredients included? Homemade baked goods are awesome, no limitations other than what I listed in my questionnaire. Most salient would be please no no-calorie sweeteners or dill. 26. If you are interested in receiving clothing, would you like any belts, sweatpants, or slippers? And do you have color/style preferences? No sweatpants. Belts would be great. Slippers that can go outdoors would be great in dark colors, or cozy socks. 27. If you are interested in receiving books, would you like to receive ebooks? As in, book files I'd send you on a USB drive, that you can read on your computer or e-reader. Sure!   28. How do you feel about barely-used candles? I have no objection to partially burned candles.




Spring Cleaning Swap 2015

Clothing: I am a 6X in plus sized clothes, so probably nothing for me. However, my kids are large and XL in tops, skirts, and dresses. My 13 year old is into just about everything from goth to lolita to steampunk/vintage, tee's, jeans, loves her combat boots as well as her UGGS. My oldest loves anything from goth to lolita and loves pink as much as black. Kids. LOL   Toys: i want to say no, but if you thinkmit might be something for kids, send me a note and I'll let ya know   Socks: sure   Makeup/Nail polish: used nail polish is ok, but only unused makeup. I do not use it, but will give it to my girls   Books I wouldn't read:no westerns, no religious,   Hobbies/crafts: clay, scrapbooking, photography, jewelry making (with a steam punk bent)   Kitchen: i am set, thanks   Fashion accessories: sure, if i can't use it, the kids will.   International/regional goodies: Yes please!   Handbags:no thanks   Video games: sure, we have an xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DSXL, nintendo 3ds, PS2 and a few DS lite, gameboys and PCs around as well.   Non-BPAL: BPAL only, please. anything else tends to make me sneezy.   Pets: 2 German Shepards, 1 Cocker Spaniel ,2 mutt cats (all boys), a niece, a daughter and a hubby (they're pets too, right?)   Kids stuff: I have an 18 yr old girl and a 13 yr old girl. They love all kind of stuff most of the things we all enjoy, they do as well. Any questions, just ask me   CD's and DVDs? sure, why not.   Yarn-? no thanks. I am not a yarnie   Hey, how do people feel about stripes? Say, black and white stripes? YES!   Do you have any interest or use for anything tarot-related? Absolutely   Do you like cats? yes I have 2   Do you collect anything? -Celtic items, celtic designs -gargoyles -decoupage and scrapbooking papers and items -unique pieces and beads for jewelry making -Hello Kitty -groundhogs -steampunk related stickers   Also, I've unearthed a ton of stuff from the regifting heap, so do you have any use for a potpourri container, a bright purple reusable water bottle, or a Massage Envy gift card? not for me. I have a metric ton of water bottles and can't use potpourri right now.    




Spring Cleaning Swap v4.0 Questionnaire

For ease, I've squashed together all of my questionnaire answers as well as the random questions that came up on the thread here in one space.   Questionnaire ALLERGIES? Eucalyptus (very minor, but causes itching in terms of body washes/perfumes)   FAVORITE SCENTS: Foodie, incense, earthy, rain (BPAL examples: Black Lace, Cake Smash, Smut, Blacker than the Raven Wings of Midnight, Not So Penitent Mini Magdalene, Tempest, Alcie, Snake Charmer Res, Black Ice, Halloween: Las Vegas, Gun Moll)   LEAST FAVORITE SCENTS: Anything heavy on the floral without something to back it up and eucalyptus (see above- allergies)   FAVORITE FOODS/DRINKS/ETC: I like nearly everything. I love to cook and try new things. I often stop by different International marketplaces to pick up new items to try.   PARTICULAR FOOD/DRINK DISLIKES/LIMITATIONS: None   FAVORITE GENRES/AUTHORS/TYPES OF BOOKS: Mainly fiction. Science fiction, fantasy, horror- books to lose yourself in and get caught up in another world. I'm mainly hooked on Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas series, The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney, and the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. But I am in a couple of book clubs to get new ideas I wouldn't have normally picked up.   LEAST FAVORITE GENRES/ETC: Textbooks. Haha, but really I actually find most non-fiction rather flat with a couple of exceptions (history and details on graphic design, photography, and cooking).   FAVORITE COLORS: Red, teal, cobalt blue, earthy tones, jewel tones, and black   MOST LOVED FANDOMS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly/Serenity, Marvel Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy ...can you see a Joss Whedon trend? JEWELRY PREFERENCES: Longer length necklaces and rings- I like all sorts of funky designs. I also have several sets of piercings in my ears- the first set being gauged to 00. CANDLES/INCENSE/TARTS? Candles or tarts- foodie scents (baked goods- cinnamon/vanilla/almond; fruity- apple/cranberry/exotic) or fresh scents (beachy/linen) ANYTHING YOU ARE PARTICULARLY INTERESTED IN RECEIVING? Of course I'd love to test out more BPAL but I'm really good with any fun treats: new companies to be exposed to, things that aren't as well loved at your place that could be in mine , and so on. ANYTHING YOU ARE PARTICULARLY DISINTERESTED IN RECEIVING? Not really WISHLIST LINKS: BPAL: Overall wishlist and Currently in search of Etsy: Favorites list (sorry, I have a lot of favorites ) ARE THERE OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS YOUR SWAP PARTNER COULD SEND GOODIES FOR? I do have a husband but I doubt he would be interested. Thanks though! ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT YOUR PARTNER TO KNOW? I'm generally pretty laid-back and get enjoyment out of the small things in life. I'm just excited about the idea behind this swap and would be very pleased with any thoughtful items sent my way --------------------------- Thread Questions CLOTHES: I'm perfectly fine with gently used clothing. Mostly a L/XL ladies, something in the area of a size 14. I'm open to longer skirts, dresses, blouses, nerdy tshirts. I layer a lot so short sleeve, long sleeve, cardigans and so on are all fair game. Oh! And I'm a huge Ren Fest nerd. I love any Renaissance-like pieces to incorporate into my outfits. I've gone as an elf warrior, a pirate queen, and my latest is a wench-assassin sidekick. My husband and I get all gussied up and go several times a season. So if you have anything that could be twisted to use for that, I would probably freak. SHOES: Size 10 generally, but sometimes I'm surprised that I've found a size 9/9.5 in a thrift store that actually fits :)Not really into high heels more than 2" but beyond that: funky wedges, sandals, ankle booties up to over the knee boots...I love shoes SOCKS: I also am one of the victims who love knee socks but suffer from calves that rob my feet of circulation. But I do adore silly, fun, and nerdy design socks of all kinds. VINYL: OMG toys! I have a weakness and sign up for a Loot Crate box every so often. I love POP Funko vinyls (been eyeing up Harley Quinn and the Firefly characters for a while but some Disney ones I've seen are adorable too). Legos are totally fair game and any of the other cute little blind box figurines. MAKEUP: Sure! Gently tested makeup would be welcome in my home. I mainly play with my eyes so I'm hooked on eyeshadows, liners, and so on. My favorite brand is Urban Decay for their wide range of options but I'm not picky. I play with earth tones, bright crazy colors, jewel tones...anything really. I haven't experimented much in terms of lips or cheeks so it'd be fun to play with whatever is sent my way. NAIL POLISH: I really haven't done much in terms of nails- so I'm open to anything! Any polishes or accessories or tools...I don't know lol I'm kind of clueless! BOOKS: I think I pretty much summed up my tastes in the survey but I don't think there's anything I wouldn't be interested in. My book taste is very....eclectic haha. I get a kick out of reading random books people suggest just to try out something new I wouldn't have normally picked up. I tend to blast through a 300 page book in about two evenings so us fast-readers need a lot of material CRAFTS: I love crafting...mainly mixed media sort of conglomerations. So all sorts of ephemera bits and baubles are fun: Scraps of fun fabrics, tags, gems, papers, kits, etc. etc. This may not really fit with crafting but I also recently purchased a house that has a couple of garden beds built in so this year I'm going to test out my green thumb! I would take anything garden related (figurines, tags, seeds, suggestions/tips, etc.) that you might want to offload. KITCHEN: I love to cook and bake. It's my stress reliever and I'm a bit of a foodie so I'll take any fun useful and unusual kitchen-y things. FASHION ACCESSORIES: Mainly hair ties and claw clips. I have long hair so I try to twist it up in a bun sometimes if I'm feeling ambitious but head scarves and cute hats are always welcome! USED MAKEUP: Kinda touched on with my makeup answer previously but I have no problem with *lightly* tested things. INTERNATIONAL GOODIES: Heck. yes. I love trying new things and would be happy with items that are even just more popular regionally even if they're in the same country as me   PURSES: Meh, take em or leave em. To me they just do the necessity of what I purchase them for: carrying alls the things. VIDEO GAMES: We have a PS2, Wii, Xbox 360...so a little more on the "older side" when it comes to what's out now. But hey...I like all sorts of puzzle/strategy games and my husband is a fan of RPGs and first person shooters so we'll take what you don't want! PERFUMES: I'm really more of a BPAL or perfume oil person. Alcohol-based sprays just burn off and smell kinda "bleh" in comparison after being spoiled by BPAL. PETS: None yet. My husband and I will be adopting two kittens from the Humane Society this spring/summer though BATH STUFF: Yes please! Nothing is better than de-stressing with a cup of tea and a bubble bath for me (besides cooking haha). I should pretty much by stock in Lush so I'm good with oils/salts/lotions/bubble bath/shower gel/bath bombs/etc. YARN: Ehhhh. Honestly I probably wouldn't use it. I've been really getting into needlepoint and cross stitch though, so if you have embroidery floss then that's more my speed. CDs/DVDs: Sure! I have a very eclectic taste in music and always like being exposed to new bands. DVDs would actually be kinda nifty too. Worse comes to worse, I regift it on.   KIDS STUFF: I don't have kids, but that doesn't mean that my nieces wouldn't enjoy things   STRIPES: Sure!   BAKED GOODS: Uh yes plz. Especially recipes!   BELTS/SWEATPANTS/SLIPPERS: Belts, sure. Sweatpants, slippers, and such..I think I'll pass.   EBOOKS: Sure! I'm all about reading in its many forms haha   POTPOURRI/WATER BOTTLE/MASSAGE CARD: Why not? Honestly, I just want this to be fun for my broom and not stressful   COLLECTIONS: Jewelry, perfumes/bath and body things of all sorts, small bowls (like dipping bowls and tiny prep bowls for the kitchen), tea, cross-stitch things, weird steampunky bits and baubles, graphic design books...geeze I'm sure the list goes on.   TAROT-RELATED: Yes, I find the designs fascinating   CATS: I love cats! I don't have any right now, but my hubby and I are adopting two from the Humane Society very soon. CANDLES: Used, un-used, whatever. I love candles! CLASSICS: Just reiterating that I love reading so...sure! FABRICS: I have been meaning to learn to sew, but I have friends that can teach me so bring it on! MAGIC CARDS: Don't really do Magic or other trading card games. But if you have fun card games (Fluxx/Munchkin/etc.) that aren't getting any love...I'll take em




Spring Cleaning Questions List

1.Ladies and gents, if you're comfortable receiving clothing, what size(s)? Any particular types of clothing (skirts, oversized t-shirts for crafting, work clothing)? How do you feel about shoes that were bought, worn once, and never brought out of the closet again? Ditto this for anyone else in your household who might appreciate wearables.     2.How do you feel about socks that were very briefly on fresh-out-of-the-shower feet & then removed when it was discovered they didn't fit?     3.How do you feel about vinyl designer toys? (Ex super7, kidrobot, etc)     4.What kind of makeup and/or nail polish would you be interested in receiving? What kind of colors do you like?     5.Speaking of books, are there any books you WOULD NOT READ if something happened to fall into your package?     6.Are there any other hoarders collectors of nail polish?     7. Any hobbies/crafts you would really like supplies for? Similarly, any that you just *really* don't need more stuff of?     8.Are you interested in anything for your kitchen? Pots/pans/gadgets/small appliances/etc.     9.How about fashion accessories???     10. Used makeup?     11.Would you like to try anything that may not be so easily available in your country, for those of you who may get an international person?       12.Kids' stuff?     13.Are there any styles/colors of handbags you won't carry?     14.Do you play video games & would you be interested in recieving games? If yes, what systems do you have & what types of games do you like?     15.Are you a BPAL only person, or do you wear other perfumes as well?     16.Do you have pets and if so what?     17.Bath/beauty stuff? Ie oils, salts, bubbles? Masks, bb creams?   18.How does everyone feel about CDs and DVDs? Any preferences?   19.Yarn, Y/N?   20.Hey, how do people feel about stripes? Say, black and white stripes?   21.If you are interested in receiving homemade baked goods, do you have any favorites or limitations not mentioned in your questionnaire? Would you like a full list of ingredients included?   22.If you are interested in receiving clothing, would you like any belts, sweatpants, or slippers? And do you have color/style preferences? 23.If you are interested in receiving books, would you like to receive ebooks? As in, book files I'd send you on a USB drive, that you can read on your computer or e-reader. If so, do you have a format preference (epub/mobi/pdf/etc)?   24.Do you have any use for a potpourri container, a bright purple reusable water bottle, or a Massage Envy gift card? 25.Do you collect anything? 26.Do you have any interest or use for anything tarot-related? 27.Do you like cats? 28.How do you feel about barely-used candles?   29.For books, how do you feel about classics?   30.Do YOU want some fabric? If so, please mention any colors/patterns/materials you DON'T want and I'll do the rest!   31.How about fashion accessories???   32.Do you (or do you know someone) who plays Magic? Or would like a 200 (or so) card starter pack?   33.Other similar games of any interest, say Pokemon or Harry Potter?   34. How do you feel about hair and skincare items? Anything you particularly use?   35.How do folks who have said they like books feel about getting a book mid-series? 36.Any use for gold/platinum/gemstone cleaner? 37. Is there a BPAL unicorn that you have been lusting over?            




BPAL: Hairy Toad Lily

Hairy Toad Lily Category: Rappaccini's Garden Quantity: sample   Description: HAIRY TOAD LILY Spotty, hairy, purple, sweet!   Review:   In the bottle: At first, it's as sweet as candy, yet a bit lemony in the background.   Wet: Still sweet and cute, but definitively more floral and herbal. Dry: It turned so subtle that I can't review it. I'm left with a powdered deodorant smell.   Verdict: Overall, this is a very light, delicate perfume... So light, in fact, that it disappears! Oops.   More reviews: Rappaccini's Garden: Hairy Toad Lily




Scents I've tried and liked! / the great 2015 retesting

A Countenance Foreboding Evil- Patchouli, ylang ylang, blood orange, and vetiver. woody patch backed by veviter, overlaid with orange, and then a bit of ylang ylang in drydown. Warm, comforting, cheery. Very similar to Ira BO. I Adam- black leather, pale sandalwood, ambergris accord, and the memory of a long-lost Victorian fougère. The scent of the wood of his guitars, the rosin from his violin bow, the musty wool of neglected Oriental carpets, the plastic, metal, and magnetic tape of his reel-to-reel, the dust that permeates everything. Delicious, dusty black leather with hints of a fougere. Dark and soft. Powerfully nostalgic, but I don't know for what. B   Autumn Cider- Fermented apple juice, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, clove, lemon zest, butterscotch liquor, and orange slices Bezoar- Copaiba balsam, Tolu balsam, hay absolute, cardamom, and hiba wood. Blacker than the Raven Wings of the Midnight- black tea leaf fougere with black sandalwood, opalescent vanilla, osmanthus, 18-year aged Indonesian patchouli, and the suggestion of ancient incense smoke. Blood Popsicle- The scent of frozen Type O negative.t 9/15 This one is so weird it's impossible to describe. Sort of hospital at the beginning, sort of evil floral without being overpowering flowery, a bunch of musk but not any of the placeable ones, slightly sweet but not really. Intriguingly strange, sort of darkly feminine and sophisticated without smelling like anything specific. Different every time. B Bonfire Night- Beer, woodsmoke, tar, and treacle. Woodsmoky candy deliciousness. B   Brusque Violet- Violet petal, violet leaf, osmanthus, orris, mint, and opoponax. But Men Loved Darkness Rather than Light- cistus labdanum, ginger, East Indian patchouli, pimento berry, oakmoss, saffron, smoky vanilla, sage, myrrh, and bitter clove. Butter Rum Cookie- Rum-soaked brown butter cookies, crusted with sugar, soaked in almond and garnished with orange rind and pummeled pecans. Butterscotch Balls & Black Beetles- Butterscotch candies flecked with dirt, encased in a shiny black shell of myrrh, patchouli, and anise seed. Calico Jack- Sea air, driftwood, waterlogged kelp, and the memory of plundered spices sprayed over worn leathers, rough musk, and the salty wooden floorboards of the Revenge. 3/15 salty, delicious, cheerful aquatic men's cologne. I   Casanova- A rakish blend of leather, anise, lavender, bergamot and amber with tonka, lemon peel and lusty patchouli. Chimera- The fiery, volatile scent of cinnamon, thickened by myrrh, honeysuckle, and copal. 3/15 sweet (but not too sweet) syrupy cinnamon desert. I   Christougenniatiko Dentrophobia- pine pitch, bone-white dried fir, and spruce tar with opoponax and blackened tobacco. Cthulhu- A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters. Destroying Angel- Papery white notes evoke the grace of this fungi, grounded by thin, crisp soil. Dracul- Black musk, tobacco, fir, balsam of peru, cumin, bitter clove, crushed mint, and orange blossom. Fettered in the Shackles of the Drug- Sweet opium smoke, neroli, yellow bergamot, and piquant, strange star anise. 9/15 Bright but girly and adult citrus with a slight floral tinge, that dries down to smoky opium. Nice "normal" scent. B Fledgling Raptor Moon- Warm, soft tufts of down and gleaming tawny feathers: clove, toasted sandalwood, aged patchouli, bourbon vanilla, carnation, massoia bark, hinoki wood, and West Indian Bay. Galvanic Goggles- Metallic notes with Indian musk, tobacco flower, and African balsam. 3/15 Smooth, fancy, bright, clean men's cologne, Very James Bond. I Gingerbread Satyr Goblin- Black coconut, gnarly patchouli, and sweet benzoin. Haitian Veviter SN Hans Trapp- Tattered leather, dry straw, matted hair, sharpened sticks, and a bundle of switches. Hatta- Copaiba balsam, battered brown leather, and Ceylon cinnamon. Highwayman- Vetiver with gardenia, blood red rose, night-blooming jasmine, a dash of cinnamon and a faint hint of leather. 3/15 Veviter overlaid with some flowers. Gentlemanly. Good, but not finding the leather sadly. I   Ian- shaggy leather, sweet rum absolute, and patchouli. Jazz Funeral- Bittersweet bay rum, bourbon, and a host of funeral flowers with a touch of graveyard dirt, magnolia and Spanish Moss. Kit- Mysore sandalwood, a tattered and patched 16th century waistcoat, inkstained, still scented with the marjoram and benzoin dry perfumes of his youth. Krampus 2014- Sinister red musk, black leather, dusty rags, and wooden switches. Krampus' Shadow- Birch tar, patchouli, and blackish-red musk. Le Père Fouettard- Whip leather, coal dust, gaufrette, and black licorice. Lemon Scented Sticky Bat- Sticky-sweet iced lemon sugar 9/15 Bright, cheerful sweet lemon (may chang) underlaid with a slightly powdery sugar. Same wet and drydown. B Loup Garou- juniper, cypress and galangal with the barest touch of eucalyptus. 7/29 Still the only scent that is really foresty on me. Fresh, bracing, clean trees. I Lust- red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh. Madame Moriarty- Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum. Mandrake Miss Fanny Phippany- tobacco absolute, birch tar, blackened clove, whip leather, and spiced rum. 3/15 Equally cloves (& a bit of cinnamon), leather and tobacco, with a hint of sweetness that must be the rum. Dark, assertive and unisex. Understated sexy. B Poisoned Apple- A perfect, lovely, gleaming red apple whose sweetness masks a swirl of narcotic opium, oleander, and hemlock. 9/15 Girly and grown up. Apple backed with darker florals. Pumpkin II (2014)- Blackened pumpkin with clove, tobacco absolute, aged patchouli, and oakmoss. R'lyeh- A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves. 2/15 sunny, cheerful grapefuit and aquatics, with a hint of something darker. Fades fast, but oh-so-lovely. A good everyday scent. I,B   Red Lantern- Golden amber, blonde tobacco, Sudanese black coconut, rich caramel, black currant, white opium and delphinium laced with a sensual blend of Asian spice. Sampaguita- jasmine sambac with a hint of tea leaf. Satyr Shrunken Heads- Leather tanned with the pulp of Amazon ferns and rainforest herbs. Sin- amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon. Spanked- whip leather, cardamom, patchouli and bourbon 9/15 Primarily cardamon and warm spices (the patch?) with a faint tinge of bourbon underneath. The leather is MIA, but it's still nice for a foody, spicy scent. I Sylvia- Snuggly brown musk, spicy carnation, leather balsam, bourbon vanilla, terebinth pine, yew berry, and a touch of clove. Startled Toad- Golden amber and coconut with frankincense, frothy vanilla, carnation, sweet aged patchouli, and lemongrass. Steam.goth- Oil-spattered brass, engine grease, and a warm splash of Victorian aftershave. Tattie Bogle- Hay, gunpowder, patchouli, autumn herbs, and sun-baked wood. The Battle of Vigridr- salt and sinew, venom and flame, and bone shards scattered across the gore-soaked soil of Óskópnir. Whitechapel- White musk, lime, lilac and citron. Wulric the Wolf Man- cocoa absolute, French vanilla, birch tar, lavender, bourbon vetiver, wild musk, clary sage, and cistus. Yellow Snowballs- Slushy white mint, vanilla cream, lemon drops, grapefruit, and yuzu! Yule Buddies- Frosted gingerbread, leather, pipe tobacco, and fruitcake crumbs.   Fence Sitting: Crowley- Infernal musk, red patchouli, lilac cologne, mahogany, lemon rind, oakmoss, leather, and vanilla husk. Funnel of Love- 17-year aged black patchouli, champaca flower, cardamom bud, green coriander, Haitian vetiver, red vegetal musk, black pepper, night-blooming jasmine, and leather. Jareth- Ethereal lilac fougere and gleaming leather with ti leaf, tonka absolute, white musk, and oudh. Psychodynamic Discharge- black leather and red musk with aged black patchouli, Chinese rose, black pepper, coconut meat, Haitian vetiver, and igneous red ginger.




Plotting to purchase

Plotting to order 6 new imps:   Drink Me Knave of Hearts Queen Alice Cockaigne Voodoo Velvet   Forum purchases:   Bottle of Snake Oil Bottle of Eat Me





Currently waiting on these scents.   BPAL: 13   BPAL Forum Purchases:   Bottle of Jack Bottle of Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Imp of Athens Imp of Antikythera Mechanism Imp of Bliss Imp of Misk U Imp of AC Joy Mojo Imp of Snake Oil Decant of Ivory Vulva Decant of Comparison of Celebrated Beauties  




Currently Have It Listings

I like resinous and heavier smellies that have great throw and longevity. Notes like aloe, cedar, coffee, dragon's blood, honey, juniper, lavender, light leathers, lilac, musks (red and black), orchids, oakmoss, parchments, sandalwood, violet, and vetiver preferred. NO aquatics, jasmine, or orange blossom oils needed. Many of the imps I'll consider as tradeable here too.

*Some sellers are initialized: A.R.-Arcana, B.D.-Blooddrop, BPAL-Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, BPTP-Black Phoenix Trading Post, C.T.-Cherrykas Trunk, C.O.-Conjure Oils, CYS-Cleanse Your Soul, DBB-Debaucherous Bath and Body, DM-Deep Midnight, D.R.-Delightful Rot, M.S.-Memento Scents, P.O.-Possets, S.A.-Sweet Anthem, S.S.-Solstice Scents, S.U.-Sucreabeille, TAL-Twilight Alchemy Lab.

Currently Have It Lists:

Imps/Sample Sizes: (94 Total) Abe Sapien- Achluophobia- Al-Azif Alpha (C.T.) Ameles Potamos- Anathema Antony As Above (sniffie amount)- Aureus Beta (C.T.) Black Lace- Bluebeard (+4 imps)~ Box of Kittens (C.T.) Calligraphy Practise- Death Cap Enkhespalos Envy Eternal Underworld (Nocturne Alchemy) From Winter (C.T.) Greatcoat (C.T.) Greed- Historian (C.T.) Hollywood Babylon Horn of Amalthea (+2 imps) Inferno Joyful Moon (sniffie) Juliet (S.A.) Kabuki Kitsune-Tsuki Kumiho (sniffie) La Palma (C.O.) Lassi (Haus of Gloi) Leather Phoenix (2011)- Les Infortunes De La Vertu Lolita (Sixteen92) Managarms Bloody Jaws Marquise de Mertefeuil Mine (C.T.) Namaste Night-Gaunt Nostrum Remedium Opiate Southern Gardens of Orchids Penitence Peppermint Candyflip (Arcana) Phantasm Queen- Queen Gertrude (+2 imps)- Queen of Sheba Rubedo V. 4 Santa Muerte Satyr (Haus of Gloi) Scales of Deprivation Seraphim Serena (C.O.) Sin- Sloth (+2 imps) Smokestack (+2 imps)- Snow Lotus (2 ml decant) Somnus Steps (C.T.) Strangler Fig Sunflower- Tanuki No Amiuchi Tanuki No Doke Daruma The Emperor (Tarot) The High Priestess (Tarot 2014) The Temptation The Unheavenly City (Sniffie) Thorns Thought From Propertius (2ml decant) Titus Andronicus Tushnamatay Tweedledee Vanilla Necropolis (Nocturne Alchemy) Wanton Whispers of Monstrous Things- Whitechapel Wings of Azrael Y'ha-Nthlei

5 ml Bottles: (399 Total):
13 (November 2015) Abandoned Art Studio (B.D.) Abandoned Barn (B.D.) Abandoned Greenhouse (B.D.) Adante Con Fantasia ​Agrat Bat Mahlaht Alice (20% full) All Saints 2014 All That I Possess A Low Candle-Lit Room An Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women (50% Full) Amor (TAL) Anne Bonny ACD No. 8 (B.D.) ​Arctic Fox (Nui Cobalt) As Dark Things Were Meant to be Loved (Alkemia) ​Ashultum 2008 Asmodeous (Possets) Athena (C.O.) Athenaeum (Fabled Fragrances) Athena Triumphant (Deconstructing Eden) Athene Noctua (B.D.) ​A Thousand Thoughts And Hopes And Joys Atrytone The Unwearying (Sixteen92) Auspicium Melioris Aevi Australian Sandalwood Autumn Gala (Villainess) Aziraphale Aziraphale (Delightful Rot) ​Baby Raccoon (B.D.) Bakeneko Baker Street (Sixteen92) Bard Barn Owl (B.D.) Baroque Musk (B.D.) ​Bast Bastet's Laughter (TAL) Beatrice Belle (Delightful Rot) Belle Époque Betelgeuse (A.R.) Between Your Heart & Mine Blackbear Moon Black Moon (2011) Black Moths Black Silk Black Squirrel (Nui Cobalt) Blood Popsicle Bluebeard Bluebonnet SN Blue Morpho ​Bolero-Ravel (Possets) Bony Moon (Feb. 2011) Bookstore Musk (B.D.) Bound By Blood (DBB) Boystyle Aristocrat Bram Stoker Broadway Brown Thrasher Bruised Violet Compound (50% full) Byron V.7 Café Mille Et Une Nuits Café Oblique (B.D.) ​Cake Lust (A.R.) California Quail (B.D.) ​Calliope Cambienne Nocturnal (2015) Capax Infiniti Capezzoli di Venere (Possets) Castiel (Delightful Rot) Cerberus Cernunnos (Memento Scents) Changing The Shadows Chaos Theory: Edge of Chaos CMXVII Chaos Theory V: The O Series (+2 bottles) Chaos Theory VII: Oriental #49 Charisma (TAL) Christmas In New Orleans (Possets) Chypre d'Hiver (Possets) Cleric ​Clickbait (A.R.) Cockaigne Comparison of Celebrated Beauties (50% full) Copper Fox (Nui Cobalt) Corrupt Chancellor (40% full) Cranky Pants (B.D.) Creeper Dragon Crowley (Aged 2010, 50% full) ​Crumpled Wrapping Paper ​Cushing Manor Dancing With The Sprites In The Fall Rain (Possets) ​Dark Lady (Possets) Dee (Aged 2010) ​Denna Do The Dancing Maidens Sleep Dorian (Sarawen) Dr. Alan McMichael Druid (RPG) Eat Me (20% full) Edith Cushing Eldritch Bloom Electra (A.R.) Elf (RPG) Elmwood Cemetary Encroaching Madness Eve (BPAL's OLLA) Exquisite Corpse No. 1 (B.D.) Faint Blood Between Her Lips (BPTP) Fairy Tales and Lies Fanning the Fur (Arcana) A Farewell to False Love ​Fascinium ​Fearless Lassie (Arcana) Fenrir (C.O.) Fiery Wall of Protection (TAL) Fledgling Raptor Moon (July 2010) Flor de Maga SN (2 Bottles) For Bela Lugosi (B.D.) For Boris Karloff (B.D.) For Christopher Lee (B.D.) For Ingrid Pitt (B.D.) For Lon Chaney Jr. (B.D.) For Maila Nurmi (B.D.) For Peter Cushing (B.D.) For Vincent Price (B.D.) Fractured Singularity Fraternite (Blooddrop) Garden Witch (A.R.) Gate of Autmn (N.C.) Gelt (2009 partial) German Expressionist Horror Ghost Town Musk (B.D.) Gideon (Arcana) Girl With a Watering Can (Possets) Grande (Possets) Green Tree Snake 2016 Groom of Frankenstein Growl (A.R.) Haka (Nui Cobalt) Halloween in the Misk U. Library Haloes Hand of Hermes (TAL) Hatta Haus of Gloi Custom: Fireplace Read Haus of Gloi Custom: Lilac and Ferns Haus of Gloi Custom: Tea and Cake with Tom H. Heavenly Love and Earthly Love Hekaerge Hellboy Hellcat Helsing (Sixteen92, 5.5 ml) Highwayman (Alkemia) His Station and Four Aces Horse Chestnut Honey How Doth The Little Crocodile Huesos de Santo Imaginer Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women Inferno Irish Cream Buttercream Irish Coffee Cake Irresistible (Alkemia) Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable Ivanuska ​Jackie Ormes Jareth Jareth, King of The Goblins (S.U.) Jeanne Du Val (P.O.) Jiaolong Juniper Hairstreak Job 31:32 Johnathan Harker JoJo, Fedor Jeftichew ​Jolabokaflodid (2 Bottles) ​Joy Buzzer Kea (B.D.) Kelpie (Possets) Kestrel (B.D.) Killer Queen (S.U.) King Cobra 2016 Kit ​Klara Knight In Shiny Armor Krampus 2014 ​Kvothe Lacus Oblivionis Ladon Lady and a Baby Unicorn (2 bottles, Possets) La Femme de Satan Lamia (50% full) Laura Belle McDaniel L'Autunno L'Essence de la Passion L'Essence du Chagrin Librarian Musk (B.D.) Liz Long Live The Goblin King (C.O.) Love and Sleep Loved To Death Lurid Lycanthrope For Your Life Lyonesse Madame Lapin (Arcana) Mad Kate Mage Maiden (50% full) Madame Moriarty 2015 Mari Lywd- Marquis De Carabas (50% full partial) Mars Corotiacus Matthew 18:10 Mausoleum (B.D.) Merci 87 (B.D.) Merci 90 (B.D.) Merci 105 (B.D.) ​Merci 117 (B.D.) Meus Amor Aeternus (10% full) Miles MVJBA: Spring Training Miss Lupescu (50% full) Misty Journeys (Sarawen) Mole Mona Lisa (Possets) Monarch (2011) Monsieur Lapin (A.R., 5 ml version) Moody Bastard (Conjure Oils) Moons of Jupiter: Ganymede (50 % full) Mornings in New Orleans (BPTP) Morocco ​Mother Ghost Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Mr. Ibis Mr. Jacquel ​Mrs. Rabbit's Carrot Cake (Possets) Murder Ballad Blues (A.R.) ​Nasty Woman Nevertheless, She Persisted Ninon (40% full) No. 93 Engine (50% full) (Not so) Penitent (Mini) Magdalene Nymphae Avernales Oakmoss Accord SN Old Moon (2011, +2 bottles) Other Miss Forcible Our Hearts Condemn Us Owl's Wing Palimpsest (Possets) Parlor Tricks (Blooddrop) Paper Moon (Sixteen92) Paper Phoenix 2004 Peaches Crave Trance (Arcana) Penis Admiration Philologus Philtre: Adoration (Arcana) Pink Moon 2007 (near empty) Pirate Moon Pirouette (A.R.) Porridge (B.D.) ​Prima (N.C.) Prince Lir Prurience Pumpkin Cake Flower (B.D. partial) Pumpkin Lace (2014) Queen Alice Queen of The Nile (TAL) Quelle Horreur (B.D.) Rakish (B.D.) Rice Milk (B.D.) Riding St. George (Possets) Rogue Rosy Maple Salem (Sixteen92) Samhain In The Pumpkin Patch (50% full) Sanctum Sanctorun (Possets) Scholars Tower (60% full) ​Schrodinger's Mouse (Possets) See How They Flash Seven Word Story: Lust (20% full) Seth Shadow Amber Anti-venom (Nocturnal Alchemy) Shub-Niggurath Sherlock Holmes Silenti Silk Road (50% full) A Silhouette Silva (TAL) Silver Wordsmith (C.T.) Singing Moon 2012 Prototype Single Note: Vanilla Orchid Sir Didymus (S.U.) Sleeping Nymph and Satyrs Smokestack Smut 2015 Snake Oil Snake's Kiss ​Soceraphobia (Yule 2016) Solitude with Pillow Book V.1 Solstice (B.D., +2 bottles) Song of Selune (TAL) Sonnet D'Automne (10% full) Spiced Rum Buttercream Coffee Stealthily, Stealthily Steam.Goth Story Time at Dark Delicacies St. Thecla (C.O.) ​Stuart (Possets) ​Sultry (C.D.) Summer: Mucha (Possets) Summer Reading (C.T.) Sunbird Temple Angelic (TAL) Temple Babylonian (TAL) Temple of The Raven of War (TAL) Temple of The Trickster (TAL) The Academy of Pleasure (Alkemia) The Arabian Dance The Battered Old Felt The Book (BPAL's Luper Series, 2016) The Book (Paranorman Series, 2014) The Buggre Alle This Bible The Byronic Antihero The Captain (Sarawen) The Cat (B.D.) The Changeling The Contract of Theophilus of Adana The Copper Wolf (B.D.) The Countess of Morcar's Blue Carbuncle The Devil's Pet Baits The Eternal Virgin The Exorcist (S.U.) The Gatekeeper ​The Ghost's High Noon (Half bottle) The Gingerbread Fox (B.D.) The Grave Pig The Great London Spaghetti Hunt (Lilith 2016) The Harp of Cnoc Ichosgair The Haunted Tea-Cosy (S.U.) The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (Sixteen92) The Lights of Men's Lives The Lurid Library (2010) The Magician The Maiden (Sarawen) The Manuscript The Mark The Mountebank The Perilous Parlor (2012) The School (Yule: A Christmas Carol) The Season of Forgiveness The Sun (3ml, Arcana) The Turkish Village The Visionary The Waltz The White Witch 2014 Thoth (C.O.) Three Drops of Wax (Arcana) Times Infliction of Eternity Titty Twister (S.U.) Toad (Wind in the Willows) Todos Santos (B.D.) Tombstone Touched Twice Transeo Ü Une Folle Entreprise Unicorn (C.O.) Unicorn Hunt Ursa (B.D.) Vanilla Craves Bread (A.R.) Vanilla Craves Snow Fairies (A.R.) Vanilla Orchid SN Velvet Panther Venustas (+2 bottles) Venus Victrix Victorian Garden Virginie Gautreall (P.O.) Visions of Autumn III Visions of Autumn VI Western Diamondback 2016 When The Woods Awaken (Nui Cobalt) White Bear (Arcana) Whitechapel White Light (TAL) Who In The World Am I? Wicked Stepmother (Arcana) Wilde Wilde (Alkemia) Wintering (Sixteen92) Winter-Mucha (Possets) Winter Wedding Cake (Possets) Wolf's Heart (BPAL) Wolf's Heart (TAL) Woodland (S.U.) Woodland Critters (C.T.) Yule Buddies Yuletide at Baker Street (Sarawen) Ziggy Stardust (C.O.)

+1 fl oz Perfumes/2 fl oz Body Sprays/Hair/ and Atmosphere Sprays (109+):

• Growl (Arcana, 3ml sample)
• Monsieur Lapin (Arcana, 10ml)
• Krampus (Bath Sabbath 4ml)
• Loki (Bubble and Geek)
• Sunnydale Library (Bubble and Geek)
• The Last Centurion (Bubble and Geek)
• Alice Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Antique Lace Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Cathouse Atmo. Spray Tester (BPTP, +2 samples)
• Dorian Hair Gloss (decant, BPTP)
• Dragon With A Llama Mohawk Hair Gloss (decant, BPTP)
• Edible Panties Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Exotic Bazaar Atmo. Spray Tester (BPTP)
• Granite Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Housebreaking Your Dragon Atmo. Spray (decant, BPTP)
• Johnathans Coffee House Atmo. Prototype (BPTP)
• Pickle Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Portrait of a Young Woman with Unicorn Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Sign of Sekkusu Luper Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Skoocoom House Atmo. Spray Tester (BPTP)
• Smut Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• The Inn Atmo. Prototype (BPTP)
• These Long Winter Days Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• The Sharing of The Cake Between The Lion and The Unicorn HG (BPTP)
• The Trackless Erg Atmo. Spray Tester (BPTP)
• Wererat Infested Sewer Atmo. Spray Tester (BPTP)
• Whisky, Candlesmoke, and Musk Atmo. Spray (decant, BPTP)
• L'Essence Du Coeur Perfume Spray (1 decant, BPTP)
• Eat Me Hair Gloss (decant, BPTP)
• Morocco Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Shiny Furball Hair Gloss (BPTP)
• Birth (B.D., 2ml)
• Glam (B.D., 2ml)
• Guava (B.D., 2ml)
• Honey Bunny (B.D., 2ml)
• Pet (B.D., 2ml)
• Shelter (B.D., 2ml)
• St. Carrie (B.D., 2ml)
• Sweetheart (B.D., 2ml)
• Tender (B.D., 2ml)
• Amber Romance Type (CYS)
• Daryl Body Spray (CYS)
• Green Grow The Lilacs Hair Gloss (CYS)
• Moroccan Musk (CYS)
• Rick Body Spray (CYS)
• Rumbly In My Tumbly (CYS)
• Wafer Nut Coffee (CYS)
• Lucy Biblington (Clockwork Couture, 10ml)
• Black Kittens Argan Hair Gloss (Cocoa Pink)
• Caravan of Dreams (Deep Midnight)
• Crystal Song (Deep Midnight)
• Grimalkin (Deep Midnight)
• Professor M. (Deep Midnight)
• Saturnalia (Deep Midnight)
• Save The Queen (Deep Midnight)
• Dreamrider (Kamala, 5 ml roll-on)
• Madame Vastra (Kamala, 3.6 ml)
• Mead (Kamala, 3.6 ml)
• Merlin's Pipe (Kamala, 5ml roll-on)
• Rogue (Kamala, 1/6 oz. roll-on)
• Saga (Kamala, 3.6 ml)
• Soigne (Kamala, 3.6 ml)
• Souk (Kamala, 5 ml roll-on)
• The Fallen (Kamala, 3.6 ml)
• Vatican Cameos (Kamala, 3.6 ml)
• Houndstooth (Long Winter Soap Co. roll-on)
• Little Bird (L.W.)
• Little Red (L.W.)
• Mayan Gold (L.W.)
• Snow Bird (L.W.)
• Sunset (L.W.)
• Duchess of Willowdale (6ml, Moonalisa)
• Enchanted Moon (5ml, Moonalisa)
• Vantasia Detangler Hair Spray (4 fl oz., Moonalisa)
• Dr. Watson (Nevermore Body Company, 10 ml)
• Moriarty (N.B.C., 10 ml)
• Possession (N.B.C., 10 ml)
• Sherlock (N.B.C., 10 ml)
• Tw*tWaffle (Paintbox Soapworks Sugar Scrub)
• Flossing (Possets Perfume, 2 ml)
• Conservatory (Puur roll-on)
• Inked (Puur)
• Tuscany (Puur)
• Courtyard (Solstice Scents)
• Gibbons Boarding School (S.S.)
• Hidden Lodge (S.S.)
• Manor Fire (S.S., 5 ml)
• Monarch (S.S.)
• Night Watcher (S.S.)
• Riverside Hayride (S.S.)
• Solarium (S.S., 10 ml)
• White Fox (S.S.)
• Calm the Fuck Down (Sucreabeille, 3.6 ml)
• Library (S.U., 5 ml roll-on)
• Weihnachten (S.U., 5 ml roll-on)
• Dragon's Blood Oil (Sun's Eye, 15 ml partial)
• Colin (Sweet Anthem, 5.5 ml roll-on)
• Sophie (S.A., 5.5 ml roll-on)
• Cherrished (Villainess Smooch Lotion)
• Jacinda (Villainess)
• Marco (Villainess)
• Retrograde (Villainess partial)
• Thom (Villainess)
• Torchsong (Villainess partial)
• Speakeasy Vanilla (Wiggle, 5 ml)
• Black Cat Whiskers (Woodland Wytchery, 6ml)
• Dark Crystal Shards (W.W., 6ml)
• Krampus (W.W., 6ml)
• Mad Hatter's Biscuit-Flavored Extract (W.W., 6ml)




[masterlist] Wishlist

LATEST UPDATE: April 17, 2016. Listed alphabetically and, where possible, by sub-category. Use ctrl+ F to find a specific scent. [**] indicates a priority wish.

As a general guide, I almost always love blends incorporating apple, vanilla, fig, amber, lavender, violet, tea, moss, or wood notes. I typically avoid blends with musk, most roses, wine/alcohol, or 'skin' notes, as they are hit-and-miss on my skin. I am unable to wear anything with cinnamon (it causes extreme irritation) and lemon (it's a migraine trigger).

☆ Limited Editions & Retail/Event Exclusives ☆

Bards of Ireland: (none)

Lilith: Walking the Prime Meridian

Only Lovers Left Alive: Eve [**] achieved! Thank you, five year anniversary release!

☆ Discontinued Scents ☆
Arachne Asphodel Black Dahlia Bluebeard Bruja Calliope Clio [**] Damnation Desdemona Despair Dissipation Dublin Ephemera Ether Fairy Market Glitter Hamadryad Hurricane Hymn to Prosperpine La Belle Dame Sans Merci Severin

☆ General Catalogue ☆

Ars Amatoria: Forbidden Fruit Kabuki Libertine Lilium Inter Spinas Lucy's Kiss Maiden Perversion Spellbound Suspiro The Lady of Shalott Vicomte de Valmont

Ars Draconis: Dragon's Milk

Ars Moriendi: Nocturne Thanatopsis

Bewitching Brews: Aeval Aureus Dana O'Shee Fae Highwayman Incantation Jack Juke Joint Leanan Sidhe Mata Hari Morgause Omen Ouija Poisoned Apple The Forest Reverie Velvet Wilde Yggdrasil

Conjure Bag: (none)

Diabolus: A Countenance Foreboding Evil Marie Serpent's Kiss Villain

Excolo: Megaera

Illyria: Lear Queen Gertrude Rosalind

Mad Tea Party: (none)

Phoenix Steamworks: The Coil

Rappacini's Garden: Belladonna

Sin and Salvation: Seraphim

Wanderlust: Lyonesse Pontarlier




BPAL: Kumiho

Kumiho Category: Diabolus Quantity: sample   Description: KUMIHO Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom. A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger.   Review:   In the bottle: I can smell the white tea, slightly lemony/herbal.   Wet: It reminds me of Unicorn, very floral, white and sharp.   Dry: Now, I get more of the ginger, spicy and warm, but not overwhelming.   Verdict: It's subtle, delicate, and pretty. I wouldn't have expected that for a "foxy demon", but it's nice.   More reviews: Diabolus: Kumiho




BPAL: The Pool Of Tears

The Pool Of Tears Category: Mad Tea Party Quantity: sample   Description: THE POOL OF TEARS `I wish I hadn't cried so much!' said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. `I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That will be a queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer to-day.'   A sea of salty tears drowning out Alice's light floral perfume.   Review:   In the bottle: An aquatic, soft floral blend, with a hint of carnation.   Wet: It's very delicate on my skin, and still very floral, with carnation. It reminds me of Alice, but a bit more salty and aquatic.   Dry: Oops, it just turned bitter during dry-down. It seems temporary, but what remains afterwards smells like deodorant.   Verdict: It started o.k., but turned bad. Not a keeper.   More reviews: Mad Tea Party: The Pool Of Tears


