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BPAL Madness!

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Carrot peelings, hay, chaff, molasses, maple oats, red apples, stable wood, and musk.

In the imp: Sweet...popcorn? Kettlecorn? Really?

Wet: On the skin I get carrots and grain, backed by the musk.

Dry: MUSK. I'm a bit disappointed, as everything interesting about this has settled down to sweet musk.

For me it has been a pretty close to the skin scent, but getting into hour three here it has virtually no throw. In this instance I'm actually kind of glad about that. I wish I could have gotten maple apple oatmeal goodness like so many others though.

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I'm so glad that I get the sweet oats and apples with a hint if maple from this. It doesn't have a lot of throw, but it is a warm smell that actually does remind me of sticking my head into the grain barrel in a warm barn in the winter.


So glad I was finally able to swap for this one.

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This starts out smelling kind of like an apple Herbal Essences shampoo - pleasant, but not what I expected. As it dries the grains come out and for about ten minutes there's a really nice mix, horsey and warm. At the end of the drydown it's all oats and molasses with a hint of carrots. Yum!

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Has a cute little horse on the label. :)


In the bottle: hay and a little bit of tart apple


On the skin: I still get strong HAY but also some apples and oatmeal. I do not like this hay note though. It's really strong and there's something about it that makes me ill. Kinda reminds me of bird seed maybe. I don't know but it's weird. The apple scent is good but it's battling the hay.


Drydown: On the drydown the hay gets a little lighter and some of the oatmeal scent comes out which is nice. I wish that was the prominent note not that hay. I don't get molasses but wish I did. This was kinda sad because the reviews make it sound so much better then it was on me.


It did have good throw and staying power but it was mostly hay :wacko2:

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