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Tropical Splash Barbie

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Hey there - Happy Christmas guys!


Bit of a random request. Not sure if anybody remembers this, but back in the 90s there was a 'Tropical Splash Barbie' (http://www.dollmasters.com/mmDollMaster/Images/BR-107.jpg) that came with a little perfume bottle. Me and my sister have been looking for it for years, because it smelt amazing! I've found a couple of the actual dolls on ebay, but people have said that the perfume itself is old and has gone off.


Does anybody know if they still make it, or if not does anybody know anything similar? Your help is really appreciated!





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I had that Barbie and loved that perfume as a child, lol. I always thought that it had a sweet, bright, tropical rose sort of scent. The closest thing I've found to that fragrance isn't a bpal scent, so I can't mention it here (against the forum guidelines to mention non-bpals in the recs), so I'll message you the name... the smell brings back such good memories for me <3.

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I had that Barbie and loved that perfume as a child, lol. I always thought that it had a sweet, bright, tropical rose sort of scent. The closest thing I've found to that fragrance isn't a bpal scent, so I can't mention it here (against the forum guidelines to mention non-bpals in the recs), so I'll message you the name... the smell brings back such good memories for me <3.


Can you message me the name as well please? I had this glitter lotion that came with one of my barbies, I wonder if it's the same scent. I can't remember what it smelled like just that it was SO GOOD lol

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