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BPAL Madness!

Litha 2009

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... Golden honey and moss, with honeysuckle, chamomile, parsley, white gardenia, frankincense, carnation, vervain, gum arabic, yarrow, and liquid copal.


In the bottle: I'm not sure what I'm smelling, except to say it's kind of a dark and herbal smell.

Wet on skin: Getting a bit more floral now, but still dark and herbal. It's almost like the other scents are a little hesitant to come out and play in the darkness.

Dried down: It gets a teeny bit sweeter as it dries down, and I can finally pick out the frankincense note in the darkness.

Throw: I'm getting the teensiest bit of dark floral scent while I type. My nose is still a little stuffed, though, and this bottle had an orifice reducer on it, so my normal testing dots were a little thicker than usual. This probably has a decent throw.

Verdict: ****? This one surprised me. I didn't get any of the sweetness and light I was expecting, but a rather dark, herbal scent instead. And normally, I do pretty well with the sweeter scents, so I don't know where the honey honeysuckle and gardenia went to hide. But I like it, for some reason. I'll keep it for now, although I don't think it's going to be one of my more used scents, and I might change my mind in the near future and decide to swap it instead. It's definitely a mysterious scent for me.

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