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Everything posted by DrapedInKisses

  1. DrapedInKisses

    Wild sea rose Recs Please!

    I am obsessed with the gorgeous smell of these wild flowers that grow on scraggly bushes in sand dunes by the ocean here in New England. They appear to be a type of rose, they smell rosey but not fresh cut florist rose, not white or red rose.. somewhat like those sherbert pinkey/orange florist roses. I need help tracking down this particular scent. A beachy wild rose perfume oil would be a dream come true! These flowers grow so close to the sea you can smell the dusty, sun-warmed sand and salty ocean breeze. The flowers specifically smell very wild and feminine rosey with all kinds of attitude. A "high pitched" biting floral scent. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  2. DrapedInKisses

    Wild sea rose Recs Please!

    Rosa Rugosa yes! Thank you!! I can look out for that specific rose now and its common names; saltspray rose, beach rose, Turkestan rose. I googled searched Dog Roses as well, those smell equally lovely. Ahh the sea. I will most certainly try Two, Five and Seven and track down Pool of Tears.