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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by KatieKeene

  1. KatieKeene

    Queen Alice

    This was the first scent I got from BPAL. A lot of my friends swear by their perfumes, and I've been cyber-eyeing this one for a looooooong time. It was a gamble since I blind-bought, but happily I can say it was totally worth it. I'm not hugely into overpowering florals, and when I initially smelled it in the bottle it was VERY floral, my heart sort of sunk into my stomach. The flowery smells were very prominent at first whiff, but I put it on my wrist all the same. Soon after, the spicy carnation and the treacle made themselves known, much to my delight. After having been on my skin for 45 minutes or so, it's a mildly floral, sweet-creamy-spicy thing of beauty. I can't even say how much I love this.