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BPAL Madness!

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A subtle love and money combination blend. Tends to invoke the luxurious, pleasurable aspects of romance and prosperity.

I got a decant from a very lovely forumite through a swap. She knows who she is! I :P you!

The first time I tried M&H was actually during New Year's when I met up with jewelbug at a party and she anointed my palms with a dab from her decant. We left a hopping party for a quiet rest of the evening with my sister-in-law's and her husband's and two of their friends, but it was okay in the end.

I've dabbed M&H on twice since I've received my decant, once before an interview and once while at work. For the interview, I got the job. And after work, well, my husband was pretty cuddly when I got home. Both times I wished for 'good things', so the intent was there but I wasn't particularly focused on anything particular.

M&H for me is an almost insta-mood uplifter. And yes, in my mind, it does bring out some of the more luxurious aspects of life. Personally, it's like pampering yourself.

I do love the scent which is very honey and florals on me. I love it as a perfume, but since it isn't meant to be worn as one, I've been trying to find a BPAL equivalent to it. From a perfume perspective, the closest thing that comes to mind is O, but O is singularly sexual whereas M&H gives me more of a sensual vibe... and really, both times it's simply been more like enjoying the feel of a rich velvet or draping yourself in cashmere. Nothing opulent or extravagant, but just a little something... richer, and a little out of the ordinary.

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Milk and Honey was my favorite of the TAL oils I got recently from a decant circle (favorite over all after arabian nights).

The two times I have used it I have gotten fantastic results... more obvious than I've gotten from some of the blends that aren't described as 'subtle'.


First time, I was flipping out driving, drifting off, not able to pay attention to the road... so I dug around in my purse to see what I had packed for the road trip (expecting concentration)... I was all like "why on earth did I pack milk and honey for a trip?". It was an off label use, but it helped me calm down and feel better...


Second time is a far better example of its uses: My computer had been acting up (dying) and after three reboots still wasn't turning on... so I tried one last time, anointing the enter key with it. By the time I had gotten back with a beer, the computer was running. I still needed to back up the files though, and my external HD power source still wasn't in. So I called up a friend, went over to his house... and his power cord just happened to work. I found a job at a place I had been wanting to work at wishfully for over a year the next day (all taking place in a 2 hr time span). Ex-Boy-Toy suddenly got romantic (something he never is... and I tried a few TAL love potions)... and is taking me out for dinner tonight. Last night I wasn't feeling well, and he came all the way across town to get me and hold me in his arms (back at his place, because he is still a control freak, but I can forgive him that sometimes). Milk and Honey has saved me in so many little ways recently... I have a big bottle coming my way when I place a TAL order for my decant circle tomorrow.

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It's a good clean lemony smell. Ever since I got it, I made more of an effort to date men with money. Errmmm...I am spoiled. I found someone who takes care of the bill when we go out and was super showered with gifts. I wore it once with him around and he was like..."hello there, do i know you?" Being playful of course.


I haven't used it in a ritual, so i don't know if it's this or my other oils. Either way, kewl beans.

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smell: the scent definately wasn't what i was expecting, lemony, but very nice nonetheless. it wasn't overpowering at all but i could tell that i smelled 'nice'.


effect: I got this as a frimp and decided to test it without seeing what it was for. After I put it on my OH arrived home with a horrid bug. He's very demanding when he's ill (but what man isn't), and I usually get annoyed pretty quickly. However, by bedtime I noticed how nice I was being, offering to do lots for him, not even complaining or even thinking that he was annoying! I can't remember which day I wore it, but I did get some money possibly on that day as well.


overall: a lovely blend that works for me, and i can't wait to test it again.

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i was surprised by the lemons in this! i suppose i thought it'd be a almondy-milky-dana o'shee type scent from the name, but it's not. it smells like honey and lemons, i think? soft but uplifting. something turns slightly wonky in here on my skin, but luckily it's pretty subtle. the lemons are pretty strong on my skin and turn a bit astringent. the honey is just a background note. can't wait to see how this works!


eta: later on it turns to baby powder and lemons. not so great, but i'm willing to try it out anyway.

Edited by theseagrows

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Well, colour me impressed. No, make that extremely impressed. I've been using Milk & Honey for all of 2 days, and here's what's happened in this 48-hour period:


- A client gave me a whole Elizabeth Arden 8-Hour Cream gift set as a thank-you - just hours after I noticed I was running low on moisturizer and was considering getting an inexpensive drugstore brand to tide me over;


- An organization I'm leading a small workshop for later this month paid me my honorarium yesterday. Two weeks before the workshop actually takes place. I've never had that happen before (partial payment beforehand would be expected for a larger, multiday seminar, but for a 2-hour workshop? Completely unheard of as far as I'm concerned);


- After a string of unexpected computer- and business-related expenses last month, I wasn't looking forward to getting my credit card statement. Turns out it's a good $200 lower than what I had estimated... and I'm not sure I fully understand how :umm:


I have a feeling Milk & Honey is just what the doctor ordered at this particular point in time. After years of watching my expenses very closely while I was getting my business off the ground, letting go of the habit of pinching pennies is proving more challenging than I thought. Milk & Honey seems to be a fantastic tool for reminding myself it's OK to finally relax about money and small luxuries, and for inviting a sense of abundance back into my life.


Oh, and for those who aren't crazy about the scent, I paired it with Golden Priapus, and the combo worked surprisingly well.


ETA: 3rd day of wearing Milk & Honey, and I received no fewer than four invitations to do fun stuff for free next week, ranging from standup paddling to a fashion show, to a conference I wanted to attend but that was out of my price range. If you need me, I'll be over there looking like this :eek: and like this :D and like this :joy:

Milk & Honey, you rock!!!

Edited by Ishtar

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This is by far my favorite TAL ritual oil so far! I love the way it settles on my skin and I use it with Lush's Imogen Rose. It smells delicious. Ritually speaking, I use it for my craft shows and it brings me both flirtation and sales, a perfection combination for me!

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