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BPAL Madness!


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About goddessrobyn

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    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 01/29/1977


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    United States

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  1. goddessrobyn


    I'm having a really hard time with this one. Again, I tried it on at a MnS at Schackjj's place and its night and day from bottle to skin. In the bottle, its totally foody... warm cookies, probably of the chocolate chip variety as there's definitely chocolate in there The instant it touches my skin all food disappears and it turns to Pledge Furniture Polish (if pledge were orange and not lemon) Then... it becomes a light orange floral (not a strong floral as I didn't run to wash it off... and I HATE florals) It was pretty but not my thing...
  2. goddessrobyn

    Dorian v2

    I tried this blend at a MnS at the lovely schackjj's place and all I can say is OMNOMNOMNOMNOM. Mel and Jo made fun of me because I looked like a TB test gone horribly wrong by the end of the afternoon since to keep track of the oils and what went where I'd circle where I put them and write the name next to the circle. I did Dv2 and the released version on opposite arms to give a comparison. The difference to me was subtle but enough to have be begging Jo to buy her bottle off her throughout the whole afternoon v2 on my skin was very vanilla. In fact, it is the PERFECT vanilla-lavender scent. If you like released Dorian but sometimes wish it were sweeter and more feminine, this is the Dorian you want. When it dried, it was the ultimate smell of southern sweet tea. For the record: I get absolutely NO coconut. There is a faint lavender/tea scent... enough to make sure that you know its Dorian, but with a lovely dab of vanilla cream which fades slowly until the aforementioned sweet tea drydown. It lasted most of the day but gave off little throw. However, it is a winner and plans are currently being finalized for a little BnE at Jo's house to steal the bottle (just kidding, Jo!)
  3. goddessrobyn

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    OMG!! This could be my most perfect BPAL ever... This is the perfect blend of vanilla and ginger ever created. Its sweet without being foody and spicey without being overpowering. It is very sexy and very feminine and incredibly YUMMY! I will need several bottles of this...
  4. goddessrobyn

    413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs. California

    I'm so glad (and so sad at the same time) that someone else got the Snow White similarity... I absolutely love this from application (nicely green and fruity) through drydown (sexy, spicey, warm leather, cognac and fig...) but then... out comes the dreaded smell of burnt plastic that has ruined many blends for me... I decided to retest this after dinner... I've slathered it on more heavily than before in hopes that more will stay yummy... but if not, I face a terrible dilemma... do I keep the scent for my love of the bottle art and the inspiration behind the scent, even knowing that I can't ever wear it? or do I send it off to swap for someone else to love who CAN wear it? And if I take option B, do I screen applicants for knowledge of and appreciation for the case that serves as the inspiration for the scent?? Gah... I hate BPAL dilemmas!! But I definitely love this scent... just not on my skin for more than an hour or so... after that... mmmmmm burnt plastic marshmallows... ETA: yes... the "more" method failed me... about an hour after (re-)application I've got nothing but a wrist full of burnt plastic... blech! I want to think that it'll age well, but I'm not that patient... off to swap it goes!
  5. goddessrobyn

    Schrodinger's Cat

    Very citrusy... not really the "paradox" I was hoping for... Its a great light summer citrus scent, though. I don't know that I need a bottle of this since its not what I generally go for when reaching for perfumes, but I really like it. I just don't know if I'm ready to LOVE it.
  6. goddessrobyn


    In the imp and upon initial application this smelled fairly generic, floral, and soap-y. (Sightly disappointing because I had mentally confused Sundew with HONEYdew and was really looking for a nice melon-y scent.... also disappointing because generic, floral, and soapy are NOT what I want to be described as smelling like) After a few minutes, though, there is some sort of spicey kick that comes out so now we're generic, floral soap with cinnamon... Better... but still not something I'll probably ever wear again. Not that it smells bad... just not my thing. Oh... and fyi for anyone who was confused like I was...
  7. goddessrobyn

    Hay Moon

    Hay Moon is liquid sunshine. Amber heavy with a touch of earthy, grassy, softness and yes... there is definitely a touch of lemon there but it stays nicely hidden behind the amber and grasses... Basically, this is the scent of sunbathing at barton springs when you're supposed to be in class on a March afternoon...
  8. goddessrobyn

    A Bachelor's Dog

    This is exactly as the notes indicate: Tobacco and leather with just a touch of sweet musk. If you like tobacco and leather... this is the blend for you... As it dries the musk comes out more and it gets sweeter and sexier and less in your face than the initial tobacco-leather I bought this from a forumite unsniffed figuring that if I liked tobacco and leather it'd be ok on me. I was wrong... this is NOT ok... it is DIVINE I literally put it on to go to bed so I can hace sweet smelling dreams
  9. goddessrobyn

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    This smells like blueberry cough syrup. VERY blueberry... quite sweet... and fairly medicinal. As it dries the medicinal goes away and pretty much leaves me with blueberries. I was REALLY hoping for more vanilla and ginger, but for some ungodly reason, the labs ginger note isn't always good to me (sad since it is my FAVORITE note) Now the blueberry has backed off a bit and we have a little more ginger and tea... I'm not sure how I ffeel about this scent. I love the story and want to keep it just for that but??? I'm hoping with age the spices (vanilla, ginger, coriander) will come out to play more.
  10. goddessrobyn

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    A dear friend was kind enough to pick me up a bottle at ComicCon and it arrived today Okay... I will preface this review by saying that I've currently got a migraine and that makes smellie things difficult to tolerate at times so this may have to be revised at a later wearing. Despite said migraine, I HAD to try this immediately (thanks to all the drama hype surrounding this scent. On me... its really doesn't smell at all like apples. Its actually a very light floral scent. Extremely feminine and soft. I don't get the cold/ozone/metalic that others have mentioned and there's not the granny smith tartness. Its very subtle, very nice, but not the greatest scent Beth has ever created. I like it. I will wear it, but I don't feel the need to rush out and try to get another bottle tomorrow when these go back up because unless this changes dramatically post migraine, I don't see this getting a lot of wear in my world. It is VERY nice, but there are so many scents that I like better. Oh... and Stellans, if you read this... absolutely no mint.
  11. goddessrobyn

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    I don't think this will be much help since they're all LEs but... The Unheavenly City (C13) Door 13 (Bat's Day LE) Banded Sea Snake from CD Selkie Allison Gross and I don't know how truly aquatic it is but... Tamamo-No-Mae is fabulous I tried Thalassa and it was not a winner for me... I blame the jasmine which usually hates me... On the GC side I do like Kumari Kandam and I've got it on my next GC bottle purchase list
  12. goddessrobyn

    Job Interview Recommendations

    I wore TAL Road Opener to my last interview and basically was offered my dream job. I went in to interview for a position as the high school swim coach. I already had a job as a pre-k teacher for the following year so this would be around the "normal" school hours (we're a fairly small district so I wouldn't be the first elementary person to take a "2nd job" coaching at the middle or high school level) However, when I walked in the principal informed me that she had - 20 minutes ago!!!! - gotten an opening for 5 sections of Spanish I (thats one section short of a full load which fits perfectly with the Swimming Athletics class the coach teaches) and basically, she interviewed me and offered me the position on the spot.
  13. goddessrobyn

    Villainess and BPAL

    Embargo + Pickled Imp is
  14. goddessrobyn

    The Illustrated Woman

    Okay... I NEED to go to sleep but I HAD to review this before I do... When I first put this on, I smelled... NOTHING! Seriously... you could not smell ANYTHING. I even asked the DH for a second opinion and HE couldn't smell anything. Then... slowly... this started to warm up and BAM! SEX! Seriously... this is everything that I hoped O, Snake Oil, Anne Bonny and all the other forumite favorite sexy girl scents would be but all of those smell like ass on me and this... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The closest comparison I can make is to Chimera... it has that spicy bite to it but there is a wonderful creamy vanilla under it that keeps it soft (and has the added effect of making me want to lick my wrists... which I've tried and, like vanilla extract... it doesn't taste like it smells!) Other than "spice" and vanilla, the notes are hard to decipher NOTHING (not even the vanilla) stands out or screams "HELLO!"... everything is in perfect balance... well blended. Also, other than the 15 minutes of NOTHING, this hasn't changed much since my initial application, or I guess I should say since it initally showed up Finally, it doesn't have a lot of throw... its definitely one that s/he'll notice as s/he leans in to nibble on your neck (and one of those blends that will INSURE that nibbling does occur!!), but not something that a stranger standing at an "appropriate" distance is going to necessarily catch on to. I REALLY wish that CD would make a permanent stop a la Arkham... there are just too too too many beautiful scents and not enough time and money to purchase them all in the quantity that my obsession demands. (Beth... I hope you're reading this!!!! )
  15. goddessrobyn

    Shrunken Heads

    This smells like a really REALLY nice new purse... its literally perfumed leather Leather that's been handled - lovingly - by men and women who don only the best scents, lotions, soaps, etc. VERY gender-neutral... I love this and its quite feminine... of a sort... on me... but I also want to douse the husband in it (and then proceed to do VERY unladylike things to him which have nothing to do with "shrunken heads" at all ...) In fact... that may be my evenings entertainment... thanks, Beth, for another great aphrodisiac... uh... I mean scent!! DAMN... I was going to end there... and go to work... but I CANNOT STOP SNIFFING MY WRISTS...