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The Box of Awesome (AKA the scents currently living in my "favorites" box)

This is my (not so) "short" list of favorite BPAL scents. Things get moved in and out now and then, so this list is constantly in a state of flux, although most of the older scents are perma-faves.   Bolded scents are ones I would wear any day, regardless of the sort of mood I'm in, without hesitation. I love the other scents, but not everything is something that I always feel like wearing.   Anne Bonny
The Black Rider
Black Temple Burlesque Troupe
Brom Bones
The Buggre Alle This Bible
Captain Cully
The Coiled Serpent
Dancing Koi
Dark Chocolate, Whiskey and Cognac Truffle
Eat Me
Fenris Wolf
The Forbidding Foyer
The Infernal Lover (red musk)
The Infernal Lover (no red musk)
Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus
Tarot: Judgement
Lump of Coal
Lust v7
Madame Moriarty, Misfortune Teller
Mad Sweeney
March Hare
Monster Bait: Closet
Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (very aged)
Mr. Jacquel
Nonae Caprotina
Panther Moon
Pinched with Four Aces
Quincy Morris
Snake Charmer
Snake Oil
Velvet Bandito
Voodoo Queen
Western Diamondback
White Chocolate, Black Raspberry and Apricot Cordial Truffle
White Peacock
  The second string favorites:   (A lot of these would be in my main favorites box if I had more room. Some are in here because they're too similar to other favorites already in The Box of Awesome and others are here because I really like them, but have to be in the right mood to wear them. Still others are just ones that I wear often enough to want them to be a little more accessible than the scents in my BPAL cabinet are.)   Blue Moon 2004
CD: Misfortune Teller v3
Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity V7 #36
Elf v4
Event Horizon
The Forbidding Foyer
Herr Drosselmeyer
King of Spades
La Mano del Destino
The Lion
Magic, Do as You Will
MB: Underbed v1
Miskatonic University v3
Pancake Breakfast
Phyllocrania Paradoxica v1
Phyllocrania Paradoxica v3
Queen Mab
Queen of Spades
Raven Moon
The Red Rider
Stranger in Camp




The wonderful, magical smellies list...eight bagillion scents tried (and counting) - PART 3 (untested)

Bold = I own at least one bottle (or at least a partial bottle in a couple cases) of this scent Italics = I own an empty/tester/very low level bottle   Waiting to be tried:   Aeval Alice's Evidence Alien Invasion All in the Golden Afternoon Andreiphontes The Apple of Sodom Arcana Baghdad Baku Baneberry Bathsheba Bensiabel The Black Apple of Saturn Black Heart Black Hellebore Black Lily The Black Swan Bleeding Heart Blood Moon 2008 Blue Phoenix v2 Boadicea BRAII (tester) Cabaret.Goth (sniffie) Caligula CD: The Geek Show (unreleased prototype; tester) Champagne and Party Hats (tester) Chaotic (unreleased prototype version; tester) The Chilling Cellar Chintamani-Dhupa Cobra Lily Cockaigne Cordelia Couple Consulting an Enpon (sniffie) Croquet The Curator Danube Dead Man's Hand v8 (tester) The Death-Horse Deadly Nightshade Honey Deep in Earth The Deep Ones Defututa Delousing Powder Detox Dia Diwali (tester) Dragon's Reverie Elegy IX: The Autumnal Envy Epitaph Erato Eros Ether Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers Evil (unreleased prototype version; tester) Expressive Head Faeu Boulanger Faunalia The Festival of Anuket The Forest Reverie Frumious Bandersnatch The Ghastly Garden Golden Wave The Gorobble Hairy Toad Lily Halloween: New Orleans Haloes Hi'iaka Horreur Sympathique Hymn to Proserpine (or Prosperpine...that's what my imp says!) Iambe Ichabod Crane The Ides of March 2010 Illuminati Cotillion The Isles of Demons Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey Jólasveinar 2010 Khandita Kitsune-Tsuki Kubla Khan Kumari Kandam Lamia Languor La Primavera Leather Phoenix Les Bijoux Les Fleurs du Mal Liberty Libra 2007 Love-Lies-Bleeding Lulu (unreleased prototype version) Lyonesse Mag Mell The Mandrake Charm Manhattan Mania Manipura Marquis de Carabas Masquerade Mead Moon (sniffie) Miaiphonos Mictecacihuatl Molly Grue Monarch Moscow Motley The Music of Erich Zahn MVJHL Bake Sale v3 (tester) Niflheim The Night Hag Visiting the Lapland Witches Noisome Clockwork Tin Locomotive Odd Portents Ode on Melancholy Ogygia Old Demons of the First Class The Old Goblin Olokun Oneiroi Parthenope The Phantom Wooer Philologus Phobos The Phoenix in Winter Phoenix Steamworks The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (tester) Pollution Pontarlier Pothon Meter Prurience Queen Alice The Reaper and the Flowers Roses, Pearls and Diamonds Rozpustnica Sanctus The Sea Foams Milk Sed Non Satiata Sekhmet v5 Shanghai Shattered Shill v1 (tester) Shoggoth Silenti (sniffie) Slobbering Pine The Sluggard Smokestack Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune Snap-Dragon-Fly Soothing System v1 Sticky Pillowcase Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Strawberry Moon 2009 Suspiro Symmakhia Tabula Smaragdina Terpsichore Toad Toad Hall To a Woman The Torture Queen The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Trinket The Triumph of Death Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Uncle Travelling Matt Unveiled Velvet Clown Velvet Unicorn Verdandi The Vine Violet Ray White Chocolate Mango Buttercream Whoso List to Hunt The Wild Swans at Coole The Witch's Garden Yürei   On the way:   Dark chocolate with merlot-infused black cherries and star anise French Tobacco Mayan chocolate with annatto seed, Anaheim pepper, cinnamon and vanilla bean Sic Erit Voyeuristic Monkey  




The wonderful, magical smellies list...eight bagillion scents tried (and counting) - PART 2 (more scents tried)

The first part of this list can be found here! I had to split it up because it was getting cut off otherwise.   Purple = love this scent (these are my absolute favorites, the best of the best)   Green = like this scent (there's a lot of variation here, I may like it--even like it a lot--but just don't absolutely love it or I might think it's nice enough but not the kind of scent I enjoy wearing)   Orange = this scent is just okay (I try not to lump scents into this category if I think they're nice but not for me; these are mainly the scents that I don't hate, but can't see a lot of appeal in, on me or on someone else)   Red = don't like this scent (I rarely actively hate a BPAL scent...these are the scents that provoke an immediate "Get it away from me!" reaction for some reason, often because they have almond or rose in them, but those two notes aren't automatic qualifiers for inclusion)   Bold = I own at least one bottle (or at least a partial bottle in a couple cases) of this scent Italics = I own an empty/tester/very low level bottle   BOOM! Studios:   Bette Noir   Diabolus:   Akuma Baobhan Sith Black Annis Black Phoenix Black Widow Blood Countess Bloodlust Bluebeard Catherine Deimos Dracul Ekhidna Fenris Wolf Goblin Hellcat Hell's Belle Incubus Kuang Shi Kumiho Loup Garou Maenad Malice Marquise de Merteuil Masabakes Medea Nephilim Nocnitsa Noir Nosferatu Phantom Queen Phobos Rage Serpent's Kiss Szepasszony Troll Typhon Unseelie Venom Villain   The District:   Countess Willie Crib Girls Josie   Doc Constantine’s Pharmacopoeia:   Bruised Violet Compound   Excolo:   Aglaea Aizen-Myoo Alecto Al-Shairan Anubis Bastet Baron Samedi Centzon Totochtin Clio Coyote Czernobog Elegba Eos Euphrosyne Eve Gaueko Grandmother of Ghosts Hades Hecate Kali Kurukulla Lilith Loviatar Nemesis Nyx Obatala Ochosi Odin Ogun Old Scratch Oya Peithos Pele Persephone Polyhymnia Queen Mab Sacred Whore of Babylon Santa Muerte Shango Skuld Tezcatlipoca Thalia Thanatos Urania Urd Xiuhtecuhtli Yemaya   Gris Grimly:   Detestable Putrescence Hideous Heart   Hellboy:   Kroenen Liz   Illyria:   Antony The Apothecary Caliban Desdemona Goneril Iago Jester Juliet Katharina Lady Macbeth Lear Oberon Ophelia Othello Queen Gertrude Robin Goodfellow Rosalind Tamora Three Witches Titania Titus Andronicus   The Last Unicorn:   Arachne of Lydia Captain Cully Elli's Song Hagsgate The King's Daughter Magic, Do as You Will The Midnight Carnival   ParaNorman:   Hippie Ghost   The Mad Tea Party:   Alice Bread-and-Butterfly The Caterpillar Cheshire Cat The Dodo The Dormouse Drink Me Eat Me How Doth the Little Crocodile Jabberwocky The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Lion Mad Hatter March Hare The Mock Turtle's Lessons Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (I only love this when it's very aged, otherwise it's a like, not a love) The Pool of Tears The Queen of Hearts The Red Queen Rocking-Horse-Fly Snooty Rose Tiger-Lily 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster Tweedledee Tweedledum White Rabbit   Marchen:   Baba Yaga (GC version) Beer From the Marsh Woman's Brewery Belle Vinu The Black Rider The Chicken-Legged Hut Egle The Grave-Pig Grief The Light of Men's Lives The Little Sparrow The Little Wooden Doll (not so great on my skin, but pretty in the bottle or a scent locket) Moonshine and Mist The Night-Raven Prunella The Red Rider The Rose Rumpelstilzchen The Sea Foams Blood Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues (kind of in between; I like it but it's bordering on being just okay) Vasilissa The White Rider The Witch's Repast   Neil Gaiman:   Aziraphale The Buggre Alle This Bible Crowley Hunter The Ifrit (tester) Ligur Famine Hastur Mad Sweeney I. The Magician Mr. Ibis Mr. Jacquel The Potters' Field Shadwell Sunbird (LE) The Velvets War   Panaceas:   Lustration Moxie Quietude Safari Seduction Succor TKO   Phoenix Steamworks:   The Antikythera Mechanism (I'm ambivalent about this one) No. 93 Engine The Robotic Scarab (in between liking it and feeling meh about it)   A Picnic in Arkham:   Al-Azif Arkham Azathoth Brown Jenkins Cthulu Miskatonic University Nyarlathotep R'Lyeh Shub-Niggurath   Rappaccini's Garden:   Belladonna Black Hellebore Honey Black Rose Blood Lotus Blood Rose Bohun Upas Death Cap Destroying Angel Devil's Claw Dian's Bud Hemlock Hemlock Honey Love-in-Idleness Mandrake Mantis Moon Rose Shadow Witch Orchid Strangler Fig Tobacco Honey Wolfsbane Yellow Jessamine Honey Yew-Trees   RPG:   Chaotic Cleric Dwarf Evil Elf Fighter Gnome Good Half Elf Halfling Lawful Mage Neutral Orc Paladin Ranger Rogue   The Salon:   And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt Carceri d'Invenzione Cloister Graveyard in the Snow Death of the Grave Digger Garden Path with Chickens The Isle of the Dead The Smiling Spider Two Monsters   Sin & Salvation:   Anathema Black Dahlia The Bow and Crown of Conquest Cathedral Damnation Death on a Pale Horse Dorian Fallen Faustus Gluttony The Great Sword of War Greed Hellfire (original) Hellfire (new) Hymn Jailbait Laudanum Lex Talionis Lust Magdalene Malediction Nero Oblivion Paramatman Penitence Roadhouse Rose Cross The Scales of Deprivation Sea of Glass Seraphim Sin Sloth Tzadikim Nistarim Vice Wrath   Somnium:   Nanshe Somnus Temple of Dreams   Vampires Don't Sleep Alone:   Tombeur VILF (the wet stage and early drydown are made of fail, but the later drydown is nice enough)   Wanderlust:   51 Amsterdam Athens Bayou Bengal Cairo Crossroads Delphi Dublin Eden Florence Glasgow Gomorrah The Hamptons The Hanging Gardens Hollywood Babylon Ile de la Tortue (tester) Kathmandu Kostnice Kyoto London Machu Picchu Manila Morocco New Orleans Paris Port-au-Prince Port Royal Rome Santo Domingo Silk Road Sri Lanka Sybaris Tenochtitlan Tintagel Tombstone Uruk Venice Vinland Whitechapel Yerevan  




The wonderful, magical smellies list...eight bagillion scents tried (and counting) - PART 1 (scents tried)

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, "Come and see this list of scents. How the hell could one person have tried that many perfumes?"   Purple = love this scent (these are my absolute favorites, the best of the best)   Green = like this scent (there's a lot of variation here, I may like it--even like it a lot--but just don't absolutely love it or I might think it's nice enough but not the kind of scent I enjoy wearing)   Orange = this scent is just okay (I try not to lump scents into this category if I think they're nice but not for me; these are mainly the scents that I don't hate, but can't see a lot of appeal in, on me or on someone else)   Red = don't like this scent (I rarely actively hate a BPAL scent...these are the scents that provoke an immediate "Get it away from me!" reaction for some reason, often because they have almond or rose in them, but those two notes aren't automatic qualifiers for inclusion)   Bold = I own at least one bottle (or at least a partial bottle in a couple cases) of this scent Italics = I own an empty/tester/very low level bottle   Exclusives and limited editions:   Limited Editions:   13 (original/white label) 13 (November 2009) 413 U.S. 15 / Miller v. California (tester) A Bachelor's Dog Ace of Hearts All Saints All Souls An Altar to Cold, Rigid, Dreadful Death The Arabian Dance The Arbor Atlas Badger Bad Luck Woman Blues Bakeneko Bitter Moon Beaver Moon 2005 Beaver Moon 2010 Beltane Black Temple Burlesque Group Blood Moon 2005 Blue Moon 2004 Bones Trombone Boo Brom Bones Brood XIX Buck Moon Budding Moon Burning Vulva But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Calaveras Capricorn 2007 Carfax Abbey The Chained Phantoms The Changeling Chaste Moon 2005 Cold Moon Conical Beast Count Dracula The Cracked Bell Creepy Dancing Koi Dark Chocolate, Fig and Tamarind Dark Chocolate and Key Lime Truffle Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel Dark Chocolate, Whiskey and Cognac Truffle The Darkling Thrush The Decrepit House Ded Moroz Devil's Night Diable en Boîte Dia de Los Muertos Dr. John Seward Egg Nog El Dia de Los Reyes Enkhespalos Enraged Bunny Musk Enraged Groundhog Musk Enraged Orangutan Musk F5 Fearful Pleasure The Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones The First Soft Snow Fledgling Raptor Moon Flower Moon 2005 The Forbidding Foyer Formula 54 Frederic Fruit Moon Ghoulish Giant Vulva (this one's an odd one; it's between "I like it, but it's not for me" and "meh"...a little too floral for my tastes, but I mostly like it, just not really as a scent for me) The Gilman House Hotel (sniffie) Gingerbread Poppet Gnome The Goblin Rider Graveyard Dirt Green Party Gunpowder Gypsy The Hag Halloween: Brooklyn Halloween: Las Vegas Harvest Moon 2004 Harvest Moon 2005 Havisham Hearth 2004 Hearth 2005 Hellhound on my Trail The Hell of Great Heat Herr Drosselmeyer Hexennacht 2005 Holiday Moon Honey Moon The Host of the Air Hungry Ghost Moon Hunter Moon 2005 Hunter Moon 2007 Hygeia Ice Queen The Ides of March 2005 Independent The Infernal Lover (both red musk versions) The Infernal Lover (no red musk version) Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Ivanushka Jacob's Ladder June Gloom 2004 Khajuraho King of Clubs King of Diamonds King of Spades Krampus (2006 and 2007) Kusunoki Tamonmaru Masatsura Surprising a Fox Ghost La Mano Del Destino Lambs' Wool Lead Phoenix La Pere Fouettard The Last of the Spirits Lawn Gnome Lick It The Living Flame Love in the Asylum Lughnasadh Lunar Eclipse Luperci The Lurid Library Lycaon (tester) Mabon 2004 Makhanitis Male Nude, Arms Upstretched Manilus Hurled from a Rock Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District Man with Phallus Head Michael Casts Out All the Fallen Angels Midnight Kiss Midnight Mass Midwinter's Eve Mi-Go Brain Canister Milk Chocolate Buttercream Milk Chocolate, Cassia and Bacon (smells okay one me once it dries, but it's super funky in the bottle and not in a good way) Milk Chocolate, Coconut, Cardamom, Rum and Ginger Truffle Milk Moon 2005 Minamoto No Yurimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider Minotaur Mircalla, Countess Karnstein Mistletoe Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller Mole Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Closet Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Monster Bait: Underbed Monster Bait: Underpants Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy Moon of Horses Mother Ginger Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre (tester) Mourning Cloak (my bottle says Mourning Shroud Night's Pavilion Nonae Caprotina Nuclear Winter Numb The Nutcracker #OCCUPYWALLSTREET One to Tie, Two to Win Orb Weaver Paduan Killer Swarm Pallas Athene Pancake Breakfast Pandemonium Panther Moon Parlement of Foules Peacock Queen Penumbra (tester) Perchta The Perfumed Garden The Perilous Parlor The Phoenix in Autumn Pinched with Four Aces Pink Moon 2005 Pink Phoenix Pirate Moon Plastic Pink Flamingo Prosperity of a Country Pumpkin I 2005 Pumpkin II 2005 Pumpkin III 2005 Pumpkin IV 2005 Pumpkin V 2005 Pumpkin IV 2009 Pumpkin Latte Pumpkin Queen Punkie Night Purple Spotted Swallowtail Pussy Queen of Clubs Queen of Diamonds Queen of Spades Quincy Morris Rat The Rat King (2005) Raven Moon Red Lantern Red Moon 2004 Red Phoenix Rhinotoros Riding the Goat The Ring Rose Red Roux-Ga-Roux Ruddy Daggerwing Salamander Samhain Samhainophobia Schwarzer Mond The School-House Scorpio 2007 The Sea Rat The Season of Ghosts Selkie Skadi Sleepy Moon Smut Snow Bunny Snow Moon Snow White The Soldier Spicebush Swallowtail Spooky Staged Moon Landing Standing Female Nude Stardust Storm Moon Stranger in Camp Strawberry Moon 2005 Sugar Cookie Sugar Plum Fairy Sugar Skull Sylph Talvikuu The Ta-Ta Teatime in Roswell Thunder and Blazes Tin Foil Hat (sniffie) The Traveller Trick or Treat The Twisted Oak Tree Undine The Unsavory Gravediggers Valentine of Rome Variety of Pleasing Amusements Velvet Bandito Velvet Cthulhu Velvet Dogs Playing Poker Velvet Tiger Werepuppy White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle White Peacock Wildfire WILF Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse Winter-Time Wolf Moon 2004 Wolf Moon 2011 Wolf Spider Womb Furie 2010 Wrestlers Yuletide   BPTP Exclusives:   Bauble (sniffie) Bogle (tester) Celeste Comforting Plush Companion The Ecstasy of Passion Egg'd Mailbox Fee Hellion La Fee Verte The Last Squished Jellybean (sniffie) Left His Nurse While in a Crowd Lump of Coal Marotte Marshmallow Poof Monsieur Petitbled's Frivolous Wheeled Footwear Mitzvah Ninon Overprotective Possessed Talking Doll Playing with Dangerous Toys Scattered Gloom Snow Angel Snowblind Spanked Spanked Revisited TP'd Trees Trick #2 Uncertain Horror   Retail Exclusives:   Autumn Banshee Beat Blackberry Jam & Scones Black Lace Creature Feature Crimson Christmas Heavenly Love & Earthly Love Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus Lucifer Mutant Hot-Rodders from Hell High Mysterious Warning (sniffie) Psychological Horror Red Lace Silas Ruthyn Sue's Great Old Puppet Show Tattered Lace Ü Zombie Apocalypse   Event Exclusives:   The Anti-Saloon League (tester sniffie) Badgers Bat of Good Death Cat Allingham The Crumpet Rebellion Doc Buzzard Dungeon Crawl (tester) The Elephantine Colossus Fetish.Goth Fuwu Bansaku in Ruined Temple with Black Monster on Umbrella Gothabilly Ho Ho Ho India Ink In Reilig Oran (sniffie) Mitzvah Gororet Mitzvah (tester) Mount Misery and Sweet Hollow Roads Mule Skinner v1 Old Roswell Cemetery The Phantom Cow of Yerba Buena Island Pumpkin King Reindeer Poop [Rivet.Goth Romanti.goth Shanghai Tunnel Sky City (After) Storyville Voodoo Queen   Carnaval Diabolique:   Australian Copperhead Banded Sea Snake Bezoar The Blasphemare Reliquary Boomslang The Chapel (tester) Clemence The Contract of Theophilus of Adana Coral Snake Death Adder Dionysia Green Tree Viper Habu Hand of Glory The Illustrated Woman Inez King Cobra Marianne Meskhenet, the Vulture Maiden Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller The Parliament of Monsters Pickled Imp Priala, the Human Phoenix Saw-Scaled Viper Shrunken Heads Temple Viper Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid Theodosius, the Legerdemain The Two-Headed Goat Western Diamondback The Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn   Carnaval Noir:   Bearded Lady Bed of Nails Fire Eater Freak Show Geek Gypsy Queen House of Mirrors Kunstkammer Medicine Show Midway Shill Snake Charmer (original and resurrected) Torture King   A Demon in My View:   Al Araaf Alone The City in the Sea Dreamland Evening Star The Haunted Palace Lenore The Sleeper Spirits of the Dead   A Descent Into the Maelstrom:   Berenice Fortunato The Masque Montresor The Pit & The Pendulum The Premature Burial The Tell-Tale Heart Usher   Springtime in Arkham:   Al-Azif Arkham Revisted Shub-Niggurath Azathoth Cthulu Dunwich Kingsport Miskatonic University Tuzscha Whippoorwill Yog-Sothoth   Unreleased & prototypes:   300F v1 Abedus Indentatus v5 Amaterasu v3 Antimony v9 Baba Yaga (unreleased version) Bedbug Beth's Experimental Blend (one of several) Beth's Experimental Blend (another of several) Black Widow Circus Boomslang v2 Cake Smash v6 Capela dos Osos v5 CBBOB1 CD023 CD: Alley of Games v6 CD: Misfortune Teller v3 CD: Tilt v4 (tester) Chaotic v3 Decadence Dorian v2 Dorian v3 Elf v4 Ennui v42 Fenris Wolf v2 The Fire Dancer Grand Guignol v4 Gun Moll Half-Elf (unrleased prototype version; tester) Half Elf v5 Hellion v2 Hexahedraon v3 IXHV4 IXHV37 (tester) Jingo-Kogo v6 (tester) KPX130 (tester) Kweku Anansi Lamia v3 (tester) LULU7 Lust v7 Mary Celeste v4 MB: Underbed v1 Miskatonic University v3 Morocco v2 MUV3 NGG023 (tester) Nigredo v7 Nine Mysteries Obeah Osiris v4 P013 Paladin v3 Peace PEXO Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 Phyllocrania Paradoxa v3 PL176 (tester) PRC12 PX23 PX117 Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe Ranger v5 Sacrifice SAQQARA v2 Sol Niger v2 Taphophobia v2 Tetramorph v2 Trachelophorus Giraffe v3 Val Sans Retour XCDL13 Zombie Apocalypse v4   ----   Discontinued lines:   The Atomic Luau Lounge:   Aremata-Popoa Polynesian Pop (in between "like it but not my kind of scent" and OK) Rangoon Riptide Red Tide Screeching Parrot (sniffie)   The Chakras:   Anahata: The Heart Muladhara: The Root Svadhisthana: Sacral   Illumination:   A'Arab Zaraq   Oblation:   Chiroptera Corazon Oisin Thunderbird   The Sephiroth:   Binah Chesed Chokmah Geburah Malkuth Netzach Tiphareth Yesod   Single Notes:   Blue Lilac Carnation (tester) Cinnamon East African Black Patchouli Juniper Berry Pikaki Pink Grapefruit Red Mysor(e) Sandalwood Redwood Siberian Musk Sweet Clove White Cedarwood   Tarot Oils:   Ace of Cups Ace of Pentacles Ace of Swords Ace of Wands The Chariot Death The Devil The Emperor The Empress The Fool The Hanged Man The Heirophant The Hermit The High Priestess Judgement / Judgment Justice The Lovers The Magician The Moon The Star Strength The Sun Temperance The Tower The Wheel of Fortune The World   Voodoo Blends:   Bat's Blood Crucible of Courage Goona Goona India Bouquet Juju   ----   General catalog (including discontinued scents that are part of current lines):   Ars Amatoria:   Aperotos Eros Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bien Loin d'Ici (I like it in the bottle, but it's just okay on me; definitely a scent locket blend) Bordello Brisingamen Carnal Casanova Debauchery Delight Depraved Desire Endymion Forbidden Fruit Golden Priapus Harlot Hetairae Ingenue Jezebel Kabuki La Belle Au Bois Dormant La Lethe La Petit Mort Le Serpent Qui Danse The Lady of Shallot Libertine Lolita Lorelei Lucy's Kiss Maiden Muse Nefertiti O Perversion Psyche Queen of Sheba Rapture Ravenous Salome Saturnalia Satyr Severin Siren Snake Oil Spellbound Succubus The Temptation Vicomte de Valmont Vixen Wanda Wanton Whip   Ars Draconis:   Dragon's Blood Dragon's Bone Dragon's Claw Dragon's Eye Dragon's Heart Dragon's Hide Dragon's Milk Dragon's Musk Dragon's Tears Ladon   Ars Moriendi:   Dance of Death Danse Macabre Darkness Embalming Fluid Eternal The Ghost Haunted House of Night Jazz Funeral Nocturne Shroud Silentium Amoris Tears Thanatos Twilight Wings of Azrael Zombi   Bewitching Brews:   #20 Love Oil Absinthe All Night Long Anne Bonny Antique Lace Arachne Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Aureus Belle Epoque Bess Black Cat Black Forest Black Opal Black Pearl The Black Tower Bliss Block Buster Blood Blood Amber Blood Kiss Blood Pearl Bon Vivant Brimstone Burial Carnivale Cathode Chimera Chuparosa The Coiled Serpent Come to Me Dana O'Shee Dee Delirium Dove's Heart Eclipse Eidolon Empyreal Mist Event Horizon Feu Follet Fae Fire of Love Follow Me Boy Grand Guignol Grog Hamadryad Has No Hanna The Hesperides High John the Conqueror Highwayman Horn of Plenty Hurricane Incantation Inferno Intrigue Jack (I and II) The Jersey Devil Jolly Roger Juke Joint La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente La Belle Dame Sans Merci Lampades Leanan Sidhe Lightning Love Me Lurid Magus Mata Hari Morgause Omen Ouija Ozymandias Penny Dreadful Phantasm Plunder Poisoned Apple Queen Rakshasa The Raven Red Devil Saint-Germain Scarecrow Scherezade Schrodinger's Cat Seance Shadow Storm Sudha Segara Swank Tempest Tushnamatay Twenty-One Ulalume Ultraviolet Umbra Undertow Van Van Velvet Voodoo Water of Notre Dame Wilde Wolf's Heart Zephyr Yggdrasil   The remainder of the scents I've tried can be found here! I had to split it into two posts because it was getting cut off otherwise.  



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