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This is a powerful attraction and advancement blend. It aids in polishing and magnifying your best qualities, while downplaying your flaws. Increases charm and wit, and helps you shine in a crowd. Wear a drop on each chakra point.

I can't speak to whether this works for its intended purpose or not, because I can't get beyond the smell. It smells a lot like Faustus to me...very frankincense-y. Sort of a fuzzy, muddled resinous smell, but I didn't like it. I eventually had to wash it off because the scent bothered me. I'm very happy to read that so many people love it, though!

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I can't believe it's taken me so long to review this.


Scent-wise, I can't place it - it smells kind of creamy, but also like a kind of musk my father used to be very partial to. It's not masculine, imo, but unisex.


I have been wearing this just as instructed - one drop on each chakra point - almost every morning for about two weeks. I have been having perpetual bad hair days, bad skin days, bad makeup days, etc and knowing that I'm wearing something that's supposed to downplay my flaws improves upon my mood almost instantly.


More noticeable though was the affect on others. Everyone around me seems enamored, vying for my attention. My boyfriend, too, has appeared... starry-eyed, I guess you could say, and every day I'm wearing this, there is some point during the day that he gets uber-romantic, cuddles me and tells me I'm beautiful, his girl, etc. It's adorable.


I also FORGET the flaws I'm trying to downplay while I have this on. Instead of whipping out my mirror to check my face every two minutes as I normally would on a terrible day (not vain, just obsessive!) I completely neglect to take it out at all. That's PHYSICAL flaws. I haven't even used it yet with the intention of hiding anything deeper than that.


But I can't see why it wouldn't work there, too!



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I just got Charisma yesterday.

Last night and this morning, I applied it just as instructed. A little drop on each Chakra point. This stuff is POWERFUL. I feel more energetic, confident and charismatic. And it apparently works on other. People are laughing at my jokes! That never happens, lol.


As for the scent. Kind of hard to describe. Definitely magickal smelling. A little bit creamy, something similar to Water of Notre Dame is in there too. I dunno. I'm not really wearing it as "perfume". (I'm wearing the new 13 as perfume, and they seem to go great together. Can't wait to see how Charisma works with my other workday fav Holiday Moon.)


GREAT! Thanks Lab, what would I do without you?

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The scent of Charisma is a bit hard to pinpoint... it's warm, but not too thick, musky, slightly herbal? I really have no idea.

Whatever it is, this stuff works. It seems to enhance your natural qualities, makes you more energetic and confident.

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To me, Charisma has a pale, watery brown sugar scent.............the jury is still out for me on it's efficacy, but it's such a gentle blend I simply love wearing it.

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I applied Charisma on the day I received it, without preparation or a proper ritual, because I was on my way to class and I had to give an oral presentation I didn't feel ready for.


The smell was pleasant but I can't describe it, like others here. A bit floral, a bit musky, and it doesn't smell like beer (ie sour and yeasty) but it somehow reminded me of it. :P In a way it smells pleasantly reaffirming, although I didn't notice any dramatic effects in class or later. The presentation didn't take place, it was postponed until next week. Let's see.


ETA: I have used Charisma several times, including The Oral Exam on which my chances of getting a job depended. I got a 90%, and the job. I find that Charisma gives me confidence and positive results in the long run.

Edited by Nia

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I need to order a new bottle of Charisma; I'm almost out. I try to be generous sharing this one, as it works so well, so I've decanted a lot of it out for others.


Interviews, performance reviews or requesting a raise, first impressions - those are the sort of things for which I'll wear Charisma. I've never had it fail me, but here's one example of how well it works:


I submitted seven online applications while searching for a job recently; annointed my chakra points with Charisma before I started submitting. Started getting interested e-mails about the applications; annointed myself with Charisma and made calls/returned e-mails. Ended up with three phone interviews; back to the Charisma just before each one. Three requests for face-to-face meetings; bring out the Charisma. Three interviews in one morning; three job offers.


The last interview and offer was the funniest (and the one I accepted): at the end of the interview, they ask me if I'm interested at all, and I tell them they've really gotten my attention. However, because I have two other job offers on the table and the woman who does the hiring had broken her foot that morning when she fell on the way into the office, I realize it's going to be at least a week before they make a decision, and I really don't want to wait that long. The department head says, "So if we offered you the job, you'd take it? Hang on a second," and turns to the two other people at the conference table. "Suzie, Tina - you were in on the other interviews, and I wasn't ... is she the best candidate? I can't imagine that the others could possibly be any more perfect than she is." Nervous looks around the table - this obviously isn't the hiring norm at a university - and then one says, "Yes, she's absolutely the perfect fit for this. You'll be lucky if you can get her, though." Department head turns to me, apologizes for being so off-the-cuff about it, and offers me the absolute high end of the administrative pay scale because he has to have me for me the job because (I love this part) I am "absolutely the best-smelling candidate. Erm ... best qualified. I'm so sorry! I don't know where that came from. I'm just flustered because I've never had a better candidate come in for an admin position - unless you're a flat-out liar and your references hate you, and I can't imagine that to be the case - you seem to have no flaws in your experience at all."


Charisma: good for interviews, good for first impressions, and good for your ego! :P

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I have a half-decant of Charisma that I thought I'd use because I REALLY wanted something to turn out well.


I had my second job interview today with a non-profit that I'd really like to work with. The interview went well. The first two interviewers said I asked a lot of good questions, and the CEO ended up staying an additional twenty minutes to talk to me and told me I was a good listener and talker. I think we really hit it off.


Hopefully, they'll call me soon!


And if they do, I totally am going to buy a bottle of Charisma! Call me a believer baby....


ETA: They called and offered me the job! Huzzah! The CEO even called me afterwards to welcome me and that he is super excited to work with me. Yeah!

Edited by zankoku_zen

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First sniff: Soft incense and bright citrus. It’s yellow-orange and very cheerful.


Wearing: It’s a lovely mood-booster. It’s hard for me to get a proper sniff because I left it off my wrists, just did the chakra application, so I can’t really get my nose to any of the application points! But the aura is that lovely citrusy incense. Ooh, wait… I can smell it if I stick my nose inside my sweater. :P I don’t think I can do that at work, though. It’s very warm and golden and inviting. (I should note here that I’m speaking of the scent, not my cleavage!)

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Bottle: Herbally incense


Wet: Warm, smoky and resinous.


Drydown: I put a drop on all of my chakra points as instructed! I smelled something warm and comforting for about the next hour. I can't say for sure wether or not it worked, but I think it did. DH and I watched tv, then cuddled and apparently I 'seduced' him while cuddling. So I had a great night!

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Disclaimer: I am nowhere near as good as most of you at breaking down notes w/in the blends, but I can give my thoughts to a certain degree :P



I get a lemon and honey vibe from Charisma. From start to finish. Sort of like the cough drops, but nice and not medicinal in the least. I wore it around folks I know and am (for the most part) comfortable with, just to see if there would be any noticable effect... And there was! Everyone was super friendly, and even when I made mistakes, no one pointed them out. I really like this one, and will be getting a bottle soon :D

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In my Criminal Justice class I had volunteered to be the prosecutor for the mock trial we were having. I worked very hard on the opening and closing statements, worked out a good strategy, and put together tough questions that would steer things my way.


I put some Charisma on each wrist and rubbed the extra on my arms. I figured I could use it so that the 'jury' would pay attention to me and not think me too much of a bitch while cross-examining the defendant.


On the bus people kept smiling and starring at me. I thought I might have something on my face, but no. And on the way to class, the other students were smiling at me and starring at me a lot too. In fact, the strange level of attention continued all day and into the evening.


The mock trial went really well. I surprised the 'jury' with angles on the case that they'd hadn't had from reading the packet. I managed to make the whole class react (with gasps and giggles) when I cross-examined the defendant. I was able to demonstrate premeditation. The defense attourney said that one of the arguments I made was something that hadn't even occurred to her and that as soon as I said it she knew she was screwed.


All in all I had a really great time. I would like to think that the success I had was due to my creativity and preparation, but I think the Charisma added something. It should be interesting to see what happens next week when I have that class again.


Charisma = A+ (I meant that as my grade for Charisma, but if I wind up with an A+ that would be great too)

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Charisma is a definite must-have in my TAL arsenal. The beautiful fragrance (warm, slightly spicy, yet light and refined) makes it a pleasure to wear and much more importantly, the results are rather spectacular!


I am now on my second imp and just received my bottle from TAL today, so after quite a bit of use, I can honestly say that this oil has never failed me.


So far I have worn Charisma in the following circumstances:

- to meet up with my very first client as an independent consultant: I got the consulting gig before my company was even officially set up!

- to coaching practice: I am studying to become a certified professional coach and the key to a constructive coaching relationship is establishing trust and rapport with complete strangers. Well, not only do people feel comfortable opening up to me, they consistently tell me that I inspire them, ask to stay in touch, etc.

- to networking events: acts as a great social lubricant!


Ahem, all of this sounds like I am boasting of my Amazing Personal Power here, but really, Charisma works and amazingly well, at that! Highly recommended.

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First, it's relevant to mention that I am autistic (which causes me to be very socially awkward and clumsy), and am social phobic on top of that. I have always had enormous trouble making friends in real life and have spent the last few years mostly in isolation. I do not so much avoid social situations, but I'm rarely included/invited to them.


Charisma works. It does. I've had it for a while and never before had exactly the right occasion to use it properly. I did on Thursday night, and a situation that terrified me was very much smoothed, people seemed to find me incredibly interesting and kept encouraging me to talk, I had a truly wonderful time, and I came away with several new friends who I think may end up being be long-term.


I actually don't care for the smell of it. To me something about it smells fermented and sour and a bit like beer (I don't like beer). After applying it whilst concentrating on my intent, I put a ton of Dragon's Heart into my scent locket so I wouldn't obviously smell of Charisma and only Charisma.


Still, 5 out 5 for intent, and will be a permanent fixture in my TAL arsenal.

Edited by lilirose

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Charisma is quite strong smelling on me. It reminds me sort of the smell of ginger beer or some other rooty beer that's spicy. I don't adore the scent but I don't hate it. But hey, I'm not wearing it to smell good :P


I wore it to a job interview on the 28th of April along with a hint of Blockbuster (the Blockbuster was for me). I had a big honking cold sore I developed the day before and frankly I was flustered and gave what I believed to be a sucky interview. I wasn't too confident in getting a call back, and when I hadn't heard by Monday (and they expected to know by Friday) I'd given up. I got an email for a second interview request today. I gotta tell you Charisma must of smoothed over my rough edges because I didn't imagine in my wildest dreams that I'd get called for the first interview, never mind the second!!

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I just wanted to add my review/endorsement of Charisma - I can't for the life of me identify notes or tell you what it smells like (though I think it smells good), but it seems to have a nice trick of smoothing the way with people. I haven't used it very often, but a few weeks ago I was at a conference and each day I dabbed a wee bit on my chakras (or what I generally think of as my chakras - I'm not very informed about the chakras per se, but I put it on the crown of my head, just between/above my brows, at the base of my throat, over my heart, and just below my navel). I always wore something else for scent - I couldn't even smell Charisma, and I forgot I had it on - but by the end of the conference I realized that my social interactions had gone really well. I enjoyed talking to people, I felt calm and confident, and people really seemed to enjoy talking to me.


Now, I'm sure it helped that I was meeting up with friends much of the time :P but still, negotiating large groups of people and staying "on" for a few days at a time is usually really hard for me, and I really felt very little of the usual awkwardness that I feel in social situations - which I think was at least partly because the Charisma was working and people were responding positively.


Anyway, I really want a bottle for further experimentation, now. :D

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Scent in the vial:

I can't quite place the scent – the notes elude me at the moment – but it's smells... reassuring. Like something saying “Hey, I know what I'm doing – you can trust me!” - how interesting!


Scent “in use”:

I don't know my chakras if I'm honest, so I'll wear this as a regular perfume. On me, it keeps its reassuring aura. It's sort of a powdery scent, but – smoky? It's not so much a pretty scent as as a comforting one – it sort of puts you at ease.


Someone has willingly chosen to hang out with me – I take that as a good first indicator. Otherwise, no hugely noticeable effects. Oh well! It made me slightly more confident, so it's a keeper purely based on that.

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smell: very spicy, probably not something i'd wear normally so i only used a little but could smell it on me all day! i wasn't feeling too well that day and all i can remember is that the spicyness was giving me a bit of a headache. i doubt this would happen on a normal day/


effect: wow this works! i wore it to work and even though i went home ill at lunchtime i had really good conversations with people! i work as a teaching assistant and didn't notice any effect on the children, but then they are always chatty with me :P now if i could only get it to work on my confidence.


overall: a definate keeper, i'll be wearing this at work and may look into getting a full bottle.

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Color me impressed, y'all. This stuff is awesome.


So, I had a paper to write for school, on an incredibly esoteric topic, and I'd been putting it off all week. It's due...well, in 4 hours actually. I'd been having an incredibly tough time getting myself to do the damn thing, and I finally had to get it done tonight (or last night, I guess).


I am a terrible procrastinator, so I wanted to try to arm myself against goofing off when I should be writing. The only semi-relevant TAL oil I have is an imp of Charisma, and I figured I'd give a shot. Anointed my chakra points, and visualized my best aspects amplified (my ability to think quick, improvise when my knowledge is lacking, etc.) and my worst downplayed (procrastination, procrastination, procrastination) and then visualized myself getting my paper done by 5 AM this morning on the dot, time enough to get a bit of rest before class.


Seriously, it was amazing. Instead of sitting, staring blankly at my computer like I usually do when I'm trying to speed-write a paper, I was kicking ass and mowing through it. I got it written, and when I looked up to see what time it was when I was done? 5 AM exactly. :P


Buy this now, seriously.

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The scent is not bad, I rather like it actually, but I don't wear it for perfume, just a drop on each chakra point as instructed. I wear this when I know I will be meeting new people, or just when I feel as if I could use an extra boost. I'd say it helps my mood about 75% of the time.

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I love charisma. When I wear this I can feel my cha stat boot up by at least 25! (OMG, nerd joke. :P ) Seriously though, I have a little medicine dropper I use just for this scent, and I apply one drop to each of my chakras - occasionally I will do a drop on each ankle and wrist, as well, but not always.. and, the results are noticeable. It helps me to be more confident, and people generally seem more interested in me - even if I'm not really interacting with them much. (Waiters, for example, haha.. fun times with charisma? :lol:) Who knows, maybe it's just a mind over matter thing, but ya know, whatever works!


Definitely makes me want to try out other TALs.

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After a long period of depression and self-isolation, the time came for me to get back into interacting with people. However, my skills felt rusty and a confidence boost was in order. Based on the reviews, Charisma sounded like a good choice.


Charisma smells like spicy baby oil: nothing you'd wear as a perfume, but nice in its way. I applied a little to each chakra and felt my root chakra heat up, which is not an unusual effect when working with TALs (one sniff of White Light is usually enough to open my third eye). Then I put on some lively music and danced around my apartment for a while to ramp up the good vibes. When it comes to rituals I follow my gut, and this seemed the way to go. I did this twice in one week.


The effects? In a word: Wow. I have been seriously on my game lately. I've been having wonderful fun talking to people both online and in real life. And the people I'm interacting with seem to be having fun, too. They're friendly and welcoming. I don't feel awkward, I don't want to withdraw. My wit is in good form. This was precisely what I'd hoped to achieve.


But wait! There's more! That extra confidence has affected my job performance, especially in my ambulance work. I've been feeling more capable and secure in my skills, and I'm having better interaction with my patients and crewmates. This is 36 flavors of awesome.


I do not attribute these results entirely to Charisma. As you all know, it takes more than a bottle of oil to get results. Intention is hugely important. I had already made a couple of little changes in my life that were helping me to a better mental/emotional space. I got the ball rolling. But lemme tell ya, Charisma definitely gave it a good kick. Do not hesitate to add this one to your TAL arsenal.

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I have been "underemployed" for almost a year now, and just last week a job in my area finally opened up. Aside from being rather modest in terms of pay, it looks perfect, and I think I would be a great fit for the position. It's rare for me to feel so positive and so confident, but I feel like this job is mine... and now I just have to convince the personnel manager! :lol:


I burned candles anointed with Steady Work and Road Opener while working on the cover letter and submitting my application last week. Today I had resolved to make a follow-up call, so I anointed my throat and heart chakras with Charisma and went about my day. I felt surprisingly buoyant and kept catching little wafts and thinking, "Mmmn... I smell gooood". Sexy but understated, I felt like I was wearing a classic perfume. The scent is hard for me to pin down, even after reading all the reviews. It's rich and warm and sensual, resins and woods rounded out with something vanillic. At a guess I'd say there's benzoin, clove, musk, and some kind of balsam - maybe some amber, maybe some citrus, maybe some patchouli. It reminds me ever so slightly of Estee Lauder Youth Dew, but it's lighter and I like it much more. I was in love with the way I smelled all day and was actually looking forward to making the call, which is totally out of character for me (I have social anxiety and hate talking on the phone).


Disappointingly, I was routed to voicemail and left a rather stilted, awkward message. I'm not sure if Charisma works if they can't smell you, but I hope it somehow smooths over my less than smooth overture. :nervous: I'll be continuing to wear Charisma over the next few days and will report back as soon as I have more news.





I didn't receive a return call, so two days later I again anointed my heart and throat chakras with Charisma and rubbed a few drops of Steady Work into my palms and called again. I spoke with a very nice receptionist who informed me that yes, they did have my application materials and who then gave me a very polite "don't call us, we'll call you". *sigh*


But something else interesting did happen that day. I've been trying to get a local pet store to carry a particular type of dog food for several months, and have placed two written requests for them to special-order a small quantity for me to purchase, with no luck. Well, when I stopped at the pet store to pick up some supplies that day, there was a man standing squarely in front of the shelves of dog food - right in my way. As I attempted to politely maneuver around him, he started asking me questions about my buying preferences and asked me if I had ever heard of X-type of dog food, which happened to be the exact kind I'd been requesting. I exclaimed that yes I was familiar with it and that I wanted the store to carry it. He introduced himself as the owner of the store and said, "Well then, that's that. I'll start stocking it."


It might have been a coincidence, or it might have been Charisma.





The job that I so desperately want called today to ask me some simple, yes/no follow-up questions. After I was done answering them, the gentleman I was speaking with informed me that he would pass along my answers and that someone would call me if I qualified for an in-person interview. I quickly slapped on some Charisma and some Steady Work and concentrated my energy and intentions on the job. I kept thinking, "Pick me! Pick me!" :P


Not even an hour later, someone else called back to schedule an interview with me!


I'll definitely be wearing Charisma to the interview, and I'll be sure to report the outcome.





First interview went well. They called me back the next day to schedule a second interview with the district director. Fingers crossed...





Second interview went well, too. Apparently they're having a tough time deciding, because they called back that same afternoon asking for two writing samples. I should hear back tomorrow, so I've still got fingers and toes crossed!





I GOT THE JOB!!! :joy:

Edited by Apple

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As for scent, this is a citrussy, fresh incense. It kind of reminds me of Faustus. It doesn't really change much from wet to dry, though it may get a tad powdery

As for intent, I was really to busy to notice, and I wore it out for only an hour or so. I did notice a couple of glances, but nothing out of the ordinary. I'll have to try it on a social occasion and review it for intent then.

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Can I please bathe in this? It smells so amazing! I just got this today, so I will have to come back and edit about the effectiveness but, lawdy lawdy this smells divine.


In Bottle: It smelled very softly resinous and powdery, much like Follow Me Boy does. Honestly, I was bummed but remembered I didn't buy it for the scent alone, and thought it might grow on me like others have.


Dry Down: After about an hour I resniffed and out of no where it bloomed into this thick, heady, yet somehow still very light and soft amber/ honey scent...much like O to me (which is one of my favorite scents).


This is definitely going to get a lot of wear, I can tell already.





Well, well, well... this is quite wonderful. Not only does it smell amazing (seriously, YUM. I can't stop sniffing myself), but it works well with clear intentions. I primarily got it because owning a store means I have to talk to people a lot. I'm kind of shy and at almost 30 I still feel like the awkward art kid from high school. This really seems to bring a lot of wit to the surface, and who doesn't like to make people laugh?!

Edited by ECLECTIC

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