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The Box of Awesome (AKA the scents currently living in my "favorites" box)

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This is my (not so) "short" list of favorite BPAL scents. Things get moved in and out now and then, so this list is constantly in a state of flux, although most of the older scents are perma-faves.


Bolded scents are ones I would wear any day, regardless of the sort of mood I'm in, without hesitation. I love the other scents, but not everything is something that I always feel like wearing.


  1. Anne Bonny
  2. Aureus
  3. Badger
  4. The Black Rider
  5. Black Temple Burlesque Troupe
  6. Bloodlust
  7. Brom Bones
  8. The Buggre Alle This Bible
  9. Captain Cully
  10. Cathedral
  11. CD023
  12. The Coiled Serpent
  13. Coyote
  14. Dancing Koi
  15. Dark Chocolate, Whiskey and Cognac Truffle
  16. Eat Me
  17. Fenris Wolf
  18. Fighter
  19. 51
  20. The Forbidding Foyer
  21. Gothabilly
  22. Hellion
  23. The Infernal Lover (red musk)
  24. The Infernal Lover (no red musk)
  25. Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus
  26. Ivanushka
  27. Tarot: Judgement
  28. Lump of Coal
  29. Lust v7
  30. Madame Moriarty, Misfortune Teller
  31. Mad Sweeney
  32. March Hare
  33. Mole
  34. Monster Bait: Closet
  35. Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (very aged)
  36. Mr. Jacquel
  37. Nonae Caprotina
  39. Paladin
  40. Panther Moon
  41. Penitence
  42. Pinched with Four Aces
  43. Quincy Morris
  44. Rivet.Goth
  45. Rogue
  46. Scherezade
  47. Sin
  48. Snake Charmer
  49. Snake Oil
  50. Storyville
  51. Troll
  52. Tushnamatay
  53. Typhon
  54. Umbra
  55. Velvet Bandito
  56. Voodoo Queen
  57. Western Diamondback
  58. White Chocolate, Black Raspberry and Apricot Cordial Truffle
  59. White Peacock


The second string favorites:


(A lot of these would be in my main favorites box if I had more room. Some are in here because they're too similar to other favorites already in The Box of Awesome and others are here because I really like them, but have to be in the right mood to wear them. Still others are just ones that I wear often enough to want them to be a little more accessible than the scents in my BPAL cabinet are.)


  1. Blue Moon 2004
  2. Boomslang
  3. Calaveras
  4. CD: Misfortune Teller v3
  5. Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity V7 #36
  6. Damnation
  7. Dorian
  8. Elf
  9. Elf v4
  10. Event Horizon
  11. The Forbidding Foyer
  12. Half-Elf
  13. Herr Drosselmeyer
  14. King of Spades
  15. La Mano del Destino
  16. The Lion
  17. Magic, Do as You Will
  18. Marianne
  19. MB: Underbed v1
  20. Miskatonic University v3
  21. Pancake Breakfast
  22. Phyllocrania Paradoxica v1
  23. Phyllocrania Paradoxica v3
  24. Queen Mab
  25. Queen of Spades
  26. Raven Moon
  27. The Red Rider
  28. SAQQARA v2
  29. Stranger in Camp
  30. Tamora

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