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An immensely potent purification oil. Anoint your chakra points and palms with this oil, and anoint white figure candle, a personal fetish, or any other object representing you. Purges your soul of dark and morose thoughts, and vigorously cleanses away day-to-day irritation and misery. Helps relieve stress and anxiety, and clears your mind of ugliness and clutter.

I've had this for a while now (thank you so much, you know who you are!). But I'm always hesitant to review TALS like the other BPALs--like to give em a chance to work their magic first...anyway....

Smells like: Freesia (or is it gardenia?) and gentle spice. Really absolutely beautiful, like others have said--pure and sweet and perfect. There might be a hint of jasmine, but if so, its a jasmine that isn't the same as in most other BPALs (at least not to me).

I wear this to all of my doctors appointments to encourage good news, and any time I need to feel uplifted/supported--particularly days I know will be harsh at work. This is my courage/happy/want-good-news scent. I know its not specifically for courage, but I feel like I am protected by it, so it makes me more bold. No specific ritual, other then centering myself before I annoint all the chakras. I usually add a little extra on my arms for good measure (since it smells so purdy).

This oil was generously given to me while I was recovering from surgery (it really helped a lot with my depression while bedridden), and I think that the positive intentions of the gift along with crafty alchemy skills really gives it great power for me. I love this one, and will never let it go. Edited by jewelbug

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Florals, White Light being no exception, do not smell their best on me. They either get way overpowering, or they get soapy and/or powdery. In the case of White Light, it got soapy.


I don't care.


I had a crappy day at work Monday, with most all my co-workers being cranky/bitchy/moody and not telling me why. So I lowered my shielding some (I'm empathic, so I usually have some sort of shield up to reflect negative energy) and picked up loads of very chaotic and upset and distracting energy.. energy I couldn't shake no matter how much I grounded myself. Later, I took a long hot shower, and afterwards used White Light for the first time. Along with clearing out all that extra energy, it also cleared out all the negative thoughts I'd been having, about everything from my coworkers to my cats to myself.


I am in awe that Beth can put something so wonderful and healing and helpful in a bottle. :P

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Scent wise this smelt to me on sandalwood, which I guess makes sense.


On my chakras and palms. Wearing this I feel distinctly dislocated from the world and my self, like I'm watching my life from a room inside my head. I can kind of see how this may be purifying, but for me it's too close to how I felt at the onset of a bout of depression. I've tried it couple of times, to make sure it wasn't just me having an off day, but it really does appear to be my reaction to the White Light. I'm contemplating using it in rituals in a way that is less directly connected with me, but for now, I think I'll steer clear.


I'm sorry if this comes across as a very negative review, but it's how I personally feel about this oil and I'm sure that's far more to do with me than it is the oil, especially when I read all the other glowing reviws, I just which my experience was more positive as well.


ETA. I've found that as long as I don't let it come in contact with my skin, this can be a very effective oil for me, especially when doing things for others. When I brought it I intended to use it to annoint an amber pendant that I wear when I need to be 'together', given my intitial reaction above I've held off on that, but I think I will proceed as I originally intended.

Edited by Ajila

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White Light - When I first tried on White Light, I thought it may have been the most beautiful fragrance I had ever experienced. It has a distinct white floral scent as well as something light and citrusy – very fresh, clean, cheerful, and uplifting. However, after about 4 hours, the scent began to turn on me. It picked up a thick odor, something that wasn’t quite right about it and is difficult to describe. It lost it’s refreshing quality and got a thick, dark quality – almost like milk that has burned on the bottom of a pot on the stove. The thickness became incredibly nauseating and not long after it turned, I had to wash off the scent. It was such an unpleasant experience that I sold my imp of White Light and have never had the desire to touch it since.


Edit: I have since picked up more White Light because I needed it for its intended use. I still have a bit of a negative physical reaction to the scent, but otherwise, I do notice it has helped me feel incredibly stronger, more at peace, and generally better about the things going on in life. Things have been very rough lately and White Light works so well that I keep a bit of it in a little bottle in a tin box in my purse at all times so that I have it on hand exactly when I need it. It really does work (even if it smells a little funky on me).

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Smooth, white and pure. The essence of lightness. This is a bright white floral, but there is an edge as well; a sharpness I cannot quite put my finger on. On the drydown it goes a bit powdery on me, but there is still that base white floral to balance it out. A hard one to describe, obviously, but very nice. I bought this one to wear to work to try to draw in some more positive energy, I'm very glad I like how it smells.

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White Light


This is my first TAL Oil, and I agree witheveryone else. Its lovely


In the imp: a soft floral with a hint of greeness (eucalyptus)


Wet on skin: Interesting-a creamy smell with a sharp Eucalyptus tone. Sounds weird, but was very nice.


Dry: It has morphed into being a floral cinnamon scent. I usually don't acquaint cinnamon with calm, but thats how I am feeling...



After a while: The floral scent comes out but the cinnamon is still there. Its interesting-I know I keep saying that! I'm not really big on spice smells, but this is different.


Magick-I haven't done a ritual, but really wanted to try this as I just got it, so annoited my chakra points and palms as suggested and felt an immediate effect. I feel lighter and my head is starting to spin (which for me means, I am about to have some visions). The most UNUSUAL effect is that my palm points feel "open"..as if they are pierced and energy flowing thru like water. I would LOVE to try this before a Tui Na massage or Reiki treatment, with a willing client of course. I think it would help facilitate the flow of Qi into the client.


I'm very very pleased with this...and have to sign off now, because theres too much spinning going on. I'll report what I get from it in the morning.







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I ordered White Light on Saturday and received it today and it could not have possibly came at a better time. I was absolutely seething because it was sprung on me earlier on in the day that I was going to have to stay almost 2 hours after work...things aren't going so well at work to say the least and on top of planning my wedding and dealing with an ongoing physical problem...well, I'm frayed and worn down to say the least so as soon as I saw my TAL box waiting for me at home I tore into it and anointed my chakras and palms with White Light. I started feeling a bit tingly and next thing I knew I wasn't so enraged anymore...and I could actually think clearly and cope with having to go back to hell (oops, I mean work) for more hours. I wasn't happy about it by any means but I can honestly say that White Light really calmed me down and cleansed me of alot of agitation I was carrying around. At this point, I'm very relaxed and almost to the point of falling asleep so I'd say it did the job. I'm so glad I got this, it has been such a sanity saver today.


Oh, and it smells good too. :P Yummy floral cinnamon goodness...

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I won't review much on the smell of this because I used White Light for its intended purpose. It is not offensive and a bit floral and woodsy and EMPTY. It is like walking into a room and something big is missing. Being empty is not a bad thing. If I didn't use "empty" as a discription, I could say that it is hollow or lacking but those words have slightly different meaning for me. Ahhh...just thought of a better way to describe it- Pure.


As a working oil, I have been using it with a personal illness. The results are nothing short of spectacular and I believe I am recovering nicely. I will have one last blood test done today to confirm that I don't need medication. Now I just need to get over being so tired.

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White Light is a MUST HAVE. I received my bottle today but had an imp that I had been working with for a while. I like to put it on at night to clear my mind of that internal headache chatter that goes on while waiting to fall asleep. It works. I like to put it on my palms and breath the scent in while envisioning a white protective light slowly work it's way from the top of my head down to my toes. It helps bring on a relaxing sleep and I don't just lay there worrying about everything that happened earlier that day. Now that I have my bottle I'm going to start putting some on in the morning as well. TAL oils are amazing.


Scent-wise...it's a lovely, light, unassuming blend that does what it needs to do :P

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A week ago, I miscarried my husband and I's first child. I was fortunate enough to receive a decant of White Light from a BPALer as part of a care package she sent me. As soon as the package arrived, I sat down and annointed myself with the oil. The scent is subtle and clean, like cotton sheets hanging outside to dry, like the smell of moonlight on a dark beach, something so comforting and gentle. It is an amazing oil from a purely scent-based perspective. As a magickal oil, it helps focus and guide my intent. My emotional turmoil has evened out a bit, I'm feeling calmer and secure, and I feel the need to cry or breathe deep or otherwise expell the negativity from my body, from my soul.


Thank you Beth. White Light makes it easier to be strong, reminds me of the beauty of life, and lends me the comfort of the Goddess when I've needed it most.

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i don't think of white light as 'floral" but i guess there is something sweet in there. to me, it smells very cold and silvery somehow, reminding me almost of tiger balm or other chinese medicinal oils i've smelled...there is something very familiar smelling about it, but i can't place it - it's like a mystery from my past, but i have no idea from where.

anyway, this is not a perfume, (although i find it a pleasant, invigorating, and peaceful smell), this oil is a used as a tool for me to work with, and its scent means "serious business" to me, so i try to let the scent sort of "guide" me,..in my case, it's an aid to fighting a lot of negativity within myself that i've been battling lately. it *does* seem to work, some occasions better than others. if nothing else, the purifying quality of the scent, and it's cold, clear quality act as a reminder to "stay positive and calm", even when i am having an internal battle...there is also a palpable physical reaction to the oil that others have noted - a "floaty" quality, for me, slightly removed from the world, with an inner calmness. i find it very helpful as a tool in an ongoing battle to fight my inner demons and stay on track!

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In the flask, this is a beautiful creamy floral-resin. It reminds me a lot of something I've smelled before, but I'm not sure what. I've been having some various health upsets, as well as just feeling out of kilter, so I decided to combine this with my usual meditation practice, emphasizing letting the negativity flow out of me. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work at all for me. After a while, the oil goes sour and sickly-sweet such that it's very distracting and doesn't seem to have any effect on me. Maybe I was just too tired and out of it to focus well? I'll give it another good try or two and then find someone for whom it works better. I've had excellent results embuing normal GC oils with intents that seem appropriate to their theme, and that's much cheaper than TALs anyway ;-)

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Everything seems to smell like a colour to me. That's what I get for being a very visual person. White Light smells doesn't actually smell white to me. It's more of an uplifting, pale sunshiny yellow floral.


Incredibly effective. Anxiety attacks, begone.

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I've been having a rough time lately with anxiety and depression, and I've started getting headaches and nausea from the anxiety. So I decided to get out the White Light -- I've had a decant for months but I've never tried it.


Did a brief ritual with it and... wow.


Scentwise, my whack skin chemistry means that I don't get much floral. I got a floral-eucalyptus mix when I first put it on, that dried into a gorgeous herbal-incense-resin mix that was very sandalwood-y and frankincense-y. It cheered me up greatly, the scent immediately reminding me of the heady incense of my local pagan group.


The effect was amazing. Immediately, annointing myself and the candle, I felt the tension drain out of me. I relaxed a LOT and the headache and nausea vanished quickly. I feel a lot stronger and more comfortable going into today.

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Scent-wise I really like this- soft sandalwood sticks out on me accompanied by a fresher scent, I would not describe it as a floral.


And it works. I had a really hard week, every time I went to bed chaotic thoughts went through my head and so many things were going through my mind that I could not focus on getting some rest and lay awake for hours before falling into sleep.


The night before a job interview I decided I couldn't take this any longer and needed some rest for the next day, so I tried White Light. I applied it immediately before going to bed, and when I lay down I noticed that there were no thoughts rushing through my mind, I just lay there, felt very comfortable and at ease and fell asleep soon.


I love this oil. I only get it out for the really bad cases, I used it about three times in the six months I have it now. I'm going to buy a bottle of it nonetheless, it is simply invaluable if you feel that you can't cope with a cluttered mind, worries and anxieties by yourself anymore and need a 'time out' to get some rest.

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I was gifted an imp of this.


First i have to say that I have no idea what this smells like. I've used it basically for intention. I get the sense of citrus, soft flowers, a sharp spike of somthing green, a touch of spice way down there.


the last few nights have been rotten for anxiety attacks. I suffered through one until 7 am before thinking to get out the white light.


I sat up in lotus, and touched each point on my body that corresponded to the chakras, did a fast LBRP, and...


it was almost like the white light clanged down around me like steel walls. I could feel the boundaries around me, keeping things out, and filling in with a reassuring protection. I felt warmer. I was aware of this sort of bubble around me, like those illustrations of the etheric body, of this very dense, palpable energy. one of those things that you "see" in your head, if you follow. it was white, with clear golden specks though it, like dust motes in a sunbeam.


the anxiety shunted away, and I lay there for a little bit just sort of experiencing the sensation before I fell asleep, and I remember dreaming of being on a canopied raft with a bed on it floating in the middle of a lake. just relaxing and watching the beautiful, all around me, utterly contented, totally uneventful.


when I woke up I recalled as much of that as I could and sent it off to solcita, who gifted me the imp. It's wonderful. Thank you.


every night since, if I feel the teeniest bit of discomfort, out comes the imp. I find that it blends well with my dream formulas as well.


Now as for what it smells like:


In the imp: eucalyptus! that's the sharp green. it clears my head wonderfully, and i raise my head and quit slouching as it draws me up. I breathe from the belly, more aware.


lemon, too, well blended. it's soapy, but not stromgly so.


anointed: a touch of something that reminds me of the scent of Aveda Sap Moss Shampoo. which I adore sooooo much.... it makes me think of the forests of home, the mosses and lichen coloured rocks. a perfect association for me.


now I smell flowers, but i'm not sure what. pale flowers. not anywhere near potent enough to be jasmine or lilac, but reminding me of that. a tiny dribble of cinnamony something, and the soapy edge, I think is from frankincense. which totally blows my mind, but okay. a few shavings of sandalwood...like one drop per hundred, or something.


I didn't concentrate on it before. I was putting it on to get the effect. and even now, just doing the anointing to both work as White Light and to smell it, the headache that's been dogging me for a week has faded back, I feel clearer in the head, and supported.


Defintely must order a bottle of this, right now now now. (runs to paypal)

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White Light smells, to me, like comfort. I can't pick out any notes at all, but it just smells sweet and warm and snuggly.


And it works! I was feeling drained and grumpy today for a variety of reasons, but after anointing my chakras and palms with White Light and taking a deep breath or two, I really was able to let go of the negativity and do what I needed to do for the rest of the day.


This is an oil I don't ever want to be without. :P :D :D

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This is first and only bottle of TAL oil. I am planning on buying Anthelion some day, but until then, I rely on White Light to clear my mind and bring me back down to Earth. It smells like fresh sheets out of the dryer, and just the tiniest bit sour. I think weakly of hay and lemons, and strongly of a fuzzy, lazy, yellow-golden light. It's a strong smell.


When I smell White Light, it brings me back down to Earth. I feel all of my worrisome thoughts become muted, and my life feels like it's more in perspective. I recently took my bottle of White Light to a four and a half hour exam with me, and every time I felt myself starting to tip into a panic attack, I'd remove the lid and put the bottle under my nose, take a deep breath, and look out the window at the snow outside. I'd remember, "It's just an exam. I want to do well on it, and I'll try my best while I'm here writing it, but if I don't get a good mark, it'll be okay."


Ordinarily, I'll use it before bed, putting a minute amount on my fingers and running them over my approximate chakra points. That alone makes me feel a lot better. If I take a little more time out and take deep breaths and chants at each point, I'll feel even more relaxed.


White Light is very special to me. Thank you, Beth.

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I am so grateful for my White Light imp and will buy a bottle as soon as I can afford it. Warm, gently sweet, herbal, with notes that remind me of High John, Water of Notre Dame, and, somehow, The Unicorn. Just...all things beautiful and soothing together. I need comfort so badly tonight, and this is like a hug from the Lab and the Universe at large. :P

Edited by Laurel the Woodfairy

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Like others, I have a hard time articulating the exact type of scent I think of when smelling White Light. Floral. . .but rose? Jasmine? Lavender?

Pretty, in a specifically comforting and uplifting fashion.


I have only used it in to anoint myself (palms and chakras) and it enables me to reach a point of equanimity, which is a blessing in and of itself. I can only imagine that utilizing it in candle magic will bring about an even stronger state of comfort.


Thank you Beth, for this potion of Peace.

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I decided to give my lil imp of White Light a try, as today was the day we'd decided (in a huge flurry of activity) that we would be scattering my FIL's ashes out of a little plane. DH was in the plane with our friend/housemate holding one borrowed video camera, I was on the ground with MIL and SIL, holding the other - this so we could see how it went from where we weren't at the time. I wanted to make sure I remained calm enough that I could use the camera ... White Light was just what I needed to calm me down. I was moved by the situation, but I wasn't upset - instead, it felt right that this was where his ashes were being placed.


I couldn't tell you what this smelled like, besides maybe ... white floral? I'm hoping it won't be likely that I'll need more White Light in the very near future, but it's good to know that I have an imp around should the need arise ...



ETA: The last few weeks have just been a rollercoaster of moodswings, but I didn't think to reach for white light until this evening... it was like the hug I needed right then and there.

Edited by Girl Android

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I just received this as a sample, it was included in the ebay items that I won, thank you!


This is my first review!


When I took off the cap, it smelt familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it, I just knew that I loved it!


Just applied and still the same thoughts as above.


After about 15 minutes, I thought I could smell a warm spicy cinnamon note in there, and a floral smell too, gardenia?


2 hours in and the scent is still going strong, it smells so warm, spicy-floral and comforting. A lovely scent!! I would say the cinnamon is still the prominent note in here! Yum!

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In the bottle:

Light, slightly floral


On me:

I can say with some certainty that this floral is not rose, lavender, jasmine, or gardenia.


Honeysuckle!! That's what it is! I knew it smelled really familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it at first. It's vaguely sweet and airy with a light, bright feel to it. There is a spice there also, but it's very gentle. I don't smell cinnamon or eucalyptus, but I think this spice is probably sandalwood. It's gentle, subtle, earthy and warm.


It's hard to describe White Light as a scent - it's very nice and it seems to fit it's name. I put this on just to review it and I find myself feeling calmer. I got this specifically to do a full ritual with, but haven't gotten to that yet. I can say though that wearing this, it did have at least a calming effect on me.


Final note:

Very pretty - not the kind of scent I'd reach for a lot as a personal scent, but it seems to be effective, so I can see myself wearing this when I need it. I will be using it mostly to annoint a candle, so I'm hoping it will be equally effective that way.

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I was looking forward to testing the effects of White Light, so just before I hopped into bed last night, I anointed my chakras with the stick end of a half of a q-tip (no wasting in the cotton here!), and rubbed the remainder of the oil on the stick onto a wisdom tooth I'd had yanked out a year or so ago. (The TAL website recommended a personal symbol of some sort --I figure a tooth that should have snapped in half but came out of my mouth whole worked just fine.)


Immediately, and I mean immediately, I felt lighter. No, my stress hadn't dissipated, nor had all my burdens been lifted off my shoulders. It was more like I was a snake with a freshly sloughed off layer of skin.


I felt completely relaxed, and as I was going to sleep decided to make shapes with my hands. I giggled at one of my more obscene creations and then slept like a baby.


Normally in the mornings I'm tired physically, emotionally, and mentally. This morning I was tired physically, but the rest of me was calm and happy, and I wasn't even tempted to roll over and go back to sleep. Tempted to sleep, yes, but more to snuggle in my blankets than out of a desire to not face the waking world.


All I can say is this works well. :P

Edited by DifferentDances

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I ordered this bottle in February and have since then used it a number of times.

I am not a master of candle rituals, but the purification ritual that I did a while ago using White Light seems to have worked. :P

I wear it mostly on my wrists and temples right before bed when I need to calm down, and eliminate any negativity inside. On me it feels like the blend reinforces the good and clear thoughts that are inside me, and these grow so strong that the negative ones are pushed out because there is no more room for them.

Although I lean toward other types of scent for perfume, this does smell extremely nice :D

Thank you Beth and Forest for this wonderful blend!


ETA: Okay, so I had to edit, becaus two days ago - I guess the same evening after I had written this review - I seem to have had a really violent and odd reaction to this blend. I was feeling down, tired, stressed, and it was bedtime. I had taken a shower, said my prayers, and then I dabbed on some White Light, intending to lay down to sleep. What followed was basically a nervous-breakdown - I cried for about 3 hours, called my parents in the middle of the night, had to have the bf (who is a bit of an iffy influence at the moment) make me some camomile tea, because I needed someone or anyone to help me. I wanted to take something for the incredible emotional pain that erupted inside me. I asked if he had any sleeping medication. He didn't. Luckily for me, because camomile tea is alot more gentle and healthy. But... :D I don't know how to take this, and I'm worried about trying it again. I did perhaps feel a bit lighter the next day, but I don't know, I still have some of that sad and stressed energy lingering and stagnant right now...

Edited by Browneyes

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