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BPAL Madness!

Chaste Moon 2010

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Though March marks the end of the desolation and chill of winter, it is not yet Spring, the time of rebirth, fertility and the Earth's fecundity. March's Full Moon is a Virgin's Moon, pure, youthful, unsullied and innocent. This is the Moon of the Child, and the scent is as soft and gentle as a baby's breath: milky blossoms and soft cream touch the last buds of winter, coupled with crystalline, hazy traditional Lunar oils.


In bottle: Those distinctive "lunar herbs" that almost never work on me and just a touch of creaminess.

Wet: Floraly lunar herbs, the creaminess stays well in the background, smoothing the overall feel of the scent.

Drydown: white florals with a hint of something wintery. That winter note is fresh and clear (the "crystalline" part of the scent description?). Maybe a little ozoney. I'm not really a connoisseur of wintery/icy/minty notes. That tiny bit of cream is still hanging on in the background.

Dry: I really want to like this but it's just not doing it for me. There's a slightly aquatic note floating around in here now. Maybe it's that icy/wintery/crystal note morphing. Like the ice that was formed into tiny crystals on the delicate white blooms is melting. I was hoping the cream would be more apparent but I can hardly smell it.

Long wear: After a few hours a sweet creamy, tiny bit of white floral scent is left on my skin. I like this part. If I could skip the step with the icy/aquatic note so prevalent, I would really like this.

Overall this is going in the swap pile. It does smell good, It's just not something I would really wear. I prefer my florals with something a little more grounded and robust.

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