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Everything posted by sunflowereyes

  1. sunflowereyes

    Follow Me Boy

    I adore the color of this oil...such a robust, rich pinky-red . That being said, when first swiped across my wrist it REEKS of bug spray!! Blech. After a few minutes, however, it begins to settle down in a rounded , rosy-jasmine scent with a hint of sweet musky powder. I quite like the end result, even if it means having to grit thru the bug spray phase. Have not tested its voodoo properties in awhile. I think I wore this once bartending at a concert & def got hit on.....but I always get hit on when working... I think I'll keep my imp.
  2. sunflowereyes

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Edge of Chaos- DCCI Phwoah! This one is strong. Smelling it is akin to chomping down on the sugar-coated slice of lemon after downing a shot of vodka. Very bright. On skin, it retains it's tart-ness with a hint of orange rounding it out. Definitely sticks around, decent throw. Unfortunately, citrus (particularly lemon) is just not my bag- I'm looking to find this one a nice happy home in swaps-ville..... Edge of Chaos- MCCCIX? ..the numbers have sadly worn off... Okay, as a forwarning my nose is not that highly trained...I will try to describe to my best abilities. In bottle, I detect a whiff of marzipanish-ness with a background of some sort of floral (def not rose, carnation, violet). The oil is a deep, rich yellow color. Applied on skin, the marzipan fades...it seems more powdery. This is definitely a soft scent. I feel like there might be a soft musk in this as well? It reminds me of Antique Lace but without the vanilla. The scent fades a bit after a few hours and hovers close to the skin. To sum up, I'd say a dreamily dusted floral. I like this better than my other Chaos, but I think I'd like to swap it, as I can't see myself reaching to wear this often enough.
  3. sunflowereyes

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    Frimp in my last order. In Vial: I smell mostly lavender & leather. It made me scrunch my nose a little, but I was determined to look past that & try it properly. Wet: Very leathery and musky! It is very masculine to my nose....if I had a guy I would slather him in this stuff & proceed to do very naughty things. So sexy. Drydown: As it dries, the vanilla begins to peek its head out & turns this blend into a slightly sweet, musky leather. I am also beginning to get some random wafts of carnation. I quite like the way it ended up on me & am glad I didn't write it off as being 'too masculine' for my tastes. (Still want to find a guy to slather this on, though! ) ETA: The longer I've been wearing this, the more I am loving it. The Lab has really been outdoing themselves w/ my frimps in this past order...each one I've tried so far has been a hit!
  4. sunflowereyes

    Tiger Lily

    When I saw Tiger Lily amongst the various frimps in my last order, I was a bit apprehensive. I've always strongly associated the smell of lilies with death and sad memories. In Vial: It smells very green. I can detect a bit of spice in there. Wet: Not as sharply green. No dreaded "death" smell here, hooray!! This smells frighteningly realistic..almost as if I am burying my face in a field of tiger lilies. Dry: If I inhale deeply, I can sense a whisp of sweetness. This must be the honey. Tiger Lily isn't offensively strong on me, and I can definitely see myself using up this imp during the next few golden summer days.... Very pleasantly surprised with this one!
  5. sunflowereyes


    When I sniffed Vixen from the imp I immediately recoiled from the OVERWHELMING scent of patchouli. However, I wasn't about to give up on it, so I dabbed the tiniest bit on my hand & waited. Boy- I'm SO glad that I gave Vixen this chance. It morphed into the most gorgeous and interesting scent. My nose isn't that well trained, but I get a lot of orange blossom on dry down and a few hours later it fades and recedes into this really sensual smell. Can patchouli really smell this good?! Wow. . I think I've been totally turned around on it. I can't quite put my finger on it (maybe it's the power of suggestion in the lab's description) but wearing this truly makes me feel more flirtatious, confident and 'vixen-y'. I'm wearing it today and have already received multiple "you smell sooo good" from strangers. Will definitely be using the imp & repurchasing!!
  6. sunflowereyes


    O. . is amazing! In the imp it smells a bit iffy to my nose, but once I put it on it changed into the sexiest thing I have ever smelled! Warm, sensual musky amber with a touch of vanilla. I don't get much honey out of it. I wore O one night to a party and this guy who I had never met before literally could NOT stop smelling my neck. It was a bit over the top- he grabbed my legs and said I smelled like "pornographic thoughts" Needless to say, I am definitely getting many bottles of this. . edited 11/19/07 I had to add in that O has AMAZING staying power. . I wore it last Saturday & had a particulary rambunctious night w. my FWB. . come Wednesday we're chatting online and he goes: "Funny thing. I just smelled your scent. . now I'm really going to go crazy. ." mmmm O!
  7. sunflowereyes

    Eat Me

    Eat Me is amazing. It was one of the first few imps that I tried earlier this summer. Sniffing from the imp, it smelled like nothing I'd ever smelt before- rich and creamy- a cake liquidfied into this little tube. What I really dig about Eat Me is it's lasting power. I dabbed a bit in my cleavage one day and spent a good 2 hours swimming in a lake. Afterwards, I was laying down to nap and could STILL smell the glorious cake and currents wafting up. My 5ml came today and I couldn't be happier!