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BPAL Madness!


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About it_grrl

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 04/22/1986


  • Location
    Denton, TX
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • eBay
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  • Favorite Scents
    Jezebel, Anne Bonny, Black Cat

Profile Information

  • Interests
    acid bath, adult swim, agents of oblivion, alan rickman, arrested development, audrey hepburn, austin texas, baz lurhman, belle and sebastian, bitter films, boston legal, breakfast at tiffany's, bright eyes, cat and girl, centro-matic, chuck palahnuik, cockeyed.com, coffee, daria, dashboard confessional, dax riggs, dead rock stars, deadboy and the elephantmen, donnie darko, doves, dreadlocks, family guy, fight club, franz ferdinand, frida kahlo, fugazi, futurama, garden state, girl goddess #9, good omens, haiku, harry potter, head automatica, her space holiday, imsomnia, incubus, invader zim, james spader, jason bateman, jawbreaker, jets to brazil, jhonen vasquez, john lennon, johnny depp, jones soda, joy division, jthm, kevin smith, knitting, kurt cobain, lenore, leonard cohen, less than jake, lewis carrol, lord of the rings, lou reed, low, luna lovegood, making lists, marc chagall, mindless self indulgence, modest mouse, monty python, moulin rouge, my ipod, neutral milk hotel, nick cave, nick drake, nick hornby, nirvana, obey giant, omgwtfpolarbear!, oscar wilde, pedro the lion, penny arcade, peter/object, photography, pirate jokes, pirates, pj harvey, placebo, postsecret, pretty pretty rockstar gods, pulp fiction, pvp, radiohead, records, remus lupin, remus/sirius, rob cockerham, rocky horror picture show, roman dirge, rosie the riviter, sabrina, sad like crazy, salvador dali, sirius black, sleepytime gorilla museum, special edword, sublime, surrealism, tattoos, the appleseed cast, the beatles, the brak show, the cure, the dead milkmen, the fine print, the flaming lips, the get up kids, the killers, the lunachicks, the mars volta, the pixies, the postal service, the ramones, the rentals, the shoebox project, the simpsons, the smiths, the strokes, the velvet underground, the violent femmes, the white stripes, tim burton, trainspotting, warren zevon, weezer, whataburger taquitos, worrying pigeons, writhe and shine, yat-kha, yeah yeah yeahs, zach braff, zines
  • Mood


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