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Blood Moon 2011

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A Lunacy inspired by the magnificently morbid fantasies of Edgar Allan Poe: laudanum-stained linen scented by an ink-smeared tobacco musk and phantom bloodstains illuminated by monstrous moonlight.


ITI: Inky laudanum splashed upon worn, musky linen. This really does invoke Poe! I can just picture him in his study fervently writing under a blood moon.

Wet: Strong tobacco and musk, while laudanum takes up the middle territoriality I can still get ink and linen, although they are not as prominent at this stage.

Dry: It's gone slightly soapy with the resin, , but the linen, laudanum, musk, and tobacco still round out the scent to create something enticing while slightly foreboding.

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I adore all things Poe, so although I rarely order lunacies, this one was a must-buy. I didn't realize that I never reviewed it though, so this review is based on wearing my now-aged, original lab-purchased bottle today. Wet, definitely linen and a slight medicinal smell that must be the laudanum, or maybe that is the ink-stained tobacco. Either way, there is a musky scent, and I don't get any dragon's blood for the blood note. Overall this goes on lighter than I prefer and doesn't have a strong throw, but it sure has staying power because I can still smell it when I raise my arm to my nose 12 hours later. Overall this scent is perfectly evocative of Poe, and I really love it.

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