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An immensely potent purification oil. Anoint your chakra points and palms with this oil, and anoint white figure candle, a personal fetish, or any other object representing you. Purges your soul of dark and morose thoughts, and vigorously cleanses away day-to-day irritation and misery. Helps relieve stress and anxiety, and clears your mind of ugliness and clutter.

This stuff is brilliant. I can't believe I had it in a drawer and hadn't started using it up until recently.

I have anxiety syndrome and panic attacks, not as bad as it was at first, but still rather incapacitating when it spikes. Lately I had a really rotten few weeks. It started with violent fighting with my family, and was followed by the most anxiety-producing thing my University could come up with: misunderstandings that led me to believe that there were more deadlines on my MA program than I'd thought, and that I wasn't signed up for enough classes, etc. Basically, I was a wreck. Trembling all the time, churning guts, teeth chattering, unable to breathe, extremely dizzy. BLEAH.

I tried White Light twice, and the most spectacular effect it has had was during an anxiety attack. I dabbed some on my palms, anointed the chakra points, and visualised white energy coming into me, and my anxieties going away with each breath.

Less than a minute later my anxiety attack was gone - dissolved. My palms became warm and tingly, and then my chakra points. I think I changed posture in my seat, because my muscle aches waned too. It's a few hours later now, and I'm still feeling calm and centered, relaxed. It's an unusual feeling for me, so it seems a little weird, but a good kind of weird. It's as if I'm detached and focused at the same time.

An extremely potent blend, highly recommended! I seriously didn't begin to believe it could be this powerful. And I'll be getting a big bottle, ASAP! as someone who easily picks up atmospheres/other people's stress, this is one I want to use often to get rid of vibes I might pick up daily.

Scent wise, it smells like a soft creamy floral in the bottle. I would have said it's jasmine, and it goes a bit powdery on the skin, after a while. I definitely get the feeling of sandalwood, too. And the pleasant tingling must come from cinnamon and/or ginger. Generally it smells clean and uplifting. Edited by Meg

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I definitely get soft, creamy floral from this. I love it. I wasn't extremely agitated when I put it on, but I had several things I didn't mind banishing from my mind. I applied this sparingly, but it didn't take much. I feel more calm, grounded, centered. Kind of like how I feel after a good yoga practice.


I think I'm going to have to order a large bottle of this. It's amazing stuff.

Edited by ariosa

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While the scent is lovely, and it certainly induces tranquility initially, this TAL is not one which works for me.


My life lately has been hectic -- between work and a death in the family, things have been more than a little chaotic. Initially using White Light accompanied by meditation was effective in inducing a sense of calm, but I found that protracted use (for a couple of weeks) induced a feeling of passivity. If things weren't going well, I wasn't particularly affected because I didn't want to do anything to fix it. Eventually a slow, grinding anger welled up accompanying the passivity, and that was the point where I stopped using the oil. In my world view, it's acceptable to be angry about things one can't change, and remain passive, but it's not right to be passively angry about things when you can do something to fix it. When I stopped using the oil the slow burning anger disipated, as did my passive outlook. I'm willing to accept that the problem lies with me, and not with the oil, but we just don't get along and I won't be using it again.

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I've been raving about this oil everywhere else, so I thought I might as well make it my first review.


I was a BPAL virgin- White Light is my first, and what a wonderful first time it is!


Even though I've used it several times now, I still can't pick out any specific notes. It's sweet, floral. When I first sniffed it in the bottle, I thought "Granny perfume"...but that first impression was oh, so very wrong. On my skin, it is sweet and...is it possible to be "delicate" and "strong" at the same time? It also has incredible staying power. If I put it on right after a shower, I can still smell it the next time I shower.


I apply it (as directed) on my chakras. The first time I pretty much slathered it on, and used it specifically in a Tantric Chakra-opening meditation followed by a ritual. "OMG" doesn't even begin to cover it. I usually have trouble with meditations because it's hard for me to focus and clear my mind. However, this time all the negative thoughts swept away, and as we moved through the chakras one by one, I could actually visualize them opening like bright, white flower-lights. I know that sounds a bit fluffy, but it's true.


I ended up with a migraine the next day- which often happens after a particularly effective ritual- but I came to the conclusion that I had used a bit too much of the oil. I've used it a few times since, and now apply it by dipping the tip of a (new) wooden chopstick in the oil, then touching the chopstick to each chakra point. The scent is still powerful and lasts a full day or more. I use White Light as a self-blessing when I'm feeling down or anxious. It really does sweep negative thoughts right out of my head.


On one occasion, my husband and I were having a conversation that was getting heated, so (without saying anything) I applied a bit of White Light to my wrists. The atmosphere in the room cooled and calmed within a matter of seconds and we ended up having a very productive discussion rather than a fight.


I love this blend with all my heart and will be certain to always have a bottle in my collection. I recommend it highly.

Edited by lilirose

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Hmm. This blend is odd. I don't really care for the scent. It's not awful, but it's got a hint of something that smells like bpal's dragon's blood note - (can it possibly be? the oil isn't red at all!) - and bpal's dragon's blood note is just kind of sickly sweet on me. If this isn't dragon's blood I'm smelling in here, whatever it is is off-putting in the same way.


But... for some reason, even though I don't like the smell much, it calms me every time I smell it. It's the oddest thing. I get a similar effect from taking a fourth of a dose of Ativan. I would think it psychosomatic, but usually if I don't like a smell, any reputed "therapeutic" effects just don't happen, because well, I just can't stand the scent - but this seems to work anyway. Huh.


I'll definately be using the imp I got, though I don't know whether I'll be getting a bottle.

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White Light has an almost citrusy floral smell, but when I'm wearing it, a spicy note becomes predominant. It's something in common with Aries 07 so I'm thinking it's ginger or pepper. Probably black pepper (said with limited confidence). When I first smelled it, I was thinking "This is a purification scent?"


Don't be fooled! This stuff works. I did as the instructions said and anointed my chakras, palms and a personal object (in my case, my Strength pendant). After a few minutes of dubious waiting, I found my mental chatter quieting and this sense of calm settling around me. I was amazingly centered for the rest of the day.


The scent is okay - not something I'd actively wear. But that's not what I got this for anyway! It definitely works. I would recommend it for anyone.

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It seems that every reviewer gets a different impression of White Light's scent. I will add a bit more to the confusion: It is a sweet floral, like BPAL's fruit and floral combinations. It smells a little bit spicy, "sweet" does not mean overwhelming. It's a sweetness like fig or lotus. I would love it if it was just a perfume.


I haven't tested its ritual uses much yet. I tried some to see if it would help me feel better when I was ill, and I had a tremendous crying fit the following morning. It's as if it makes me happy in the short-term and a cleanse-the-hard-way if it's given a few hours. Handle with care.

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I have been using White Light daily for a few weeks now and I am simply amazed at how well it works.


For starters, I was quite pleasantly suprised by its scent. I usually do not expect ritual or magical oils to smell nice, but White Light smells quite lovely. On me it is mostly a spicy/woody scent with a sweet floral undertone and some of that watery quality that many voodoo blends possess.


What is really terrific, though, is how effective this oil is. I have been under a lot of stress lately, coming from many different sources. Nothing catastrophic, but when everything happens at once, it can get a bit much to handle. What I needed was something to help me clear my mind, look at each issue separately and recognize that I am perfectly able to deal with it, then stop worrying about it. And this is exactly what White Light does.

So far I have been using it as an aromatherapy blend, applying to the palm of my hands, rubbing them together and inhaling. The second I smell this warm, comforting, tranquil scent, my spirits are lifted, I feel more detached from the situation at hand and I am able to put it into perspective.

Quite amazing and in several weeks of use, it has never failed me once. Needless to say, I will be getting more White Light once my current bottle gets low!

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Firstly, I am so glad I love the scent of White Light. I have had such a horrible time with the Voodoo Blends that I was doubting I'd be able to actually *wear* any of Beth's ritual or ritual-type oils. But I really do love this scent. It's sweet and floral and comforting, but there's a strength there, too. The scent reminds me of both White Moon and Swan Maiden, so I'm sure there is jasmine and gardenia in there somewhere. There's also a warmth, too. Maybe cinnamon? I'm not sure. But that warmth adds a layer of strength to the florals and makes this something beautiful.


It's certainly a calming scent, and it's very useful in visualization. I can see a white light when I smell this scent.


I used it today on my chakra points and on a white candle. I really want to use it in conjunction with Reiki.


I need a bottle, or 5, or maybe a gallon :P

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I love the spicy, sort of dragon's blood-y, sort of floral smell of White Light. I've worked my way through a decant of it and I think the fact that I'm really missing it now that it's gone is a good testimony to its effects. I find it very calming and centering. I've mostly used it at night as a relaxation aid and I think it's helped me sleep and sleep well on those nights.

I want a bottle.

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I love the scent of this blend. If it weren't an intent blend, I might wear it for scent alone.


For the record, it does what it sets out to do wonderfully. I'm always rather tense and highly-strung in busy times, and the stress blocks me and keeps me from working. White light calmed me down enough that I could get stuff done, and I could go to sleep afterwards, without lying awake fruitlessly worrying.

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I used this along with FWP (thanks to the lovely LupaWulf!) a couple of weeks ago. I used a tea light because it was the only white candle I had. icon_redface.gif I did burn it two days in a row, in the morning. I also dabbed it on my chakra points. And while it burned I thought about my work situation and just how negative my boss is and how I let all that negativity affect me.


That day I had a better day than I had in a long time. I did feel 'shielded' but more than that, it let me get enough of myself back and my own self worth to let my boss know I wasn't taking her crap anymore.


A couple of days after that, I didn't burn another candle but I did dab some on my chakra points, mainly because I wanted to purge myself of the residual negativity.


Smells very comforting, very lovely. And I have to say that the FWP + White Light combination worked well.

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I will edit this review in good time when I've used White Light in a more ritualistic fashion, but I have to explode with love right this second after smelling it for the first time.


As a fragrance, it's absolutely perfect. It smells exactly like I hoped it would. It's just delicate, soft, gorgeous. I dabbed on my wrists (and then my palms) and it just feels so positive and peaceful.


I feel very relaxed and focused. I can't wait to see how effective it is when I use it properly!


5 out of 5, for sure. Absolutely lovely, I'll use every last drop of my bottle.

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Wow. This stuff lives up to its hype.


To me this smells like the most light, beautiful, ethereal holy white smoke from incense. I just adore the smell to bits.


I used this as the first step of a five-day, five-candle ritual to prepare myself to visit my family for the holidays. Per the instructions, I anointed my chakra points and a candle. The effects were almost instantaneous. I almost curled up to sleep right by the candle; I felt so relaxed and safe, and I was able to visualize myself having a wonderful time at home. I was also able to use the scent as a trigger to visualize my stress and all the built up frustration, etc. being sucked out of me, into the candle, and burned. I scented a card with the oil and was able to smell that card whenever I needed to focus myself.


I cannot emphasize how wonderful this is--and I think it triggered me to think and visualize in a way that was helpful and productive. I had the most relaxed visit at home that I've had in a long time! Thanks, Beth!!!!!

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Bottle: Pure and clean


Wet: Kinda floral, kind incensey.


Drydown: It's very herbally, but uplifting as well. I can't say for sure if it works, but will edit soon.


ETA: Despite being frustrated with my computer program and being very tired, I'm in a good mood.

Edited by Honeygirl

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I'm reluctant to comment in any detail on the scent of this oil because I do not use it for its scent qualities. Fortunately, it does have a innocuous (although to my mind bland) scent: white florals, citrus, and perhaps the tiniest hint of eucalytus.


I use this on my chakra points (root to crown) almost every morning, quickly but with focussed intent, and it is my suit of armor.


On the occasional days when I have used it in the evening, I notice that I sleep very well.


I haven't combined it with explicit white light visualizations yet, but I suspect that the two practices would boost one another.


ETA: Noticed something last night that was a little unusual. We were watching a movie at home that was considerably more violent than any of the family had expected (3:10 to Yuma, FWIW). Ordinarily I find myself shrinking from such movies when I end up being exposed to them, feeling like I am being assaulted. Apparently due to the White Light I felt adequately shielded from the movie, and could just leave the room without being upset.


ETA 4/18/2008: The cumulative effects of White Light appear to be more powerful than one-time use.

Edited by Czarina

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I have clinical depression and dysthymia (high level incapaciating depression AND lower grade depression that is pretty much a daily thing), generalized anxiety disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (non-combat related), as well as mild Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.


This blend is so successful in helping me through those that I have added it into my treatment regimen and informed my therapist of its efficacy. I will also tell my psychiatrist about it at our next appointment this month.


- Jo

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in the bottle, White Light isn't really much to speak of. oh, it's a pleasant enough floral, light, and as a few have noted, there is a bit of that lilac essence that BPAL Dragon's Blood possesses. but i'm not really a floral person, an that wasn't the point of getting this oil anyway...


so, i didn't do a full anointing, i just put a drop or two between my hands.


not thing happened.


then, about five minutes later i had this weird head rush and i had to lie down! i'm really sensitive to energy and that sort of thing, so i'd actually been prepared for this to happen, but it still took me by surprise a bit. i put a little more on later and that didn't happen again.


it's too soon to tell how well this is gonna work for me, but it's clearly doing *something* so i'm just going to keep experimenting/

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SCENT - A lovely creamy white floral, not heavy at all, with the slightest hint of something sharp and green in the background. Pennyroyal? Whatever it is, it makes this remind me vaguely of The Fool, even though they don't actually smell similar at all. *shrug*


INTENT - So far, for me this has turned out to be more of a calming and comforting oil than a cleansing one. I used it during depression recently when I was away from my medication for a while (I had forgotten to reorder until it was a bit too late), and though it didn't purge me of my morose thoughts or negativity, it did make me feel as though they didn't matter so much. I was receiving a warm comforting hug, where I could rest my head on someone's shoulder, have them rub my back, and say, "There, there, it's not as bad as you think. It'll be ok in the end, you'll see." It really helped me through the gap. Though of course it isn't a substitute, for it to affect clinical depression even that much is very impressive to me, and I think it would be very effective during the occassional regular "funk".


EDIT ~ Oh, my. I just wanted to peek back in and say I'm naturally nocturnal and have always had sleep issues but I got the best, most relaxing night's sleep I've ever had after burning a small white candle anointed with this in my bedroom. The sense of a beautful, relaxing glow permeating the room lasted until morning, and I woke up feeling happy and content. I even felt so warm I had to take off my pyjamas at one point, and this is in a room that I previously had felt I just couldn't get warm in, and had to pile blankets on the bed to be comfortable. I will be cleansing my bedroom with this very regularly from now on. :P

Edited by Proginoskes

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At the last Toronto meet'n'sniff I got a few TAL decants in a swap, and one of them was White Light. Yesterday I got to try it out for the first time.


As I've posted elsewhere in these forums, I'm currently dealing with the end of my marriage, and while initially I felt like I was coping OK, a few days ago my emotional balance gradually went all to hell. It may have been partly PMS and partly overwork/sleep deprivation contributing to it, but whatever the cause, I was really falling apart.


I was hyperfocussing on the question of whether to find a new apartment on my own or get a roommate to share the current one with me when Kettu moves out, and had managed to work both options into full-on worst-case disaster scenarios in my head, where if I gave notice on the apartment, then I wouldn't be able to find a new one that I could afford and that would allow my pets and want me as a tenant, and if I stayed and tried to find a roommate, then I either wouldn't be able to find one at all and would be stuck trying to pay for the whole apartment by myself or would end up living with someone horrible.


It was getting to the point where every little thing was making me cry, and I could not focus on work any more at all, despite having a huge web project that was a day away from going live. Then I remembered I had a decant of White Light, and I checked the description and sure enough, it seemed pretty much tailor-made for this sort of situation.


I put it on as recommended, palms and chakra points, and did some counted-breath meditation, cupping my hands in front of my face when inhaling so as to breathe in as much of the scent as possible.


The scent definitely wasn't something I would have worn as a perfume, but it wasn't unpleasant either -- kind of a combination of floral, resinous and medicinal. And after a few repetitions of the counted-breath cycle, I really did begin to feel a lot calmer. By about ten minutes later, I was able to have a pleasant conversation with Kettu, make myself a cup of tea, and get back to work. I wouldn't say I was entirely back to normal emotionally, but it certainly seemed to help a lot in bringing the emotions down to a more manageable level.


I think there may be a bottle of this one in my very near future, especially with what I'm going through right now -- though since I've got several other TALs from this category on order via a decant circle, I should probably wait until I can try them all, because there may be more than one I'll want to order.

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This is my first TAL ever, and I'm shocked, honestly.


First off, I could tell right away when I opened my imp (compliments of Czarina <3) that this is no perfume oil even though it smells lovely.


I rubbed a bit on the palms of my hands and my third eye chakra, and almost instantly I got a physical feeling of lightness. It was like a head rush, and for a minute I thought I would have to lie down.


I don't really feel like I need to go into the details of how I feel at this moment, but I will say that White Light is indeed powerful and effective. I think I need to carry this with me at all times as a much preferred alternative to Ativan.

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I can't believe I've never reviewed this!


White Light is amazing. It's a bit like the BPAL Water of Notre Dame. Smell-wise, it's very a very clean, light floral. It smells like clean laundry, if you'd bathed your laundry in a holy, peaceful, calming light.


On...it's incredibly soothing. For minor anxieties, it's a miracle worker. It's like little worries are washed away. For major stresses it doesn't eliminate the fears and bad feelings entirely, but it makes it easier for me to talk myself through them, and easier to see what else I need to feel better (i.e. getting more sleep, needing a hug, etc.). I tend to self-comfort in mildly destructive ways (junk food, staying up too late, time-wasting...all of which increase anxiety in the longterm), so it's nice to have something comforting in a positive way that helps keep me focused on positive self-comfort.


If you get one TAL, this is the one to get.

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:P A white floral, with a white pepper note to it, also... that "chrome"/metallic note in certain BPAL blends. This develops beautifully on me to an upliftingly dizzy floral with a bite. I love this as a fragrance.


As to it's effectiveness... It helps me release my anger without all the usual Aries fire. It helps me think through stress without going bonkers. It doesn't calm me like foody fragrances. It "lances the boil" (so to speak) for me. Great for clearing the air/mind.

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I couldn't for the life of me guess what's in this. It's sweet and flowery and warm all at once, and it makes me feel like I've just woken up from a good night's sleep. I find myself breathing more deeply and relaxing when I smell it, and it seems to cling closely around me like an enveloping cloud. This should be standard issue for mothers.

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I can't believe I've never reviewed White Light. This blend has helped me through some rough times. I first got a decant when my family was in a bit of an uproar, centered around some problems my grandmother was having. This all culminated in her illness, going from ICU to a short-term nursing home, then back to ICU and then to hospice, and her death. I was also having some health problems of my own at the same time, and I tend to have anxiety issues in general, so my decant got a lot of use at that time and I bought a bottle as soon as I could.


I was never able to break down the scent of this until I looked at the reviews, and even now I can only agree that it's a clean white floral with an element of warmth to it that reads as slightly spicy to me. But I did figure out why it worked so immediately to calm me when I first tried it: it smells like my mom's house. My mother is a bit of a germ-phobe so her house always smells pretty clean, and this smells like something she uses to clean, though not in an icky-chemical way. It's light, warm, clean, and comforting.


In use, I generally apply a this to my chakras, the backs (and sometimes the palms) of my hands, and the tops of my feet. And it really, really works well for me. I have a couple of medical conditions that require daily medication, which bothers me because I've always hated taking drugs. I prefer to avoid taking extra meds whenever possible, and using White Light and sitting in quiet meditation has kept me from having to take a Xanax on more than one occasion.

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