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Everything posted by pegasus

  1. pegasus


    So many things I loved about this one. I actually wanted to put it on last night because I was drinking White Russians spiked with nutmeg and clove and it reminded me of this scent. As soon as I put this on I feel like I'm indulging in a fancy dessert drink or a delicious spicy oatmeal. There's a lot of a consensus around here that there's a heavy initial almond note. I can agree with that. The first impression for me is definitely sweet. But it doesn't take too long to be followed by spicy. Nutmeg (one of my favorites), clove (one of the more noticeable to me) and cardamom (one I sometimes miss noticing because it's different but always enjoy once i recognize it) It hangs on as one of those scents I'm not sure is for everyone but for sure is for ME! I may purchase a full bottle. Overall rating: 8/10
  2. pegasus

    Imperious Tiger-Lily

    So let me preface this with.... I had no plans to like this scent at all (it just came as an imp with an order of other things I thought I'd like!) I do not like lily scents as I basically can almost never get past the thought that they remind me of funeral parlors so even a light lily scent will come across as thick, cloying and rather sickening to me. This was much better than I expected. I feel in the minority here but I didn't even get a sense of strongly identifying the first notes as a strictly LILY scent. I got orange and rather generic 'flower' scent right off the bat. I could maybe identify it more as a lily scent in the bottle, but not really on my body. Later in the day some spiciness came through as well as something I think of as a standard drug-store perfume scent (but without the drug-store perfume headache!) and faint hints of orange stuck with me and gradually melted away. I probably wouldn't purchase a full-size but will certainly finish the imp and by the name I had assumed it was destined for garbage or resale so this was a nice surprise. Overall rating: 5/10
  3. pegasus


    My first review! So someday I will get a rhythm with reviews (I'm hoping) but now, just my general impression: I see in the beginning a lot of people compared this to a particular Lush product. I was inspired to review this product upon realizing it actually made think of what I refer to as the 'Lush store scent.' That smell Lush stores or counters get from ALL their products melding together. Some people love this. (I generally like it.) Some people hate it. I'd suggest keeping this in mind when thinking of trying this scent because if you have a strong feeling about that smell one way or another it really is pretty close to it. The only person who's commented on this scent to me really picked out the patchouli notes. Definitely there, but I feel like I detect the fruity sweetness (must be the orange blossom) almost as much. Not my favorite but enough for me to want to finish off the imp I got. I can stand smelling like this for awhile! Lasted a medium amount of time on me, throw seemed medium. Overall rating: 6/10