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BPAL Madness!


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About StitchWitch

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 09/06/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Knitting, cosplay, anime, webcomics, drum corps, magic, and nature

Contact Methods

  • Twitter
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  • Country
    United States


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. StitchWitch

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Just received my first batch of imps in the mail today, excited to try more! Figured I'd get some suggestions here, since I'm always open to try new things! I'm 20 years old, a college student without many plans for the future yet! Undeclared major, undecided about pretty much everything. I'm a Virgo sun sign but I really don't fit the stereotypes, I actually identify more with my Libra moon sign and Aries rising. I'm a very cheery, extroverted person by nature, and love being around and helping people! However, I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for a long time, so that holds me back a lot. I tend to form fast and close friendships with those who I get to know, I'm a total Hufflepuff! I have no interest in romantic love but I am absolutely overflowing with platonic love for my friends and family. I'm from the great plains and feel very attached to the prairie I grew up in. I'm accustomed to being able to drive for ten minutes or less and find myself surrounded by miles of corn and soybeans and sunflowers on every side. I love going on walks through the area - I live right on the Missouri river and there's a lot of beautiful hiking paths. My hobbies are very crafty, including sewing and knitting. Especially knitting. I cosplay, which for those who don't know, is creating a costume to dress up like your favorite character from a book, show, movie, game, or comic! I love dressing up and taking photos with my friends, many of which I met through the hobby. I never outgrew cartoons, I absolutely love the mahou shoujo genre of anime from Japan. I'm also very inquisitive, I've been into science since I was a little girl helping my older brothers with their science fair and science olympiad projects. I especially love chemistry and ecology. Style wise, I've had my aesthetic described as "a magical girl who wears a ton of frills and pink glitter gets lost in the woods, and emerges years later with a working knowledge of practical witchcraft." Basically, I like both fairy kei and mori kei. (most days I just wear tee shirts, doc martins, and jeans, though, or maybe a skirt with tights and boots. i'm too poor to afford the style i really want. ) I'm rather plain looking: light brown, curly hair; blue-grey-green eyes; average build; beige skin that tans a lot in the summer. I like to think I'm rather cute, I have wide eyes and strong eyebrows, I've been told I look like a young (teenaged) Brooke Shields, or maybe Lauren Cohan when I wear a lot of makeup. tl;dr: Astrology: Virgo sun, Libra moon, Aries rising Element: Earth Meyer's Brigg's: ENFP Alignment:Chaotic Good Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Sburb Title: Sylph of Heart