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Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

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O didn't like me... I believe if I recall correctly it went "piss" on me.


I will be looking into some of these other suggestions though! Keep it goin' folk, you are all awesome!

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I second Fenris Wolf. Man, that is one powerful scent.


Also, try All Night Long. That scent will keep your man permanently glued to your luscious self. And what can be better than that?


For a scary "omfgwtfimsoscaredhideme" scent, try Depraved. I almost wet myself with fear when smelling that!

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Can I just say that I LOVE the title of this thread? :P


Great suggestions. I personally would go for Dragon's Blood, just because it's powerful, it's sexual, and it makes me feel like my eyes are pulsing with glowing red embers. It's the kind of scent that would empower you to take one look at her and make her understand that YOU ARE IN CONTROL.

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I'll add another vote for Loviatar - it's my kicking ass and taking names scent. It's powerful, and femininely seductive - I think it'd be good for sending that "why on earth would he want you when he can have all this?" message. :P


Other good ones - Dracul, Blood Kiss, Sin... basically, I think of things that are dark, spicy and incensy as my "don't f*ck with me" scents. The Cracked Bell from the current line of Yule LEs has that feel to me as well.

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I've been wearing Blood Moon to all my negotiations at the court house. It's a very strong musky cinnamon on me that just feels tough and take no prisoners. It's my warrior blend.


Block Buster does similar things to my psyche.

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Long story short: I've recently made the move from the relatively sedate world of academia, to the shark-tank that is law school. In a couple of months, I have "moots" coming up. Those are basically mock-trials, where we're pit against our peers in winner-takes-the-A-grade argument matches.


So my question is this: what's a scent I can use to send a message to the competition? I need something that says "I'm going to skewer you with my rapier-sharp wit, but be completely professional about it. Bitch."


I was thinking of maybe wearing Paris, since lavender does wonderful things with my skin chemistry, but I think it's too feminine."


Hey, I know it's really all down to my advocacy skills, but every edge helps, :P.

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noticed you have Phantom Queen in your 'want to try' list--love. LOVE. rich floral but with a clean sharp note underneath, female but not girlish. And the Morrigan is definitely someone I'd rather have on my side than be facing!


Neo-Tokyo might be another one where softness hides the steel beneath and you just get a hint of clean bamboo and sharp ozone beneath the cherry blossoms, enough to know it's there without being strident.


For something more resin-y but still work friendly, Mantis is something I always get compliments on; it's a bright, light amber and neroli, with just a sniff of red patchouli to ground it [and I usually hate patchouli, but it really works in this blend]. It smells like confidence to me, like someone who shines.

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I wholeheartedly agree with northatlantic. Neo Tokyo is a great "professional" scent that is a middle ground between "pretty" and "steely." I think boys and girls can wear it, but it's particularly devistating on girls! While preparing I recommend using Moxie... it's my new exam prep love. :P I got through my moots well, even though I had the judge repremand me within the first five minutes of my "grand finale" trial for opening an issue too soon! Just remember to stay focused and always say "Your Honor." Good luck!

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Hm. Maybe I'll give Neo-Tokyo a try in the near future, then. ... Not that I needed much of an excuse! I love metallics and ozones.


I'll also have to remember to give Moxie and Phantom Queen. I've been using Darkness, since the smokey scent rather literally reminds me of burning the candle at both ends. I'm chomping at the bit to give a nice sharp scent like Envy a go, as well (come oooon, pending order).


I've thought about trying High John, but I'm hesitant to use the voodoo blends because none of the notes are listed in the descriptions. Sure, there are review, but... that's not the same? Most BPAL works quite well on me, but when it goes bad it goes very very bad (such as Dana O'Shee, which turned to marzipan-and-rancid-butter on me). There are certain notes I've got to avoid at all costs.


Thanks for the recs, everyone! : ) And congrats on your moots, Spring Snow. I'll have to keep that "your honor" thing in mind... I can easily see my self slipping up when addressing one of my profs! Stupid nerves.

Edited by Sycorax

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I 4th O. Or, Snake Oil, Bastet, Brisingamen.


For a little power with the simmering sex, Dragon's Milk, or Blood Kiss.


The best way to intimidate a rival is too smell like sex on a stick.

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Another suggestion (some have alluded to this) is wear something that makes you feel sexy, powerful, and in control. This will effect how you carry yourself and the vibe other pick up from you. Few things annoy the "enemy" more than not being able to rattle your confidence. :P


Best of luck.

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Although it may not be of much help since it is now discontinued, I think Venom has the vibe you're looking for.

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See I'm not like the other gals in this thread. The one scent that will whip my ass around and has me strutting with the "Look at me wrong and I'll pound your ass into the ground" attitude is Ultraviolet. It's something about me and the scent of violets and I turn into don't even f* with me girl.

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High John, mos' def. besides being a voodoo oil meant to enhance personal power, and invoke the power of the cunning trickster High John, it also smells clean and herbal. very professional. not pretty, but ... *clear*. i adore it!


(cradles her 10 ml bottle)



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Then there's always The Great Sword of War! :P It's a spicy musky blend at first, but on me it dries down to a skin-scent of black tea and spices.


Or if you like ozone, you could always dab on some Sea of Glass and just bliss out, foiling your opponents with a perfect state of serenity.


ETA: Good luck with your moots!

Edited by LiberAmoris

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I absolutely recommend Pride. I wore it when I finished my doctorate; it's the can't-touch-this scent. The description says "The scent of rabid hauteur: Moroccan rose and narcissus." It's feminine and very, very classy and professional (it smells expensive), but it absolutely screams, "worship this, bitch!" :P Can you tell I just love how uncompromising it is?

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My hard hitters:


Fenris Wolf(The predator/territory/power/confidence all-in-one scent)

Bloodlust (volatile, downright dangerous, and quite possibly unpredictably so)

The Cracked Bell(exudes effortlessly cunning control of the/all situations)



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This probably isn't exactly what you're looking for. But I found that London is a subtle but stone-cold scent. It's feminine and certainly rose, but heartless. I think it's a scent that a sexy female mob boss would wear.

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Hm. I suppose there's a difference between "cool, steely, zen professional" and "I Am Professional... Puny Mortal" scents. Neo-Tokyo and Sea of Glass would seem to belong to the former, while Great Sword of War and Pride might belong to the latter.


Being a helpless addict, I suppose that I shall have to try both. Ha! I had thought that the narcissus in Pride might be too sweet, but there's nothing that says sweet can't still be agressive.


Thanks for the good-luck wishes! : )

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I had thought that the narcissus in Pride might be too sweet, but there's nothing that says sweet can't still be agressive.


Of course, YCMV (your chemistry may vary) but it's not sweet on me. I detest sweet florals (especially jasmine and heliotrope, blech), even though I like sweet dessert scents (I'm weird), but I love rose and the narcissus compliments it here. It smells more like paperwhite narcissus on me, if you know that scent.

Edited by Laurel the Woodfairy

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There wasn't anything sweet about Pride on my skin. It was all haughty-rose. Very feminine, yet untouchably so. I can't wear it, b/c my chemistry amps the rose to where it is unbearable, but it smells great on my friend. Perfect blend between the two.


Another suggestion I might make, if you're not opposed to scents with a slight masculinity to them, is Whitechapel. This scent always says to me, "I will go straight for your jugular, and I will smell gorgeous doing it." I also like Dracul for those days where I need to channel my inner ball-buster. This one is smokier and rather sexy, but it also has a certain "Alpha" quality to it that screams "predatory". (PRobably the musk!)


Good luck, and go get 'em, tigress!

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A few years ago I read a book in which African Witches used ground fish as a scent to protect themselves on journeys to markets. The idea was to scare of jerks.


Are there any ideas on scents that might work to intimidate misc. BS artists? It's for a good cause. If you are a techie, you abuse society's trust by making "look good" statements and all too often those statements are at someone else's expense.


I like Lex Talonis, but am not sure it's quite the thing. The idea is to create a No-BS zone and exuding strenght might be the way to do it.




Any thoughts?

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Something traditionally masculine might be a good idea. Or sharp--maybe both. I love resins so I'm biased but a strong resiny scent with no vanilla, florals, or spice components (since those are softer and/or distracting) would probably come across as strong and dominant and indicative of a Person With Whom You Do Not Wish to Fuck.


A bitter citrus might do the same trick. Grapefruit or lime notes?

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