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About Wind4

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    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 10/03/1973

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  1. Wind4

    suggestions for a girl's writing class

    I think any literary scent that's young-girl friendly would be good, especially the Mad Tea Party scents. Before you give out the imps, though, there are a couple of things you should consider. If you haven't done so already, I'd check with the school to see what their policy is on handing out gifts. I know that some schools forbid any gift, even if everyone gets one. That may not be the case with where you're working but I've had friends who got in trouble over something like this. Also, there are issues of allergies and having cosmetics at school. Some schools prohibit perfume because of the possibility of triggering a life-threatening allergy/asthma attack. You mentioned wanting to be careful that you don't offend the parents. Even though the name of the scent might be benign, on the back of the imp label is "Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab" and that might set off some warning bells with the bible-belty parents. So just keep that in mind.
  2. This was my experience, too. Underpants is soft, sexy, and vanilla-sandalwoody on me, but LP was very artificial-smelling. There were apparently batch differences, too. The stuff I initially tried on was from the batch that had more saffron in it, thus making it a wintergreeny vanilla, almost medicinal. Fortunately, the bottle I'd bought (unsniffed, at the time) had more vanilla in it, but it was still an artificial vanilla frosting smell, not a soft, creamy vanilla smell. I'm a dessert foodie, so I will definitely use it, but I have to prepare myself for the frosting smell, not the Underpants smell I was expecting. Normally in this situation, I'd say see if you can try it out first before you buy a bottle of it, but I think enough people liked this one that you could probably sell it if you don't like it. You might love it, though!