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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Weird sayings and The Prophet Raoul

There's a guy I know here at work who tends to use what I consider rather quaint and old-fashioned terms to express outrage, like "What in the Sam Hill?" and "Son of a buck!" I never hear anyone else use those terms, unless I would happened to head down to a senior center. Apparently "Sam Hill" somehow got started as a way to avoid saying "hell," but whenever I hear that term, I always picture the cartoon character Yosemite Sam.   I also used to know a guy from work who would say: "Well cheese and crackers!" when he was trying to not swear, which was on very rare occasions. I have never heard anyone else use that term in my life. I always found it really hilarious, because it was so odd and because this guy would normally use f**k like most people say "uh."   Then there was the guy who was seemingly the basis for Ignatius J. Reilly in the book "A Confederacy of Dunces." Seriously, he was a big, fat, extremely high-IQ person who lived in his own little la-la land most of the time. He made his living as a software tech support specialist. He used to go sit outside the building that he worked in and chain-smoke and hold court of the topic of the day. The bench that he sat on was made of some sort of industrial-strength recycled plastic and he warped the bench because he was probably 6'4" and around 400 pounds. His name was Jerry, but somehow I came to call him The Prophet Raoul, a term that amused him greatly. Two of his favorite terms were: "Well Christ on a bicycle!" and "I don't give a flying f**k at a rolling donut." The last comment always produced visions of this gargantuan man throwing himself at a huge rolling donut, trying to leap through the hole the way dogs jump through hoops.   Anyway, The Prophet Raoul shuffled off this mortal coil (another one of his favorite sayings, courtesy of Will Shakespeare) a few years ago. Anyone who has read "A Confederacy of Dunces" would probably agree that Ignatius was not a role model for health and long life. The Prophet was a huge football fan and he died laying around in bed while watching the Super Bowl on the day of the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction. It is my hope that he said to himself: "I've just seen a tit during Super Bowl halftime, I can die a happy man," and did just that.




Meet and Sniff hangover

oh my. how do i describe the amazing experience of the meet and sniff?   meet. hug. hug dog. sniff. eat. sniff. hug dog. eat dessert. sniff. buy. sniff. buy. sniff. sigh. rest a little. sniff. eat. hug dog. leave.   my nose is still recovering. some scent, possibly one i took, may bother me. i am not too sure which one.   i am taking it slow with testing. after sampling eviltemptress's scents friday night, sniffing all day saturday, then sniffing what each other bought saturday night... and enabling my friends on sunday. my nose is overwhelmed!   but my boxes are much more full now! my wishlist is longer (and better refined...) i still have to update some reviews on bpal that didn't get posted yet, and continue to test all this new stuff!   the meet and sniff was a lot of fun, and i look forward to doing it again. i loved sampling so many scents, because it's so hard to judge based on descriptions and reviews alone! and i met some really cool people. and a really cool dog. and a really cool kid. that cat was cool too, even though i barely saw her.   oh and did i mention beard papa???? that was ALMOST better than the sniffies.   photos coming soon.




Creating Drama

I know, creative title after all that went on this weekend, right? But it's not just the LJ stuff, it's this latest episode of Intervention I watched. Y'all watch Intervention, right? It's on A&E -- every week is 2 new people addicted to heroin, meth, alcohol, etc. and they're followed around in their pathetic lives until the exciting intervention (sometimes with Jeff! Hi Jeff! He's like Dr. Phil with a spine ) where they're given a choice to either get their lives back or continue their patheticness. The show's addictive, har!   It got me thinking about the LJ drama this weekend. There are some people who can't exist without drama -- either as a willing victim or an active participant. The show seems to feature many people who individually can't seem to handle "life" and all it implies, including "earning a living" and "dealing pleasantly with others." So if the drama exists, they don't have to deal with their own issues. Part of becoming an adult, though, is dealing with these issues. So someone posting anonymously and flaming people they don't even know except by an avatar are in need of drama, and if they have to create it they will.   So if everyone's represented by an avatar, what does that make me? Either I'm a gambling-addicted lush who eats food, or an actual restaurant. OOH! Can I be the Brown Derby? Cool!





This morning I set the alarm for 7:45 (way, way early for me on a Sunday) and went out to my back yard and bailed out all the old water in my two small garden ponds. They're pre-shaped plastic liners and a once-a-year emptying and refilling is a nice idea. So I was bailing out all the stinky old water and sludge and slime and it made me thing of the LJ wank. Generally, I consider that sort of behavior to be stinky and slimy.   While we relish our freedom of speech, the institutions that help give us freedom of speech (unless the current administration gets its way), like legislative bodies and courts, have very structured rules of debate. The procedures are there for a reason -- if it's a free-for-all, discussions can drop to the lowest common denominator and nothing constructive occurs. I consider the anonymous wank to be a free-for-all and the resulting discussion is generally worthless. While there may be nuggets of a legitimate discussion here and there, the presentation does not lend itself to anything but discord.   And that's all I'm going to say about this topic, because I think the more we just ignore the behavior and refuse to give the wankers the attention that they want, the sooner they will pick up their toys and move to another playground or simply go home and pout.   But damn it, I do adore that asshattery word. And I did know who Ron Jeremy was, pervy old bag that I am!   Oh yeah, for those of you who are old enough, do you remember an INXS song where he's reciting words, like appreciate, dedicate, ect? They should have had satiate in that song!




My Ever Hopeful Big Wish Wishlist...

A gal can dream, right...? And so, the ISO...   Empty, partial, or full bottles... just MORE of... Fae Silk Road Belle Epoque Masabakes Verchernyaya   Any amount of... Monster Bait: Underpants Monster Bait: Closet     I'm *certain* this list will enjoy hearty and healthy updating! LOL!!





I need to stay out of that LJ thread. It's making me upset and snarky and I generally try to be nice to people. I just need to take a breath, a step back, and focus on the fact that I don't always have to attack when I feel threatened. This, to me, is a safe place, and I don't want it to be unsafe... but I'm not the authorities. Yeah, I'm being silly. It's just so... irritating that people can be so freaking mean!   Gah. I need to do homework. The boys went to church.





So, I attended a Meet & Sniff yesterday at RHM's house (in NJ). What fun! All the girls there were SO sweet, and had my cracking up. On top of that, everyone was very open to allowing me, the ditzy newbie, to stick my nose in all their BPAL! I'm sure I commited a zillion faux pas, but nobody seemed to even mind. Sorry to all the girls for anything stupid I may have said/did (including asking for a June Gloom imp and mispronoucing probably a million scent names! LMAO. i'm an ass).   HennaFairy and I were so exhausted when we got home, but still went through each other's new stuff... then ate dinner, watched a hilariously HORRIBLE movie (i forget the name, but i saw Heather Grahams breasts and one of the Fiennes' brother's ass quite a lot), and seriously passed out at 10:30! my arms are all stinky (in a good way!), too.   My favorite thing that I got at the M&S ends up being the Bunny Musk. Who knew? that wasn't even on my wishlist, and I thought I would HATE it (i'm very anti baby powder, and I thought that would be the smell... it isn't!). I love Sea of Glass and the Hesperides, too! And Bearded Lady... and, well, I picked up a ton of frimps... I put them all in my box, and sort of lost track of who I got them all from (sorry ladies! if you remember what you gave me, feel free to let me know and I'll update my swaps list a little better. *duh*).   Oh, and I'm obsessed with Snow White, too! it smells EXACTLY like Bath & Body Works' "Refreshing Garden Mint" that they discontinued a few years back, and I still am hoarding a small amount of lotion from. hehe. I cried when that disappeared!! Joseybird was kind enough to sell me a decant of hers... now I can take my time searching for a full bottle. YUM!   i'm all sniffed out!     ... for a few days, at least   d




1demondog turns a profit

That'll chap a guys hide, no? Buyer turning around and making $5 on a nice little LE purchase. I have always been disgusted by people who use the "just getting back what I paid for it" line. Because frankly you shouldn't always get back what you paid for it, not once you've USED it. Other people paying for your privilige to sample, does that sound sane?




In which I pity myself and feel like an outsider.

After reading through the LJ Wank-Garbage thread, I noticed that some people have mentioned (again) that if people didn't buy high-priced decants/bottles, no one would have them on their sales lists. And I feel guilty because I buy those high-priced things. I guess I'm a big fat jerk for driving up the prices for everyone else. But I've only been around for a few months, and some really good stuff was discontinued before I'd ever even heard of BPAL. It's not like I could buy it from the Lab right now.   I feel like it's okay to be different in the BPAL community -- goth or not, bi or not, pagan or not, whatever -- but it's not okay to have money. If you spend a lot of money on an imp of Pumpkin King, people bash you all over the place for being stupid and/or insane. And evidently it's not cool to have a big BPAL stash because then you're an obsessed fangirl who has no life.   I will come clean: I've spent several thousand dollars on perfume oils in the past three months or so. I'm not stupid, insane, or obsessed -- just... well, wealthy. $20 is not a lot of money to me. At all. And I feel like I'm being a bitch just for saying the truth. It's not a flaw, and I don't know why I'm ebarrassed about it. In my groups of friends in real life, having a comfortable home and money in the bank is the mark of hard work and success. It seems like in the BPAL community it's just a reason for people not to like you.   I love my BPAL collection, I like to talk about BPAL, I like to swap with people, and there are some exceptional people in the BPAL community. But I don't feel like there's a whole lot of love for people like me. If anyone said anything negative about someone's religion 20 people would jump to her defense. But when people say someone's an idiot for spending $50 on an imp of Storyville, crickets chirp off in the distance. Followed by a post of "Yeah, that's ridiculous!"




feelin' arty-farty

I've been a very bad girl today. I called in sick for work so that I could sleep all day. I guess we all need a break once in awhile but I still feel really guilty about it. I do think that it was necessary for my mental health. Now I'm just ignoring my phone and watching old episodes of X-Files. If it sounds like a slice of heaven, it is.   I know that everyone else is in the same boat, waiting for any sign that the lab is sending out orders regularly again but I may really be going insane with the excitement. I'm also concerned about it making it here before I leave on June 7 since then I'll be gone until August 8 and won't be able to sniff the goodies. I was also counting on having my 10 ml of Alice to take with me. I can't even soothe my restless urges by placing an order because I don't want it to get here while I'm gone! Oh the unbearable pain of it all! /melodrama   I have a few more signature icons that I made in a fit of photoshop-foo. Take them and enjoy with no credit needed but please don't hotlink.     Back to avoiding the world for awhile longer.




Negative energy

I need to do something to get rid of my negative energy. I know part of it is depression, but part of it is my general attitude, and it sucks mightily.   Why is it that when I come to post something here, my mind goes blank? It's not like I don't have interesting thoughts in my head. I do! But once the page comes up, all I can see is that white canvas, and then I start thinking mundane thoughts, and it's all so irritating.   My wedding kimono FINALLY came today. It's... really crappy workmanship. I'm disappointed. Plus there are black smudges around the collar. Threads are loose from the fake obi, and the velcro is sewn all askew and through the wrong places... it's sort of freaking me out. Not that you can tell. Also, it doesn't fit me. That really sucks.   I wanted to get something else really nice for my swappee. I know for sure she has one of the things I have for her, so I went looking for other things. They all turned out to be things that I want for me, so that's a bad idea. I was all set to check out with some perfume oil samples from various and sundry other places, when I thought to myself: "Self, you ought to check your bank account." And I did. I'm so glad I did... but now what? I know, I'll get creative. But I wish I could do more.




Of wank, bugs, and studies.

I stink of: Ozymandias (this is so beautiful second time round-there's an almost Antique Lace-like quality to it, like AL in a desert breeze, with Egyptian musk behind it)   I'm a little bit surprised I wasn't picked on in the wank thread...I'm not sure whether I should be glad or sad about that. If there was a comment like 'OMG that stupid little yeahbutnobut/miss isis uk should go mummify herself or something if she's so into Egypt yada yada yada' would have probably made my day but really and truly, that thread did sicken me to the core. My self-torturing, curious side of my brain makes me want to go and read it more and it does become more laughably immature the more I read it. But seriously, comments like name calling and bitching about people's weight or saying that their av sucks belongs in primary school, not what should be an adult community, and the few moronic comments about Beth remarketing the same blend under a different name/using premade blends/lying about natural blends...the words 'horse', 'flog' and 'dead' come to mind.   My campus is under invasion by these really weird bugs. Not the usual wasps and flies and occasional mozzies I see every summer, but daddy-long-legs. These aren't the gangly, clumsy, somewhat farcical bugs that come out during the autumn, but a new breed altogether-these things fly elegantly, land perfectly on windows as opposed to the usual flailing of legs before landing, have markings like a wasp, and have huuuuuge legspans. I mean, huge-like the width of a tennis ball. They freak me out. It also makes me wonder if that urban legend about daddy-long-legs being the most poisonous creatures on earth is true...thank goodness they aren't able to use that poison because of their lack of sting or fangs!   In a week or so, I have my first exam. It's about quantum physics, nuclear physics, and relativity. Nice brain-scrambling stuff. I need to get revising a bit more-it's a truly fascinating and mind boggling module, but the maths involved in quantum makes my head throb so much...must stop forum-ing. Must begin studying.




Wank & Polite Society

So someone pointed me towards some LJ forum someone started up for the purpose of allowing people to anonymously vent their true feelings about the LJ Black Phoenix forum (and as it turned out, about bpal.org.) I read for a few entries before I had to stop, feeling absolutely sick to my stomach.   Who thought this was a good idea?   In my experience, anytime people can hide under a cloak of anonymity, the majority transform almost immediately into assholes. It's like passing notes in the back of the class in 7th grade or whispering to each other about how fat Susie is (and making sure Susie can hear them) — the desire to impress their peers with their capacity for cruel and malicious behavior manifests as the most horrifying vitriol. It all goes straight to "Lord of the Flies" island, because somehow, the people we meet on the internet aren't "real" people and so what we do to them smacks of the hypothetical. We don't have to be there and say these things to them face to face and deal with the chance that we might make them angry or make them cry — that we might actually have to face the consequences of our behavior first hand. It's all Unreal. We're all turned into sociopaths, because our audience comes pre-objectified for our convenience.   Are there people on these forums I don't like? Of course there are! There are even people I loathe, and people who are engaged in behaviors which I find self-destructive and/or unethical, and I want to throttle them. But you know what? That's okay. I know I'm not loved by everyone myself. I can be an insufferable know-it-all bitch (hey, even my Chinese horoscope says so) and I'm not always the easiest person to get along with. I know there are people on these forums who do not like me. I'm cool with that. They don't have to like me. And — and I LOVE this — we can continue to be civil with each other, because these forums are an atmosphere where its been made abundantly clear that civil manners and behavior are the rule of the day. As such, I try not call those people names or be nasty to them — one does not DO that in polite society. My reward is that sometimes these people I once disliked become friends I really love and enjoy — because I gave myself the chance to get to know them.   Of course, I suppose I could always log on somewhere anonymously and rant and rave and call people names, but honestly, what is to be gained from that?





I think "satiate" is a great word to say out loud repeatedly. It's difficult to say it out loud a number of times without putting a bit of an inflection into it, but that's part of the fun. Let's head off to the dictionary:   Pronunciation: [v]'seyshee`eyt, 'seyshi`eyt   Etymology: satiate (v.) c.1440 (implied in pp. adj. satiate), from L. satiatus, pp. of satiare "fill full, satisfy," from satis "enough," from PIE base *sa- "to satisfy"   Satiate is the root of "insatiable" and while I also love that word, it takes on a harder edge when said out loud. However, if Beth ever made a LE called "Insatiable," it would rank right up there (at least in my own private universe) with Smut and Monster in the Panties. I would buy it even it had jasmine and gardenia and rose and leather and everything that amps up and doesn't smell good on me. I'd decant it into imps and keep the bottle.   My tendency to talk about words that I like to say out loud, repeatedly, comes from a character in a short story called "The Smoker" by David Schickler. That story ran in the new fiction edition of The New Yorker in 2000, and as legend has it, Schickler had a book deal by noon on the day the story was published. You can find the story as a chapter in his book "Kissing in Manhattan," but I prefer to read the story as it stands on its own. It's a funny, mysterious little fantasy about a young man who's an English teacher at an all-girls private school in Manhattan and his most extraordinary student. The student, whose name is Nicole, likes to point out that certain words are nice to say out loud, repeatedly. I think "rinse" is one of them. "Trauma" is another.   But I like satiate the best.





So, we got approved on a house in the general area we wanted (yay), but then my roommate blew up over stuff she had been letting build up a while.   This moving thing is a disaster. Ridiculous levels of stress, exposing all sorts of problems that had been building up. I guess I'll have to get over being angry at how mean she was & talk to her about this stuff, or I'll have lost my best friend & have nowhere to live. Plus, my guy has been trying to help everyone get along, but he's upset over how all this stress has affected our sex life. Which, I'm trying, but ... crazy stress!!! All my anchors are missing ...   At least the dog still loves me. The cat seems pretty indifferent, but his food bowl's full, so that's only to be expected.   Time to stop feeling sorry for myself & go to work.





Soaps! I bought a Shub soap from the TP, but would love any other ones, especially: Misk U, carnal, Bliss.   Bottle of O. i wear this almost every night when i go to bed, and it's time to restock soon!   Luna planetary amulet from TAL   Some scents that i like, that i don't have the money to order bottles from the lab just now. Looking for partial or full bottles (not imps):   none right now   and some LE's - looking for imps or bottles (any amount)   Marshmallow Poof Banshee





(this is really out of date! but ones that i like or dislike shouldn't change much.)     (ratings on a scale of 1-10, 10 being best) sorry for the formatting but this is the easiest way to update from my excel file!)   Name Status Rating   13-gone-7 Absinthe-gone-6 Ace of Hearts-gone-7 Aeval-gone-6 Aglaea-gone-5 Ahathoor-Have (imp x2)-9 Ajna: The Third Eye-gone-- Akuma-gone-7 Al-araaf-Have (imp)-6 Alecto-Have (imp)-9 Alice-have (imp)-6 All Night Long-have (imp)-8 Al-shairan-Have (imp)-7 Amsterdam-have (imp x2)-9 Anahata: The Heart-gone-- And There was a Great Cry in Egypt-have (imp half)-8 Annabel Lee-Have (imp)-8 Anne Bonny-Have (imp)-8 Antique Lace-Have (imp)-9 Antonio, the Carny Talker-ordered from decant circle- Antony-Have (imp)-7 Arcana-Have (imp)-7 Arkham Revisited-Have (imp)- Athens-gone-3 Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo-gone-6 Aureus-gone-5 Ave Maria Gratia Plena-Gone-4 Baba Yaga-have (imp)-6 Baghdad-have (imp)-8 Baneberry-have (imp)-7 Banshee-Have (imp)-8 Baobhan Sith-Have (imp)-7 Baron Samedi-have (imp)-5 Bastet-have (imp)-9 Bayou-gone-6 Beatrice-have (imp)-8 Bed of Nails-have (imp)-8 Belladonna-gone-6 Belle Époque-have (10 ml)-8 Beltane-Have (5 ml)-9 Bengal-have (imp)-5 Bess-have (imp)-8 Bewitched-Have (10 ml, imp)-10 Black Cat-gone-3 Black Phoenix-have (imp)-7 Block Buster-gone-6 Blood-have (imp x2)-8 Blood Amber-have (imp)-7 Blood Kiss-have (imp)-7 Blood Moon-have (imp)-7 Blood Pearl-have (imp)-2 Brisingamen-have (imp)-7 Budding Moon-Have (5 ml)-8 Caliban-ordered 8/9- Calliope-Gone-4 Carnal-have (imp)-8 Carnival Diabolique-ordered from decant circle- Carnivàle-have (imp x2)-7 Cathedral-have (imp x2)-7 Catherine-Gone-6 Cathode-Have (imp x2)-6 Centzon Totochtin-have (imp)-6 Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors-have (5 ml CCIX, CCX)- Chaste Moon-Have (5 ml, shortie)-9 Cheshire Cat-Have (imp)-8 Chimera-Have (5 ml & imp)-10 Chiroptera-Have (shortie sniffy)-8 Chrysanthemum Moon-ordered 8/9- Cockaigne-ordered 8/9- Cordelia-Have (imp)-8 Coyote-have (imp)-8 Crossroads-Have (imp)-7 Dana O'shee-have (imp)-8 Dance of Death-gone-5 Danse Macabre-have (imp)-6 Danube-have (imp) -9 Delight-Gone-5 Delirium-have (imp x2)-8 Delphi-Have (imp)-2 Desdemona-have (imp)-6 Desire-Gone-5 Despair-Have (imp)-7 Devil's Night-Have (5 ml, imp)-8 Dia De Los Muertos-Have (rollerball) '04-8 Djinn-have (imp)-9 Doc Buzzard-Have (imp partial x2)-8 Doc Constantine-ordered from decant circle- Dorian-have (imp x2)-8 Dragon Moon-Have (5 ml)-8 Dragon's Eye-have (imp)-7 Dragon's Heart-gone-6 Dragon's Milk-Have (5 ml partial)-9 Dragon's Tears-Have (imp)-8 Dublin-Have (imp)-8 Eclipse-have (imp)-7 Eden-have (imp)-8 Egg Nog-have (imp)-8 Elixir I: Seduction-gone-5 Elixir II: Succor-Have (imp)-5 Elixir III: Lustration-Have (imp)-9 Elixir IV: Quietude-Have (imp)-7 Elixir V: Moxie-gone-6 Elixir VI: Detox-Have (imp)-9 Elixir VII: Safari-Have (imp)-8 Embalming Fluid-have (imp)-9 Empyreal Mist-Have (imp x2)-8 Endymion-Gone-5 Enraged Bunny Musk-Have (imp x2), Ordered from forum 4/25/06-8 Envy-have (imp)-7 Eos-Gone-5 Eris-Have (imp)-8 Et Lux Fuit-gone-7 Euterpe-gone-3 Eve-have (imp x2)-8 Evening Star-Have (imp)-7 F5-ordered 8/9 5 ml- Fae-gone-6 Fée -have (imp)- Fire Of Love-gone-5 Flower Moon-have (imp)-5 Forbidden Fruit-have (imp)-8 Fortunato-gone-5 Freak Show-have (imp)-8 Frost Moon-have (imp)-8 Fruit Moon-Have (imp)-7 Gennivre, L'artiste du Diable-ordered from decant circle- Glasgow-have (imp x2)-7 Gommorah-gone-6 Grandmother of Ghosts-gone-5 Graveyard Dirt-have (imp) -7 Greed-have (imp)-4 Gypsy Queen-Have (5 ml)-7 Hamadryad-have (imp)-8 Harvest Moon '05-gone-6 Harvest Moon '06-have (5 ml)-7 Has No Hanna-have (imp)-6 Haunted-gone-5 Hellcat-gone-7 Hellion-have (imp)-8 Highwayman-have (imp)-2 Himerus-have (imp)-5 Holiday Moon-Have (imp)-8 Hollywood Babylon-have (imp)-6 Honey-gone-6 Honey Moon-Have (imp)-8 Horn Of Plenty-have (imp)-7 House of Mirrors-have (imp x3)-7 Hungry Ghost Moon-have (5 ml)- Hymn to Proserpine-have (imp x2)-8 Iambe-gone- Imp-have (imp)-6 Intrigue-have (imp)-7 Jack-gone-6 Jacob's Ladder-gone-5 Jersey Devil-ordered 8/9 5 ml- Jezebel-have (imp x2)-9 Jezirat Ai Tennyn-ordered 8/9- Jolly Roger-Have (imp x2)-7 Juliet-Gone-6 Kabuki-have (imp)-5 Kali-Have (imp)-7 Kathmandu-Have (10 ml imp) -10 Khajuraho-Have (5 ml)-7 King of Clubs-have (5 ml)-7 King of Diamonds-have (imp)-8 King of Hearts-have (imp)-7 King of Spades-have (imp)-8 Kostnice-have (imp)-7 Kuang Shi-gone-5 Kumari Kandam-ordered 8/9- Kumiho-have (imp)-8 Kurukulla-have (imp x2)-8 La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente-have (imp)-8 La Fée Verte-Have (imp x2)-8 Lady Macbeth-have (5 ml, orig blend)-6 Lampades-Have (imp)-8 Languor-Have (imp)- Laudanum-have (imp)- Leanan Sidhe-have (5 ml)-9 Lear-have (imp)-8 Ligeia-Have (5 ml partial, imp)-3 Lightning-Have (5 ml & imp)-8 Litha-Have (5 ml)-6 Lolita-have (imp)-8 Loralei-gone-6 Lotus Moon-Have (5 ml)-7 Love in the Asylum-gone-6 Love Me-have (imp)-7 Lucretia-have (imp)-8 Lucy's Kiss-gone-6 Lughnasadh-have (imp)-9 Luna-Have (imp)-6 Lurid-Have (imp)-7 Lust-have (imp)- Mabon-have (imp)-9 Machu Picchu-Have (imp x2)-8 Madrid-gone-4 Maenad-have (imp)-7 Mag Mell-ordered 8/9 - Maiden-gone-7 Malediction-gone-3 Malkuth-have (sniffy)-5 Manila-have (imp)-4 Manipura: The Solar Plexus-gone-- Mantis-have (imp)-5 Masabakes-have (imp), 1 Gone-4 Medea-Have (imp)-7 Medicine Show-gone-7 Megaera-gone-6 Melisande, the Puppet Mistress-ordered from decant circle- Midnight-Have (imp)-7 Midnight Mass-have (5 ml)-8 Midnight on the Midway-ordered from decant circle- Midwinter's Eve-Have (5 ml)-8 Mi-go Brain Canister-have (half 5 ml)-8 Miskatonic University-have (5 ml)-9 Mistletoe-gone-6 Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller-ordered from decant circle- Monster Bait: Underpants-gone-6 Montresor-gone-5 Moon Rose-have (imp)-8 Morella-gone-5 Morgause-have (imp)-3 Morocco-have (5 ml x2, imp)-9 Mouse's Long and Sad Tale-have (5 ml, imp)-9 Muladhara: The Root-gone-- Muse-Have (imp)-5 Namaste-Have (imp)-6 Nanshe-have (imp)- Neo-tokyo-have (imp)-8 Night's Pavilion-Have (5 ml)-6 Nocnitsa-have (imp)-5 Nuclear Winter-have (imp x2)-7 Nuit-have (imp)-7 Numb-gone- O-Have (5 ml & imp)-10 Oisín-have (imp x4, empty bottle)-8 Ophelia-have (imp)-8 Orpheus-have (imp half)-7 Osun-have (imp)-7 Othello-have (imp)-7 Pannychis-have (imp) -6 Parlement of Foules-have (imp)-6 Peitho-gone-6 Pele-gone- Penthus-have (imp x2)-8 Peony Moon-Have (5 ml & imp))-10 Persephone-have (imp)-7 Perversion-have (imp)-7 Phantasm-Gone-5 Phantom-Gone-4 Phantom Queen-have (imp)-7 Phobos-Have (imp x2)-8 Pink Grapefruit-have (imp)- Pink Phoenix-Have (imp)-6 Polyhymnia-gone-4 Port Royal-ordered 8/9- Port-au-prince-have (imp x2)-8 Pride-have (imp)-7 Psyche-have (imp)-7 Pulcinella & Teresina-ordered from decant circle- Pumpkin Patch 1-have (imp)-6 Pumpkin Patch 2-have (imp x2)-7 Pumpkin Patch 3-Have (5 ml)-8 Pumpkin Patch 4-gone-3 Pumpkin Patch 5-gone-6 Queen-have (imp)-6 Queen Gertrude-gone-3 Queen of Clubs-have (5 ml, imp)-8 Queen of Diamonds-have (imp x2)-8 Queen Of Sheba-have (5 ml, imp)-9 Rakshasa-gone-6 Red Lantern-Gone-5 Red Phoenix-have (5 ml)-8 R'lyeh-have (imp)-7 Rome-Have (imp)-8 Rosalind-Have (imp)-8 Sacred Whore Of Babylon-have (imp)-3 Sahasrara: The Crown-gone-- Samhain-Have (5 ml)-9 Saturnalia-have (imp)-2 Scarecrow-have (imp)-7 Scherezade-have (imp)-5 Sea of Glass-gone-7 Seraglio-Have (imp x2)-8 Severin-have (imp x3)-8 Shadow-Gone-5 Shadow Witch Orchid-have (imp)-5 Shanghai-Gone-4 Shattered-Have (imp)-7 Sheol-have (imp)-6 Shroud-Have (imp)-8 Shub-niggurath-have (imp)-8 Silk Road-have (imp)-8 Sin-have (imp)-8 Siren-Have (5 ml)-9 Skuld-gone-4 Sleepy Moon-Have (imp)-8 Smut-have (imp)-7 Snake Charmer-Have (5 ml)-8 Snake Oil-have (imp)-7 Snow Moon-Have (5 ml, imp)-7 Snow White-Have (5 ml, imp)-8 Snowblind-have (imp)-9 Sol-Have (5 ml)-7 Somnus-gone-5 Sophia-gone-6 Spanked-gone-7 Spirits of the Dead-have (5 ml)-9 Spooky-have (imp x2)-8 Sri Lanka-have (imp)-8 Storm Moon-gone-6 Storyville-have (imp partial)-8 Succubus-have (imp)-6 Sudha Segara-Gone-5 Sundew-have (imp)-6 Swadhisthana: Sacral-gone-- Swank-Have (imp)-7 Szepasszony-Have (imp)-8 Talvikuu-Gone-4 Tamora-have (imp)-8 Tears-have (imp partial)- Tempest-have (imp)-8 Temple of Dreams-have (imp)- Terpsichore-gone-5 Tezcatlipoca-have (imp)-7 Thaleia-have (imp x2)- Thalia-have (imp)-8 Thanatos-gone-5 The Apothecary-Have (5 ml, imp x2)-9 The Bow & Crown of Conquest-have (imp)-8 The Candy Butcher-ordered from decant circle- The Caterpillar-have (imp)-6 The City in the Sea-have (imp)-8 The Coiled Serpent-have (imp)-6 The Death of Sardanapal-have (5 ml)- The Dormouse-have (5 ml, imp)-9 The Haunted Palace-have (5 ml)-8 The Hesperides-gone-2 The Ides of March-have (5 ml)-8 The Lady of Shalott-Gone-6 The Lion-gone-6 The Living Flame-have (imp)-5 The Masque-gone-6 The Mock Turtle's Lessons-gone-6 The Moon-Gone-3 The Organ Grinder-ordered from decant circle- The Perfumed Garden-Have (5 ml)-8 The Phantom Calliope-ordered from decant circle- The Pit & The Pendulum-have (5 ml)-6 The Premature Burial-have (5 ml)-9 The Queen Of Hearts-have (imp)-7 The Red Queen-Have (imp x2)-9 The Scales of Deprivation-have (imp)-7 The Unicorn-have (imp)-8 THE VORTEX-gone-- Theodosius, the Legerdeman-ordered from decant circle- Three Witches-have (10 ml partial, imp)-8 Tintagel-Have (10 ml partial, imp)-9 Tiphareth-gone-6 Titiana-gone-6 Titus Andronicus-Have (imp)-7 Tomato Leaf-have (imp)- Tombstone-have (imp)-9 Torture King-have (5 ml, 5 ml partial)-9 Toxin-have (imp)-9 Tulzscha-have (imp)-8 Tweedledum-have (imp)-7 Ultraviolet-Gone-5 Umbra-gone-5 Undertow-Have (imp)-8 Usher-have (5 ml)-8 Utrennyaya-have (imp)-6 Van Van-have (imp)-6 Vanilla Bean-have (imp partial)-10 Velvet-Have (10 ml & imp)-9 Venice-gone-6 Venom-have (imp)-6 Verdandi-have (imp)-8 Vice-Have (5 ml, imp)-7 Vinland-have (5 ml, imp)-8 Vishuddha: The Throat-gone-- Vixen-have (imp)-9 Voodoo-have (imp)-7 Wanda-have (imp)-7 Wanton-have (imp)-6 Water Of Notre Dame-have (imp)-8 Whip-gone-7 Whitechapel-have (imp)-7 Wildfire-have (imp)-6 Wings Of Azrael-Gone-3 Wolfsbane-gone-5 Wrath-have (imp)-8 Xanthe, the Weeping Clown-ordered from decant circle- Xiuhtecuhtli-have (imp)-8 Yemaya-gone-7 Yerevan-have (imp)-6 Yew-trees-have (imp)-7 Yuki-onna-have (imp)-9 Yuletide-Have (imp) -7           Sniffed and not interested in or disliked:   Aizen-myoo Anathema Beaver Moon Black Dahlia Black Pearl Blood Countess Bon Vivant Cairo Carceri d'Invenzion Casanova Corazon Darkness Depraved Dove's Heart Dreamland Drink Me Eat Me Enraged Orangutan Musk Euphrosyne Fallen Fire Eater Follow Me Boy French Love Frumious Bandersnatch Gingerbread Poppet Glitter Gnome Goneril Goona Goona Hearth '05 Hell's Belle Herr Drosselmeyer House of Night Hunter Moon Hurricane Hymn Jabberwocky Juke Joint Katharina Kyoto La Belle Au Bois Dormant Le Serpent Qui Danse Lenore Lex Talionis Libertine London Lump of Coal March Hare Mata Hari Midway Mitzvah Monster Bait: Closet Monster Bait: Underbed New Orleans Obatala Opium Poppy Pink Moon Rapture Rose Red Scorpio Sepulcher Snow Angel Snow Bunny Stardust Storm Strawberry Moon Sugar Skull Suspiro The Raven The World Tweedledee Twenty-one Tzadikim Nistarim Ulalume Unseelie Veil Villain Virgo White Rabbit Wilde Yog-sothoth Zephyr         TAL:   Have: 5 ml   White Light Temple Celtic     Have: Imps   Euphony Healing Jinx Removing Lionheart Meditation Peace Perpetuum Bonum Wealthy Business Nocturne 9 Muses       Had and passed on:   Cleo May





So the Entire Catalog circle is in action. I have about 20 or so imps that I'm donating to the cause. I'm going to use this blog to record my reviews on all of them, even if I've already done a review. I'm going to try to be anal about it.  




Been readin' the wank.

OK, I admit it. I've been over on the LJ BPAL Wank Thread for the past 2 hours reading other people's garbage. I'm repulsed by it and drawn to it at the same time.   Actually, I think some of it was basically right on the money. The problem is that the actual substance was buried in dumb insults and just over-the-top ranting. And I honestly do see the need for letting off steam about stuff that is irritating, especially to people who might agree with you... but there was a lot of naming names by anonymous people, and I don't think that's very cool. If you're going to name someone else in a complaint, name yourself too. Just my opinion.




I love Smut! Smutty Smut Smut!

This title was stolen from Anchorman, which like many other movies the first 10-15 minutes are the best -- "I love scotch! Scotchy scotch scotch!"   I put on some Smut before DH and I went out to grab some food and beer. Smut starts out almost agressively strong, but ends up a really nice sweet musky YUM. valentina sounds more sophisticated in that she mixes with O to make Smut-O-Rama, which is very creative and I should try. Bottle orgy! Woo!   I have several bottles that may be "in demand" on the resale market, but I would never sell them just because I like them so much. Smut is one of them -- it ends up so nice, I'm sitting like a dope with a smile on my face, that I would never want to sell them even if it was double what I paid.   If anything, I'll swap something I like but am not in love with. I don't care if it's LE for GC either, if it's something I really want. It's all about spreading the love.




Apartment Wishlist

Saw the apartment today. It looked okay. It was definitely in a convenient location but the place itself is kinda small. There are only two "official" bedrooms and one of them has no windows (wtf??!!) and the other one is the master bedroom and is already occupied. That left me with the windowless wonder (aka "The Cell") and the other "room" which was a very well partitioned off area of the living room. ::Sigh:: dissapointing, but I guess I'll take it, for the price, free cable, gym on premesis and location. Therefore, I need a new bed and a new desk, everything else (chair, bookcase, bedside table, lamps etc.) I already have.   I want: This Desk and This Lovely Bed Frame Maybe this chest/drawers and a(nother) bookcase. I'm getting tired of looking. Now I'm sad 'cause I don't really like the place all that much. I've been spoiled with the sweet apartment I've lived in during undergrad, I guess. This? is nothin' like that. aargh. *********** Registered for classes and it was pretty funny watching my advisor try to find a class that I haven't already taken in undergrad. Basically, I settled on Molecular Biology and Immunology for this fall. Both of which I've taken before, just not this in depth. Scared and excited. It was hell trying to navigate the website. My sheet of directions tell me to click on links that are no longer there, so that was oh-so fun. ********* Campus was beautiful and very different from where I went to school. It's a bit smaller to be sure (one of the reasons I was drawn to this school) but it has lots of greenery and wooded areas that would've been sectioned off for development in a nanosecond at other places. ********* I'm super-tired. Woke up early today, drove hours and hours, then walked and walked and did it all over again. Can't wait for sleep tonight. And tomorrow I get to wake up to a Friday! Whooo, TGIF in advance, to everyone!




Neverwhere and Mirrormask

Sorry, I don't have any insider information to share — just wanted to talk about my recent movie purchases. In a fit of wishful thinking and "isn't Neil Gaiman swell?" euphoria, I went down to my local video store and bought DVDs of the English TV series Neverwhere and last year's movie Mirrormask.   I really liked Neverwhere (the book.) It was witty and engaging and a bit weird and very, very...well...very Neil Gaiman. A good strong stock Neil Gaiman-esque protagonist (humble, slightly befuddled, generally unaware of cute he is, thoroughly well-intentioned, and just so damn nice) and enough interesting and different characters and places to really fire the imagination.   The TV series though? Oh dear. I kept watching and thinking to myself: "the poor lambs...if only they'd had a real budget this could have been really good." Enough money for sets and props and actors who could act (they weren't all bad, but those who were walked right past "bad" and didn't stop until they'd reached "awful.") It wasn't a terrible show (although I probably gave it considerable lee-way because I was so enchanted with the book) but Lord, it wasn't good either.   After 3 shows, I stopped watching and put in Mirrormask instead.   Just the thing to cleanse the palate, as it turns out.   I think Neil Gaiman is most on top of his game when he throws mythology into the mix. More specifically, I really do think he is the master of the modern fairy tale. "Modern fairy tale." Hmmph. Sounds like something that came out of a marketing brainstorming session on how to sell the latest remake of "Three Little Pigs."   What I mean by "modern fairy tale" is that some of Gaiman's work (Mirrormask and the coming-soon-to-a-theatre-near-you Stardust) has the quality of fairy tales that might have been written down by the Brothers Grimm three centuries ago, but weren't. There is that sense of wonder and excitement and internal rules that are not expected to be exactly the same as our rules, although they are damned familiar. Magical lands, and magical figures, and I am not quite doing these stories justice when I say that in Gaiman's hands "magical" is fresh and new, and not a word that's been used to describe so many things, from Pagan to Hogworts, that it has ceased to have much meaning.   Anyway, I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know: Gaiman has a loyal and devoted presence here on the forum, and a lot of people here had the chance to oooh! and aaah! over Mirrormask when it was still in the theatre. But if you haven't had the chance, I highly recommend you pick up the DVD. It's truly a beautiful movie.


