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BPAL Madness!


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About attys

  • Rank
    casual sniffer

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Country
    United States


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  1. attys

    Midnight Mass

    Got this to use for meditation/spellwork (coping with my Catholic upbringing thru sympathetic magic is normal, right?). But having tried it on, I may actually wear it out more than I'd thought. In the bottle it doesn't really smell like much but on my skin - it's right back to when I was an altar server; I remember having to hold the thurible for midnight mass or other special occasions. This smells exactly like the incense we they used! And surprisingly I rather like smelling like a church; it's a really nice smoky sweetness, plus a nice 'wooden' smell.
  2. attys

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Thanks! Mary Reed was already on my list of stuff to try, but the metal scents are pretty interesting, and not something I'd have thought of for myself.
  3. attys

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Hello, I'm pretty new to this whole thing, but this seems like a good place to get started? I'm doing a phd in comparative literature, which I love because it leaves open a lot of possibilities to work across languages and time periods. That takes up most of my time and energy, since I teach as well as take my own classes. Still, I'm a bit of a news junkie and try to keep up with what's going on in the world (plus, reading newspapers helps keep up my modern languages). Some of my other hobbies are knitting, cooking, and gardening. I'm also a huge fan of professional cycling - I've been watching the Tour de France since I was a kid, and branched out into the classics and women's cycling as well. Although I don't race at all, I do ride a bike a lot myself. For some reason, I like battling my way up hills, but don't really like going down them (I ride my brakes pretty much the whole way down). I have been getting more and more into the mechanical and maintenence side of it recently, too. I really like being able to do small repairs and improvements myself. I love nature, especially forests and oceans, and really enjoy biking and hiking through them. Still, I'm definitely happier near the stimulation of a big city. While I can be pretty self-sufficient/a bit of a loner, I need to be in a place with restaurants, events, and the like so that there's enough to do when I am feeling social. While I'm usually pretty dependable when people reach out to me, I can be a bit withdrawn at times, and am usually not the one who initiates or plans social events. There are a couple of close friends who've been in my life for a long time, but mostly I tend to have intense, short-lived friendships that just quietly end with us seeing and speaking to each other less over time. As for fashion, I keep it pretty simple: jeans and flannel or a dress shirt or a tank top depending on the weather and how formal I'm feeling. Sometimes I do dress it up a bit more with a vest or a jacket, plus I have some colored courderoys for fall/winter. And I've been known to rock the hairy legs and dress look on days when I'm feeling particularly bold and feminine. Well, I hope that's enough info. I'll be interested to see what people recommend.