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Aloof, detached scents?

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Just what the title says :P. Kind of an odd request, but I'm looking for BPALs that make you feel aloof and/or detached (from society in general) when you wear them. I need to disengage a bit. I'd prefer recs that actually make you FEEL this way when you wear them, but stuff that just smells that way to you is fine too!


Notes I cannot wear:

~ jasmine of doom

~ amber

~ black musk, usually (it's ok on me in Wolf Moon '07)

~ red musk


Notes that usually aren't great:

~ any citrus (I amp it like hell. This includes verbena.)

~ violet

~ rose (except white rose)


Have at it :D.


(ETA - mods, I did search for a similar thread and couldn't find one. If it exists, mea culpa and abject apologies.)

Edited by Electra

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Neo-Tokyo - with its ozone and bamboo, always feels slightly chilly and calm to me.

Ophelia - I'm not a fan of rose either, but this didn't amp to high heaven on me, and it definitely had a cool, distant quality to it.

Sea of Glass - some people smell grapefruit in it so you might exercise caution, but for me it's a very calm and meditative beachy scent, simulating that long walk-and-think experience in my head.

Severin - Has bergamot, which is slightly citrusy but a lot of people who can't wear lemon/verbena/grapefruit don't mind it quite the same way. Severin's something I wear when I don't have time for people messing with me, and the leather adds just enough interest to distinguish it from other cool/clean scents. Sea of Glass is "I want to be alone," Severin is "LEAVE me alone," if you get me.

Edited by northatlantic

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Black Opal is a lovely scent, but it's rather cold and always makes me feel calm and a bit detached and solitary. Not lonely, but just a bit removed from the general fray, an observer.

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Fallen is exactly the way that the Lab describes it - handsome and regal, but with a distinctly chilly and isolated undertone. It does however have a bit of amber in it, but there are enough other notes that I think you might be OK with it. :P

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Cathode. It's cool and green like forest shade, and it makes me feel remote from everyone else but in a good way, like I'm happy to be alone in that lovely forest with the sunlight and shade and trees all to myself.

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Silence from the Salon. It's beautiful and delicate, but definitely not a warm scent. It makes me feel exactly as you described when I wear it.

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Niflheim seemed very cool and isolated to me. It felt lonely, which may not be quite the evocation you're looking for, but I felt kind of "checked out" when I wore it. I wasn't quite sure I liked it, but if that's what you're seeking , then it's a good thing!


The description: The House of Mists, a land of icy fog, shadowy darkness and soul-chilling cold. Dark, damp blossoms winding through an impenetrable, murky gloom.

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I'm still thinking about how I'd answer your query - but I thought you might want to see this thread. It's not quite the same concept that you are getting at, but the responses quinkel got could be helpful.


Ozone and aquatic notes always strike me as cool and aloof... particularly the blends from the Springtime in Arkham Run (Yog-Sogoth, Kingsport, Dunwich, Cthulu...). But I'll put some thought into it.


Don't disengage too much, we need you around here. :P Hopefully this is just in regard to a tiny area of your life!

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I hate rose, and yet I love Les Fleurs du Mal. It would be cruel if it weren't so uncaring. I like it for days when I want to feel like a powerful bitch-queen. :P

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I find The Bow and Crown of Conquest from Sin and Salvation to fit this category exactly. It is indeed haughty-smelling, but also sexy. It's like the hot aloof person that you want so bad but won't spare you a glance.

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It does depend on how you're defining, or "feeling," the aloofness. You might feel it as a sharp, isolated scent, or you might feel it as a chilly, cool scent.


One "leave me alone, I am mighty and thinking evil thoughts" scent is Czernobog. I was in a play last year as a murderer and wore Czernobog every night. Three different musks (though I don't know if black is one of them).


My favorite "chilly" scent is Old Demons of the First Class. It's what I want to be wearing walking alone on a snowy day (that or Rumpelstilzchen, but Rumpeletc. is a friendlier scent).

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I suggest Lady of Shalott - The scent of calm waters just before a raging storm, limned with achingly-beautiful blooms, an icy scent, but somehow warm, and mirror-bright: bold gardenia, crystalline musk, muguet, water blossoms, clear, slightly tart aquatic notes and a crush of white ginger.


I always wear it when I'm wanting to feel a bit detached from whatever chaos is going on around me.

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I am a bit of a head in the clouds kind of person, so I think I am drawn to these types of scents. I have a lot of recommendations!



Ondurdis from this year's yules makes me feel very ice-queen when I wear it. It's cold and piney, but has a hint of berries and spice that adds sexiness to the strong and icy overtone. I don't think it contains any of your notes of doom either (which are surprisingly close to mine...I can't wear amber, jasmine, or violet). Other snow/cold notes haven't had that effect on me, really, so this is one of my new favorites.


When I wear Blood Countess I feel a very cold and calculating, narcissistic kind of disconnect. I guess it is very true to its namesake!


I agree with the other member who recommended Czernobog. To me, it evokes a very isolated feeling, like pure darkness. It reminds me of the smoke monster on Lost.


Black Forest, last but not least. This scent is being lost at night in a huge, cold, dark forest, no civilization in sight.

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U Mutter museum - has a very unique, "green", cold...specimen like feel to it. I think you can order it form the museum, or hunt around for a decant to try before ordering.

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