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fiddledragon 1

got fiddledragon 1 today! Yay!   fiddledragon 1 Bliss - reviewed Crossroads** already reviewed Faustus** Masabakes - reviewed Masquerade** - reviewed Nero** - reviewed Ravenous** - reviewed Salome** - reviewed     woohoo! scents I haven't tried before!




Diana #1 - all rev & sending to filigree_shadow

Picked this up at the PO on Wednesday.   Diana #1 Iago** - reviewed Delirium** - reviewed Empyreal Mist - already reviewed 9-5-05 Blood** - reviewed Burial** - reviewed Kumhio** - reviewed   so I've either got these or already tried them. It's ready to go to spacekitty or the next person on the list.   ETA: ok, I've got these all reviewed and sending this to filigree_shadow




Ancilla 1 - sent out

I got this yesterday or the day before.   Ancilla 1 Rose Cross** - reviewed Hamadryad** Jack** - reviewed Dove's Heart** Lightening** Bess** Ephemera - reviewed Tombstone - reviewed   ok, I"ve had this forever and I've tested the 2 imps that I don't have, so this is ready to send on its merry way.




Jessie 3 - sent out 2-15-07

got Jessie 3 today (along w/Jessie 1 & 2)   Jessie 3 Anubis - reviewed 2-15-07 Black Pearl - reviewed 2-15-07 Danube** - reviewed 4-22-07 Silk Road**   sent out 2-15-07 to spacekitty




Jessie 2 - sent to spacekitty 2-22

got Jessie 2 today (along with 1 & 3)   Jessie 2 Kathmandu** - reviewed 4-22-07 Lucy's Kiss - reviewed 2-19-07 Seance** - reviewed 6-4-06 Snake Oil** - reviewed 10-12-06 Spellbound** - reviewed 4-22-07 Tisiphone - reviewed 2-19-07 Viola - reviewed 2-19-07 Voodoo** - reviewed 7-4-06     (** indicates imps that I have)   ** sent to SpaceKitty 2-22-07




Jessie 1 - sent 2-15-07

Got Jessie #1 today (along with #2 & #3)   Jessie 1 Alecto** Blood Amber - reviewed 2-15-07 Emphemera** Grog** Hellcat - reviewed 2-15-07 Himerus** - reviewed 5-22-07 Iambe** Jack**   ** (imps that I already have)   all right, I've tested all the imps that I don't have, so this pack is ready to go.   sent out 2-15-07 to spacekitty





Lunacies - from my collection     Hunter Moon - released ____________ Flower Moon - released April 23, 2005 - reviewed Milk Moon - released April 23, 2005 - reviewed Strawberry Moon - released May 23, 2005 - reviewed Honey Moon - released May 23, 2005 - reviewed Buck Moon - released June 22, 2005 - reviewed Fruit Moon - released July 21, 2005 Harvest Moon (05) - released August 19, 2005 Blood Moon - released September 18, 2005 Beaver Moon - released October 17, 2005 - reviewed Snow Moon - released November 15, 2005 Holiday Moon - released December 15, 2005 - reviewed Budding Moon - released January 14, 2006 - Notations Sleepy Moon - released February 13, 2006 Peony Moon - released March 14, 2005 - reviewed Lotus Moon - released May 13, 2006 Hungry Ghost Moon - released June 11, 2006 Black Moon: Beth's Creation - released August 22, 2006 Schwarzer Mond: Brian's Creation - released August 22, 2006 Wolf Moon (06) - released December 2, 2006 - reviewed Lycaon - released December 2, 2006 Bakeneko - released January 1, 2007 - reviewed Hunger Moon - released Jan 1, 2007 ---------------- Kindly Moon - released September ____, 2006 - reviewed Dragon Moon - released ______________, 2006 Harvest Moon (06) - released ____________, 2006 Chrysanthemum Moon: A sojourn - released __________, 2006 Bitter Moon - released ____________, 2006 White Moon - released __________, 2006




filigree_shadow #4 - All reviewed

filigree_shadow #4: Ace of Swords - reviewed The Chariot - reviewed The Devil - reviewed The Emperor - reviewed The Empress - reviewed The Magician- reviewed The Tower - reviewed Euterpe - reviewed   picked this up 11-8-06. I've sniffed most of the tarots already so I should be able to turn this right around.   11-12: yay, all done - this is ready to send on to the next person!




Pink Owl 3 rcvd 9-29-06, shipped 10-3

Pink Owl 3 - received 9-29-06   Contents Santo Domingo** - already reviewed Ra** - reviewed Nocturne** - reviewed Dorian** Absinthe** - reviewed Casanova** - reviewed Has no Hanna** - reviewed   I need to check but I think that I have imps or bottles of all of these. In that case I can pass this right on.   ETA: shipped 10-3 to filigree_shadow




Pink Owl 2:shipped 7-14 & all reviewed - finally!

Pink Owl 2 Aeval - reviewed Carnal** - reviewed Hecate - reviewed Morocco** - reviewed O** - reviewed Red Queen** - reviewed R'Lyeh - reviewed   wheew! lots of imps to try!   7-12-06: woohoo! I'm on a sniffing roll. this one is ready to go to spacekitty too!   7-14-06: finally made it to the PO.   8-6-06: finally all reviewed!




Pink Owl 7: shipped 7-14-06

Picked this up at the PO tonight. (7-12-06)   Pink Owl Pack 7 Dana O'Shee** Santa Muerte** - reviewed Satyr - reviewed Thalia** Venice - reviewed Wilde**   weird, I was sure that I had an imp of Satyr floating around my house, but I couldn't find it. I've got most of these so I hope to move this along quickly.   ETA 7-12-06: OK, I've reviewed the 2 imps I don't have so this is ready to send to Spacekitty. Yay!   ETA 7-15-06: dropped this off at the PO yesterday, it's on its way.




Cordia 4: shipped 7-14-06

Picked this up at the PO tonight. (7-12-06) Cordia 4 Lady of Shallot** Lilith - reviewed Love Me** already reviewed Magus** reviewed Othello** reviewed Undertow - reviewed Whitechapel** - reviewed   I've got half or more of these already, so only a few to test. I've been wanting to try Lilith forever so I"m excited about this!   7-13-06: ok - this is ready to go to Spacekitty! yay!   7-15-06: dropped this off at the PO yesterday.




Home again

Home again after being weathered in for 2 extra days. It's beautiful here and good to be back. Found 3 more packs in my mailbox - it's going to be busy sorting through these!




traveling yet again

wahoo! I have no packages in my possession right now! I'm heading out of town tomorrow and can leave with a clear conscience; I only have about a gazillion imps of my own to test (to clear through what packs I've already seen).   ah, but at least I'm making progress. so far I've had 13 imp packs pass through my hand. canning and smoking fish is conducive to testing scents, you're in one place pretty much for the whole time the canning/smoking is going on.




kakiphony 2 - shipped 7-5-06. All reviewed.

picked this up today at the PO.   Kakiphony 2 Neo-Tokyo** - reviewed Vixen** - reviewed Tweedledee - reviewed Obatala** - already reviewed Leanan Sidhe** - reviewed   I've got all but one of these, I'm aiming to get this in the mail tonight!   ETA: ok, I've got Tweedledee tested, once I know where I'm sending this it's going out!   ETA 7-5-06: this is off to yellowrose!   ETA 7-10-06: ok, finally tried and reviewed all scents that were in this pack!




Cordia 3 - shipped 7-5-06. All Reviewed.

Picked this up 6-30-06 from the PO.   Cordia 3 Rage** - reviewed Dirty** - reviewed Szepasszony** - reviewed Bloodlust - reviewed Grand Guignol - reviewed Nuit - reviewed Zombi - reviewed   I've got half of these, so it'll take me a bit longer to get through this pack but it should still be pretty quick. I'll leave this one for last to get the other 2 on their way though.   ETA 7-4-06: I've reviewed all the imps that I didn't have and have started in on my imps to test. This is ready to go.   ETA 7-5-06: this is off to spacekitty   ETA 7-10-06: all scents in this pack reviewed!




Cordia 2 - shipped 7-1/3-06 - all reviewed

Picked this up 6-30-06, hopefully I can turn this one around really fast since it's been waiting in my PO for a while.   Cordia 2 Alice** - already reviewed the Coiled Serpent** - reviewed Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo** - reviewed Voodoo** - reviewed Libertine** - reviewed Lolita - reviewed Juliet - reviewed   I've got all the **ed ones, so I should be able to get this tested and reviewed this weekend.   7-1-06: shipped this out tonight, it was too late for the last mail pickup so it will go out with Monday's mail.   8-6-06: yay, all tried and reviewed!




kakiphony 1 - shipped 7-1/3-06

Picked this up 6-30-06   Kakiphony 1 Ava Maria Gratia Plena** - reviewed Hymn to Prosperine** - reviewed Jazz Funeral** Jolly Roger** - reviewed Juke Joint - reviewed   I've got most, if not all of these, so I should be able to get this out within a day or two.   ETA 7-1-06: took this to the PO tonight, it was too late for the last mail pickup so it will travel with Monday's mail.




June 30

A four day trip turned into an 11 day trip, so I have some catching up to do. Picked up 3 packages in the mail today so I have some catching up to do. Yikes!




cordia 1 - reviewed and shipped to Spacekitty

got cordia's package #1 last week (6-3 I think) - I thought I was making progress through the imps and then I get another pack! she used a film canister to pack them and they fit perfectly! what a great idea.   contents: Aizen-Myoo - reviewed Asphodel - reviewed Blood Countess - reviewed Follow Me Boy - reviewed Hunger - reviewed Yggdrasil - already reviewed Seraphim - reviewed   ETA: yay! this is ready to send on to Spacekitty!   ETA: 6-15-06, dropped this off at the PO today, so it's on it's way to Spacekitty!





update 6-7-06   I'm heading out of town for a couple days but I'm bringing all my dupes of the imps I'm testing in the swap so I hope that I can make some progress through some of them anyway. (The originals in the swap will be sitting safely here at home, don't want to take any chances!).   I just heard from spacekitty that she dropped another 3 packages in the mail to me yesterday so it's going to be busy once I get back! wahoo!   ETA 6-13-06: got into town last night after some great fishing, but now the work begins! didn't get a chance to really test any of the imps I brought with me; I was hesitant to use oils on the boat as the salmon can smell....no shit! so - I've got lots of catching up to do! whee!   (plus when I went to the PO this morning I found anther 3 packages! )




Arlykin #1 - shipped

This is last package I picked up in the mail today (6-13-06) from spacekitty. There are many in here that I don't think I have and I haven't tried yet, so this one will move more slowly.   Arylkin #1 contents: Envy - reviewed Harlot - reviewed Hesperides** - reviewed Imp** La Belle Au Bois Dormant - reviewed Laudanum** - reviewed Manila** - reviewed Shadow Witch Orchid - reviewed Zorya - reviewed *(I like this one, hang onto any imps that come my way)   6-16-06: shipped to Cordia Saturday. almost done reviewing all the oils - I've got dupes of the starred ones, so I should be able to move through these (except I just got my DM order!)




Ryvre #1 - shipped to Cordia and mostly reviewed

received 6-13-06 from spacekitty.   Yet another package - I've reviewed a couple of these so that'll be good! Plus I'm pretty sure I've got most of these in my yet to be tested/reviewed imps so maybe I can move this pack along pretty quick.   Ryvre #1 contents: Aureus - already reviewed and own big bottle Baghdad - already reviewed the Black Tower** reviewed Mata Hari - reviewed Phantom Queen** - reviewed Vicomte de Valmont** Wolf's Heart - reviewed   I've got imps of the rest of these so I think this pack is ready to send along!   6-15-06: dropped this along with Ryvre 2 off at the PO to Cordia today. I've got imps of the other scents I haven't reviewed so only 3 more to go in this one.




ryvre # 2 - shipped 6-15. All reviewed.

found more packages in my mail box this morning (6-13-06). this one is from Ryvre, package #2.   Contents: Come to Me* - reviewed Delphi* - reviewed Eclipse* - reviewed Fire of Love* - reviewed Saturnalia* - reviewed Van Sans Retour (bonus sniffie) reviewed via unreleased sniffing circle   ETA: I have all of these imps (and tried VSR) so I'm going to send this one along too.   ETA 6-15-06: dropped this off at the PO today, so it's heading to Cordia. I've got these all, so now I just have to test and reveiw them! I've got all my imps that I have to test due to this circle in a little baggie and I'm trying to make my way through them.   8-6-06: all reviewed finally!




arylkin #2 - shipped

ok - last post for the day...   just got this from spacekitty today (6-2-06).   contents: Centzon Totochtin** - reviewed Dublin** - reviewed Euphrosyne - reviewed Fenris Wolf** Lear** Maledication - reviewed Pannychis - reviewed Phantasm** - reviewed Seraglio** - reviewed       lots here too that I haven't tried. this is so great!   6-16-06: shipped to Cordia Saturday.



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