Chemistry, physics, guitar playing, music (metal, rock, alternative, classical, jazz), kitesurfing, hiking, swimming/scuba diving in natural springs, rollercoasters and other thrill rides, oil painting, glassblowing, photography (other people's though.... not a talent of mine unfortunately), makeup artistry, movies (horror, action flicks that have an actual plot, & good comedies), video games, reptiles and amphibians (especially frogs), insects (especially moths), exotic animals, foreign languages, & mythology (particularly egyptian & greek)
Favorite Scents
Love, Ninon, Snake Oil Jelly Doughnut, The Serpentine, Lamia v3, The Golden Hour, The Girl, Dragon's Milk, Pinched with Four Aces, Lughnasadh, O, Banshee Beat, Orange (Neil Gaiman), Jareth....