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The game is afoot!

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Happy New Year, all! I hope your 2014 was joy-filled and bright, but if that wasn’t quite the case…


The Lake of Forgetfulness: a deep, still pool of lavender, aged benzoin and patchouli, frankincense, and sorrow-honeyed ylang ylang. Deep beneath, there is a touch of fig’s sweetness and amber’s golden light.


… we present Lacus Oblivionis, the latest installment in our Map o’the Moon series.


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This month, we are thrilled to introduce our Sherlock Holmes line, 221B Baker Street. This series has been almost a decade in the making, and technically began the day I first read the Hound of the Baskervilles in third grade.


221B is a project that will overlap between Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Trading Post. Many members of the dramatis personæ will be available in perpetuity through the general catalogue, while the stories themselves will manifest as limited edition runs.


Sherlock Holmes has been a source of inspiration and pleasure for me, spanning almost my entire life, and helped me, as a child and as an adult, to understand the merits of critical thinking, the value of a potent imagination, and the necessity of observation.




It was on a bitterly cold and frosty morning during the winter of ‘97 that I was awakened by a tugging at my shoulder. It was Holmes. The candle in his hand shone upon his eager, stooping face and told me at a glance that something was amiss.


“Come, Watson, come!” he cried. “The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!”




My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know.


A fastidiously clean scent, with a dash of pipe and cigarette tobacco. Faintly beneath, you catch the fragrance of a smear of greasepaint, a stray horsehair, and a whisper of Moroccan leather and rosin.





I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life.


Tweed and crisp linen, lime-tinged aftershave, the sleek steel and oil of a well-cared for service revolver, and a memory’s echo of a Jezail bullet shell.




Label artwork for this line was created by Julie Dillon and Abigail Larson.

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