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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Feisty247

  1. Feisty247

    New Orleans

    This was a free imp from the lab. In bottle: sweet, sweet, very floral sweet. On - something sharp hits me along with the intense sweetness. Vaguely reminiscent of some sort of plasticy scent, along with the sweetness. The sweetness in this scent is too overwhelming for me I like to put on the scent sniff it, and look at the other reviews of the scent as I write mind. Which had an unwanted coincidence - just as I was reading the other reviews, and a few mentioned rash. My arms were getting itchy. I looked down and had a rash myself. Off to the sink to wash it off. My body chemistry definitely did not like this one.
  2. Feisty247


    Oooooh my..... this is not good. I asked for this...... why, oh why would I do that. I am new to the BPAL scents, and loved the description of Satyr. However, when it is in the imp it has a very strong foul odor. On, it is no better whatsoever. I cannot escape this smell. Others have described this as a goat or horse smell, but honestly, those smells are much better than Satyr. On me this smells like nasty foul poo. I've tried to wash it off, but there is no escaping this scent - it did not go away after washing - it only lessened it's intensity slightly. I am afraid to give this to any friend to try, because I'm afraid their chemistry will react the same as mine... definately malodorous!! This scent needs to GO. Good luck to others with this scent.
  3. Feisty247


    This is a very nice, honey, creamy, warm scent. On me it is a bit sweet but not overpowering. It quickly looses the throw, but the scent stays for a long time. It feels as though it is a very good "skin" scent. That kind of clean warm scent that clings to your body after a shower. I put it on before bed, and can still smell it, up close, the next morning. Yummmm.