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Dusty black wool, tea with cream, black pepper, muguet, and beeswax candle drippings.

Ichabod was kind of a strange guy, and this is kind of a strange scent. It does smell like wool, and cream, and a little bit of black pepper. It's sweet and smooth, with a floral overtone. I like the tea and floral part of it, although I wish the cream would back off a little. I think I'll try doing a full wear of this one to see how well I like it for a day. Edited by filigree_shadow

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This scent goes on sweet and a little musty (which has to be the wool note), and stays that way for quite a while.


Around the four hour mark, I started to get a funny "scorched" smell from it, with a musty quality… very reminiscent of burnt hair (ick!). Thankfully, that was a short-lived mini-stage, and the scent became more of a dusty smell, then virtually disappeared.


The end stage is a faint, smoky beeswax. It's a very nice scent at this point, but not worth hours of musty wool--I could get a pure beeswax scent from Hanerot Halalu, much more easily.


Recaplet: Sweet musty wool with a nice beeswax endstage.

My rating: 1 of 5 (I'm not fond of it.)

Color impression: Charcoal gray.

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Wet - mostly cream

dry - cream! this reminds me a lot of the note in milk moon 07 and that actually makes me happy. there's floral, wax, and tea in there. The floral is very suprising honestly. I think the wool and pepper are only *slightly* here, so this scent doesn't seem"wierd" to me at all, unusual, but wonderful.


Rating 9/10

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This is such an interesting combination of notes - I really wasn't sure what to expect, and I don't think anybody else did either.


Wet on me, this is creamy beeswax with a big dose of the wool. The wool note is hard to describe, but it's not unpleasant. It's almost like sniffing a sweater with beeswax perfume on it.


As it dries, the tea and cream come out a bit more, and the beeswax is definitely still there. No sign of the pepper or dust. I'm surprised at how sweet and creamy this is, it's not something I would associate with Ichabod Crane. It's getting a bit faint as it dries, sadly, but overall this is a surprisingly nice scent.

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I can’t believe I haven’t reviewed this yet! This is about to go out to a new home, and I wanted to write my thoughts before it was gone.


Bottle: A very strong milk note (much like Milk Moon 07), with some florals and honeyed beeswax. Very nice. Even a bare hint of spice.


Wet: The strongest note is still the milk, the ‘sour” sort like MM07 (but I happen to like those milk notes, so that’s okay), again with flowers/beeswax and a bit of black pepper. Unfortunately, there is a hint of “ick” to these flowers—a jasmine-like-urine quality, but only if I sniff quite hard. Otherwise, I like this.


Drying: Same as above with an added bit of a bubble gum, actually--sweet and almost fruity--but I think its actually a crapload of honeyed beeswax that I’m misreading.


Dry: When this settles, the weird floral/urine is long gone, and the milk stays present but takes a far back seat to a gentle floral and strong honeyed wax scent. Lasts 6ish hours.

Overall: I really quite enjoy this. It is downright cozy, and I love the honey/wax/milk in here. But it’s a little more towards the floral side of things than I normally wear, and for that reason, I find that I don’t reach for it very often. I’m going to pass this onto more loving hands, but I’m so glad I tried it, and I definitely wouldn’t say no to a decant for my collection/occasional wear.

Edited by jewelbug

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First off, do not do not do not be scared of the "dusty black wool." This isn't Grandma's ancient sweater that's been stewing in mothballs since the Nixon era. If anything, the "wool" component is just a general softness that tempers the black pepper to give this blend a pleasant hazy smokiness, like a room that had a fire going the previous night and still has some smoke clinging to it in the morning. I loved the sweet creaminess of the tea with cream and beeswax, which was very comforting. All in all, this blend is soft and sweet yet at the same time eerie and ever so slightly unsettling--a perfect contrast :wub2:

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This is a nice enough scent . It doesn't really send me over the moon though . It's very subdued , not very sweet . Not very anything , really . I mainly get the wool / cream / beeswax from this . Honestly , it's not a bad scent , it's just not enough to get me excited about it . Inoffensive would maybe be the best word I could use for it .

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This shares a dusty/honey scent with Honey Moon on me. Both were nice at first but then became overwhelming in their powderiness rapidly. I don't really get the tea or wool here, just dust and beeswax/honey.

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Wet: sweet, creamy with a sort of neutral backdrop which must be the "wool" note.


As it dries: The lily of the valley is so lovely in this scent. Any sharp edges are smothered by the cream, beeswax and wool. The beauty of the lily peeks out but without the problematic aspects.


Dry: The pepper is the last to come out. A lovely scent but in a quiet way. Sometimes I really like the milky tea but at other moments (if I sniff my wrist directly) the milk smells slightly sour. All in all an interesting scent. I would recommend it to anyone who likes creamy light florals as the lily of the valley is so beautiful. While it doesn't smell "manly" or cologne-y at all it might also be an interesting choice for a man who wants a sweeter light floral scent.


edit: I like this and will look for some other blends that have milk and tea notes.

Edited by Myrrha

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Ichabod is... a glass of water with lemon that's been left sitting overnight, so that the lemon oil has infused the water. I realize that there no lemon-y things of any kind are listed in the notes, but skin-tested or straight from the bottle, all I get is watery lemon. I LIKE watery lemon, mind you, and I will wear this, but I had wanted something else from dear Ichabod. It is a mystery.

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I just got this in a swap yesterday and was very excited about that.

Ichabod's description is spot on to my nose. I can pick out all of those elements, especially the tea with cream and the candle drippings. Interestingly enough, this smells like the baby brother of Hand of Glory to me. I almost smell rose in here too although I am not sure if its really rose or just the combo of something that does....the drydown is soft with just a little kick. I really like Mr. Crane and I am glad he is a part of my collection now :)

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At first I get a dusty wool note (not like a fuzzy lamb, more like a nubby wool coat, which I never realized really had a scent but every time I sniff this thats the mental image I get), and a peppery black tea with cream, very milky smelling. After a few moments I start getting the beeswax which kind of sweetens and smooths everything together. It does remind me of White Rabbit, but while White Rabbit is, to me, a kind of cool/spring morning/earl grey/breezy scent, Ichabod is definitely more of a fuzzy/warm/black tea/waxy scent. I'm a fan of both, but I think I like Ichabod better. I hope I can find a bottle of this one :wub2:

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Source: Decant


In the decant: Sweet cream and muguet. It's sweet and floral and pretty. Not quite what I expected.


Wet: Once applied, I get the tea and some wax in there also. I'm still not smelling anything that I associate with wool at all.


Dry: This is very reminiscent of White Rabbit, as others have noted, without the honey, with floral notes instead of linen. As that suggests, the tea, cream and pepper on me are the most predominant notes. I like this blend quite a lot, but it's so close to White Rabbit I don't really need a bottle.

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As expected, this smells a lot like a sweeter, waxier White Rabbit. At first the pepper, tea and cream dominate as they do for me with White Rabbit, but as it sits the muguet takes over a bit more. This is deceptively feminine with the floral note.


I like both, but I'm thinking White Rabbit suits me more. The jury is out as to whether this is worth keeping when I have such a similar GC in my box already. Ichabod is really lovely and pleasant, though.

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Wet it's lovely; as it dries it could use more cream (if you're a cream person)...the muguet is lovely with the beeswax but it has a tendency to go slightly soapy on me...a lovely soap, but soapy all the same.

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I got a decant of this from a forumite and I do love it but for different reasons then to wear. On me I actually get that tea, wool, and buttery scent. But I do smell the beeswax as well. It is masculine and reminds me of a man. A cuddly Ichabod type man. I don't need a bottle but I have slathered a little on before bed to make me think of my man and how much I miss him. It's comforting in that way. It'll be a fun decant while it lasts.

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Oh yum! I wish I had more than a decant of this. It's warm creamy tea with some beeswax in the background. There's also a dash of pepper - and a dash of something floral. Really beautiful.

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This is a very creamy and comforting scent. When I first apply it, I actually get something that, to me, evokes dusty wool! Awesome. Then comes the tea with cream and a tiny bit of beeswax in the background. I'm not really getting any pepper.

After a while it settles into a creamy, slightly floral, tea scent that is really quite good.


I'm glad I found a bottle and bought it unsniffed - this is really a "me" scent :D

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Wow, there is a lot of black pepper in this when wet! It's like creamy, sweet black pepper. Kind of confusing to my nose.



Once the pepper calms down, the beeswax in this actually makes it quite perfumey - I tend to amp it. It's a really interesting scent, but I can't imagine wearing it. Glad to have gotten to try it though!

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