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Posts posted by porcelina

  1. tintagel is a warm, herbal dragon's blood which i think is perfect for fall. i get a kind of cinnamon/clove spiciness but no wine which is WEIRD because in any other wine-based scent that would be all i'd smell. it gets warmer and spicier the longer i wear it. mmm.

  2. bottle: light, peachy floral aquatic- just like the description

    wet: mm, pomegranate- but with an unfortunate backdrop of heavy florals

    dry: as it dries i definitely get the 'autumn breezes', but it's still too floral and it smells old lady-like to me :-/

    overall: i like a lot of the notes but it's just too damn flowery. it is also way too subtle and faded to nothing after less than an hour. however- whatever the 'autumn breezes' consist of, i want more of, now.

  3. Bottle: Shub smells like... pumpkin bread o_O Luckily, I adore pumpkin bread.


    Wet: Eep, now it smells like stinky feet and pumpkin bread. I don't think I like "dark resins." The ginger is tasty, though. Uh... as it dries I'm getting a weird popcorn vibe. Yes. I am strange.


    Dry: The popcorn scent intensifies; clearly there is something wrong with me.


    Overall: It's popcorn, incense and ginger candy. I want to like this, I really do, but just... no.

  4. Bottle: OOOH. Seance is amazing! I guess what I smell is just the rosewood.


    Wet: All I smell is the rosewood and I really intensely love it.


    Dry: It just keeps getting better. Mmmm.


    Overall: I'm in love with this. *I* don't want to smell like it, but I want my room to!

  5. Bottle: Fruity winey salty aquatic goodness.


    Wet: This is what started my love affair with wine notes in perfume. Well, that and the fact that I'm a total wino. This is gorgeous. The salty sea thing it has going on is brilliant.


    Dry: More of the same. Less green, more salty, though. In the latter stages, this starts to go really laundry detergent on me. I don't know why. I wish it would always smell like it does when it's wet!


    Overall: I love Caliban, except for when I've been wearing it for an hour or two and I start to smell like a box of Tide.

  6. Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig.

    Bottle: Green grass is predominant, with a little tea and the barest hint of ginger. I don't feel like i'm in The Apothecary. This is a picnic in the grass!

    Wet: I still get mostly grass, but there is more tea now and it is starting to remind me of The Dormouse.

    Dry: Herbal tea, and, when I breathe in deep, it's rounded out by the fig. The fig, oddly, becomes very prominent later on as this dries more fully.

    Overall: This makes me feel a little sneezy. It also reminds me too much of The Dormouse, which I greatly prefer.

  7. Bottle: Roses. Dry leaves. Dirt. Wow, this is remarkable.


    Wet: The roses don't smell dried to me, they smell fresh and wet. There's a teeny bit of oakmoss and DIRT!


    Dry: The scents dry out as the oil does, becoming more dusty. I wish there was more dirt. I like the dirt note more than I probably should. It fades down to a beautiful soft rose at the end.


    Overall: Really, I don't know if I can pull this off as a personal scent and it unfortunately appears to fade quickly, but in terms of sheer technicality it is marvelous how much it smells like it's supposed to. I'm just glad Zombi doesn't actually smell like a zombie. They probably don't smell this good.

  8. Bottle: All strawberry.


    Wet: Strawberry, something green (must be the leaf), a lil bit of tangy grapefruit


    Dry: Musky with heady berry notes. Yum!


    Overall: Mania is quite nice, although nothing too special... hence my painfully short review.

  9. Bottle: All I smell at first is the melon, which surprises me. I think I can detect a little bit of tobacco and a teensy bit of juniper. This lingers in my nose for a really long time!


    Wet: Melon melon melon. A faint hotness, which must be the chili pepper.


    Dry: Tobacco starts to come out. No more chili pepper. Still an awful lot of melon.


    Overall: Really, the only thing I smell here is the melon, and in the final drydown, some juniper. It gets 'greener' later on, but Ogun is still too damn fruity. I want more tobacco!

  10. Bottle: Woody and spicy!


    Wet: Woah patchouli.


    Dry: Anne Bonny smells like total B.O. on me. Eeep.


    Overall: I should have known better than to mess with frankincense, patchouli and sandalwood. None of them are good on me alone; why should they be any better together???

  11. Bottle: Wood. Spices. Musk. A green note that must be the kelp- this is the best men's scent ever.


    Wet: On me this disintegrates into a typical sort of spicy musky men's cologne. It does have an interesting sea salt feel, though.


    Dry: This is a really deep, complex, musky aquatic scent. It's hard for me to pick out individual notes at this point, but mmm. All pirates should smell this good.


    Overall: It is worth noting that while this smells good on me, if you have a boy handy, slather Calico Jack on him. I dabbed it on my boyfriend, largely against his will, and it was even better.

  12. Bottle: Omg. This is delicious. This smells like fall. And big, crisp, juicy apples.


    Wet: This apple note is DELICIOUS. I can also smell the oak and the leaves. This smells like the most wonderful apple orchard ever or like a forest in a children's book or something.


    Dry: The woody oak really deepens the scent but that apple is still there.


    Overall: The Hesperides really smells like a misty forest full of apple trees- or lots of oak trees and one great tree full of the most amazing apples (well, they are Golden) ever. This is wonderful, and it deepens and gets warmer and better as the day goes on!

  13. Bottle: Very minty, fizzy and sweet and first sniff- then comes the bourbon. Wooahhh, bourbon.


    Wet: Ooh, I like this. It's clean and spicy. That sounds a little contradictory, but it is. It smells oddly woody on me.


    Dry: When the bourbon comes out, it really comes out (as all boozey notes do on me) and unfortunately this is more, "I just drunkenly spilled a bottle of bourbon on myself" than "elegant perfume with an unconventional but well-done hint of bourbon."


    Overall: If Juke Joint smelled like it does on me on a boy, I would like this better. I keep thinking I smell cedar or something and that confuses me. Ok. It really does smell like cedar to me!

  14. Bottle: Ohh. The cherries- and the wine note, ohmygod, the wine note is GORGEOUS.


    Wet: The vanilla and honey really come out- it's very creamy. BPAL honey always goes a little funny on me but this seems alright. The amazing wine note is definitely still intact and there is a HINT of musk. There is something a little spicy as well which I assume is the clove. No vetiver (good), but unfortunately I don't smell any more of those great big juicy cherries.


    Dry: The vanilla, musk and honey are predominant.


    Overall: Blood Kiss is a dark, sensual scent. I really like it; it's extremely sexy and so lush and creamy.

  15. Bottle: This reminds me of O, only not gross.

    Wet: There's the ylang ylang. Annnd myrrh. I ordered this before I knew how much myrrh and I hated each other.

    Dry: The "skin" scent is there, and I like it. I don't like the myrhh; it tickles my nose. This would be far preferable without it. On the final drydown La Petite Mort becomes more powdery and very O-like, only it doesn't go rancid on me like that treacherous other oil. The myrrh is way mellowed out now.

    Overall: It's nice. I think I'll keep it, although I don't know how much I'll wear it.

    Edit: After I tested a few other scents, I came back and sniffed at this again, and I am delighted to report that after about 15 or 20 minutes it deepened into something absolutely marvelous. I love this now! It wears very close to the skin, so only someone who was really close to me could smell it... mmm. I need a big bottle of this, like, now.

  16. bottle: oh em gee. big, beautiful, fresh, lush peonies.

    wet: ahhhh. this is gorgeous. i LOVE PEONIES.

    dry: ...oh dear. peony moon has gone and turned to plastic. still, i leave it on, hoping i will morph again.


    well, the plastic went away eventually, but by this point the oil started making me feel so deeply, intensely queasy and headachey that had i not been in my car at the time, i would have rushed to take a shower. i still don't feel completely better. i'm so sad... i wanted to like this very badly; i love peonies! at least i didn't spring for the big bottle like i was about to! :P

  17. hmm... lampades...


    bottle: generic fruity (almost winey?) berry smell

    wet: bitter spices, a little musk and a faint fruity background

    dry: berries and bitter spice. i don't get any tart, tangy cranberry unfortunately, just that general fruity vibe. it's also kind of smoky and reminds me of incense that i don't like.

  18. bottle: the last thing i expected was for a scent called 'the ghost' with a description filled with words like sinuous, creeping, coffin and tomb to smell so damn cheerful and springy, but in the bottle this is all wet, green florals


    wet: oof. too bad i don't like calla lily.


    dry: ooh, the ivy and (what i think is) the white iris come out and it smells much nicer.


    wow. i thought i would have to swap this, but here is yet another floral that actually WORKS on me. i think it's the ivy. and possibly the sinuous, creeping thing. :P

  19. bottle: orchid, poppy and incense

    wet: myrhh

    dry: myrrh, a little orchid and some currant but mostly MYRRH


    my skin loves to amp myrhh to a ridiculous degree but unfortunately for my NOSE, i hate myrrh. to the swap pile you go, medea!

  20. i can't say too much about rose red that hasn't already been said- it does have that juicy, fresh, blooming rose smell and it is quite gorgeous, but the green notes go funny on me and it turns all sour. :P i'm sad. i think i will have to try this in a scent locket.


    edit: after a few minutes, the sour note disappeared and this is all lovely and rosey again. i never thought i would actually like a straight-up floral, but i guess i do like this after all!

  21. mmm. in the bottle, it's sweet, buttery and nutty, like those roasted candied nuts they sell in paper cones at fairs and such, and there's a hint of fresh pine. it doesn't smell much different on my skin except that the smoke comes out a bit. it's chestnuts roasting on an open fire in a cozy wood cabin with a great big fresh-cut christmas tree. it's comforting and warm... like many of the reviewers above me, i think this would be a fabulous room scent and i think i am gonna have to buy more sometime before christmas just for that purpose. :P
