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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by CausticFacade

  1. CausticFacade

    La Petite Mort

    In the bottle it did smell sort of...floral-y, and I was worried about it getting that 'old lady' smell with me. Instead I smell NO flowers, but baby powder. Yes I officially smell like baby powder, I have confirmed it with at least three males (two of my nephews and my mom's boyfriend) and a few women (my mom, sister and sister's friends)
  2. CausticFacade


    This was the first BPAL perfume that I tried, and I fell in love with it instantly, even from just sniffing at the imp! My thoughts on the smell aren't exactly what's in it -- yes, I can smell the amaretto and wine, but my thoughts on the smell is that it's "warm." I don't know how a perfume can smell warm, I just know that it does. It reminds me of that state your body is in when you've had just enough to drink and you're left in that giddy, tingling buzz, and you've found someone that you're getting on well with to the point that the first flush of titillating arousal hits you. Of course you can't be sure if that flush is from the person in your company or the wine, but it's good none the less.
  3. CausticFacade


    The perfect scent to wear to your next bondage ball, dungeon adventure or sojourn to your favorite pleasure dome. Smoky rum and black tobacco with a whisper of steamy leather with a splash of crystalline chardonnay, layered over a sensual, sweet, and deceptively magnetic base of tonka. My first impression of Perversion wasn't so great. The initial whiff from the vial of the imps ear was incredibly too strong, and I thought my head/sinuses wer going to explode instantly as my "sniffer" is really rather sensitive. However, I took a chance and put just a little bit on. While it was still wet it didn't do much for me, but the moment it dried I was heaven. I could smell the black tobacco and it really reminded me nights when my father would invite friends from work home and they'd have "choir practice," which is where they would all sit around outside and drink and smoke the expensive cigars the had bought. And then the rum. Mm, it's mix with the tobacco was perfect. I definitely love this one. I don't smell the coconut too much it's light lace under, which is good as I'm not much of a coconut fan.