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BPAL Madness!

Molly Moon

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Everything posted by Molly Moon

  1. Molly Moon


    Just got this one today via eBay and I am soooooooooooo happy with it. Never before has a scent given me such a clear mental image; before I may felt something to a scent, but Aeval gave me such a clear picture in my mind's eye that I can scarcely believe it. The sage and sweet pea blend together into the wonderful chaoticness that is a Witch's Garden: Flowers and herbs that seem to have outgrown their earthly beds and become wild, trailing up a fence that is in dire need of painting and winding out to the cobblestones. Each step must be carefully taken through this place, poisonous thorns may be blocking your way to the sweetest berries. One must learn to look on the beauty of this garden with more than just eyes, for even the ugliest weed that will only grow in the darkest corner may be the most precious of all. So yeah, I wax poetic to the point of purpleness. Sue me. I love this scent almost as much as Bliss, but for vastly different reasons.