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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by porcelina

  1. so sunflowers are my favorite flowers but i have no idea what they are supposed to smell like. apparently i can wear florals when they are wilted like this, heh. as time goes on something a little too sweet and a touch of sour greenery comes out and it stops being so pleasant. i might be able to pull this off in the summer.

  2. hooo boy that is some strong lavender. this is LAVENDER. this lavender just picked me up by the collar, punched me in the face and screamed, "I'M LAVENDER!!!!!!!!" it is that powerful and i dislike lavender that much, haha. i can't find the tobacco, musk or vanilla anywhere!

  3. i amp amber- and this amber is just as described, dry and dusty. it's a little herbal and a little sweet but everything is greyed over and covered in dust. it's not terribly floral to me, and not cloying at all.

  4. hoolllyyyy crap, this is wonderful. it's woodsy and feral- like running through a dark pine forest on a crisp cool night... all of this over a gorgeous layer of sweet beeswax. i can't stop smelling myself! as it dries down it is subdued a little, becomign a smooth skin scent that retains a touch of the wild. i can see myself getting a lot of use out of this one in fall and it may become a candidate for a second bottle. the surprise hit of my lupercalia order!

  5. i was nervous about debauchery. others' less than favorable (and that's an understatement) reception of various civet blends had me concerned- but i love musk. i can wear musk very well, the darker the better. this is deep but, believe it or not, not musky enough for me! on my skin i mostly get the opium. for some reason the scent of a lot of opium blends reminds me of the field museum in chicago. i have no idea why (what are those curators doing during off hours, i wonder?), but i love the smell so this isn't a bad thing. but, yeah, this is musky and delicious. raw and a little wild. more civet please!

  6. i would not have picked this out on my own and i am so glad i got frimped with it. this is what i think of as a grown-up, late night "going out" scent. something i would wear with a black dress to an elegant soiree. the tonka and rum and chardonnay could have gotten overly sweet but the leather keeps it in check. later on the smokey tobacco really comes out to play. perversion is dark and wonderful.

  7. tombstone is the surprise hit of my most recent order. typically if there is cedar or any other wood in a note i will amp it to high heaven. here, the cedar (which i do love, just not as a single note perfume) stays subdued under the sweetness of the vanilla and sassafras. it doesn't smell rugged to me, it smells warm and comforting. it's wonderfully unisex that way... gosh, i REALLY love this. i may just need to find a bottle.

  8. oh, gosh, if only sage behaved on me, bewitched would be beautiful! unfortunately the sage takes over and it's no good. i get a little bit of berries, a little tea and no musk- this is all thanksgiving stuffing on me. after the sage fades i am left with a fruity smelling body wash kind of smell... no thanks.

  9. aizen-myoo is a very fresh citrus- a little sour, still kind of green! its a super, super fresh scent, really tart. it's good- it's just not the kind of thing i wear. i wanted it to be sweeter, but this is too grapefruity.

  10. in the bottle lady una is very sweet and refreshing. when it first hits my skin it's very sweet and green. light, fresh blackberry leaf and a little green tea leaf. after it dries the musk really comes out, lightly dusted with sugar, but that ethereal greenness is still there. it's like picking berries in a fairy tale. it's not thick or sticky sweet like i would think a honey scent would be. this is *lovely*. i don't think it will get much use right now in winter, but i see myself reaching for lady una a lot in the spring.

  11. waaaait a second. there's patchouli in greed, and yet- it DOESN'T make me smell like a dirty hobo. WHAT?


    i know copal is a resin, and i think i can pick it out in this blend. the patchouli is there, oh yes it is, but it is tempered by the sweet, sunny heliotrope and the woody oakmoss. and- wow! i smell good!

  12. like fine floral soap stored in a cedar box, at first. as it warms to my skin it becomes more complex. sweet, lady-like florals atop warm, dry cedar. i usually can't do florals, but in this combination i can. and of course my beloved amber holds it all together! i'll be holding onto this.
