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BPAL Madness!

Upstart Crow

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Everything posted by Upstart Crow

  1. Upstart Crow

    Dead Leaves, Raw Leather, Bourbon Vanilla, and Clove

    In bottle: Very soft leather with a slight hint of spice--which must be the cloves. I don't smell bourbon, leaves, or vanilla. Wet: Very, very faint clove and light leather. Reminds me a little of The Two Old Men from this year's Fleurette's Purple Snails, but not as strong or satisfying. Drydown: Clove comes out to play more and blends with the leather beautifully, and I think I'm picking up on a very dry, light vanilla. It's lovely, but its throw is super weak on me and it's just not one I see myself reaching for as much as I will some of the others in this plentiful pile of leaves. I'm curious to see how it will age, but at the same time I may swap it for another leaf bottle.
  2. Upstart Crow

    Oil To Help With Dread

    I'd also recommend Anthelion! It smells like happiness in a bottle.Might be good to use later in the day after you use Peace.
  3. Upstart Crow


    Sadly, this is straight lemon drop candy/lemon pledge on me with the barest hint o lilac I was so hoping for something low on citrus and high on lilac and musk.
  4. Upstart Crow

    Looking for a Gardenia scent

    I forgot Lady of Shallot has Gardenia in it! Yes, also seconding that recommendation.
  5. Upstart Crow

    Looking for a Gardenia scent

    Cascading Blossoms and The Head from this last Lupercalia thread are all gardenia, all the time on me. I love them!
  6. Upstart Crow

    ICD 4

    zankoku_zen above sent me roughly an imp of this, and I was blown away. It smells completely different to me (tough I do get where she got dryer sheet from). To me, it smells almost like antique lace, though maybe just a little sharper. I love it and was thrilled to find a bottle of it on Etsy! Hehe
  7. Upstart Crow

    The Bride

    All of the reviews here piqued my interest, so I got a bottle of this. Along with Fleurette's Purple Snails, it's one of my favorite perfumes ever. The vanilla and honey aren't distinguishable as individual notes on me--rather, they just emphasize and amp up the magnolia, which is a sweet,soft, and very slightly sugary flower. I've ordered a second bottle, as I think I'll be wearing this a lot.
  8. Upstart Crow

    Fleurette’s Purple Snails

    I can't even with this scent! It's one of my top tens easily and maybe even top fives. I had to get it, of course, seeing as violet is my favorite note of all, and I wasn't disappointed. I was a little bit worried when I put it on and got maple syrup, but it quickly morphed into a sweet, slightly sugary violet. I get a very, very light hint of anise in it oddly, which should be impossible because it's not an ingredient, but there you go. I may have purchased three bottles of it :x, which I haven't done for almost any other scent, save for a handful that are my top four!
  9. Upstart Crow

    Romantic Scents

    Despite it's name, I've found the original release of Signore Dildo to be quite romantic, and Ragged Wood. As far as GCs go, I agree with Roses, Pearls and Diamonds and would also recommend Lucy's Kiss. It's a nice spicy rose scent that doesn't scream "seductive" to me despite the lab's description.
  10. Upstart Crow

    Isidore’s Phoenix

    Ohh, this is the plum I get from Bensiable combined beautifully with the violet note that BPAL always uses. The myrrh darkens it and adds some extra dimension. Lovely, complex violet scent for violet-lovers like me!
  11. Upstart Crow

    Diable en Boîte

    Diable 2011 is all red musk and orange blossom in the bottle (yum!) and sweet plastic on my wrist . SO disappointing, especially as the 2009 version was one of my favorites of that year's Yules.
  12. Upstart Crow

    Insupportable Misery

    It's a miracle. I have finally found my lilac scent! I love lilac, but my skin devours it within half an hour. While Misery isn't as long-lived as I'd like it to be, it stays around for a lot longer. Even better, it's buttressed but not overpowered by violet and lavender, other scents that I also adore. I get something a bit sweet in this as well that I think is the tea. I don't smell saffron.
  13. Upstart Crow

    Woods in Winter

    The big winner of Yule 2009 for me was Snowball Fracas. Woods in Winter is like a stronger version of that, only with a greener base. The result is the smell of very green, young wood (odd for a winter scent!) layered over with BPAL's snow note and a generous helping of dirt/bark. Just lovely! People who have compared it to walking through, well, woods in winter time are right on the money.
  14. Upstart Crow

    Marley's Ghost

    I love A Christmas Carol, and Scrooge and Marley are two very dear characters for me, so I snapped up a half bottle of this untested. While Marley's Ghost isn't my favorite scent in the line (that distinction goes to Christmas Eve on the Moor and Chained Phantoms), it's certainly nice. I don't get metal at all, sadly, but what I do get is a much softer take on Christmas Rose, which I loved when it came out in 2007. If Christmas Rose was too strong for you but you liked the general idea, pick this one up.
  15. Upstart Crow

    The Rat King

    The Rat King is, hands down, one of my favorite perfumes of all time. So when I found out that BPAL was re-releasing it this winter I was overjoyed--especially when the new version smelled so different that it might well have been a different blend altogether. While I have a slight preference for '05, '10 is still phenomenal. I'll review both here. Rat King '05 is a must for dust/earth lovers. Although I couldn't say what this perfume smelled like when new, the dust note dominates this blend five years later, only it's not the kind of dust that is unpleasant, acrid or sneeze-inducing (at least for me; your mileage may vary if you're allergic to dust). Instead, I get the musty smell of dust over very soft musk and a hint of oakmoss. Delicious! Rat King '10, on the other hand, has hardly any dust to speak of. Instead, the oakmoss dominates and mixes beautifully with the musk to create a very green, masculine blend that is perfect for wearing all year round. I have more bottles of each blend combined than I do any other scent save possibly for Sailing Stones of Death Valley. I expect to use them all up.
  16. Upstart Crow


    I was fortunate enough to get a sniffy of this today that had just enough oil on the wand cap to test. Orange goes on smelling exactly like what's on the tin: ripe, juicy oranges. As it dries down, the orange calms a little bit and I smell a rather tart floral. I'm thinking ylang ylang, which I usually don't like, but which works beautifully here. This is a gorgeous blend that is perfect for orange and orange blossom lovers. It's such a pity that it's so hard to find .
  17. Upstart Crow

    Oleander Honey

    I loathe honey as a note (I may well be the only person who doesn't like O, for example!) and so I was loathe to try any of the Rappaccini's Apiary scents, and probably wouldn't have, had my bottle of Sundew not come with a frimp of this scent. I get a very, very strong floral that smells like something in the lily family with just a hint of honey that makes it sweet. What little honey I can smell as it dries down isn't treachley or foody at all. I need a bottle. Maybe multiples. WOW.
  18. Upstart Crow

    Perle von Mauren

    PERLE VON MAUREN (Revelations in Black, Carl Jacobi) I stumbled forward, my eyes quickly accustoming themselves to the half-light from the almost opaque windows. At the end of the corridor a second door barred my passage. I thrust it open - and stood swaying there on the sill staring inward. Beyond was a small room, barely ten feet square, with a low-raftered ceiling. And by the light of the open door I saw side by side in the center of the floor - two white wood coffins. How long I stood there leaning weakly against the stone wall I don't know. There was an odor drifting from out of that chamber. Heliotrope! But heliotrope defiled by the rotting smell of an ancient grave. Then suddenly I leaped to the nearest coffin, seized its cover and ripped it open. Would to heaven I could forget that sight that met my eyes. There the woman in black - unveiled. That face - it was divinely beautiful, the hair black as sable, the cheeks a classic white. But the lips - ! I grew suddenly sick as I looked upon them. They were scarlet.... and sticky with human blood. Heliotrope, grave soil, and blood. O.M.Gee! YES! I get to be the first reviewer on a scent! Hehe, sorry. I've just been wanting to do this since 2007. Hope I do this right. OK, my bottle just arrived this afternoon, and here are my impressions: In bottle : Sweet, a little powdery, ethereal. I can definitely smell the tang of the "blood" note, and I assume the sweetness is the heliotrope. The dirt note is there, but not as strong as in, say, Graveyard Dirt 2008, Premature Burial or Zombi. On me, wet: At first I get a burst of sweetness, almost like honey. Not exactly cloying, but definitely very nectar-y. After a moment, the sweetness becomes powdery, almost talcum. This must be the heliotrope. If I sniff really hard, I can almost smell the dirt. dry down: Sweet and light, almost pure heliotrope (I'm guessing). The dirt is still very, very light, but comes out a little stronger as the scent dries further. A very, very dusty light floral. verdict: I'm a little disappointed. I had really hoped that this one would be earthy and bloody, but it's sweet and effervescent -- kind of what I thought The Girl would be. Fans of Heliotrope and skin musk (which isn't one of the ingredients, but which mimics it perfectly on me) will probably love this one. People who are cautious around dirt scents probably don't have a lot to worry about. ETA: Wow. On second thought, I think this may just be a scent that I need to put on in larger quantities. When I dabbed on a little more, I found that I liked it better. It's definitely a soft and very weird scent for me, but that's not really a bad thing. Not really sure if I'll ever try another perfume with a heliotrope top note, though, since I think this floral may not be my thing. Throw is average to a little below average on me, and I'm guessing it's wear-length will be short to average. Not sure if I want to keep this one yet.
  19. Upstart Crow

    Ü Mütter Museum

    Alas! My decant of this smelled like grass with a hint of vanilla bean on me. It's so rare that i have any BPAL fragrance smell utterly gross on my skin (normally there are just some whose smells I don't much care for, but which smell just fine). Where are the old books and musty libraries??? LOL.
  20. Upstart Crow

    Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers

    I had really high hopes for this one given how much I enjoyed Raven Moon, which also has peppers as an ingredient. Alas, the only thing I get from this is the red peppers which quickly fade to a bitter, nondescript scent and then to nothing on my skin. Oh well. I always have my Raven Moon!
  21. Upstart Crow

    The First Soft Snow

    As many have said, this is a vibrant narcissus with BPAL's signature chilly/snow scent. It's just BEAUTIFUL! And perfect for people who liked Christmas Rose (2007 Yule) but thought the hellebore was a little too acrid. One of my two favorite scents released this season!
  22. Upstart Crow

    The Miller's Daughter

    Tried an imp of this about 8 months ago and honestly? This is the first and so far only BPAL I've ever tried that made me want to vomit. I got it because it's a rose scent (and I wrote a novella about Rumpelstilskin titled The Tale of the Miller's Daughter), but the yellow rose was completely crushed down and choked by wet straw and the most unappealing salt I've ever smelled in a scent (and I am a huge fan of salty scents like Mary Read). If anything, the smell just got stronger when it touched my skin, and wouldn't wash off no matter what I did. I swapped it away and have decided to avoid all straw blends in the future . This really broke my heart, too. I really wanted it to work.
  23. Upstart Crow

    Raven Moon

    You know, usually I don't smell the poetic descriptions Beth and Co. write into the scent blurbs, but this time I do. Oh, how I do. In the bottle, Raven moon is very, very dark. I can smell the musk, the benzoin and the myrrh right away, and I immediately think, "feathers?" Yes, there is a softness to this scent that I can't describe in any way but feathers, which may remind some BPALers of the "soft fur" feel that Ivanushka gave off. On me, the scent lightens not at all, but takes on more dimensions. I can smell The patchouli, nutmeg and chili distinctly-- the latter of which gives this blend a slight spicy feel that is by no means overpowering (if you've ever eaten Dagoba's chocolate with chilis, you'll get a good sense of how the chili note fits). I can smell the smoke and vanilla, too! Really, this is one of the only blends I've ever been able to pick individual notes out of. As it dries, the vanilla comes out strongly with the chili and myrrh -- which is great, because I love vanilla! This is a slightly more foody vanilla than Antique Lace, please note. This is one of my favorite Lunacies so far!
  24. Upstart Crow

    Falling Leaf Moon

    I was really looking forward to this one! Sadly, it's just very busy and kind of bland. I get a very sharp sweetness when it's wet (which I am guessing is the opoponax and labdanum -- I have never smelled agarwood). It mellows after a few minutes and I can smell the patchouli. Those saying it is a bit like Samhain are correct. Sadly, however, it's far busier than Samhain on me and not the dreamy, wet, leaves and rain and oakmoss I hoped for . Selling my bottle.
  25. Upstart Crow

    Countess Dolingen of Gratz

    Yes, this is a surprisingly wintery scent for a Halloween line, as the first reviewer said. Then again, given that the character in "Dracula's Guest" does encounter snow and hail, this is a great representation of the story. In the imp I definitely smell the ozone and something bitter and sharp, which I suspect is the olibanum. On me, the scent starts out as the lab's winter snow note with a hint of wood that comes out stronger and stronger as it dries. It also has a hint of something vegetably that I can't quite place; perhaps it is the interaction of the olibanum and wood? This is definitely something you'll like if you enjoyed The Christmas Rose, Archangel Winter and woodier blends. It's also a beautiful rendition of the moment in "Dracula's Guest" that served as its inspiration. Overall, I will treasure the imp but I don't think I need a bottle, since the Lab's winter blends aren't my favorite.